(2009/05) May 2009 MTBs

it's really worthy!

i wana order.. maybe 3 or 4 dreambag..
sorry the material stated as follows:
All Dream Bags have a 65% polyester, 35% cotton outer, 100% polyester padding, 100% cotton lining. 2.5 tog baby sleeping bags have zipper tabs. 1.0 and 0.5 tog versions don't have zipper tabs.
rc_cola - stiff n thick? i got e 0.5tog, my gal can roll n now walks in it too... if a mermaid, with a tail at e back. hehehe

jamie - sorry, i can't comment on e 1.0tog cos mine is 0.5tog for both.


if you want to feel and touch the material can come to my place hahaha!
Tog 1 already super thick.. cant imagine tog 2.5 :p
i notice for my gal.. she is using 1.0 tog.. i let her slp in long sleeves and short pants and no socks.. she still sweats.. hmm.. though our air con temp is at 25C..

so now, i let her wear thinner long sleeves, shorts, no socks.. she is warm la.. but not cooling type lor.. so i think depends on yr room temp..

think if let little bb, better use 1.0 tog.. if older then switch to 0.5tog..

i also want to order!!! 0.5 tog..
jamie - hmmmm.. very hard to explain but is thicker than a cotton t-shirt but thinner than a polo t-shirt (but this material is dffer)...
Mine is tog 1.. perhaps tts y thicker.. my girl can walk and roll in her tog 1 mothercare brand, veyr very comfortable.. tho i am quite scared to see her walking with the bag on.. scared she stumble and fall..
Our room temp is the same haha.. she is sweaty all over if in her dreambag.. hm... now i am thinking of switching her to use blanket.. since she is 16 mths already, shouldnt have any suffocation problem liao bah.. last time coz i am scared she will suffocate if i use blanket on her..
rc_cola - but do yr gal 'roll' in her sleep cos mine does, so if uses blanket i ve to worry if she got cover or not.. then whole night i no need to sleep liao.. *sob*
for 0.5tog left only for (18 - 36mths)
1. jungle friend
2. little flowers
3. under e sea

more selection if getting 0 - 6mths (but this age, dun really needed)
e next size 6 - 18mths OOS for all designs
jen, i dont feel good if i let my gal wears short sleeves because dreambag is sleeveless.. so no choice la.. sometimes i see the weather la.. if raining, then let her wear dreambag.. if damn hot nite, i let her wear slpsuit romper..

i let my gal wears dreambag because she kicks off her blanket and basically whole nite, i have been putting blanket for her.. and she rolls.. so some mummies recommend to use dreambag.. sort of can control her rolling and also no more kicking blanket..

now my gal is 18months, she doesnt roll as much but she does rotation now.. 180 degrees
Haha yes, she does, left and right, sleep on tummy, sleep on back, sleep upside down somemore hahahah.. at their age now, they know how to sweep away the blanket already, no need to be so worry... coz my girl likes to bury her face under pillow and bolsters... :p she will leave some room near her nose for breathing kekeke...

the 0.5tg is not thick, isnt it? I am thinking of selling away mine ler.. anybody wants? wear 3 to 4 time.. under the sea, size 6-18 mths tog 1..
Can let go at S$25 :p
shers - initially tot e dreambag can 'control' her sleep style but not my case, with e bag, she can roll from 1 end of cot to e other, rotation 360 degree as well.. when she wakes up, she can get down from e cot (cos is joined with our mattress) n walks ard e room still in her bag n my mattress on a platform also no problem on her movement too *faint*
think e bag tame her sleep style by a lot liao.. imagine she can sleep n move (while asleep) n perch on her daddy's back... like those seal sleeping on a stone or 1 leg high up on her daddy's back or into e face.. poor daddy ended up din sleep well... think current condition quite good liao. hahaha
i jus read dat the tog rating for the one the kiddo one is 2.8tog!!!! isnt dat damn warm??? but the cotton knit swaddles are 1.8tog.. are the ratings universal?
Detail scan
Just an update. I went for my detail scan and baby boy is doing fine. He weighs around 499g. I'm already having backache. Can't imagine him growing 5 to 6 times more. I saw the advise on yoga and will try that out to see if that helps.

Have a good christmas holiday everyone.

Your bb is 499g at 20 weeks???!!
Heavy leh. Is yr tummy showing very obivious now? Mine is only 338g at 20 weeks.
My hubby went to the gillman sale and ended buying 90 % girls' dresses even though the gender hasn't been told to us!! Cos the girls' clothes are so cute and cheap and he bought quite a few blankets in diff color too, love the material . My neighbour's son refused to give it back to me and kept playing with it, he said it's very comfy;p

Hi Shers,
Sorry, i cant join you gals this fri, am asked to be on bed rest till end this week, enjoy ! Wishing all mummies here a very merry xmas and a great year . May all of us have a smooth pregnancy and a healthy baby
How about Baby Gap? Do they allow us to ship to Singapore?

So ideally for infants, what size and what thickness to buy for the dream bags if sleeping in an aircon room of abt 24 deg?
Hi JRTLover,
I didn't know that 499g is heavy. Oops. My EDD is 02/05. Did you do your detail scanning recently cos I see that your EDD is 07/05. I have gained 5kg so far and weight gain concentration is on tummy and butt.
What about the other ladies? How heavy is baby at the detail scanning on the 20th week? I want a May baby but hope baby won't be too big when full term.
Morning everyone..
Wow todae so quiet here. For my bebe is 323g when i did my DS on exactly 20wks (EDD 5 MAY) and I already scared a bit overweight. I find that getting more difficult to walk... Sumtimes i pant when i talk on the phone and walk. Put on 6.5kg so far. A bit too much at 21 wks?
morning ladies!

yeah, pretty quiet today..

jacquise, perhaps u must talk and not walk or walk but dun talk..then not so 'chuan'

6.5kg seems alot to me. If ur gynae din say anything abt overweight then shld be ok bah....so far i put on 3 kg nia
flommy, me just recover from my bad flu and cough..finally can enjoy the christmas feast. u must take care ya ! i also worried abt bb when i fall sick, keep talking to bb..
Hi Mummies joining for the 2nd gathering.
I have shortlisted some food from 933 Bread and PizzaHut as follows:

933 Bread
- Curry Chicken Bun
- Fried Rice
- Sour Plums with Chrysanthemum tea x 8

- Viva Family Meal (consists of Hawaiian regular and Pepperoni regular and 4 pcs wings)

ok with u ladies?? no beef..
wow. so many people have done their detailed scan already. mine's scheduled on next tues, and can't wait to find out the bb's gender! but i've already done some shopping at gimmil sale regardless. :p grabbed some boys clothes that looks unisexual enough.

i put on 2kg so far only.. but tummy is growing v fast these days.. started to feel bb's kicks too! so exciting!
915-me still coughing w alot of phlegm, i hope i get better this friday, otherwise, all of u will shun me :-(

I hate coughs ley and I seldom get cough de...but my mil, hubby and daughter all had it, im the last one to kana fm them..
okie, mummies... i will send in the orders by today and will ask them to delivery to function room at 11am.. just be present ok? else, i will die of eating.. hahaha..

for those mummies who decided to join in, please join in. I have ordered for more than enough food..

i will not login till next week so if u have special request, please sms me..


Detail scan
Joyce: You did your detail scan about 2 weeks earlier than mine. So maybe that's why baby weighs less?
My gynae told me baby is normal. So I assume that the size is normal. I don't remember the details but heartbeat of baby was like 154 and nose bone around 8.7mm. Even got 3D photos of baby but hb does not want me to put it up to share.
Jolene: All the best to your DS and let us know the weight ok?
