(2007/04) April 2007 MTB

Hello all MTBs,
I just found out that I'm into my 9th week ... gynae is Dr Jocelyn Wong at TMC. This is my 1st pregnancy & I'm all excited abt it ...

Hi Stileto and ValC,

Thanks! Anyway, they are going to be identical twins so will be expecting either 2 boys or 2 girls. I'm fine with any as long as they are both going to be healthy. All of us mommys to be also hoping for healthy babes ya?

Hi Peggy, congrats to you too!

Hi BabyLove,
Could you please add me in the chart too? I'm with Dr Kowa at Mt E and EDD is 10 Apr 07. Thanks!

By the way, do you gals know when the tummy will start showing?
Hi Cindy,
congrat to u.. one x settle all..
haha.. must take care lor... cos u will be vey heavy compares to us wif one bb de ma..
Tummy grow will depend on individual de.. not all the ppl the same de..
me abt 9 weeks nw.. tummy abit showing liao.. all my buttom cannot wear liao..
Hi Stileto,

thanks for your explanation. I shall ask the gynae during my next visit.

Hi Cindy,

congratulations to you.

ur ultrascan is thru vaginal or just abdomen scan?

my gyane did abdonmen scan...but see nothing at all.....was put on hormone pills cos of my previous miscarriage. these 2 days have brown discharge....haiz....

the discharge is not alot alot but can cause a white patch on panty. it's not smelly but just itch esp after bath. today is better cos doc injected gynofort vaginal cream and also give neoderm cream to apply...hope it helps..
hi cheezel,

mine is an abdomen scan.
Probably your pregnancy is still early hence cant see anything yet...
Did you let your gynae know that you are having brown discharge?

Do take extra care of yourself k!
Wow Cindy, congrats! Our 1st pair of twins for Apr' 07 MTB.

I've always hoped that I will have twins but unfortunately, no family history of twins!

I feel nausea most of the time and always very sleepy... but now should be into the 10th week so hopefully, will start to feel more energetic soon. I read in a book that its good to go for walks and I tried... I do feel less nausea and more 'normal' for a while after the walks... maybe you all can try it out?

welcome to all new april mummies to be.

hi cheezel,

usually it is difficult to see anything through ab scan at this early stage. So have good rest .
I also have some slight brown spotting incident last week and was put on hormone pills. Will have follow up check this week, hope everything is ok.

hi ladies, anyone experience dull aching or feeling of some weight adding pressure on the lower abdominal? I never had this during my first pregnancy so I'm not sure if it is normal
pageup, I do hv that dull aching feeling when i had my no 1... it becomes more apparent when the preggie progressed... I din ask my gynae abt it cos I din hv any bleeding or other symptons...
Hi Cindy,


Just realised that your gynae is Dr Kowa who is similar to mine.

So how are you feeling? Double tire than most of us

Well, right now please do take care like most of us.
Rest more ok?

See ya.
Hi page

I also have the lower abdominal crampy feeling (like having my period), but when I saw my previous gynae, he said is normal as the womb is expanding to make space for the baby to grow ... if you still feeling unsure, maybe you'll like to check with your gynae?

Cindy and Peggy

Congrats to both of you on your pregnancy
Hi All mother-to-be,

Just wanna update on my EDD to be 18/04/06 instead of 10/04/06 after my last visit to the gynae.
i also have this cramp kind of feeling sometimes when i walk and everytime when i sneeze, the pain will be intense......
but like wat pine3 says, my gynae also mention the same thing...that the womb is expanding ... does anyone notice the physical expansion? i do notice that my waistline does get wider, not due to the baby (i'm still at 7weeks plus and no signs of tummy expansion yet) but more of due to the expansion of the womb/uterus.
wld like to ask the experience mothers, do u all get any other discomfort during the 2nd trimester? am now hoping that the first trimester will quickly pass and the discomfort associated with the expansion of the womb/uterus, morning sickness, loss of appetite, lethargy etc will go away very soon
Hi, new to this thread... a very big congratulation to all the mummies to be... and i enjoyed reading all your experiences, though i seldom post, i hope i can join this thread...
Dear all mummies,

I'm into my week 8th but somehow i'm very worry about the progress of my little baby.

Think i have been thinking unnecessarily but i can't help it.

The thing is i have another week before seeing the gynae so very anxious to know how my little one is doing in my stomach.

How shd i stop myself from worrying so much? I really can't help myself. I'm scare how?

If i were to tell this to my mum or sis, perhaps they think i'm ridiculous.

Not too sure is it that i'd read to much about the negative side of pregnancy.

Sigh!!! Please help!
dun make yourself paraniod unnecessarily... must make yourself happy so tt u'll hv a happy bb too mah... kekeke... i understand your fears but some things are beyond us mah... so no point getting yourself worried n unhappy over it... must remember happy mummy = happy bb... this is wat i learn from one of my forum frens...

kai ling,
in my 2nd trimester for my no 1, i had bitter/metalic taste after my food.. it becomes so bad until i juz wan to keep eating to keep the taste away... so i put on a lot for my no 1... sigh... of cos i had very bad swollen feet at a very very early stage - 6 mths... my feet become sooooo ugly... hv to buy new shoes loh...
Hi Fiona
I understand exactly how you feel.. cos I am also very concerned about how my baby is at the moment... i'm now in my 7th week going 8th.......and it's 2 more weeks to my next gynae appt....i'm not too sure abt you, but as a first-time mother-to-be, there are simply too many questions and doubts that have been raised in my mind....how i wish i can have some assurance that the foteus developing inside me is doing fine... and every single action i do or pain i felt, i'm worried if it will affect the baby negatively.....and the 3 weeks in between my gynae appointments is indeed a very long wait...
but i guess we still have to maintain a very positive attitude..... we shld learn to enjoy the pregnancy (although i know it is tough, especially during the 1st trimester) and stay happy and positive (despite the morning sickness, discomfort etc.).. any concerns u have, u may like to voice it out in the forum as we are all happy to share with u our thoughts and give some advice.... for me, i note down the questions i wld like to ask my gynae during the nxt visit so that I wont forget wat to ask..
Hi all,

I'm new to this forum.

Congrats to all MTB. I also in my 10 weeks pregnacy experiencing MS too. EDD 3 Apr 07.

Read thr the threads, realised we share the same gyne, Dr HK Ho.
Hi all MTBs

I am new to this thread...am now into my 9th wk of pregnancy..is my 1st pregnancy. i am excited about it and at the same time, quite paranoid at times, cos keep worrying about how the baby progressing....my hubby is worried about me being so paranoid and has been asking me to keep a positive mindset & enjoy the pregnancy..;p
hi fiona
i posted b4 that i tend to cry when i'm alone at home thinking abt BB's health.. whether BB will be healthy or got DS, cleft lip, defused brain etc.

told hubby my worries.. then got chided by him. He say, the more -ve you think of our baby, the more it will turn out to be wat we are thinking..
which is quite true.. as some of them say if we have -ve thoughts of getting rid of the little one inside, they will know and will miscarriage themself

so now juz do not think of how you baby will turn out to be.. juz enjoy your pregnancy!!
dear mtbs... like all of u, i'm also paranoid... many of you have already heard the heart beat of your young ones but in my last visit, i only saw the sac. i read elsewhere that the sac can be empty so i also keep worrying about such things. plus, my next visit to the doc is still 3 weeks away. i guess end of the day, we just have to keep thinking positive thoughts.
dear all... I'm in the 7 week now, and have not found a gynae. as i've also some busy travelling coming up i'm abit worried as well. can anyone help with these qns:

- how should i select a suitable gynae/ hospital?
- what kind of tests should be done for first trimester?
if you still can't hear/see heartbeat, your Doc will normally schedule another visit 2weeks later.. like in your 8th weeks. perhaps, you can call the clinic to bring forward the check up till 2weeks later?
Hi Michele
Dun worry too much. I only saw the sac too when I was 5 weeks+ close to 6 weeks...... and the thought didn't occur to me as I was still confused whether that was the sac or the baby...
if too early into the pregnancy, you can't see hte baby at all...
hi darbebe/page up,

i didnt mention to my gynae abt the brown discharge. This happen after my 1st appt with him. Anyway, as i was also on hormone pills, and now its still early, i didnt call or visit him to inform him abt this. I know theres nothing much he can do also cos now too ealry scan liao also see nothing......except ask me to rest well

i also experience some crampy, dull ache at the abdomen.....should be normal la as long as theres no spotting/bleeding.

Agree that have to keep positive mind...keep all the negative thoughts away.....my previous miscarriage is cos theres no embroynic material....no fetal development....even though no spotting/bleeding at all. so now i just take things easy......
hi michele,

When I did the abdomen scan at 6 weeks, I could only see the sac. Then gynae suggested a vaginal scan which enabled me to see the yolk sac,bb and heartbeat...

At 8weeks+, i did a abdomen scan and could only see lump of tisse so gynae suggested vaginal scan and i gladly accepted and saw bb shape and limbs..

hi ladies,
Is it true that vaginal scan is more dangerous to bb?? will your gynae propose/suggest vaginal or simply do abdomen scan????
Hi, I'm new here. I just discovered that I'm pregnant when I tested positive using the pregnancy test kit which I bought from pharmacy over the weekend.

I'm rather confused. What will the gynae check for the first appointment?
they will jus do blood test, urine test, and scan for the bb dat's all. either abdominal scan or vaginal scan. if can see bb they will measure and esimate the edd.
Hi Seatcorn, Kailing and JL,

Thank you very much for your assurance.

Yeah in fact, i'm trying not to think so much and just enjoy this process.

In fact, the waiting from now to next week before seeing a gynae is far too long. Can't wait to be next week when i can find out the progress of my little one.


Yeah think you gals are rite

<table border=1><tr><td>Nickname</TD><TD>EDD</TD><TD>Baby #</TD><TD>Gynae</TD><TD>Hospital </TD></TR><TR><TD>Cmy</TD><TD>1-Apr-07</TD><TD>2</TD><TD>DR Hii HC</TD><TD>MAH </TD></TR><TR><TD>Geyser</TD><TD>1-Apr-07</TD><TD>2</TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Dragon Gal</TD><TD>2-Apr-07</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>DR Paul Tseng</TD><TD>TMC </TD></TR><TR><TD>Jessie</TD><TD>2-Apr-07</TD><TD>3</TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>CelC</TD><TD>3-Apr-07</TD><TD></TD><TD>DR SC Chew</TD><TD>MT. E </TD></TR><TR><TD>Peggy 17</TD><TD>7-Apr-07</TD><TD></TD><TD>DR HK Ho</TD><TD>MAH </TD></TR><TR><TD>Peggy Ng</TD><TD></TD><TD>1</TD><TD>DR Jocelyn Wong</TD><TD>TMC </TD></TR><TR><TD>Stileto</TD><TD>3-Apr-07</TD><TD>1</TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Catherine Lee Sammi</TD><TD>4-Apr-07</TD><TD>3</TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Michele Chua</TD><TD>5-Apr-07</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>DR YG Tan</TD><TD>RAFFLES </TD></TR><TR><TD>Wenthena</TD><TD>6-Apr-07</TD><TD>2</TD><TD>DR SC Chew</TD><TD>MT. E </TD></TR><TR><TD>Fen</TD><TD>7-Apr-07</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>DR HK Ho</TD><TD>MAH </TD></TR><TR><TD>Rainbow7</TD><TD>7-Apr-07</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>DR Suresh Nair</TD><TD>MT. E </TD></TR><TR><TD>Baby Love</TD><TD>9-Apr-07</TD><TD>2</TD><TD>DR HK Ho</TD><TD>MAH </TD></TR><TR><TD>JL (Mindy)</TD><TD>9-Apr-07</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>DR Caroline Khi</TD><TD>TMC </TD></TR><TR><TD>Cindy (alcin)</TD><TD>10-Apr-07</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>DR Kowa</TD><TD>MT. E </TD></TR><TR><TD>Page Up</TD><TD>11-Apr-07</TD><TD>2</TD><TD>DR LS Lien</TD><TD>MT. E </TD></TR><TR><TD>Fiona</TD><TD>12-Apr-07</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>DR Kowa</TD><TD>MT. E </TD></TR><TR><TD>Ixora15</TD><TD>12-Apr-07</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>DR Yong T T</TD><TD>SGH </TD></TR><TR><TD>Piggymum</TD><TD>12-Apr-07</TD><TD>2</TD><TD>DR Lawrence Ang</TD><TD>TMC </TD></TR><TR><TD>Sweatcorn</TD><TD>14-Apr-07</TD><TD>2</TD><TD>DR Eunice Chua</TD><TD>TMC </TD></TR><TR><TD>Pine3</TD><TD>17-Apr-07</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>DR Kenneth E Lee</TD><TD>MAH </TD></TR><TR><TD>Angela Lee</TD><TD>18-Apr-07</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>DR PS Lui</TD><TD>MAH </TD></TR><TR><TD>Kai Ling</TD><TD>18-Apr-07</TD><TD>1</TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>ValC</TD><TD>18-Apr-07</TD><TD>2</TD><TD>DR WK Tan</TD><TD>TMC </TD></TR><TR><TD>Scoobydoo</TD><TD>21-Apr-07</TD><TD>2</TD><TD>DR YC Wong</TD><TD>NUH </TD></TR><TR><TD>Eunice</TD><TD>27-Apr-07</TD><TD></TD><TD>DR Jocelyn Wong</TD><TD>TMC </TD></TR><TR><TD></td></tr></table>
Hi I'm with Dr Jocelyn Wong of TMC also! she is fantastic. During my first appt with her, she is really patient in answering your qns and explaining things to you.
Wow Cindy, u hv twins!! Congrats..

And also a warm welcome and congrats to those new MTBs..

Yup fiona,
Dun worry too much, can understand all your worries and concerns.. same here but we juz hv to stay positive.. heard that bb will get affected by our moods.. so Yes, stay happy!!
tink alot of first time mummies will have alot of ?? without knowing wat to expect... but i guess all of us have to go thru this stage and just learn along the way... important thing is stay happy so bb will be happy too... =)
Hi Fiona,

Yap! Noticed that you are with Dr Kowa too. Maybe we will bump into each other at his clinic one of these days. My next appt with him is in 2 weeks' time. Don't be too paranoid about your pregnancy ok? Anyway you will be seeing him in a week's time, that's real soon!

Anyway, I was down with diarrhea yesterday, any mummies experienced diarrhea so far? It's horrible, and I felt so weak after that. Didn't even feel like eating, hope the 2 little ones inside are not hungry...
Hi Cindy,

My appt is on the 12th Sep.

Yeah probably a chance to meet you too.

We shall keep each other posted on our appointment yah!

Hmm...so far haven't experience diarrhoea before. I guess you have to drink more water to replenish all liquid that is lost.

Babies should be fine, dun worry ya.

Hi All,

Im new to this thread. Congrats to all mummies &amp; big congrats to Cindy for having twins!!

Im 9 weeks pregnant &amp; my EDD is 3 April 2007. Am very excited &amp; really looking forward to it. I juz went for my 1st appt with DR Mary Yang @ Gleneagles &amp; while doing the ultra scan, I saw my baby was moving. Im so excited &amp; my gynae was telling me that Im lukcy to see my baby moving cox most of the time, they are sleeping when doing the 1st scanning. The baby is really sooo cute!!

Hi all,

Is virginal scan more dangerous than ultra scan cos my gynae has been doing virginal scan for me from day one! I thought this is more accurate??
Hi Hapybaby,

Yes, this is my 1st bb..u mentioned that u seldom post here. Are u one of the MTB also?
Hi all

I hv been feeling loss of appetite and even though if i felt hungry i just couldn't eat much....dunno y like tat and wonder if it is normal?? worried tat if i can't eat, would it affect my baby's growth??

Hi Peggy17
Dun worry, I tik vaginal scan should be alright. For my 2 appts, I did vaginal scan cos the gynae said she can't see clearly via ultrascan...
Thanks for your advice.

I also have this problem, hungry but just couldn't eat. Everyday, thinking of what to eat is a headache to me! Oso dunno what to do except forcing myself to eat smaller meals... Think every hrs I eating.
Try it...
Hi JL, Kai Ling &amp; Stileto... during my first visit, I only did abdominal scan since doctor said not neccesary to do the vaginal scan, then we didn't do it. I guess in the end, also have to trust your doc. they are the experts afterall. I am paranoid but still try my best to maintain positive thoughts.

prior to that post, I had actually called to push back the appointment coz wanted to do the down syndrome test together @ 12th weeks but doc is on leave for one week. hehe... so i guess can see that i'm still rather positive... i choose to believe bb will be alright. besides, i hate visiting doctors so i'd rather reduce the no. of times i have to go! :p

i also believe that god takes good care of me and what will be, will be. he will definitely watch over all of us...
Hi hapybaby
I've only been to Dr Jocelyn Wong once and get to see her abt 25 mins past my appt time.. but given that she is willing to spend time with her patients and is not rushed by the next appt, i think the wait is worthwhile... anyway, i believe her PAs did a good job of allocating her appt slots so we may not have to wait a very long for our turn..

i agree with wat you say, got to trust our docs as they are professionals... and so it boils down to finding a gynae that we are comfortable with to share our concerns..
Me too, I have basically no appetite for anything. Even though I can hear my stomach growling but when food is actually in front of me, I feel like puking. My hubby said I am wasting food and hopefully I won't waste food for the rest of my pregnancy.

I am really scared that my baby will not be able to get enough nutrients if I continue not to eat. Any advice how to increase my appetite? I will only have my first appointment on Monday because the clinic said has to wait for one week before the doctor can see me as I'm a new patient. Anyone encounter such experience? Now dunno whether I should continue to wait or call up another clinic to fix an appointment.
your sympton is pretty common, dun worry... some mummies actually lost weight in the 1st trimester cos of morning sickness and etc... juz make sure u hv your folic acid and any vitamins prescribed by your dr daily. I actually lost abt 2kg in my 1st tri for my son... but gained 18kg in total!! so dun worry, u'll catch up wif the lost weight soon... hee hee
Hi Violetmum,

I share the same experience with you.

The sight of food wanna make me puke though we know our stomach is growling. Sigh!

I have trouble of thinking what to eat every day and seems so bore.

I guess the only meal for me is powdered milk recommended by the gynae. At least for sure, i know i will not vomit and yet our little baby is getting enough nutrients.

I drink Milo, eating cheese and some porridge. Something light.

You can try if milk is not a problem to you.

Hi sweatcorn,77Fiona

Thanks for your advice and encouragement. But I really cannot afford to lose any more weight because I'm actually very skinny even before I am pregnant. I'm less than 40kg so if I lose 1-2kg, when the wind comes I will be blown away loh, heehee.....anyway I will try to drink some milk in the meanwhile until I see my gynae.

hi ladies,
went to see my gynae today cos of the spotting few days ago.....was given hormone jab and increased dose of hormone pills plus 3 days MC. he didnt want to take the risk consider my history......but can see the water bag when scan liao.....5W3D.....but no heartbeat yet....wonder when can see heartbeat.....
