(2007/04) April 2007 MTB

What is the new infant care subsidy?

The maximum monthly infant care subsidy for a working mother is $600.

The subsidy rates will vary based on the programme type and working status of the mother. To qualify as a working mother, she must work for at least 56 hours per month.

Infant Care Subsidy (for infants aged 2 to 18 months)

Programme (Daily Care)
Working Mother
Non-Working Mother

Full-day Care

Half-day Care

Flexible Programme by Number of Hours per Week

· 12 hours to 24 hours

· Above 24 hours to 36 hours

· Above 36 hours to 48 hours

· Above 48 hours

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What is the new childcare subsidy?

The maximum monthly childcare subsidy for a working mother is $300.

The subsidy rates will vary based on the programme type and working status of the mother. To qualify as a working mother, she must work for at least 56 hours per month.

Childcare Subsidy (for children aged above 18 months to 6 years)

Programme (Daily Care)
Working Mother
Non-Working Mother

Full-day Care

Half-day Care

Flexible Programme by Number of Hours per Week

12 hours to 24 hours

Above 24 hours to 36 hours

Above 36 hours to 48 hours

Above 48 hours

actually combi scissors is only good for cutting noodles not meat

i got a pair of those art and craft scissors with a cover from hello kitty shop at unite square for $9+
pai seh ignore my earlier msg. din read properly that u girls are talking abt cutting hair. boo hoo!!

btw, any meet up tomolo?
So sorry to hear what you are going through. It might be tough but you must be positive & strong. Smile more when you can & also stay healthy
Good on you and claire! :)

Okay, that means I can start "training" Jesse in 3 months time...he seems to be behind C by 3 months. haha. :p

Jokes aside, my boy has no inclination to potty train, I think. He is completely fine with sleeping with a poopy diaper and also good about a very full wet diaper (think not changed in 6 hours+)...*ahem* I've been trying to see if he'd complain but he doesn't!

Anyway, I've been reading a blog by a mother of 12 children and in a Q&A (ppl ask her Qns), one mother asked her what her philosophy on potty training is and she said she doesn't sweat it. They'll do it when they're ready and she hasn't had a child over 3 in diapers yet. And she says it helps when the bigger kids use the toilet and the younger kids don't then they'll see it like it's a "big person" thing and want to do it.
[she's a SAH-Homeschooling mom of 12]
I like her writing...I don't know her.
jon's mummy
i'm same class with you for GUG.. sorry was busy minding my crawler. din hv time to say hi to you.
actually it was Moon that told me that was you
Dear all,

Can anyone share wif me if u r experiencing the same feeling as I do?

I'm staying with my MIL as well as sis-in-law (hubby's sister). Apparently, my daughter, Celestine is very close to her apart from me.

HOwever, in the evening, she tends to look up to her more. I feel so sad and angry. Angry, if I do not stay with her, my love from my daughter would not be shared. It may just be evolve with myself and hubby. But now, the love seems to be shared.

How do I handle such an issue?

wow.. your situation sounds very similar to me.
you know my son get very excited when he see his gu-gu come back fm work in the evening.
Yes.. i get jealous bcoz my son does not shows this kinda excitement when he see me.

Coz gu gu is his playmate. while i'm juz one who feed, change his diaper etc.. i may not be as fun as his gu gu

so can only console myself that at least his gu gu can help me to entertainment him while i do my stuff. end of the day.. he stil comes and look for me during bed time
Hi Min,

thks for replying @ this hr.

Ya...our situation is exactly the same. Juz nw, was iving some attitude to hubby by showing him that i quit.

My daughter was wif her gu-gu while i was doing my reading in my own rm. Din bother what my gal was doing. Totally ignore, though deep dwn, was trying to listen what she was doing.

I feel pain and tear.

Very sad. If i were to tell this to anyone or even my sis, they wld say i'm possessive and crazy

No one understand as I always thot most of them are usually stayin on their own w/o their gu-gu ard...imagine wif another few more women at home, it makes things more difficult.

Perhaps the love from our prince/princess will be shared.

In my case, my daughter's love is shared between myself, hubby and now the gu-gu sigh...

To make things even worst, my mil always try to tempt my daughter by telling her to go to gu-gu's rm/let's go to the door to see if gu-gu is back
michele , u not sahm , i tot u are wor , coz u alwys bringing C for playdates during weekdays , hehehe , paisay .

ya , i think u shd get training pants for C since she is quite well trained in toilet now
fiona , my son also very excited in seeing my sis or his ah gong , despite the mummy n his ah ma clearing his shit n doing most of his stuff .
initially i also not happy , but at the end of the day , he is my son .
no one can take him away , we share a bond as mother n child . when they gets older , they will appreciate us . anyway , they will onli bond wif us until their teens , coz after that they will hv their own clique of frens / life , we hv to let them go rite ? we cant be mad with their frens . next time we cant be mad with their gf /bf/spouses etc . so must be happi that celestine's gugu sayang her so much that she luvs her gugu :D
my gal only call her gu-gu and my SIL also work FT. she can even call gu-gu by juz looking at her photos in her bedroom.
having said that, we are still our bb's mummy. juz look at it, as your gal is blessed and surrounded with love.
and i dun even live with my ILs. my gal goes back home with us every night.
dun worry too much abt your's gal love shared between yourself, hubby and ur sil. there are always enuf love to go around
hehe...I haven't changed Jesse's night diapers in a long long time...they don't wake up or drink milk, nothing much comes out also...I was referring to day time "no change" in my prev post
It'll be so wet and heavy and the sheer weight of it pulls down, it's so strange looking. Some times carry him, I can also feel dampness and yet, he doesn't complain!

I believe there's always a lot of love to go around. Maybe I'm a SAHM and have him stuck to my hip the whole day, I usually can't wait to offload him to anyone!

We stay on our own and I bring him to my in-laws' where gu-gu also lives about twice a week. When we're there, he'll "ignore me" and have lots of fun with ah-mah and the rest. I'm totally happy, I just sit around watch TV or read newspaper (things I can't do at home) and try my best to blend into the background. The rest of the week, Jesse still says "ah-mah" non-stop but I always tell him Ah-Mah not free. hehe. Then he'll ask for "dahdah" (daddy) and I'll tell him "dadah at work". Then he'll go back to "ah-mah" again, etc etc. He never asks for me!

Also, the excitement he has when he sees Ah-Mah or Daddy is heaps more than when he sees me. But I know he loves me. I know I'm the disciplinarian so he's more scared of me but then, when he falls, at ah-mah's place or otherwise, it's me he wants (or dadah).

Plenty of love to go around...only too pleased to share it.

Btw, asking your child to go look for someone, could just be a way of playing/entertaining her. When my parents visit and stay with me, I do that all the time! I mean, what else are we supposed to do with a 16 month old? Looking for someone seems really fun for them...I don't know why...
went to NTUC just now, didn't see any discount on diapers....try again next week (but I not around

there was a letter to forum yesterday by a SAHM (not me
) HB took the papers this morning, so I don't know if there's response. Going to read asiaone to see if there's anything else.
same same same.
everytime i bring him home.. my MIL and gu gu will bring him to MIL or her rm to play.

so mostly i will let them play e.g. 8-8.30pm then i will come and tell them that its his bath time. then will carry him out.

or sometimes when hubby not at home.. then i will go out with baby then i will return home such that its near his bath time.

the worst is my boy can play until when i wanna carry him away.. he cry like he lost his fav stuffs.

like all hv said.. lots of love ard! at least Gu gu adore your child.
take it as a time-off away from your baby!
i'm oredi used to it liao
this is the best part...when Jesse's tired, around 6pm, then he'll start to look for me, when we're at in laws'. I'll then tell them that I'm going to bring him home. Either one of them will want to carry him downstairs to the car (which is good for me)...on the way down, he'll want me to carry him but I keep telling him, "let ah-mah carry, we're going home liao". Then when we reach the car and I want to put him in carseat, he'll cling on the grandparent, refusing to let go and sometimes even start crying! But you know lah, I boh chap, just grab him and dump him in the carseat (where he'll stop crying promptly, he knows it's a lost cause)...and he'll sing "variations in ah-mah" all the way home. *sigh* So funny hor...always the same thing...
at least J will stop.
sometimes when my D is ultra cranky he will cry all the way until end of bath and when i stuff him with his last milk feed then he calm down

my boy got my stubborn traits
anyone of your baby will cry when you left for work?

my boy would not have any reactions when i put him in his great-Grand ma place. he don't even look at me when i say i going off. he juz immerse in his toys.

hubby say its good at least i am assured he is in good hands. but on the other hands.. looks like my boy is happy to hv time off away from me. hahaha
Feng and Li have made it to the QF for ping pong...they'll be playing their matches this evening.

my boy used to cry whenever his father left for work but these days, he doesn't even look at his father...and we're right at the main door! He'll be wanting to fiddle with something else in sight. Guess they grow up liao lor...know the routine and know that you'll be back.

Yesterday I went to buy our dinner while Ah-Mah fed him his dinner (at Ah-Mah's) he even said "bye" and waved. silly boy. :p
Pls take care of yr bb & yourself...u have to be strong & I know u r.
Dont give too much stress to yourself. Hang on abit.. u r gonna due soon. Take Care.

Caicai / Springdance,
I also very scare to go thru the process all over again but then u still have to
go through so might as well dont think so much. The sooner I get over it, the better
it is. Also it will b more easier to give birth to the #2 as compare to the 1st one so
dont wait for too long. Also do consider their age gap.

Anyway, juz to share that Im pregnant! Now im in my 10 wks but then bb still not very
stabilized cox gynae said there is some blood clot found inside. Am quite worry & I
have been feeling very sick for the past few wks. Have been resting at home & juz came
back to work.
Oh, why I mention ping pong? Cos it might be the last time we see our cty represented! But if they carry on, the finals (bronze and gold matches) is tomorrow evening
Semis tomorrow morning.
and to continue my boh liao train of thoughts, did you know that other than for Korea and Japan, the ppl rep their countries (for pp women's) are all Chinese. hehe...so USA, Dominican Rep., Holland, all Chinese players...so I don't feel so bad already. :p
dlim , congrats . morning sickness is a good sign like wat D said , coz it is the pregnant hormones .

i dun wan to hv a kid but hor , work is piling up . i wan to hv an excuse to quit job , hehehe
min , re:separation anxiety
my son also bo chup me when i left the hse everymorning , he siao siao . sometimes when he sees his pa leave , he will cry . but sometimes he can be distracted by TV or his grandparents .
nvm , still young
i dun wan him to cry n cry . wat a crybaby if he really does :p
Min & Agent D,

Thanks for your guidance. Will try to be moe generous to my baby. Probably haven't really adjust the way my daughter behave as she just started walking by herself a couple of days ago. So tends to walk to her favour direction in this case, it's her gu-gu's rm.

Well...let me try to be cool and let go.

Traz, I hope you are feeling positive. REMEM, HAPPY MUMMY IS HAPPY BABY!!!

Be strong & ur gal will be strong too
R u all pretty mummy having another catch up?

If so, can add me along? Wld like to join u gal since I'd not been logging into the forum for quite sometime.



D / Caicai,
When Im having Jayden, everything went so smoothly. This one really made me terrible...
Hopefully it will stop when im ard 12 wks+.

Michele / D,
Dont wait... u shld start now! heee...
haha... not actively trying lah... but i think the longer i wait, the more i won't want another child.

dlim, u know that's exactly what i read (and am afraid of) - that you get paid double in the 2nd pregnancy if 1st one was smooth sailing! mine was extremely easy too - no morning sickness, no stretchmarks and claire is such a li'l angel lor!

Then u shouldnt wait any longer else u wont want to try...

Really... u dont scare me. I also dun hv all those problems too.
I dun feel like drinking milk now. Didnt bother much on food...juz eat what I feel like eating.
Drink cold drinks...but I do have my limit & hubby was nagging at me ...
Haha...let's see...I had a pretty horrible first trimester the last time (lost 3+KG, which is a big deal to me lah)...and I became lactose intolerent...carried baby low all the way and had contractions from weeks 20-ish...Jesse was severely colicky and a terrible napper/sleeper...can't wait to have the next one.

Thank goodness I had no one around to bother me about "dos and Don'ts"
i read the letter yesterday too. it was very well written. in fact it articulated so many of the points you made, that i wondered if it was you who wrote in. i enjoyed the joni ong article as well. i thought she made a lot of good points, esp forcing everyone to shut down and go home at 6.30pm sharp. that's what i always tell my colleagues to do!

my mum smsed last night, and she called me this morning to gush abt cherelle. she said that cher's very guai, and very chubby to carry. hahaa, she likes cher very much!

you sound exactly like me when i bring kaizer over to my mum's place. i would usually take long naps when i'm there, read papers, read books, watch cable etc. and of course, eat a lot and eat very slowly. i like it that kaizer doesn't bother me except when it's milk time. gives me some "me" time. he loves my brother to bits.
