(2007/04) April 2007 MTB

actually lele is not dat hyperactive .. at least he seems so manageable at the playgrd

The last time I went zoo, I also strip jboy to diaper at the waterplay area. Tis kinda weather, he loves it.

Re: Picnic in the West
Dlim/Mrs Lai/Jo/Gene/Sandwich/Sanrio/ Jo

Yupz.. Please count me in too….I dun mind WCP or Botanic Gardens…or even Labrador Park! Can go for the guided tours of the war tunnels & History trails.

But this Sat is not available for me though…..

I like the story of your friend’s dotter! So sweet……..But have a strong feeling this will not happen to my boy. Coz he’s quite a lazy boy…if he spot us, probably will sit down and signal for us come over carry him…LOLZZZZZ

Mrs Lai
Actually, I’m secretly giving a deadline of up to 18 months for Jonas to start walking…so still ALRIGHT then! Thanks for sharing about your nephew.

Psst…..(whispering)….so how’s the aquaduck trial coming along?
Mrs Lai,
thanks for mentioning the cafe. It opens at 7:30am. Now that's another place we can add to our "to-go" list. Our day starts early every day...

If I don't see you around this week...Have a GREAT weekend! ;) Tell us about it when you get back!
At the playground, BBJ wanted to cover as much on foot as possible, whereas Lele was the stop-to-admire-the-floor kind:p

I haven't made up my mind to use the harness la.

Just thinking out loud if one will be needed if lele becomes more seasoned walker/runner and hard to handle outside.

As for now, definitely no need for it one.
hi Kate,
welcome to d sahm club. we can mt in town for lunch/tea or shopping

if east side picnic is in d morning, then i probably can go.

cher wakes up ealy too. can b 645am.
hw abt another mass meet up (PICNIC) @ WCP, Botanic Gardens or Labrador Park on wknd.

any mummies interested with the idea?
3rd Mass meet up = PICNIC
Date : Wknd (prefers Saturday?)
Time: 9am or 3.30pm
Food: Pot luck
Venue: WEST

Where is Labrador Park? How about Jacob Ballas Children's Garden at Botanic Gardens?

Are u still going for the Motherhood Exhibition next Friday at Expo?
think picnic at BG sounds gd, the lake that mrs lai was saying. there is a big shade there. those going can just sit there, brg along your mat.

while i was trying to get to JB, I parked at the lake side. so ended feeding K her afternoon milk, looking at the ducks and birds flying ard.
next wk @EXPO:
likely go during lunch. hw abt u?
hope can buy something

dun think JK will go with me. claim my "off day"

next Friday u on leave???

If JK is not going with u, then who is taking care of him then? I will be bringing babyG if I will to go to the Expo leh ;p

Where is Labrador Park again? Please tell me. Thanks
so u are not cfm going to EXPO.

as for Labrodor Park, u can easily find more info from the any search websites.
hapi exploring
hi mummies
wow there are picnic and expo gathering.. so which one is confirmed?

did u hv to provide props for them like sun glasses?
i will most likely be using harness. caitlyn is already running away from me when we r out!

michk & gene...
i got the same harness too! we can use it together when i m back! so cute!!!

this thurs ?? cn start to count dwn liao !! i stay in river valley. Cn meet in town - esp nw got GSS .. heheehe..

kate/ gene/ michk/ cindy

i also feel like go n buy harness too. then we cn all go gaigai with it !

I thought u r a SAHM all the while.. so u juz quit your current job?

Actually I have been thinking of quitting my job & full time look after Jayden.
I have been thinking this for quite some time.... haiz...

Hmm alot.. no more extra income, cannot spend as when i like (hahaha).
If lets say I stop working 1-2 years & when I return back to work, dont think
any company will want to employ me cox Im in IT Industry.

2 years break means I have been lacking alot of technology behind..how to catch up?

Futhermore, I dont know i will go crazy looking after my son or not. He is super active & notti..
we can have welcome back gathering for cindy/cait when they are back.
by them, all our kiddos shld be able to walk/ran.
so we can fully utilised our harness! wahahahaha

jialat, juz realised all of u sahm.

i m feeling so tired.... bb is like reali coming soon..haiz.. news is my gynae say he will stop my medication (for stopping contraction) in 2 weeks time.. if bb come.. he say jst let it loh.. since it's 35 weeks and bb has hit 2kg last week.. so worried.. but one good news is that ashlyn has weaned off her yao lan herself!! she has been sleeping on my bed ever since... i thnk she knows our new house got water bed and she preparing herself to sleep with us.. hahah

if got picnic at BG.. i also wana go!!
ya, those are all real issues. That's why when people ask if I intend to go back to work, I'm like, "I don't think I can". I guess I could, if I'm willing to get paid like $2K or something. haha. But if that's the case then why would I work? Maybe when Jesse's older and I have nothing better to do. But then, I'd rather just volunteer.

I guess it depends on which part of IT you're in, right?

I completely understand the "going crazy" bit haha. And my kid isn't even naughty!...not very lah.

Can welcome Cindy back on National Day :p

are you excited?

gd idea !


jia you ! enjy ur last few wks b4 bb pops. u really bot the waterbed?
if u just put bedspread on the bed, ur mil also wont knw its a waterbed beneath =P
ya..hahah....now waiting a few days before I start another one.

Btw, we stayed at river valley area for about 2 months after we moved back. Nice place.

Any mummies also enjoy reading novels? Want to share/exchange?

whr u stayg nw? i used to love reading novels . nw its just too much of a luxury =P cos when i read, i canx put dwn - will be addicted n read non stop. I rem when i read the da vinci code, i didnt even sleep. just read frm one mrg to nxt mrg n i fin the book. So now i actually afraid of startg any novel. wat are u reading?
But she’s still not walking much. Still more comfortable crawling around. This is the tiring part coz I have to keep her in sight every second.

Sure. I think it’ll be cute. But hor, wait till Gladys can really walk first.
Btw, not I say you fast la. It’s Kate.

Mrs Lai
Yap, near Mac.

Coz I bought it at Kidzloft warehouse sale sometimes last year. 50% off leh. Must buy! Actually my hb is very against me using it but then when I told him that I foresee that bb is just as active as he is, he kept quiet.

Wei, I stay so near you also nv jio me go lunch or shopping.

Yes, by the time you’re back, I hope Gladys quite steady in walking liao. Then she can chase Caitlyn and Keira around, with their harness! Mine’s the light brown bear one.

I think there’s another sale at Kidzloft right? Maybe you can check the harness out. Coz when I bought it, it was 50% off.

How abt working part time?
Hey, no one has yet to recommend a good maid agency leh.

I really need to find another one soon.

Otherwise, if I become THE maid, then you won't see me here liao.

Thats the problem. So is a big scarify.. need to think carefully. Once I make
my decision, no more regret.

Yes, I have thought of that. But what kind of part time...still thinking.
Do u plan to return back to work?

I try to see if I can apply half day leave then we can go down together..
paiseh, if u looking for maid ctc. u wann chk with aprilmum. the one she using seem nt too bad. traz also using the same one.
Wanna try the budget maid? My maid is from that agency. There is one at
Bukit Timah Shopping Centre & one at Bukit Timah Plaza..
Hi Dlim,

I can understand what you mean. I also thought of quitting my job to be a SAHM but I cannot give up on spending.....
I was reading the outlander series from Diana Gabaldon (I have all of it except the first one). Then I just finished two Jodi Picoult. Now, waiting a few days before I start one from Paulo Coelho, "The Witch of Portobello".

I'm like that two...find it very hard to put down a book once I start. That's why I thought I should give the "family" a little more time first after "ignoring" them the last few days. haha.

Currently staying at sengkang.

ya, think carefully lor...part time is a good suggestion though. I have a friend doing that cos she doesn't think she can stay home full time plus she loves her job.
can you imagine, I was up every hour last night because I kept having nightmares about my previous maid. Sounds boh liao right? What a waste of good sleep.
understand your dilemma. I feel I'm missing out quite a bit of M's growing up, but I cannot imagine surviving on only 1 income...

Me! I like to read, but not the serious, intellectual stuff.

Congrats on Ashlyn's independence.
Now's the time to take care and await the new arrival.

Re: harness
Hmmm, you mummies are tempting me. Now I cannot stop thinking how cute the scene will be with the animal harnesses...
what books do you read? I actually read all types...haha. Those were just what I've read recently. When I first came back, my SIL lent me, "size 12 is not fat". haha. As long as it's in english lah...
Dear Mummy...

My gal don't even want to try a single bite of the cheese. How? When she was holding to the cheese, she wld give me a yucky looking expression. Only thing is to get her to feed me.

Shd I continue to let her try? By the way, this is the 1st time I gave her the cheese. But the moment, she holds it, she threw it. How?
I read mainly general fiction. Now I'm reading Harry Potter. Hahaha. I don't live near a libray nor a rental bookshop, so quite hard for me to find books. I'll only read Chinese martial arts fiction, the romantic stuff is too much for me.
cheese is a good to have, not an essential. I'd say wait a week or two then re-introduce it. Or you could try introducing it in a different way, e.g. melt it on bread in a toaster (if you're using sliced cheese) and see if she'll eat that. Don't stress over this.
How nice .. still hv time for novels. Last yr I bot 3 books from borders, haven hv time to read till now. Even the 'chicken soup' short stories, I also read like 20% only.

I brot the sunglass. The rest are fm the studio.
make time lor...you work, right? You drive or take public transport? If you take bus/mrt, can read then. Don't do what I did...I was caught in a jam and continued reading while behind the wheel. haha. I put it down once the traffic moved lah. :p

Am also guilty of reading way late at night or early in the morning.

So what else you have? You cannot find time to read, lend me first lor...haha. :p

Maybe that's why Jesse likes to read too:
What I did a lot of when I was pregnant and having contractions. hee...


my turn to "lighten up" the board. :p
ya la .. i knw can make time. I read my 20% when I am sh***ing :p driving n reading, sure cannot make it coz i m those kayu driver, stare hard on the rd when driving kind .. haha.

I have tis book 'damaged' which seems like a touching story of a forgotten child, n another one abt some house hubby kind. U really wan?

a quick one, sorry clearing all the backlog at work

1. Spring - sorry ah, I compile halfway then i got lazy :p I aim to finish compiling info next week and send - hopefully they will have a sunday slot for us.

2. Gene: I used Seng Kang something - they are located near to Alexandra Ikea. They are a bit on the expensive side BUT a) they bring the maid portfolio to your preferred place for discussion - so you go through the maid portfolios that she recommends. b) she has a partner in Manila doing basic training before they are OK-ed to come to Singapore c) her own Indonesian maid will train the maids for 1 or 2 days to 1 week when they arrive to Singapore. I think we paid like $1,300, but I think is OK lor, given that to date, we have no problem with our maid as yet.

Picnic: I would prefer Botanical Gardens than WCP, cuz I always associate WCP as a park outside an industrial area - not very conducive for kids but I don't mind. 7th June morning OK with me. 31st I can't make it.

Cherry: the NUS CO-OP at central has a book rental scheme. You can check it out. My colleague rented some romantic manga one then I flipped through and laugh out loud - I can read some of the chinese lah ... I told her "why read such R-ji comics one!" My colleague also laughed.
