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  1. J

    (2009/05) May 2009 MTBs

    hi joyce.. pros and cons i supp? i dunno le. cos this is my #1.. and w/o the BH, i scared i dun even noe when an actual contraction comes along. there were a few times that i tot MAYBE im experiencing contractions but turned out to be upset tummy cos of something that i ate. so disappointing. :P...
  2. J

    (2009/05) May 2009 MTBs

    hi melody, gynae was saying to walk more ( i think some other mtbs here also trying the same thing) to encourage bb to come out earlier. I'm going to start trying that. hope it's not too late. hey joyce, i also put on the same as you, and bb also same weight! EDD is 19 may. at first quite...
  3. J

    (2009/05) May 2009 MTBs

    hi melody, wow your edd is nearer than mine somemore. is this your #1? gynae said my bb is also engaged although she's facing down already. sigh. i am hoping to pop earlier before the baby becomes too big.
  4. J

    (2009/05) May 2009 MTBs

    hi mummies, i've not been posting here for some time but have been reading the threads on and off. can i join in your conversations? so exciting to see so many mummies popping. am starting to feel impatient and wondering when is my turn coming! am at my 38 weeks and absolutely no signs of...
  5. J

    (2009/05) May 2009 MTBs

    hello everyone! i'm also first time mum and have yet to purchase anything for the new bb. except for some steals from the recent gimmill sale. i was about to make plans to go see the strollers at ubi when a friend told me that there's likely a mothercare sale or sorts at expo in end...
  6. J

    (2009/05) May 2009 MTBs

    Hey Porky, Congratulations!!! There are 6 lessons for the TMC classes, but the class is held at AMK, not TMC itself. You can refer to the contents from their URL or call parentcraft at 6251 4090. I can't rmb the exact amount.. shd be around...
  7. J

    (2009/05) May 2009 MTBs

    Hello all May MTBS, hope that every had a great start to your new year! Hi Tiny, i'm also going for TMC classes, same start date but is the 2nd slot, 2.30pm - 3.30pm one.
  8. J

    (2009/05) May 2009 MTBs

    hi SK, i tot it was light, when i compared with the weight with the other MTBs who completed the DS. hehe. Hi May, I didnt noe that kimchi is good! in fact, i tot that it's not so good even that it's preserved. Hmmm. i just bought a container of kimchi yesterday. those who are interested...
  9. J

    (2009/05) May 2009 MTBs

    hello all.. sleeping on the side: So envious of firefly man. I'm one of those who sleeps only on my back all my life. so now suddenly change very not comfortable. i'll start off on my side, den in the middle of the nite i'll find myself on the back.. den muz consciously change to the side...
  10. J

    (2009/05) May 2009 MTBs

    hi firely, porky and all. mine was 20 weeks + 1 day yesterday, 309g. seems kinda light right? but the radiologist say it's still ok. so ya.. healthy most impt. :P anyway, porky, i was still harbouring the hope of having a boy, so up till yesterday i was also refering to the baby as a...
  11. J

    (2009/05) May 2009 MTBs

    hello firefly! great to noe that your DS went well. I did mine this pm and finally confirmed the gender, am also expecting a little girl. time for shopping! woohoo! :P
  12. J

    (2009/05) May 2009 MTBs

    Hi Firefly, my DS is today at TMC as well, but at 415pm.
  13. J

    (2009/05) May 2009 MTBs

    RC_Cola.. OMG! Take care ya. and yes of course a scan was necessary! But thank God everything's fine! Hoops.. I've been monitoring my weight AND waist line, and for once in my life, I'm actually secretly happy with the increasing weight and expanding waist line but at the same time oso abit...
  14. J

    (2009/05) May 2009 MTBs

    Hello Tiny, congratulations on finding out the gender of your bb! I had very dry skin on my neck, abit like eczema i think, developed at the beginning of my 2nd trimester. I applied some oi from the small bottle of oil that was a free gift with the palmers cocoa butter cream, and now it's almost...
  15. J

    (2009/05) May 2009 MTBs

    Merry Christmas all May MTBs!
  16. J

    (2009/05) May 2009 MTBs

    Hi Bean - Oooh.. U also havent found out the gender of your baby is it? All the best for your scan tomorrow! Hi Soh - I see. How much was your package? I'm going to do mine at TMC but they didn't say if there's any packages available with 3D. Congrats on the clear photo. It'll be so magical...
  17. J

    (2009/05) May 2009 MTBs

    thank you soh. btw, for the 3D you had to fork out extra correct? or it's part of the DS package?
  18. J

    (2009/05) May 2009 MTBs

    wow. so many people have done their detailed scan already. mine's scheduled on next tues, and can't wait to find out the bb's gender! but i've already done some shopping at gimmil sale regardless. :P grabbed some boys clothes that looks unisexual enough. i put on 2kg so far only.. but tummy...
  19. J

    (2009/05) May 2009 MTBs

    Good luck Anxious!
  20. J

    (2009/05) May 2009 MTBs

    hello flommy, dodo and anxious: thanks! i'll go check out the extensions and normal bras. always tot that maternity bras look kinda boring. so this would be great. shopping time again! hehee..
