(2009/05) May 2009 MTBs

wat a happening thread! so many posts everyday!

can i ask the experienced mummies a question? now that we're not even half-way through the pregnancy, should we be getting bigger sized bras/maternity bras? i can't fit into most of my existing bras already but not sure wat type i should get..

<font face="Comic Sans MS,Tahoma"> Dodo,
U're welcome. =)
yea. my mil is lidat lor. Me too dislike gng to her place. It's so boring and we're doing nth there. </font>.
Anxious, porky - at least we know for sure 4 of us plus Shers can pig out together at kovan liao..haha.. I can bring my gal to terrorise all of u! hohoho

Dodo - me not SAHM, my lifespan will be shorten if i stay at home facing my mil everyday! To me Home is Work, Work is Home haha...taking care of my gal is very siong..can "减肥" one.

Confirm MOST daughters closer to family lor..

Joleu - pls get bigger bras or those bra extensions. Maternity bras are up to you whether to purchase or not, I didn't lor.
agree wi u, daughters tend to be closer to parents even when they grow up.. me and my 2 sisters still very "sticky" to my parents now...
im v v close to my mum, she's always the 1st person i turn to when im troubled by somethg...

ya loh.. good that my SIL has a bb girl, so occupy lotsa lotsa of her time coz she's taking care of her.. and can "leave us alone"... i very bad hor :p

anxious preggy,
i can assure u will def not bored to death, u will be SUPER busy!
def busier than working!
i have endless chores to do everyday.. cook bb meals, feed him, play wi him, teach him, bath him, bring him out to play wi other kids, bring him out for enrichment classes.. and the list getting longer n longer as they grow up.. now i need to dscipline him as well which i think it's the toughest task of all!
haa! u so funny lah! u staying wi mil? so she taking care of ur girl? agree that taking care of kids can "jian fei"... so im not puttng on much weight for my this preg yet leh..

yup, for me i got bra extension at the beginning and bigger bras later on, i got those "wireless" ones... i didnt get any maternity bra as well..
I agree with you! It is definitely busier than in office.. see in the office i can still steal some time and post something.. at home, we have to adjust the timign to her time.. can only do housework when she is napping and must do it fast! After everything is done, if have time, then online or read mag..

Anxious preg,
When your baby comes, you will be yearning to stay at home!!! Not everyone has the luxury to be sahm.. *yearning to be one*
Terrorise ? *scare*

Flommy you say till like very jia lat like tat your gal *hahah* .. can jian fei *hahah*

I am using bra extention .. but seems my cup also up liao but than .. i already max on bra cup *hide* ...

Dodo .. tats the problem my 2 SILs too sticky to my MIL till i bth *laffs*

Dodo .. dont scare me also hor ... i wont wan to do all these .. i rather get a maid and than i eye power and mouth power *laffs* ... I will leave the teaching to my mum .. she very good @ tat. *hahah*
<font face="Comic Sans MS,Tahoma"> Re : daughter
U all are making me feeling more sad leh. Thou I agree that daughter tends to be more closer to her own family. And i do hope my sons can be lidat. wont leave the old ones ( me &amp; hub ) at hm.. sad again..... =( </font>.
hello flommy, dodo and anxious: thanks! i'll go check out the extensions and normal bras. always tot that maternity bras look kinda boring. so this would be great. shopping time again! hehee..
rc cola,
totally agree wi u! the key word is FAST!
i gonna do all the housework fast &amp; soft so will not disturb his nap... the longer he nap, the happier mummy i am.. hee :p

anxious preggy,
haa.. then i think u will bth me also :p
not need to feel scared dear, it's v tiring but v rewarding and sweet also... i had a maid but i never let her touch my son at all, i never let her cook his meals, feed him and bath him also.. i know i might sounds v paranoid, coz i just dun trust her to do all these.. after a few months of trial, at the end we decide to send her back since she did housework only..
dun like that leh.. i also yearn to have a girl.. but i dun wish my boys too sticky to me too leh, worry they will become mummy's boys.. hubby consoled me by saying good that boys are less sticky to us, so when we old we can have er ren shi jie again..
dodo .. oh yah i realised .. my good friend .. she left her boy to the maid since after her ML .. than end up now the baby is close to the maid and best .. now almost 2yrs liao cannot really talk yet .. coz maid no teach .. at home no one talk to him and teach him normally .. than coz maid is hand and mouth with the baby .. so baby no need say .. just make noise can get food / toy etc liao .. so a bit sad .. but i ok with my maid cooking and washing .. maybe take care still let my mum take care but limited things my mum can do lah .. teaching and all these let mum do .. maid just help in cooking and cleaning ... no choice lah .. cannot be a SAHM leh coz need work for $$ to take care and pamper kid *hahaha* ...

Also, i only one in SG to take care of my mum and dad .. my sister in Canada not helping .. so my mum is already a home maker .. and my dad will be retiring soon ... so how can i not work rite? ... hubs have take care of his mum and grandma coz SILs only give MIL money for the babies nia .. .. so my hubs already very jia lat .. and i not helping him on his side and he is also not helping me on my side .. *sigh* ...
afternoon ladies! this thread is moving really fast...see until eyes blur liao.

Jolene, bra extensions are good now but then how r u going to breastfeed w/o maternity bra next time?
anxious preggy,
yup yup, good to have ur mum to look after bb for u! the maid can help out wi all the other chores so less burden on ur mum

actually for me, i never thought i will be a SAHM till my bb was borned... i couldnt bear to part wi him when the 3mths ML was up, so i just took no pay leave then ultimately resigned.. sometimes i missed my job also, esp the freedom and chit chat time wi colleagues... coz my hubby's work needs to relocate to different countries so i dun wish to have disrupted childcare arrangement for my son, so we decided the best is for me to take care of him...
dodo - yes, im staying wif mil &amp; she is taking care of my gal during the day..she adores my gal..

Anxious - my gal wans me to pay attention to her when shes "talking" one, she will mk sure ih hv eye contact with her one. U muz communicate wif my ur bb de otherwise, they will not pick up talking soon. My gal started blabbering at 4 mths under my mil's intensive training, quite a good vocab for a 17mths old now.
dodo .. oh your hubs always not with you also har ? but you staying only with hubs or with your parents? sure you wont be always alone at home with your son only rite? like tat sure will get into depression one leh if its me *hehe* ..

Heng also you now preggy #2 if not a few years later your son go school liao you alone at home sure sian ... but now if still got #2 to occupy your time also good .. ^_^ ...

Sometimes when i frus with work .. i will also hope to be at home no need work .. but when tat time i took a week leave and do nothing at home .. i realised i cannot stay at home one .. if not i will spend alot of money on online shopping / shopping / eating *laffs* .. cannot cannot ...
good.. i always think good parental helps are very crucial when we have bbies

i agree.. must always talk to babies.. i read story books and sometimes talk "nonsense" to my boys everyday... sing song and dance together... though my boy's verbal skill not that developed yet, but both of us enjoying the time we "chat" together.. hee
flommy, rem we said that our hub might know each other ? i haven show ur hub photo to my hub yet..hehe he looks a bit like lau ah beng same like my hub..haha. will show him tonight see whether they know each other or not..

re : work vs sahm
i also prefer working..time pass faster. also can chat msn with frens. haha. else everyday at home facing mil will go into depression faster. today i sick leh...hub ask me stay at home..but i dont wan cos mil is at home...later sure nag at me say i never take care my body since i knw preggy liao still fall sick...in office, i have more peace

re : bra size
my boobs seems like expand a bit..but still can wear my normal bra loh. i bgt the maternity bra le but still not start to wear yet..looks so auntie..haha

re : boy vs gal
i prefer gal. cos gal can go shopping with me when she grow up. somemore hub always so busy..no time for me..so gal better lah. i wont feel bored. but mil and hub prefer boys..haiz...

re : xmas celebration at shers place
got confirm or not ? we each can prepare a gift for exchange. hehe. what abt food ? aiyo..sher never reply yet..we already so excited le..
haha.. ya ya! Soft and try to be fast esp when doing mopping at my room where she is napping haha.. Normally i get to the taste of being sahm when my ILs are not around in Sg.. nobody can help us, so me and hubby takes turn in takin gleave to take care of my girl.. normally i took more leave!
Haha.. ya the longer she naps the happier i am hahahaha..

since my ILs are still willing to help us, then i will just work first.. ILs have mentioned that they are gonna help for another 3 yrs, they wanna rest liao..
I'm fine with it tho, once no help from them, then I will just be a sahm.. tho everynow and then, being a sahm-mindset has been sticking with me.. haha..

Re: daughter,
Actually I prefer to at least have one daughter, coz i realise as a daughter myself, I am very very very very very close to my mum, we can talk about anything, and ever since young, my mum knows all my frens.. lately she has attended one of my frens wedding on my behalf coz i am not in indo.. and guess what all my frens also know her.. I am very grateful that I have at least one daughter myself..

Boys can be closed to their mother as well.. dun worry ladies, my hubby and her bro still respect their parents a lot..
Flommy .. yah my two niece in law also not bad .. they know how to come "bang" our room door on weekends morning (if her mum didnt bring her home on friday) .. than will call me and my hubs up for breakie .. at nite if i come home and stay in room b4 dinner .. she will also come bang door ask me go eat dinner .. ok lah sometimes very cute .. but most of time she is too pampered and spoilt till i dont like her .. *hahaha* ..

Also i think if wan to give birth but no time to take care ..and have to leave with mum than after work i think still need to bring home at nite and take care ourselves and morning bring down again b4 go work .. coz i think bonding time required ..

Coz i see tat my 2nd niece in law (only go home on friday nite and come back on sunday nite tat kind) is closer to my MIL and my hubs instead of the mum / dad .. but my elder niece in law (who go home everynite) is very close to her father ...

So next time after i go back work i think i will bring back my baby everynite and bring back to my mum side in the morning coz on way from my MIL home to my hubs office ...

But i think my MIL will say very leh chey might as well just put for her to take care .. but i dont like her teaching .. no good .. coz very hokkien and chinese .. where my mum and dad will be between chinese and english more .. and my mum .. i know will not spoil the kid .. not like my MIL .. scare the baby cry .. give her wat she wans *sigh* .. no good like tat next time hard to teach liao ..
anxious preggy,
my hubby wi me.. just that we have to move ard diff countries.. we just back from KL recently but will be going to beijing after CNY.. im not staying wi my parents, but they will pop by and visit us and help out in takng care bb more often now when i preggie wi #2

but i wish to work part-time when my kids grow up next time.. maybe when they are in primary schs..

haa! me too, always online shopping and always "surprised" hubby wi the parcels :p
rc cola,
it's good that ur IL can help out taking care of ur bbies.. u can rest assure bbies in good hand while u work

i think it's v v tiring on them also, sometimes when i need to run some errands, my mum will look after my boy for half a day, i can see that she really v tired to chase after my boy esp he so hyper.. initial arrangement was that my mum would take care my boy and i back to work when ML up, but i know that her knees always give her prob so i decide to be a SAHM.. though she keep assuring me she's okay and wana take care of bb, but i dun wan her to tired out... another 3 yrs time for u is good also! by then both kids are more vocal and can play more rough wi u!

rc, u wana make me envy ah..... :p
dodo .. woah .. you traveling around alot hor .. good for you *hehe* . .than like tat diff liao coz you go diff place all the time .. so even if you dont work also good *hahaha* .. if tat is wat happen to me .. i will go explore the new place with my kid and leave the hubs to go work and earn money *hahaha* *shhh* dont let my hubs know ...
haa! but to diff places can also be a headache for me.. coz im worry abt bb adpating to new environment, the weather there and many other factors.. coz my boy has sensitive breathway, so i have to be extra careful on this.. good in the sense that both bb and me get to know more frens..
dodo yah .. also good that your baby can learn to adapt to new environment at young age .. like tat he will be a very good person and very easy going person when he grow up ^_^ ...
Porky - ya tatz y i say the 2 bengs may know each other hahahaha..Shers can one la, she's the one who suggest the gathering one ma..I email her and ask her.
dodo .. video conference *laffs* last time when i in Aussie alone study .. i also everyday do webcam with my mum and hubs .. *hehe* .. and now tat my sis is in canada .. we also do webcam chat every 2 weeks when she is free and time permits *laffs*
opps.. sorrie... me was discussing abt work..

whats the topic??

pig out at my place? i can book function room if more pple.. i dont have maid.. so dont torture me with housework.. hahaha
me also using bra extension.. coz my neh neh very small only.. still got rooms to expand..

anxious!!! yrs so 'cupful' ar?? hehehe
when u all want for the gathering or pig out??

xmas period or new yr?? i have to see whether the function room still available ornot

yah pig out @ your place ... erm .. function room ah ? .. than have to do Pot Luck liao coz very far from BBQ pit and now also hard to book liao .. but xmas liao still have booking for the function room bo?

*laffs* .. yah .. i very *cupful* .. oei not good hor .. hard to find bra esp now .. *sobs* ... tats why i buy online mostly ...
anxious, pot luck ah ?? i dunno how to cook leh...

shers, xmas or new yr is fine lah. make it the 2nd gathering..haha. since 1st gathering we no join mah..so who else wan to go ? make a list first loh..
Shers/Anxious-see how many ppl first lor..anyone off on boxing day? Me off ley.

If no room n many ppl den eat out again lor, If small group we order food to Shers's house lor, then juz eat and throw, can anot Shers?
I TOOK LEAVE ON BOXING DAY!! *YAY* !!! ... can .. no problem for me .. i can help out coz my mum place there .. erm .. cannot cook har ? than buy and tar bao over lor *hahaha* ..

See the list first bah .. *arrow* Shers .. start the ball rolling *hehe* ..
eh..when is boxing day ah ? can lah, ta bao food over shers place is better. we each ta bao one kind of food loh. or eat out ? at where ? if too huge group..must think of long table feast again..anxious no go 1st gathering right ??
Porky ... boxing day is 26th Dec .. .friday .. i took extra day off coz long weekend *hehe* ...

Tok Panjang again? (sorry i been watching Little Nyonya) mai lah *hahah* hard to talk *hehe* ... its good if its more of a private space like tat can really mix around lor ..
i also dont know how to cook le.. whahahaa...

anxious, me not sure still can book function room ornot.. me no work on eve xmas.. but i have a xmas party at nite and got to prepare for bbq on xmas as well.. so by 5pm, i have to go out already..

or u all want bbq?? whahhaa... *faint* i dont know how to bbq! whahhaa
Porky - a little bird told me they went shopping haha..Miko told me lah..

Anxious - ya private space can talk loud loud, eat loud loud haha, talk RA..giggles...

26th, i got a gathering with friends at 4pm.. hmm... this season is pig out season.. my god!!!

dont arrow me la.. me dont know how to cook 1.. whahhaa... i only like baking.. unless u all dont mind eating baked rice, baked macaronni.. all baked type.. ask me fried, etc.. me dont know..
