Young Mummy

Hi adelynn...

I think i saw u in my miscarriage thread..

So u only 21?

If i were to hve my BB, I'd be a young mum 24.

Well will try again..hope can tell u good news in few months time.
Take care.

Hi all, i dunno if i am considered a young mummy cos I just turned 26 this yr and have a 2+ yr old boy. I am a FTWM and hope to make more friends... my msn is : [email protected]

Wendy/ Morraine/ Adelynn/ Celtricia/ Wenthena , I have added all of you in MSN. Hope to see you soon!
I also added u.
hi all.. My webbie cannot see liao lah.. my hb went to accidentally delete it. Sian.. but now i started a new blog for my baby at

you(3) kong(4) lai(3) kan(4)
visit when you're free.

Sal, nice to see you on msn! you still have a 'cool' job to me! hehe!
haha....great news is i have left my 'crazy job' and started out on my own. Actually me and my hubby set up this business together. Now I have more time for my little Darling Favian.

Hope to have chance to meet up with the mummies frens here!
me considered young too ba...??

1983, 7wks pregnant..

now preparing for wedding.. after reading the forum, realised im not alone n feeling so much beta~~

Cheers to all wonderful mummies!!
Hi Carol! welcome!! 7 wks preggie ah... must not over work yourself leh. Take things easy ok?? I dunno whether you like ths kind of things not, but I started to take my waist measurement every week just for the fun of it. Keep all untrasound and keep a book all appt I ask doc bb how big bb how long and fundus height.

I ROM with my hb wihout anyone knowing. so to my MIL I shot gun. She so hate me but what to do... hiaz. even b4 ROM I stay with her son for 1 year liao. but now bb come out liao she love bb too much so got to tahan me also.
hee nothing cool la...I'm into Interior Design. Its a tough job cos we are dealing with tens of thousands of $$$ and building ppl's dream home...ha! TOnnes of responsibilities and stress! Its my passion afterall so gotta stay on and now in my own business I have a better control, more satisfaction and plus point is I do not have to work irregular hours!

hee now u wont catch me online at office till so late anymore - hee its at the comfort of my home.

me now going thro wedding preps loh... AD is 13th n 14th may...
n best is my exams are round the corner too...
lucky thing is im graduating this yr... so guess my baby's real zun...

In-laws are fine with it... my parents rather cool abt it too... is those 3-8 aunts n uncles out there.... haizz....
carol: u value added mah. pple do 1 thing at a time you do study preggie and married. wah.. 3 things leh.

sal: Then i lost 1 fren leh
no chat laio
hee no la...i still go online if i work at home..just that recently started no time for chat a lot of follow up to do. No choice otherwise whole family will go hungry.....but at least you wont catch me online in office at such pathetic hours!

Will chat with u if i go online...till then
sal :
ya happy for your mve up e ladder!

carol :
my hb also so busy with work.. hiaz no time to pei me.. so sad/ I going to study soon. study diploma. so sian but keep myself busy.
oh yah if only i known u earlier. Hee...but u can also help recommend frens to me if they need any design services - can PM if u need my contact cos cannot 'advertise' here.

thanks yah i do hope can do well this time round as we started a business before but were still very young and inexperience. I intend to save up if business is good and venture into F&B - can make good money hee hee but tats a long term goal la...

So any young mummies here intend to hold any gathering huh? I hope to meet some of you soon....btw anyone staying at Sengkang OR East area?
think it's part of marriage life..
jus as long he's working hard outside...not playing hard...
tat's gd enuff ba... rt??
oh i used to work in the west...terrible cos the journey was long...i always sleep in the car while hubby drives and its like an everyday routine...

well, its considered east...also quite near my place too.
i did organize and met some mummies of some other threads before. (I am from the 'Anyone trying for a baby thread'.)

Sure, if u have a good idea of a place maybe we can meet,....hey, but with the little ones or not huh? Cos my little one very difficult to handle when i go out alone liao....hiaz....he so active
wenthena.. hahaha.. call me Cel in d forum lor.. coz dun tink the rest noe abt my actual name.. kekeke..

ya.. S@L.. u gg to organise a gathering ah.. gd leh.. but preferably in d central.. it will b gd if can bring our little ones along.. heh..
Sal and Cel very same pronunciation

My fren say want organise gathering with kid must rganise somewhere the kids are occupied.
i also dunno where. otherwise have to keep moving then mummies very tired. have yo heard of gymboree? pay think $10 got a lot of things for bb to play and crawl. i never been but they say at tanglin mall very nice otherwise can go ikea heheh all the toys to play.
or we go out by ourselves go shopping. all almost same age should be shop the same kind of clothes ba? heheh
wenthena.. ok lor.. heh.. call Pat also can.. kekeke..

i dun tink i can put my son at the play area yet if i go out wif u ladies, coz my son only 4mths plus leh..
hello~ mi born in 1985, currently have almost 7 mths bb boy (4 more days to go..) and stay in boon lay.. my msn is [email protected]

so nice to see all young mummies here.. (98% my frens is single, no bb yet.. haiz)
thanks celtricia & Xiuqi.. have accepted liao.. Pai seh xiuqi.. when i'm at msn you away.. when i'm away you on msn.. lolz.. bad timing.. cel.. where do you stay?

S@L you stay whih part in the east?? My niang jia is at Bedok central.. and i going back at least 2x/mth.. Imagine travel from Boon Lay to Bedok.. haiz.. so far......
wah wah.. so good~ Den mi not so sianz liao.. lolz

btw.. does all the young mummies here receiving alot of stares from strangers when taking public transport? especially you taking your bb with you??
Precious Moments, whh blk u staying at? I staying at Blk 395.. heh..

ya.. can arrange to mit up..

xueling, i do get stares, but i dun care..hee..
LoL.. BBK stands for what huh??

xiuqi, think today i got abit mixed up the info btw you and cel.. cos both staying at Bukit Gombak.. den also msn you both at the same time.. :X How's the new FP swing?? Armelle like it ma? (my bb sat on the rocker 1st time can slp.. but after that my bb like to stand on the rocker.. LoLz)

Haiz.. remember 1sfe few time bringing out the bb alone.. got one old lady still comment mi on how i wear his clothes! SAy mi so young dunno how to take care.. wahliew.. so angry.. Argh.. Sometime those aunties like nth to do on the train sia.. aiyoooo
bukit batok lo, i stay in the middle of bbk & bbg.
armelle like, she keep laughing, but after 15 mins, she xian liao.
haha, xueling, mine bb is girl, cel bb is boy.
i believe we can take care of bb equally good! perhaps we r more attentive!
hi mummies!
i chance upon this thread omli today.
i got a 10mth old boy turning 11mth in may.
i'm 25, dunno considered young or not?!
I am 23yrs old, jus got pregnant. I stay in the hougang area but staying in JKT now cos my husband is a indonesia only flies back to sg every 2 mths. Nice to meet you gals. Hope to know more of you gals cos I always feel so bored when back to sg as most of my friends are working.
