(2009/05) May 2009 MTBs

halo ladies, just got sms from shers that the lunch gathering tomorrow will be cancelled. cos a few mummies cant join..anyone has island_lady and okipoki contact number ? pls inform them if u see this posting..else they will be heading down to kovan melody tomorrow...

bean, can lah. my gynae allow us to see him before the fixed appt date. hehe. but sometimes have to find reason loh..else very paiseh leh..my appt supposed to be 4 weeks now..but i always pop by his clinic in 2 weeks or 3 weeks..haha

wow ur bb can kick u so hard ah ? pain or not ? i always feel the kick, but when put my palm there, i cant really feel leh. ur bb kick u at lower tum tum or upper tum tum ?

Your gynae is so good, then his clinic must be crowded cuz everytime poeple will find some excuse to see him! haha

I donno why the baby kick so hard leh! A bit pain leh! my baby is moving all around. Today the hard kick once in the morning at the right side of the belly button, then evening time felt the hard kick again on the lower down (pelvic area).

In between, I always feel lighter kicks which cannot be felt with the hand.
bean, yes he has 2 clinics, always very crowded one. but his visit for every patient is very fast. 5-10mins only. cos he straight away ask u to lie down for scan. the most important is can see bb loh. haha

usually i feel kicks on upper tummy but cannot feel with hands type..

seems like today only 2 of us chatting here. hehe
good morning ladies

hope you all had a wonderful xmas with your family n loved ones!

bean, congrads on ur good DS results! mine will be 2molo -- such a long long wait!

ur hubby must be very happy with the xmas present
my hubby has yet to feel our baby's kick -- only me can feel it... he is waiting for that magical moment
<font face="Comic Sans MS,Tahoma"> morning all.! How's ur Christmas !
Still hv to work for this extra day after Christmas.! This yr is indeed a cold and wet Christmas and year to end with ! </font>.
island_lady &amp; okipoki, lucky u saw my posting in time. i was so worried whether u gals will see the forum or not. but this is the only way i thot of yesterday. hehe. anyway, we look forward to the next gathering loh.
Please PM me if anyone is interested to order capella s705 stroller in bulk, need at least 5 orders! Can get it at $260 nettOG selling at for sale at 296 now..
Hi everyone!

Am back from my DS! Everything's fine with my baby, got all the vital organs and baby was moving actively, just as how I'd felt it over the weeks. And confirmed my baby is a girl! Doc said very obvious! My girl is super cooperative, even tho' it kept moving and moving, and scan was finished in less than 30mins! Can start shopping for baby's clothes liao!

bean: My hubby felt my baby kicked the other day too! I was watching this music program on TV when my hubby was bathing and baby kept kicking at the same place. I told my baby to wait for her daddy to finish bathing and kick daddy. when my hubby came out, i quickly told him baby was kicking actively, and quickly put his hands on my tummy and told baby to kick again and baby really kicked very hard at my hubby's fingers! my hubby was very confused and amazed at the same time! it was at the right side of my lower abdomen and today, doc said that part is is baby's body area so that day baby was actually hi-fiving my hubby! hahahah..

jean: i don't find excuses to visit dr woody liao cos can feel baby moving everyday. she's most active when i'm eating (a very greedy baby!). her kicks are getting harder everyday. if one day she don't kick (choy!), I'll definitely rush to see dr. woody!

anyone got problem with itchy tummy or rashes? my tummy very itchy these days and cannot help but scratch it.. now got rashes.. how?
Like TinyM, I also carrying a baby gal. Kindly update my status.

Oversight on my appt time today thus was "late" for 1.5hrs. Haha. Quite malu. Waited for 45mins before was asked to enter room. However, had waited for another 10mins before the doc came into the room to do the scan for me. Entire process took about 30mins too. There's a shot where my gal was clenching her fists and placed next to her cheeks. So cute loh.

My gal weighs 306g and measures 14.9cm from head to rump, no curl up at week 20 today. Looks normal to me. Her little fingers and toes are extremely cuteeeee.

Hubby said her limbs seem long can let her learn gymnastics and chinese dance. Haha.
tiny_m and SK,

^5!!! Having girl like me!!!!

Alamak.. Think my gal very heavy wor.338g at 20 weeks...
I was told by gynae to control my weight gain liao or my girl will be very big. :p The result of being too greedy..
congrats to SK and Tiny_M ! more and more baby gals now ya. can start to buy pretty pretty stuff for gals. hehe.

tiny_M, i did not went to see dr woody today...cos his clinic close until next monday loh...i can feel some movement inside tum tum, but not the kind that can feel with my palm one..so i abit worried lah. somemore 3 weeks never see bb le..my next appt is 2nd jan. DS is 9th jan..still must wait 1 more week to see dr woody leh..
Tiny M- you are not alone... my tummy is very very itchy too.. I've absolutely no idea why did it happen for this pregnancy... But i've sorta found a solution to this... i applied clarins oil(hated the smell for this pregnancy) onto tummy and rinsed off with water after few mins.. before drying myself.. and thereafter, the rashes subsided and became less itchy.. you can try this method! Mine was so itchy till i couldn't sleep! tried all sorts of method till this works.. so far so good... **fingers crossed**
Itchy Skin
You can apply moisturiser and strechmark cream to avoid the itchness ..my colleague told me dont scratch if not will come out strechmarks

Baby Movement
I can feel baby movement and hubby using hand to touch my tummy oso can feel it and i noticed the movement almost at same timing everyday but cant feel the kick,may be my baby still got space to do his exercise inside my tummy =p

Wa so many of you done yr DS, my nxt visit on tis monday and think will be nxt yr then do ..more then 20weeks already

Baby Stuff
All mummy start to buy baby stuff already? when is the good time to shopping for baby stuff ...i feel too early to buy now
^5 JRTlover. Going to breakeven the table soon. Yay Yay~!

Porky, what was the brand of the breast pump you wanna initiate a bulk buy from mummies here ah?

Was it medela? Cant rem it. What model eh?

Weight gain >

I hope not to gain too much on myself. All give to bb better haha.

Itch skin >
My skin less itchy, in fact hardly itch. however, I do apply the stretch mark prevention lotion blended by my sis. So far so good. If it itches, usually it's a mozzie bite. Hehe.

Gender of bb>
In fact, I dun really know how to doll up myself let alone my gal so initially thought boy is more preferred but after I saw her little actions in my tummy during the DS, I grow to love her more.
The doc didn't tell me the baby's weight and length leh. yesterday TMC has a lot of ppl queuing for scan and even tho' my hubby asked for the measurements, the doc said need time to input, can only see when they send to gynae's clinic. *disappointed* the doc just said the baby looks normal for a normal 19.5 to 20 weeks baby, so think not overweight yet..

Re: Itchy skin
I applied stretchmark cream every night leh but still itchy.. i tried high moisture moisturizer last night and aloe vera cream this morn a bit better.. think must appply more.. sigh..

Re: Baby stuffs
I'm buying a little bit here and there, like clothes, baby wipes and the small small things. for the bigger items (like stroller and cot) will probably wait till Feb or March then buy or else take too much space.
Hello Tiny, congratulations on finding out the gender of your bb! I had very dry skin on my neck, abit like eczema i think, developed at the beginning of my 2nd trimester. I applied some oi from the small bottle of oil that was a free gift with the palmers cocoa butter cream, and now it's almost back to normal. But i'm still keeping it up lah, day and night.
I think if you find something that works, as long as you are consistent should be able cure it once and for all!

I'm scheduled for my scan at TMC next week... I thought that weight and length can measure and read off the screen one, still need to wait one ah? sigh.
Tiny M!

Its so cool right that hubby can feel baby's movements! Otherwise my hubby will keep complaining that he cannot feel anything cuz I keep telling him everyday that little baby is kicking but he cannot experience it. Now he has no complains! :D

Congrats on your good detail scan results!
Yah Tiny M,

The weight is immediately calculated and read off the screen for my detailed scan as what jolene had mentioned. How come TMC one needs to wait?
SK, i think is medela PIS leh. cant rem who is the one that say wanna start a BP wor..but my fren say she wan pass her avent manual pump to me..dunno is good or not. but i think electric one is better right ? hey, bb gals very sweet leh, u see all the bb gal clothes so pretty and pinkish. hehe

Tiny_M, so fast u buy baby wipes ?? will dry up or not ?

Re : Baby stuffs..
i only bgt some rompers and diapers cover only. the rest still not buy yet..cos dunno how to buy...gender still unknown yet

Re : Detail Scan at TMC
anyone doing on 9th Jan ?
Hi all

RE:itchy skin

This affects almost any of us. The most common problem is due to the stretched skin so we need very creamy moisturer for the tummy. However for my 1st pregnancy in 2006, I had developed PUPP (pruritic urticarial papules and plaques of pregnancy). I have complained to my gynae about the appearance of PUPP but there is really nothing my gynae could do. She asked me to apply calamine lotion on the affected areas (for me was mostly my calf and leg) but it did provide little help only. So I had to endure till after delivery then the PUPP subsided.

So for this 2nd pregnancy, I am praying very hard so that I will not get PUPP again and I have been diligently applying my Palmers on my belly and moisturer on my legs and hands.
jolene &amp; bean: I dunno why the doc cannot tell me the lengtha dn weight leh.. the last time other doc saw me and was able to tell the length and all immediately off the screen. this one wrote the measurements on a paper and said need to calculate. anyway, if baby is normal, i'm ok with it liao. :p

casey: what's PUPP? sounds scary leh.. my rashes only on my tummy and more will appear if i scratch it. i wonder if it's the palmers cream i'm applying that causes the rash.. i'll ask my gynae about it the next time i see him..
Re: Claring Body Treatment Oil
hi mummies who are using the the Clarins yellow body treatment oil,

Do we need to wipe off the oil a few minutes after we apply? I haven been applying and have not been washing or wiping it off! Till i saw some posts here. Please enlighten me ! Thanks
hi poohwei, mine is 11am wor..cant meet up with u le. hehe

tiny_M, i also apply palmers now. not itchy already. last time i apply the johnson's baby oil will feel itchy at night
Cant find the BP on stroller and breast pump.

Went for the Taka 3-days super sale and I spent $130 on my bb's items. OOS for Avent Starter kit thus went to OG and got the last set at 20% off only. Still find it heart pain to have spent so much. NB clothes are mainly white leh. Other colours hardly available...or maybe I din try harder.

Saw the Medela Electric Breast Twin Pump selling at $306 before discount, abt $270 after 30% less. Looks good but din buy in the end cos felt still early to buy at this stage yah? Then later warranty expired soon.
hey girls.. i'm at 18 weeks le.. but these 2 days baby like not moving much lei.. is it normal?

sk, 30% for the pump is very cheap!
I didnt wipe off after applying but it depends on individual. Anyway, remember to apply ur thigh, buttocks, hip area &amp; not forgeting the tummy which are super prone to stretchmarks.
Hi, this is my first posting... also expecting my #1 in May09

EDD: 8-May-09
Gynae: Dr Adrian Woodworth
Hospital: TMC
Gender: ???
Location: Sengkang

I just went for my DS last Fri... everything looks normal, but gender is still unknown as baby refused to open the legs for us to see... Anyone encountered the same thing?
jamie, u try tapping your tummy or put a pillow to press it a bit. mayb ur baby is sleep so nicely lah. hehe. sometimes i also dont feel my baby moving. so i will try these 2 methods. then my baby will start to move a bit liao
hi sei, nice to see u here ! i am also seeing dr adrian woodworth at sengkang. so did u ask dr woody to see your baby gender ? i am 19weeks now. during both visit, my baby also refuse to open legs..so dr woody cant tell me baby gender..must wait till my DS on 9th Jan
Exactly Jamie, was so tempted to get the breast pump but thinking if buy so early later warranty period will get shortened as I only get to start using it after delivery.

Porky, I bought 4 sets of tops + short/pants, 1 set of cushion + head rest? for placing on either stroller/car seat, 1 Avent NB starter kit, 1 pair of Avent pacifiers and 2 pcs of air-filled baby-changing mat. Quite hard pain to know kids/baby wears are so so epensive now. Somemore my mum advises me to get string-tye type of tops for baby cos more comfortable, not the button type. Where to find so many "tye-knot" type of wears?
sk, the avent NB starter kit is it consist of all the milk bottles ? how much was that ? actually i dunno how many milk bottles shd we buy then is enough...the string tie clothes, i bgt 2 set from HK 2 weeks ago. they have a lot over there. in s'pore, i also dunno where to get these type of clothes..but my mum say whampoa market there have sell..
Hi Ladies,

Spree for maxi cosi tori car seat good for 0-4 years old @ bulk purchase price, also on still spree for capella s705 stroller closing soon..pls PM for info
Porky, yah, the Avent NB starter kit consists of 8pcs namely, 2 x 125ml bottles, 2 x 260ml bottles, 4 x 1-hole teats, 4 x 2-holes teats, 1 0-3mths pacifier and 1 bottle brush for washing. My colleague advises me to get one set since quite a good buy when I have nothing to kick start. She also did that. Then lately, bought the 3-holes and 4-holes teats too. Useful when baby grows older.

Porky, Dr Woody tried to see on my last visit at about 17 weeks but also can't see... he said baby too shy :p Next appt will be on 6jan... hope baby will cooperate then

SK, I saw string-tie tops at the Metro expo sale that's on now. Think they were selling at 3 for $10
