(2007/04) April 2007 MTB

U mean like feng siu ah? Oh no, I always put jboy in between us .. coz more convenient mah, he ngek ngek, juz shuff e pacifier into his mouth, w/o having to open my eyes :p
Hi mummies,

Im back from my holidays from Hokkaido & finally I have time to post here..


Jayden has stopped his night feed for a while already but last night, he keep waking up & fussing.
I think he is hungry so my maid & i take turn to pat him back to sleep. He manage to sleep for
abt 5-10mins then fuss again.

Then my maid ask whether to give him milk, I checked the time only 330am so I told her no.
End up, both of us really have to take turn to pat him. End up dunno till what time.
I dun want to waste my effort cox if we feed him again, then he will back to square again.
it could just be that he's adjusting to being back or if you didn't bring him, he just wants your attention...give it a few days

Hope you had a wonderful trip. Hokkaido sounds fun! Was it cold?

For those who do it, how long (what age) do you intend to have your little one in your bed with you?
Ya, the younger boy really sang very well but then the older one looks more like an idol. Anyway, as Simon says, this is an idol competition and not a talent competition.
Coz she cried when she realised that she’s not on our bed. So I let her sleep on my bed then I dump her back on hers. Then it’s like a cycle. Ya man, I don’t know what I’m getting into. All coz I’m lazy and it’s convenient.

Aiya, you think I want meh? It’s like a habit that I’m gonna quit her. Guess have to let her go cold turkey. Like what CoolD said, it’s easy to just chuck the pacifier back.
Hello To All Caring Mummy,

Can anyone tell me how to prepare spaghetti for my baby who is 13 mths old?

She takes raisin bread, formula milk and fish porridge which I think it's quite regimen.

Recently, showing some rejection to the food serve.

ai yo, u so fierce ah :p cher ever bite me during bfg, so painful but i 'bu se de' beat her, jus pretend to slap her. but i wld unlatch her n firmly tell her no. i agree w jessemom, is better n easier to brk d co-slp 'habit' early. thou cher is tbf, much easier to slp beside me but i wld put her bk to cot. ash too, has been slping in his own rm since very young.

i saw tat jesse undstd ur instructions well. n i remb yes, he wld pause n 'process' ur instruction b4 he act. so cute of him..

Maybe.. lets see how. So far, he didnt cried for long. Juz about 15 mins then stopped. Guess he very tired too.
Hopefully tonight, he can sleep well.

My boy also very notti now, when he want something & I refuse or take away from him. He can sit on the floor fuss
& kick his legs..*faint*

Oh yes, the weather was very very cold. Day time was abt 8 -10 degree & night time can be as cold as 3 degree.
How i wish i can no need to come back to spore...the weather here is really damn hot!!
hokkaido, tats nice. wld wait for ur pics. yes here is soooooo hot. is it becos jayden is adjusting to coming bk hm?
wow Dlim , holiday without jayden , shiok ah .
coolD , what is feng siu ?
i think it is psychologically not right ( the program talks abt marital issues , abt couplehood ) the child in btw the couple , acts like a barrier , coz to a certain extent , intimacy btw husband and wife is reduced ... so the child is like an intruder and when u let the child sleeps long , they will think that , the position is theirs . so they will fuss once this position is lost ( COZ when they are of age , they will be asked to sleep in separate rooms ) . so to minimize conflicts btw parents and btw child and parents , it is NOT advisable to let child sleep next to parent
it's good that you have good self-control...I realise lately that if I start beating Jesse, I just can't stop (as in the slightest thing would trigger me to hit him again...not beat continuously lah...don't call the cops). This is something I seriously have to work on man...

Glad to her Cher's eating more now...I still think she's sooo cute (don't let my HB read this!)

I love that kind of weather!! It's super hot here...how? It gets better, right?

And sadly, I'm the one stamping my feet in a tantrum when Jesse doesn't listen to me...he'll just look and me blur blur!
Hi Gene,

Know that your gal sleeping with u.

No worries...cuz my gal, Celestine 13 mths old has been sleeping with us since Day 1.

Both Hubby & I got no choice cuz we putting up with his parents and only a room space to accommodate the 3 of us. Our room is so small to put in another cot / playpen, so in the end, we gotta make do with it by putting her with us on the bed.

But she doesn't sleep between us. We place her at a corner where our bed is. That is against the wall. Big mattress around to protect her.

I will be sleeping between baby and hubby. At least got chance to hug hubby to bed. hee...

I ever read from an article somewhere but can't recall that co-sleeping is encouraged. Baby tends to be more confident because they know they got the love from both parents.

Of cuz, the traditional saying is co-sleeping not advisable but i guess, really up to individual.

I'm definitely fine with the idea but just thot of sharing with you about my current co-sleeping experience. In fact, I feel nothing wrong with co-sleeping. Rather feel so much closer with our gal.

Every morning when my gal wakes up, she will crawl to me and hubby. Greeting us with a lovely innocent smile. Don't you think it's a beautiful morning to see our baby the 1st thing in the morning?

I'm sure our baby feels the same way too. Rather than not finding us in the room when he/she wakes up?

(This is my personal preference).

Imagine, during my younger days, when our house was much even smaller and we had 7 members in a 1-rm flat where space is a constraint.

I was put to bed with my parents & look, nothing happens to me. I'm a happy woman & very much closer with my parents & always remember that they dote on me.

Final decision is yours

my biggest mistake was to let my boy sleep in betw us when he was 5mth old and down with a cough thus waking up at night

now there is no turning back as he get disturbed sleep if he is in playpen so now he is bunking with us at least we can all sleep through

wanna let him cry it out but no heart to do it leh so always end up carrying back to our bed

feng siu = geomancy

actually really physcological, sometimes jboy sleeps in between, i hv a whole family close close feel, i like
Anyway, jboy dun sleep wif us every nite .. only when he fuss at nite, we carry him onto the bed. Otherwise, he sleeps in his cot.
i also like the feeling of seeing my boy the first thing i open my eyes.

he very cute.. he will put his head to our chest when we wake up as if to sayang us. very hear warming lor

and the three of us always hv fun on the bed on lazy wkend morning!

of coz we miss out on itimacy but we can still make it up on other occasion
aiyo i got slap a few times liao. now hubby and i expert in sleeping on the side of bed

i even almost fell off the bed once in mid of nite

but next time i be firm with No. 2 liao.. won't let him/her bunk in with us
Hi Min,
ya man...they are so sweet...my gal also likes to put her head on our chest like trying to sayang us...really sweet
same thing here, 3 of us will be lazing ard on the bed. As for time to intimate, no worry...time is on our hands, we can always plan ;p

Hi cool_daughter, sometimes even worst. My daughter head bug me. Damn painful. The other night, she knocked against my nose. No pain for her but my nose crying for help. But i guess, it's more fun than pain to sleep with our little angel
when u plan to go EXPO?

child sleeping with parents:
dunno y, every times when JK sleeps with us (noon nap or nite) i feel drain off!!! more tired. not sure izzit becoz JK moves alots during his sleeps n really disturbing.
even he is in his cot (same room with us) oso feel disturbed = his limbs + his big head will knock @his cot.

slightly better (do wake up n check on him but at least hv few hours quality sleep) when we moved his cot to his room when he was ard 8mths old.
2 wks ago, kindda miss sleeping with him and hope it will b better after 5mths, but same leh...so tiring. really din sleep well.
for sphagetti .. sugg u use ABC pasta instead. easier to cook and swallow.
if use sphag then u must cut it up b4 serving
Jesse is such a light sleeper, it's really stressful to have him in the same room with us...everything (like go toilet) must be quiet quiet. He moved out the moment we had a room for him at 7 months.

Over CNY, we had to share room again since we were visiting my parents and I think all of us slept better after we came back. He doesn't like us around too! haha.

my HB gives him his first feed, then brings Jesse to our bed to say good morning to me...so hehe...it's quite nice lah.
Jesse, (**pls check ur email**)
Exactly! JK is a super light sleeper too (even foot steps can oso wake him).
hb said...just like JK's mama

** unless he is super tired (missed his nap)

Sad to say, I didnt bring Jayden along... cox it will be very tiring for him & for
both of us too. Dun think he will enjoy... maybe wait till he is older, I will bring
him to Gold Coast - Dreamland/Sea world..

K, i will go & resize my photos & post a few to share with u...


Thanks.. I do enjoy my trip..
And yes, I didnt bring Jayden along...


Sry I missed out yr sentence, no Jayden didnt follow us to Hokkaido. Since Im back last fri,
he was ok until last night then start to fuss.

Yup..cool weather so comfortable. Now slowly adapt back to spore weather...

RE - light sleeper. Im the one instead of Jayden.. Only hubby & Jayden can sleep like a pig..hehe..
my nose suffers the same fate as yours :p I also get kicks in the middle of the nite, or sometimes I woke up with a butt next to my face .. hehe.

Sometimes, I pretend to sleep, dan hb says sayang mummy jboy will come n pat pat me. Some times he even 'sing' .. juz like how we sing & pat him to sleep. so cute !!

No plan yet .. tinking either Fri evening w/o jboy, or wkend afternoon wif jboy.
tks. yup agree w u. we brought ash to goldcoast n d worlds only wen he was abt 20mths old. he enjoyed himself. but wen i asked him now, he cant remb a single thg. m tinkg of brging d kids for holidays agn but w cher, we are oso tinkg where to go, mayb perth. but wld prefer wen she is a little older.
Re: Baby Co-Sleeping with Parents
I CANNOT co-sleep with my boy definitely coz I am a very lighter sleeper...will wake up at the slightest turn or sound beside me....somemore, I already have insomnia problem now & then. I do WISH I can KO easily! In fact, trying out TCM medication now.....

hehe...you dare to let me have her ah (after my confession of rage!) Yes, I'd take her for a few hours. hehehe...but you bring the milk! :p Eh, can she fall asleep w/o drinking milk first? Jesse needs his bottle of milk before he sleeps. I foresee trouble but don't know what to do.

Tell you ah, I've only been to Thailand once phuket and hat yai. I was 10 years old. I don't remember it at all. Except for the photos.


no worries, it's like that lah...
I'm glad to hear to enjoyed your trip!

We also want to bring Jesse with us the next time...still thinking of where.

J News

Spotted - J standing unassisted for more than 10 seconds today. Sightings are rare but fans are hopeful that it will happen again.
hahaha. your J improving har?
wanna share this with u. K also been improving..
this on monday afternoon

this on tues nite
wah...she's going to win the tube race!
So clever...mine blur blur...he was trying to tell me something, turn to face me and he was holding toy, he didn't even realise he was standing.

Eh, how many teeth does K have? Checking out this "unorthodox" survey: For babies, the amount of hair they have is inversely proportional to the number of teeth they have. hehe.

Jesse has quite little hair and has about 9 teeth. I know an almost bald baby with 16 teeth at her 1st birthday!

the alphabet pasta is small, It's like font size 10 arial when it's uncooked and when it's cooked, it's probably about size 12.
Just boil it longer (say 15 - 20 mins) if you're afraid of choking but falls apart easily. If your baby can take bread and raisins, this would be as easy as pie.

Talking about raisins...Mummies...I find raisins good for teething baby. If you don't mind the sweetness lah.
hi mummies

just got bk frm our first family hol to dwn under ! everythg went much better than expected * big relief * =P havent got chance to update my blog yet will do it sooooon .meantm some pics of my girl on her first plane ride :


'Lets get started on that packet drink '

'time to enjoy the inflight entertainment'
jessemum: lele is between having alot of hair and sparse hair, but his first 2 teeth spouted slitely before 4mths and now he has 12-14 (never count) teeth...
Now what does that tell us about your "myth"?
free to meet up at marina square tomorrow afternoon? great singapore sale has started! we should meet up to chat and go walk walk. i can prob reach there at 2pm
Jesse - that is great!!!! yes more to come! i am sure he is trying to balance himself first then the first few steps will come sooon!!! get ready with your video. my son started walking 10 steps the other night, we were all so excited but the rest was a show off and he ended in his knees hehehe ;)
michele:have just sent u a email reg the collection of the leapfrog balls.have sent u email abt a week ago but awaiting reply from u..thanks
hi ladies, sorry to disturb.
I will be holding garage sale tis sunday.
Do come if interested!
<font color="ff6000"> <font size="+1">
ALL ARE WELCOME!!!</font></font>
<font color="0000ff"> <font size="+1">
Date: May 25, 2008 (Sunday)
Time: 10:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Venue: 9 Simei St. 4
#10-02 Simei Green Condo
Singapore 529865</font></font>
Payment Mode: Cash Only

Items starting from $0.50 available!
Just a peek at what will be up for sale:

- 29" Panasonic Flat Screen TV
- Queen-sized Wooden Bedroom Set (Guest Room)
- Glass Coffee Table
- Standing Oscillating Fans
- Brand New (in box) 3-tier Food Steamer

Baby / Children's Accessories &amp; Toys
- Cot Bedding Set (Used twice)
- Millk Bottles (Almost New &amp; Used
- Girls' Dressing Table set...

lina, have replied u! so sorry i overlooked ur email!

co-sleeping is actually very convenient for bfing moms! but if bottle feeding and can sleep through the night, then i guess there's an option not to co-sleep! i actually enjoy snuggling up to my 2 darlings (obviously it helps that we sleep on a king sized bed)

claire also started biting! ouch! i smack her mouth when she does... but u know what? i accidentally bit her index finger (quite hard) y'day when playing with her! so worried that i broke her finger or something!

she likes to fall backwards suddenly when standing and thinks that i will always catch her (and that its very funny - she'll giggle loudly when doing that)! so worried that she'll do that when i'm not around to catch her and get a big bump on her head! how to 'tell' her that she shd not be doing that?
Hi Gene, MichK
Biting- I'll beat J's mouth lightly when he bites and I'll scold him very loudly and fiercely. He understands BUT still bites.. not hard but lightly!! faint!

Co-sleeping- I co-sleep with bb J, not sure if I'll regret it but for now, it's alright.

Hi Moxi
how's your holiday? got pictures to share?

many mummies all gone for holiday or going soon.. envy you all.. dun think I'll be going anywhere anytime soon.

i sleep with my bb too. cos i have to breastfeed him 2-3 times at night. can't imagine having to go somewhere else to pick him up during feeding time. think i'll start to train him to sleep on his own when he's not being breastfed anymore.

i've only smacked kaizer's thigh once when he bit my nipple for the first time. there was once when he bit me till i bled, and then i didnt know whether to feed him the bloodied milk or not. didnt smack him, but told him not to do it again. for that traumatic day, i let him miss the bloodied feed, waited for the blood to clot/dry up and then fed him normally again after that.
