(2007/04) April 2007 MTB

Usually even after Jesse eats outside food (like when we're on holiday), he'll still revert to the usual unsalted/unsweetened stuff when we come back... he loves fries and he can sniff out anything fried from a mile away.
wow caicai, powerhouse! that's on top of his meals?!?!? unbelievable... no wonder he is 14kg+.

my li'l one can't even finish 1 x 200ml UHT or fresh goat milk! however, she has bm when she wakes up, eats bf, tea, bm before her nap usually and after she awakes from her nap, lunch, tea and dinner (sometimes supper too) and more bm before she sleeps!

I can't do The Line on thurs coz I'm going for the isetan pte sale.
you gals go ahead on wed then. i'll join in some other time =)

i dun think she drinks tea per se. i think tea = biscuits, snacks for claire. hahaa.
caicai: V is 13kg liao :p

today is the first day she nap in CC (she's already in CC for 1 week), but she didn't really nap v long (usu at home after cc she naps for 2 hours st) but she didn't fuss. just quietly lie on the mattress after she wakes up.

She's doing very well at the cc - all the "teachers" very impressed by her. not a single tear shed to date. and only asked for me once on the first day. she can say the word "friend" since she has now 2 friends in cc (2 kids who are dropped off early as well) she she's settling into a routine. Have breakfast (or rather force feed the other kids) with 2 of the kids and the teacher in the classroom every morning. the only tears shed is by this mummy *haiz*

we are still trying to potty train her - that day after cc, I brought her back to my mum's house, she saw the potty (i brought her to wash hands) and said "mmm mmm" so i panicked, thinking she wanted to shit. so I managed to get her sit down on the potty and she PEED. she dunno how to say "shhh shhh" yet so to her using of potty = "mm mmm' but ok lah, only that miracle once. mostly others she say "wet wet" and point to diaper after she's peed.
cher is such a cute doctor!!!! she's super motherly to her stuffed toys! she likes to buy the small box of honey stars? that's what kaizer likes to pick up at bbatok NTUC too ... which cold storage did you go to? the kiddy pushcart looks very fun to push around =)
Hmmm...let me see.

Mal's daily feeding routine (differ during weekday @ CC & Weekend with mummy & daddy)

Wake up @ 6.30am
Reach babysitter @ 7am, Drink FM (125ml) & take bath
Go CC @ 8am, eats some cereal, play.
Lunch @ 11.30, bath then nap until 2.30pm
Tea-break @ 3pm, then play.
Reach baby-sitter @ 5pm, bath then eat dinner @ 5.30pm
Reach my pil/parents' house @ 7pm, eat a little dinner/ fruits
Reach home @ 8.30, drink 100ml FM. Sleeps @ 9.30pm.

Wakes up @ 6.30am, drink 100ml of FM
Goes out for breakfast @ 8am, eat a bit.
Come back play until 10am, bath & eat rice @ 11.30am
Nap until 1pm, wakes up drink 110ml of FM.
Goes out @ 2pm, tea break with us (usually we give him Mr Bean pastry)
FM @ 5pm 125ml.
Dinner @ 6.30 (share rice with us)
FM @ 8pm (125ml)
Sleep @ 9pm
Michele: I'm thinking of going Isetan sale this thur, too...but can only reach there after lesson ends at 2pm. So reach there only @ 3pm plus. Need to buy a water bottle for Mal cos the existing one is leaking. Wanted to buy a tanyu (claypot) & bb's clothes....

Think Taka baby fair starting on same day....
congrats dlim and take good care
So which name did u choose in e end for mei mei?

yeah, jboy did revert bac to his hm cooked porridge yday. Btw, jboy drinks tea ... teh o, teh, ice lemon tea, green tea, bubble tea
M takes 180ml of milk morning and before bedtime. 150ml after afternoon nap. 3 bottles a day. In addition, he has breakfast, lunch, tea, early dinner and a bit more when adults have dinner during weekdays. Only difference for weekends is we share our early dinner with him and that's it.

Oh wow! Congrats!
My turn soon.
yours is next friday right ? pasiseh, still hasnt pass to diane. this sunday, i will surely remb, u still working on monday ?
Hey Dlim
GONGXI! GONGXI! and rest well!

Hi Diane
Baby V really sounds like an indep baby wh is good! i hope my girl will be like that too when we send her to CC!
keira is ok already, went back to CC yesterday. she brought back her feb materials, so cute to see what she has been doing in CC

diane said van is like koala, wants her to carry. coz i ask her to take pix! lolz
yup, you remembered the date correctly.
I'm off from this Friday onwards already. Really exhausted, would like a few days off work to get everything ready at home.

you're so on! I don't have your energy...
SW, Min,
tks. cher likes to play-pretend w her bears and doll and talk to them. on gd days, she would sit down n play masak masak / cookg w them while i quickly do my cooking.

hey mick
that's nice! i also want to put alexis in CC but duno where tho. have not done my research yet. n was hoping to toilet train her b4 she starts going to CC. but have not even started her on the potty yet!

I've gone MIA & yesterday was my 1st day at work. No more SAHM life!

Miss my little honey so much.

Sometimes really wonder how you working mum can work a long period without see our little children.

wow seem like alot of ppl not working and enjoying buffet @ the Line

you preggie huh?

i think some CC will help toilet train. YMCA CC claim that they will train them in nov/dec every year
Haiz I spoke too fast... today V cried in school! Partly cuz we dropped off the hubby at work first and she wanted to follow the daddy (he was so pleased cuz it's a rarity) then i swung by my mum's house to pick up my niece and BIL before heading to the CC. Then she cling on to my niece (happened before) and refused to let her out of the sight. Refused to follow teacher, cried like so cham, saw me (I went to park the car) and then became koala bear liao lor. The teacher was so shocked cuz first time see her cry, and until like so cham.

Later we head for the pasir ris kids kampung (micK u are rite) and she was quite good. This mummy v hopeless, only managed to catch 1 fish from the "longkang" for her. one of her teachers caught 3 for her :p but in the end, they ta bao lots of fishes for the kids, so they are now swimming in our water feature. which is good cuz all my guppies died *haiz* later I was too tired to carry her, she followed the teacher willingly (we spilt from my niece/ BIL group) so I could "relax" a little and take some photos of her. She was so excited to be on the bus, kept repeating "bus" non stop. On the way back, she was also v good, she let me hold her for most of the ride.

After that we rushed back to my my mum's house, left her crocs in school :p, showered then we all rushed out again. She guai guai finished her 240ml in the car seat, while we drove to shaw towers for "tunch". We ate at the Ah Yat Seafood Restuarant cuz 50% discount mah. We whack quite a fair bit of the dimsum (very good stuff!) but was quite disappointed that they were out of egg tarts. then I gian for crabs cuz I saw the snow crab! So we ordered 1 crab (1.2kg) plain steamed and 3 of us adults finished it. yum yum yum ... so full until now still v full. then on the way back, we dropped by rochor to pick up the soya bean curd.a good finish to the lunch *rub rub tummy* oh the crab also 50% off the price, that crab we paid $70 over dollars? I would say it's very reasonable becuz I had it a few years back and it cost close to $180 (we had some family friends from Japan).

tomm back to the grind lah but I am glad I had the chance to spend some time with my gal today.

if I had the chance, then i post pics lah :p I haven't even process CNY pics yet!

Dlim: congrats!
you and van always manage to pack so many activities into a single day - today and the busy bee day on your blog. i haven't tried anything like that before, but i feel a wee bit tired when i try to imagine doing what you gals did! hahaa, but glad you had fun with van =)
sandwich: mostly I lazed at home, but now nearing 2nd tri a bit more enegry so better cheong while I can and to make up for the lost past few months. Dun wan her to think mummy abandon her liao! Anyway it's easier for us with a car, so everything can always just pack in the car and zoom. taking oublic transport is also more tiring and time consuming esp peak times.

anyway I hope u have a great time this weekend!!!!
i agree with a car is so much easier.
when i bring D out alone.. can only choose nearby places with only 1 or 2 MRT stops away or those which won't kill me if i were to cab back home.

now its so impossible to use ergo on D. at 11.3kg.. its breaking both my shoulders
Now, you've got a valid reason to binge!! Your snow crab is making me drool leh.

I've just sent some photos to ur hotmail a/c. But it's downsized automatically, so teh reso not as good lor. Pardon me.

Congrats on your newborn!
I think ergo is good leh. If you were to use other carriers, I think lagi back breaking. I suppose if you adjust the carrier correctly, it should be pretty comfortable. Try.
77fiona ,

life is about compromising , this is a transition period fm SAHM life to WM . a new challenge for u !
i missed my son when i returned to work after my ml , so my pc is alwys plastered with his cute pics n i called home occasionally to listen to his blabbers ... You will get used to it ! no worries ...

Min - u are right .

diane - of coz got budget lah , i rmbered ur CL quite exp , can u tell me how much huh . i cannot find a CL now leh . my cousin's CL taken aredi , i am too slow ~
bb V is so funny , juz when all the aunties here are praising her for her independence , she succumbs to it finally , hahaha , kids are juz so amazing , they never fail to catch us by surprise .
you gals have a great time this weekend too!!!! counting down, 2 more days to weekend.

gene and min,
i think the ergo is pretty good for my back. i only get aches when he sleeps inside for close to three hours. otherwise, just carrying normally is quite comfortable for me. i'm still using it now. will prob stop when i get real fat (maybe end of second trimester).

when's your EDD? you're so secretive ... didn't know you were expecting, hahaa
congrats! i dunno abt confinement, but isn't it a bit too early to be looking for a confinement lady now? maybe can slowly source during the next few months ...
Think me a terrible mummy...even my own mum commented that my hubby & I very lazy....

Up till now, never bring Mal out to Marina Barrack, Bird Park or Botanic Garden....my hubby is a air-con person...no air-con, he would melt...

We only tried to bring him to zoo in Dec...*failure* walk for 1~2 hours only, then hubby & me too tired to move alr, so gave up & went back home....

maybe join in the other mummies, so more ppl, you guys will last longer ???
i usually joined in a grp so that we can all have fun together.
when are u due ? maybe so try 1 more time b4 # 2 comes out ?
