(2009/05) May 2009 MTBs

i does the same as u....ask the baby to kick me.
tomolo is our DS. very anxious to know the gender and whether baby is healthy.
at lst i wanted a prince...but now i wan a princess...cos saw many many pretty clothes...wanna to dress her up.

Re: exercise.
me also dun have. but signed up kkh aquanatal classes. my class start in 7 feb...anyone going?

star, i also saw my Baby moving lots and kicking lots on the screen last friday...then i ask my gynae why i cant feel anything at all..he say wait for another 1-2 weeks..

3wkold, yes ! tomorrow is the day. dunno tonight can sleep or not..haha. so anxious to see baby again and also hope everything will be fine. lets update after tomorrow's DS ya

Re : static feeling on tum tum
when i put on my clothes..and sometimes the clothes will rub against tum tum right..i feel like static leh..do u all feel this before ?
star: do u knw if the classes are open to daddies as well?

porky: maybe staticky cuz it's dry? maybe u nd to moisturize or put some stretchmark cream?
RE: Priority Seats
Nobody gave up to me when I'm pregnant with my 1st child. Imagine a 7-months pregnant woman, carrying laptop, taking MRT. Somemore the train isn't packed, then I got so fed up, I sat on the floor in front of priority seat. Then finally got 2 other people offered seats to me. Still, I'm sitting on the floor of the train. Got a man even quickly grab the priority seat when 1 alighted. Sicko

Why nobody takes photo of me and post in STOMP?

Maybe we all should gather and try taking MRT together and post those "ACT BLUR" people's act in STOMP.
saw that you're interested in drugstore.
A piece of advice, don't buy Medela milk bottles there.

The last time I bought (cos its cheaper) and then the bottles got a strange smell (like marker pens). Then I ask for return & re-ship, bear more cost and 2nd shipment still smell strange. In the end, all bottles sleeping in store. Sigh!
Jen > I dun have gastric problem at all. Just wondered why it striked me. So how to counteract if such situation happened again?

Porky, yes i will.

Kerene > Visited Dr Adrian on Mon and I got on the 3rd night. I will monitor the situation w/o taking spicy foods now. See if it works well.
porky & 3wkold, gd luck on DS tomorrow -- hope u can confirm ur bb's gender

jamie_nov, my place has a pool -- so will swim with hubby over the weekend
maybe, juz maybe, i will try to wake up early for morning swim :p

re: aquanatal class
3wkold, let us know how's the aquanatal class @ kkh.. the next available class is from March 7...

re: baby movement
porky & star, ur turn will come soon
i started to feel more of my baby's movement after my DS 2 weeks ago
hubby still cannot feel it and totally jealous :p
Kerene - thks for the warning but i not buying Medela product.
i thinking to buy avent pump accessories but just now i check, there is a spare accessories for each of the item so no need to buy liao.
still helping my friends to buy toothpaste n rash cream if there are enough order from them.

SK - actually no counteract except to avoid too spicy food

even stress also will trigger this burn.
imagine i experience this burn so often (like twice or triple times a week) till i went for a throat scope (cos scare there is a growth or my stomach linning failing me) but only saw my throat inflame (cos e gastric juice backflow n 'burn' them, both 'wall' red red) n on medication,now better liao.. so take care on yr food intake
<font face="Comic Sans MS,Tahoma"> Kerene,
Salute !! Sit on the floor of train !!. As I've always said "The ugly side of Sporeans" But surprisingly, 2 ladies wanted to gave up their seats to me.! 1st time for current pregnancy.!

Go organise 1 gathering leh. Now already Jan. 4 more mths and we're taking turn to Pop ! </font>.
good morning ladies

xue, u r making me anxious!! 4 more months and ready to pop -- m not even prepared!! yet to buy baby cot, stroller etc.. *faint*

juz started to enjoy the "honeymoon period" of my 1st pregnancy -- keeping my fingers crossed that MS is over
adv sports,

Me too! I haven't bought anything big yet. Like cot, stroller, breast pump all not bought yet! But i think we don't need to stroller so soon right? still can wait till after pop then go buy. That's what my mum suggested, what do you girls think?

Not sure cuz i'm a first time mummy.
went for my ds yesterday.. hehehe.. bb weighed at 580gm at 22 weeks.. hehehe.. very active but very co-operative.. total time for scan is around 30 mins only
<font face="Comic Sans MS,Tahoma"> adv_sports,
Really fast hor. And I'm looking forward to the BIG DAY !! U still hv another 4 mths to get the stuffs ready. hehee</font>.
bean, haha, me also not sure... dunno wat/where to start -- the list that I got from the mtb here is so long!

for us, we will get the cot n stroller first as probably will be too busy/tired after pop. as for breast pump, haven't decide on the type to get -- hubby heard manual is better to squeeze out all the milk but i scare too tiring... also heard abt milk leaking when express from one side...

shers, ur bb is BIG! and beri kuai

xue, u r so eager to see ur bb
btw, saw ur son's pic in FB -- beri cute
Same here, nt yet buy anything ..plan nxt month gt more energy then shopping

but, today will book infant care for my new born baby.. nobody help me when i go back to work
Dear MTBs and mummies,
How is everyone?

Btw, I have a fren who wants to sell her Ameda Dual Pump, bought recently, used twice.
Letting go at S$330. Warranty until Dec 2009.
Anybody interested can pm me then I will link you up with her.
hello everyone!

i'm also first time mum and have yet to purchase anything for the new bb. except for some steals from the recent gimmill sale. i was about to make plans to go see the strollers at ubi when a friend told me that there's likely a mothercare sale or sorts at expo in end feb/early mar, so shd have some good bargains there.. perhaps u ladies wanna wait a while more if u are not in a hurry to buy.

are you going for any pre natal massage ? i am thinking of rustic but am not sure if it's ok for me to go for massage with the pain? i love massage, have been avoiding it cos cos i dun know if i should do it at this point . Anyone have prob calling thru the lines of rustic at cuppage? no one seem to be answering

Adv_sports, thank you. i am really looking forward to feeling the movements.. sound so magical just hearing you all talk about it
<font face="Comic Sans MS,Tahoma"> adv_sports,
thanks.! I think for newborn doesnt really need lotsa stuffs. Maybe a cot, sterilizer, clothes, diapers, bottles will do...

snowy selling her pump huh? tt time i heard form her oso....

Baby fair :
Dunno if it's gonna be like last yr... Last yr's fair is so small leh...</font>.
grace, which infant care r u making ur booking? we r having headache over childcare issue -- infant care or daily to/fro my mum's pl @ tampines &amp; jurong west??!!

shers, paiseh for my ignorance, thot i heard many mtb mentioned their babies weight ard 400g @ DS... oops, theirs is at 20wk and urs at 22wk...

thanks jolene &amp; tiny_m.. will look out for this baby fair
I book at serangoon de ..coz ntuc all fully booked till tis yr end but you had to mentally prepare baby easy fall on sick and anytime need to bring home until recover
the mother &amp; baby exhibition has what items?? i'm looking for toddler car seat because once my no 2 is born, no 1 has to be 'promoted' to toddler car seat.. i shortlist 1 already but very exp.. $698.. am thinking whether expo has sales then more worth it..

i'm not worry abt giant bb because i'm small size myself.. and my no 1 isnt that big size also.. hehehe.. plus i'm going for c-sect.. so no worries if i have giant bb also.. hahhaa

but i didnt put on much weight.. just 3kg..

i have similar problem when come to infant care..

my mum stays at bukit batok and myself at hougang.. so we cant travel to and fro daily.. traffic jams can kill and the waking time.. so we decided to leave my no 1 there on sunday night and fetch her back on fri nite.. but whenever possible, we go and visit her but wed is a must to visit.. dont worry abt bb not familiar to u or will not recognise u.. my girl is super sticky to me and when i go over, she will stick to me and want me to play with her.. just that when time to go home, got to hearten lor.. she did cry but it unavoidable.. at least we know she got the most care at mum's place..

luckily for no 2, my in law decided not to work after i give birth.. so will take care of no 2 for me.. since no 1 just started schooling at my mum's place, i will let her finish her school for 2009 and then switch her to the school near by my place.. in law stays at the same area as me..

so in law will take care of no 2 1st.. then when no 1 switches school, in law will take care of both..

this is something that all families and couples have to discuss and not easy to settle..

infant care is never my choice because bb is still so young and need personal attention... for infant care, i understand that its 1 caretaker to 3 infant.. imagine all 3 infant cries.. heart pain..
xue: i suck at organising gathering lo. dat time someone did up a doodle chart thing on who's available on which day. That one gd! who did it huh?!! is it tiny m??

bean: i think cot more impt cuz ur baby nd place to slp!! n stroller, i think shld get also cuz u wont wanna go shopping ard with the baby in a sling/ ur arms all day looking for a stroller. it'll b so tiring esp since u will nd to try handling the stroller whilst holding on to baby..

star: I wanted to try rustic also cuz they hv 1 in jurong. But i ended up gng to the wellness one. at pan pac or marina sq or pagoda st. signed up 10 sess w them @ $680. quite ok la.. it's quite gentle de.. bt damn shiok lo. esp the calves and the shoulders.. they require u to be abt 4 or 5 mths preggy so it shld b quite safe. =) the girl i spoke to was vivian. u can try call them.

adv sports: y so fast making infant care decisions?? for hw old de?
<font face="Comic Sans MS,Tahoma"> On half day today.. Going for checkup in the afternoon... Finally... 1 mth seems soooo looonnnngg.......</font>.
<font face="Comic Sans MS,Tahoma"> Jamie,
Hahhaa.. it may seems long, but think again, another 4 more mths to May leh.. hahaa...


I think for those working full time, they must think abt infant care now.. cuz after maternity leave then have to go back and work!
Must plan and discuss abt it early!

For cots and stollers, according to experienced mum, baby can sleep on a thick matteress first on the floor. She says the cot is a super waste of money as can sleep till like at most 2 years, some babies just refused to sleep in a cot!
For strollers, she says can buy after the baby is a few months old, cuz initially we won't want to bring the baby out too!

Then again, me and hubby still undecided to get now or later. Sometimes mum's advise may be the best advise cuz we are inexperience and new! :D So I'm still thinking! hahahaha
agree with bean that strollers are not a neccessity now. I bought my stroller when my girl is almost 8 mths old.before that i was using baby carrier

as for cot, my girl is still sleeping in cot when she is at my ILs'place, so if u want to buy a cot, buy a big one which can be converted to toddler bed.

just my 2 cents'worth
<font face="Comic Sans MS,Tahoma"> Bean,
Think so too. Hb bought the playpen and i think it's waste of money lor. take up space as well.. As for strollers, mil bought it when bb is 4-5mths old... </font>.
jamie, if u r close to the fren, can ask her what she wants..or i think ang bao best liao
if not get a kiddy palace voucher also good coz they are too young to recieve presents and open them anyway
Infact care so early?
i may need to find one too. nobody take care too.
can share the info on the cost?
NTUC in sengkang fully booked? i stayed in sengkang too.

Re: Baby items.
guess i m the laziest mum....i only bought 4 rompers. the rest all no yet.
btw, for those 2nd time or 3rd time mums who has signed up cordblood banking for #1..do u sign up for cordblood banking for your subsequent births?

I did this for #1 but i am wondering if i need to do it for #2 as well or is #1's good enuff?

Ya, no choice hv to book early if not last minutes cant find ppl take care baby worse =.='

SK NTUC fully booked till tis yr end and have to wait till Mar open another 2 infant care in SK may be(nt confirm de)i dont want wait le

Price around $500-800/month after government subsidise, you better go view the place 1st b4 make booking ..
