(2009/05) May 2009 MTBs

experience mummy, can help me ?

i am using the pigeon rapid sterilizer..i need to ask some question...anyone using the same ? can pm me ?

i had tat question playing in my mind, whether visitors allowed at TMC ...thanks for answering..hehe. I guess one good thing is, I can have more rest...less visitors mah...
having only 1 visitor at a time also has advantages... my sister had to endure a group of 20++ visitors visiting her neighbour.. madness...so at least i know, tat won't happen to me!! =P
Hi mummies! Another mummy had popped! Her nick is Tan Liping (regine), delivered on 30 April via c-sec. She's now back at home and resting. Will update more when I get more info from her.

Seems like we have quite a few mummies who'd popped on 30 April!
wah Joyce, u really hoping for Home Birth ah? then u can compile a book on the Birth alternatives liao
hi mummies, i've not been posting here for some time but have been reading the threads on and off. can i join in your conversations?

so exciting to see so many mummies popping. am starting to feel impatient and wondering when is my turn coming! am at my 38 weeks and absolutely no signs of labour. am not even feeling braxton hicks. anyone experiencing the same as me? sigh!
Hi Recent Mommies,

Congrats Congrats first...

Anyone free to share on approx bill for glen-e/mt- e or tmc?

Ward type (single or double) / delivery method / how many days/nights etc...


just heard some comments on glene bills can get quite high...
my edd is 8 May, currently at the 39++ wks ...feel braxton hicks on and off... but no other significant signs as well... baby not engaged yet...
hi melody, wow your edd is nearer than mine somemore. is this your #1? gynae said my bb is also engaged although she's facing down already. sigh. i am hoping to pop earlier before the baby becomes too big.
hi hi jolene,
yes... my #1...
my baby estimated to be around 3kg now... put on 14 - 15 kg already...SOB SOB... hopefully will popped on or be4 8 May as well... since 9 May will be Vesak Day...
Hi there,

I'm posting on behalf of my friend who is a beautician.
She does services such as pre and post natal massage, confinement massage, slimming etc.
You can call her direct at 91270522, Michelle for any queries.
hi melody, gynae was saying to walk more ( i think some other mtbs here also trying the same thing) to encourage bb to come out earlier. I'm going to start trying that. hope it's not too late.

hey joyce, i also put on the same as you, and bb also same weight! EDD is 19 may. at first quite sian every time go gynae visit see the scale climbing up but then now already numb to it le. jus hope to deliver the bb quick and hope to be able to breastfeed to lose the fats! ;p
I rather not have any BH.. now I can't tell which is real which is fake contractions le.. so sian..all 3 pregnancy different!
hi joyce,

hee hee..everytime weigh myself.. glad that baby put on.. yet the amt we put on is not exponential to the baby weight at all.. hopefully... can slim down back after our ML lah...


i felt so clumsy when i walk... slow moo and got to support either front (too heavy) or back (pain)...


btw - me now contemplating to change from single bedder to double bedder... since hospital now restrict vistors, should be quite quiet...& save money oso... hee hee... see how...
hi joyce.. pros and cons i supp? i dunno le. cos this is my #1.. and w/o the BH, i scared i dun even noe when an actual contraction comes along. there were a few times that i tot MAYBE im experiencing contractions but turned out to be upset tummy cos of something that i ate. so disappointing. :p
dun worry lah, given that this is ur #3, im sure u'll noe the diff when the real thing comes on!

hi melody... no choice le. u are not alone. at most 1-2 more weeks and the bulge in front of us will be gone and we'll regain our "stability"!
which hosp are are u delivering at? im opting for dbl bedder at tmc.
Hi all mummies!
just want to say congrats to those have pop alr!
all the babies so cute!!
cnt wait for my turn to come.
sick and tired of the waiting game lei.
today 38 weeks alr but still no sign yet.
only BH contractions on and off.
hi hi joyce,

constant 5-10 mins interval then consider real contractions right?

other signs would be blood/mucus discharge or water bag leak/burst liao...

I even started wearing full size menstrual pads... just in case leak... can sustain... wont mess my clothes too badly...

Yes.. 10mins interval.. by 5mins u will nid to go hospital liao..

if other signs come, I still will wait for contractions to happen.

I will be delivering in glen-e...

initially booked single bedded because worried about neighbour having too many visitors...may be uncomfortable since we need to breast feed... will constantly worry curious visitors or kids just barge in...

now... got second thoughts... also want to save a bit oso... single bedder around 1k more...
melody- got so much difference mah? i delivered first one at glene.. 1 bedder... (though i forgot the difference in pricing le)

i'll definitely go for one bedder coz.. can keep bb by our side... feels closer.. and also make hubby.. sleep with us..

shers- ur wait is finally over.. haha.. so envious....
hi hi adrienne,

yap...1k more for avg 3 day stay @Glen E between single and double bedder. u remember ur bill@glene then?

my mil in town... so hubby caught in between also... his mom may be alone at home if he stays over. and since hospital restrict visitors...I headache also... wonder why I have to be so bothered...
Hi experienced mummies..

Just woke up from nap.. got engorgement yest n fever! can i ask some qns on EBM? pls help!

1) If we express out the milk, can we mix both sides' milk together in 1 bottle or must be separate?

2) I'm only using a 70ml glass bottle for storage.. so if baby needs more than that amt, can i just pour 1 bottle plus 20ml from another bottle to feed him?

make sure ur ebm is of same temp when u mix.. i.e. same time pump, sure can mix.. if u want to mix different timing, then u must make sure they are same temp...

watch out if u hv fever.. may due to engorgement.. when see doc, must tell him u r bfg.
Joyce, when u said same temp, meaning from the refrigerator? can i pump both sides n mix them ar? coz i realise one side olways more than the other.
Joyce, thanks so much! the link is useful! realised when my boy sleep too long.. skip his 2-3 hrs feed.. i will get engorgement.. so no choice.. got to express out.. now have a better idea for EBM..
if u hv fever, I scare may develope mastitis (breast infection).. so must clear ur engorgement as soon as possible..

Check if u have lumps in ur breast or underarms.. these may be block ducts.. use warm towel & massage vigoriously to clear.. else seek help for lactation consultant!

heard from my colleague... she gave birth in mar 09
1) yes. but do not top up new expressed milk into the cold ones(fridge)
2) never mixed cold and hot milk...

must get confirmation from other mothers... I got no experience... just know this from frens...
hi mummies..
my edd at 21 may, very kc now.. waiting for d signal of delivery.. tis is my 1st bb, my tummy now very big n heavy.. any signal tat can tell i m gg to delivery? as i can't tahan anymore..
Thanks joyce n melody...

btw, if need to warm the EBM, can we just put the bottle into a cup of hot water to warm? any specific timing? I tot of using the pigeon warmer.. but it need to warm for 11 min at 40deg.. so long?

you 've become the new mummies' consultant! Great t0 have a very experienced mum on the May mummies thread

Today is the start of my maternity leave! Yeah! it's been very tiring for me at work cos i have to move around very often for my job scope hence requested to start my ML this week though my EDD is 15 May .

Shermay face is so chubb chubb.. and she looks so huggable. Congrats!
hi all! thanks for ur wishes.! and congrats to those delivered.. vry tired. bt wen i see how korkor sayang didi, my heart melted! jia you to those who are waiting.!
good evening ladies

shers, shermay very chubby... think she looked like shermin when she was a baby?

xue, congrats.. do share ur birth story!

bean, thanks for sharing... at least i know i m not alone with BF issues! yup, i had to tickle my baby to keep her awake to complete 15min feed -- usually she dozed off after 5min of sucking!

joyce, dunno whether mine is engorgement -- my breasts feel full and soften after feeding baby. now i try to handpump after each feed to remove excess milk (not much though)... my avent hand pump is not working well for me -- very painful when pumping

915, star and all MTB, jia you! you will join the moo moo club soon!
Yes, you may.. to faster the process, maybe u just swim the bottle in the hot water...(keep rotating the bottle)

You are welcome and hope they are useful .. if unsure, can always refer to webby for more accurate ans..

I think u are not having engorgement.. engorgement is when breast is super full & hard! Maybe u can try hand express or if you want, can borrow a elect pump..
Shers, Xue I will update the chart and post end of week... Congrats to you both. Xue - finally hor
Share your birth story k and of cos baby pix
yes, ling.. actually our bm is not very warm when bb drinks..

think as long as it's no longer cold, shd be fine bah..

anyway, last time, when we feed ebm.. always when I not arnd.. think mil will standby the milk way b4 bb hungry!
