(2007/04) April 2007 MTB

Sry to hear that Jonas is sick... hope he recover fast.

Noted.. will collect from u this sat..thanks..

Happy Bday to you!!

Same same!! Jayden also starts screaming & cry non stop. Very demanding expecially if I stop him from
doing something or took away his pacificer... Terrible!!

leo , my son scratches his ah gong n daddy .
they hv turned hua mao face liao . noticed he onli scratches this 2 fellows . he used to bite my ma 's shoulder ( when teething ), i guess he is selective !

he likes to throw tantrum too , i let him cry n cry , bo chup him .sometimes i will spank him too . cannot stand it
yesterday he scratched his daddy face during his GUG lessons , his pa scared he will be an embarrassment in class so he RENz . out of class , he scolded him harshly
my colleague din tell me till we r back in the ofc.

Does ur bbs scream for fun? jboy some x does, and i am not sure if it's bcoz once he screamed, i gave him a startler and shock face he finds it fun. nowadays, even if i ignore him, he some x will cont to scream till i either cover his mouth (which he oso finds it fun), or scold him, which does not work.
coold , aiyah , ur coll not good , shd tel u so that u go ask the aunty :p

my son also screams when he gets excited in supermkt or when he is kicking water in his tub
my ma used to cover his mouth , but he still continue his way .
quite a noisy fellow
I think she just don't know what to say lah...call everybody "auntie"

Jesse has been screaming for a few months already...haha. I don't even think it's a tantrum but it's being demanding...and he loves to "nag" as well, he'll "nag nag nag" until I scold him...I tell him, "enough!".
my D will cry with tears if he does not get things he wants. then when he get it.. crying stop

and sometimes when he still wanna have fun with his aunt but i forcefully bring him into bedroom to bath and get ready for bed time.. he will cry non-stop .. throughout bath. and refuse to let me wear diaper and pj

terrible twos are here
Happy Birthday!!
JK no change..still so smiley chubby face but now with more teeth...can become colgate model..

K nowdays also keep crying, he will hold my hand to ask me to follow him if I dun..e will start to cry...

k & jboy can be buddies...also climb here & there. tatday just fell down from his cot & hit my bed frame ledge before landing on the floor... now got bruises on his face..sigh..

Ur hb & my hb have the same comment on s/w...
when my hb first met s/w @ eco gardens..his firstimpression of her was she looked like a jc student..

when sanrio hb commented tat time, u look like a jc1 & when my hb commented again ..at most u r in jc 2 haha...u look very young...
D, to answer your queries about Montessori :

My sis' school is located @ Marine Parade - above Popular bookstore (opp. the current NTUC - former National Library) on level 4.

For Toddlers (between 2 to 3 years old), its recommended to start with twice a week (1.5 hrs) for them to adjust to a 'school' environment and slowly increase the sessions/duration when the child is ready.

'Selling' Point of Montessori? (This is my personal view) The focus is on learning through play - a 'child-centered' learning process vs the 'normal' classroom curriculum. The teachers are trained to be observers (and facilitators) in a specially prepared environment (split into 6 'main' areas) and provide assistance and explanations when necessary. This allow the child to gain thinking ability, confidence and skills at a comfortable pace.

It is true that there are times when the child can 'do whatever he/she wants, whenever he/she wants' but in reality, the school does have a 'time-table'. e.g. circle time, story time, art time, etc. The school will also help the child to adjust towards a classroom environment in the 'last year' prior to Pri 1.

What I like about the approach - a small teacher, student ratio (1:4), good quality teaching materials and no 'unnecessary' pressure for the child.

Obviously I am not the 'best' person to explain about Montessori since I am not trained in the area so I've requested my sis to do a free trial session for all those who is interested to find out more about the Montessori approach & her school and the session(s) will be conducted 1st week of September. So whoever is interested, give email/PM me and I'll try to co-ordinate for her.
keke, i'm not a SAHM mah so 4 mths maternity leave is good! :p

but actually more details will be announced by vivian balakrishnan from the MCYS (probably tomorrow or within the week?)
yeah! just in time since i'm planning a kid next year! hope it'll be implemented real soon cos a good friend of mine is giving birth in november

no prob. hope the jshopper clothes are real cute this time round.

sanrio and kikismom,
haha, i think a lot of strangers must think that i'm the sort of unwed teenage mum. i do get quite a stared at sometimes. hahaaa
leo: happy birthday =) may you always be so pretty and happy! may your boy boy love mummy dearest always!

SD: hope you boy get better soon *hugs* you take care of yourself too ok.

coold: hope your boy will collect less baluku ....
michele and sandwich: confirm giving 4 months ML? Wow ... it's a double edge sword :p I want it i like it but i also worry about my rice bowl - what with pple saying do less units of work *faint*
michele: oooo maybe can 1/2 time for 2 months .... how nice .... if i take 2.5 months of full ML means i can go 1/2 time for 3 months!!!! er ... but dunno employers will like it or not ...
ya, he said 4 months...that's clear enough...

but I was thinking just that, ya, can give more ML but then what about the work? Though when HB heard it, he immediately said, "oh, looks like my female colleauges are all going to pop next year."

details are supposed to be announced by end of this week so we'll see...

the last time ML was increased, my cousin gave birth that Aug and the policy was implemented from Aug 1 that year, so she also managed to enjoy it. I think due in nov, shouldn't be a problem lah...
i think that's what i'm going to do. claim 2 mths first, then work 1/2 day for 4-5 mths (since can also claim annual leave). i most employers won't be able to say no as long as you don't abuse it and work hard during those few hours that you're in office. in any case, you've gotta finish the leave what. that said, i do know of two workoholics in the office who didnt fully finish their 3 mths paid maternity leave, one of whom is my boss.
Dear All Mummy,

ML is beneficial to all working mums but what about all those who are not working? Sigh...think doesn't apply to me
so sad!!!
my cousin staying at castle green but dunno if your colleague able to slot it into their letter box? if yes then ok. if not then you be at United sq on sun at 4pm rite?
the 4mths maternity leave came only after i leave workforce.. boo hoo!!!
but i dunno if it be harder for me to re-enter workforce next year coz i also may wanna start No. 2 oredi.
happy birthday...

hopes tat Jonas get well soon...its nt easi when bb falls sick...cos when my girl is sick...she is like on 'food strike' too...u take care...

hows zac? he enjoy his gug?
well, if you've already started on number 2 then, even while you're pregnant, depending on how far along, the company doesn't have to give you your maternity benefits. It only kicks in after being in the company for 6 months, right? And if you already have your second child, the likelihood of going for the third is less, so maybe they'll think "hmmm...better than a newly wed or mother of one!" haha

But yup, nothing for the SAHM...it's okay, I'm a mother not for any govt benefit...it's a personal choice even if it gets not support or encouragement.
milo , how is chloe ?
zac's abit lost @ GUG , i dun find GUG nice . ( but that was onli the 1st lesson leh ) r u continuing KM ? heard fm micK , shauna is leaving rite ?

re:benefits for SAHM , i think we mite hv to look at hubby's tax rebates ba ? wait n see the detail report tmr lor ?
HB tax rebates? For wife and child is like $2K only, right? The working mom's one is how much? $10K? (I obviously don't know the figures since I didn't pay taxes this year..

Paternity Leave
One min he says men should be more involved in raising their children, then the next min, he gives the extra month of leave to mothers, passing the buck to mothers again... But I know why he did it lah, while they want more children, they also want more women to be in the workforce so they will never do anything that has any chance of giving sahm some leeway. I don't like it, but I can't blame them for being single-minded...if I were them, I'd probably be equally jian4.
thanx for consoling me. Ok, I will choose to tink the aunty call ebody aunties :p

ya, i see K oso e cheong cheong cheong kind.

I hope so too. But u knw, FIL says yday after he fell, cry dan sleep. After he woke up, he like totally forgot his pain and start climbing again. Only thing is, he complains to ebody abt his fall, point his head, point e floor and beat the floor .. haha.

did i also hear on top of e 16wks ML, childcare leave increase to 6 days too. And may hv more subsidy for childcare
I hope I am not imagining things.
D , i also not sure . hope they wun penalize sahm for staying at home to look after kids .
hope every1 is not forgotten .

he mentioned abt the 5 kids mummies' letter to the press n this time round , 5th kid is entitled to the goodie bag, maybe the sahm shd do something abt writing to press if tomolo's report is not addressing sahm's concerns :p
ya, she'll call me auntie also...but call s/w "mei mei" haha. :p Just kidding...but like me, I grow up calling people "uncle"/"auntie" now, some are around my age and I don't know what to call them! My HB goes around calling ppl "boss" haha.

it's in the newspaper liao lah...16 wks ML, 6d childcare leave (for children under 7) and one week unpaid leave (for children under 2). They also going to improve (cost, quality, accessibility) childcare centers and kindergartens.
hehe .. actually me too. Age 35-65, all aunties :p

Did paper says when implement? anything abt childcare subsidy .. haha, tis is wat I most welcome now since planning to put jboy in playgrp next yr
there wasn't any reason to stop giving the same benefits to child #5 and up...but it was overlooked since very few go that way...

as for being sahm, I don't see it as being penalised (since they aren't taking anything away from me) but rather just ignored/overlooked lor. They want ppl like me to work, they won't help us "stay at home". The only point that "gets" to me is just that they really don't believe there's any value in a mother staying at home, they really think improving childcare will make the more dispensable.

Plus, they probably think sahms aren't the ones who need encouragement to have more children since that seems like what we've chosen to do. We'll see...I guess since we're "counter culture" anyway, we'll probably do whatever we like with or without incentives.
chloe is fine...she enjoys km...
ya, shauna is relocating to china in sep...
so her last class will b 21sep...
i m still tinking whether to carry on ....

hows gug?
how come zac is lost at GUG? issit bcoz he keep crawling around?
i think its normal.. my son is the most buay sit diam fellow in class. he is the one whom is always crawling around.. playing with door stopper etc

he only can sit still during art and break time (bcoz got food) and also the last part where we gotta carry them and sing
seem like govt is also encouraging woman to go back work hence they will improve quality of childcare to encourage us to send our kid there.

its as if being a SAHM is our fault!!
it's not our fault lah, it's our choice.
But you know, if we really believe in it, we do it, regardless of what other people/policies say...every choice has its pros and cons...it's perhaps just a small testing of how strong our resolve/belief is. Like he says, there are opportunity costs involved but really for me, who's already a sahm, all these costs now are just perceived costs as well.
shall we "appeal" for beta benefits?????

i read that mummies with 4 n more children hv step out and write to our prime minister request benefits shouldn't stop @4!!!
n now, they get it!

dlim, kikis, Mrs Lai, milo,
thks for ur b.day greeting

Same leh, JK will hold my hands n want me to follow him. if i reject (place my hands high up), he will either climb up to the sofa n reach my hands, trying to push me away from the seat n the last resort = cry for my attention.
when i hold his hand to my desired place, he will protest n sometimes will hold on to something (or sit on the floor) **faint**

hv to hard-hearted leh...if not super boi eng!!!
min , he doesnt look extremely happi at GUG , so i put him as "lost"

u know , whenever he is at KM , his eyes will sparkle n he will really chatter n mumble , sometimes even shout 'happily'
but at GUG , he just sits there , attempts to crawl away fm me , alwys kena caught n return to position by me , coz the class damn cramp , paisay to let him disturb the kids around us . even for his art class , his daddy did the art work , not him . he even scratches his pa at the class . i think the class abit long for his short attention span . Oh no

hope he can improve by the 2nd lesson .
though i think he enjoys the story telling coz hv the zoophonic animals . every animal he sees , he says dog though
perhaps he needs time to adapt to GUG coz no music mah.. give him some time

actually i was the one doing art for him also. i held his hands and then paste the stuff on the paper

no need to feel embarass .. my son also crawl all over the place. juz have to watch out for him.
sometimes i will carry him and stand whilst the teacher were doing story-telling
what kind of benefits you want?

Here's what I was thinking about (while playing with J):
- concession/rebates for utilities (since we SAH, so we use more right?)
- public gyms with childcare/children's area...they assume we have help, but little do they know...anyway, getting the citizens to be fit is also a good thing for them, right? If we're more fit, higher chance of (healthy) pregnancy and more energy to look after our country's "future".
- public libraries should have more activities (like story time) for younger kids and at more decent hours (right now it's like 7-8pm, my kid sleep liao...what about the afternoons?)

what else?

If we step aside from the usual tax rebates and paternity leave issues what else could they do for us to encourage us to have more children? Currently, we don't feel "financially constrained" to have another/more children but we're so tight on other resources like time, energy, some personal space. That's what's holding me back. If I could just have a little help...
(The grandfolks are either too busy helping the working moms or choose to not look after their grandchildren because they deserve their freedom, their job is done.)
* Medical n dental benefits
* child care (ad-hoc svc), with subsidize when we need to take few hours break in a week

what else?
Oh, ya, I thought of the medical thing...but mine just specifically for pregnancy (some subsidies for antenatal, delivery and post natal) would be nice and it's in line with having more children, no?

For me, I'm more specific about what I want from them lah, cos I know they're responsibility isn't to "look after me" but to encourage me to have more babies, right?

Ya, Ad-Hoc would be nice (either bring to center or the ah-mahs can come)...especially if have more children, would love some "alone time" with each one also, right?
D , the hv a little help thingy --> in the form of paternity leave . they said fathers shd hv a role in looking after their kids
so they UP the no. of childcare leave 2 to 6 days ( either parents ) . so the papa can take 6 days + 1 week unpaid leave to help SAHM out ?
btw ,a silly qn here --> got subsidy for playgroup ?
i know there is subsidy for kids @ cc , whatabt playgrp ?
if hv , then sahm can drop their kids to hv some personal time to do some marketing / run personal errands .
thanks. but it'll be good to have the extra month of "ML" to be "PL or ML". 6 days...it's three times more than what they have currently and I'm sure 1 wk unpaid leave is useful when helping us out in our recovery period after childbirth...
Nvm that it's unpaid for an already single-income family...

playgp are 1.5-2hrs long, if you think about it, there's really very little we can do in that time...it's like "lunch hour" for working ppl which we don't even have. But I don't know if there's subsidy...I, personally, prefer a bigger chunk of time and I don't mind if it's just once or twice a week. But that's just a wish list.

I'm telling you, nothing will be given to SAHM because it's against their policy. They don't want SAHM...it's a good thing we don't get penalised for being SAHM (like child gets lowest priority for primary school, etc) or worse fine us for it! They did that last time when ppl went against the "stop at two" policy...all because ppl acted on personal choice.

i asked JK where is his belly button while he is sitting down. his milk tummy "camouflaged" his belly button. He stared @me for awhile n point the button on the cushion's cover.
