Young Mummy

eloz ladies.. Welcome welcome..

mixedUp, i'm also 25 tis yr.. dun worry.. hee.. young or not.. nvm.. young at heart more impt.. kekek..

hi Ferlyn.. u can also chat wif us on msn.. my email add is [email protected]

feel free to add me..

hi people!! found back our thread leh!! or it is i blur it always here buti never see?? lol!! anyways, nice to see everyone
Wah!! how you cope?? living in a foreign land and come back only every 2 mths? If one day my hb say i must go back to his country and come back every 2 mth only I go mad ah!! LOL!! I very spoiled one.. I also stay hougang area. near the serangoon mrt station.
Hi people, i finally see some life here in this thread.
I cant msn chat cos using mac, nt compatible it seems.

wenthena, r u the one in april/may/june thread? nice to see u here.

celtricia, how big yr baby now?
mixedUp.. no leh.. i not SAHM.. i'm wrking.. hee.. no choice.. coz standard living too high liao.. hee.. mayb we can mit up one of tis days wif the rest..
agree. being a SAHM oso not easy.
got to tahan my boy crankiness everyday.
can go mad. but wen he sleep. look like an angel.

mit up? anytime.
hi mixedup,

correct! I from that thread..


you power. the last time i went back to vietnam with my hb i almost die. on top of bb care I have to deal with hsework in the most primitive form. I feel i take the water boiler for granted after having to boil water in a big pot with charcoal. and then after got to tranfer to big big thermos flask. so much work
Welcome Jacqueling and Paranoidmummy.. I've added u both in MSN liao.. hee.. hope to chat wif u ladies sometime soon.. kekek..
am sure you'll manage just fine. i had my first baby when i was 19 yrs as well and i pretty much coped

anyone of you here staying in or arnd toa payoh??
ya should cope with no problem as long as have a positive mindset! I got prreggie before my 20th bday but gave birth a couple of months after it. I coped fine. and somemore maybe have more advantage since we younger and recover also faster.

Its not i power ..hehe...its jus tat my living environment here is still e same in sg. Maybe thats e reason y i still can survive here. hehe.
wah.. i quite sometime nv followup liao... but i on msn most of the time lor..

JeslynLuvRenee&Regine: Eh.. saw you in the Marketplace.. I stay at Boon Lay Place you leh??

I add you in my msn hor, keke? :D
forgot abt this thread. add to favourites liao so will log in often. so nice to find young mummies.

hmm but usually hor, young mummies are those kinda wild. like smoke and go clubbing. correct or not?


u in here also? didnt noe u r 25.. hehe.. aiya why mac system cannot msn.. or else its great to be able to chat wif u on msn.. kinda difficult to post on threads if want to chat privately..
hmm knowing that u r 25, maybe we can meet up.. hehe.. in the other thread, i dunno wats yr age thats y i afraid u auntie2 so thats y i dun dare to meet lor.. haha..


i stay near toa payoh. im in whampoa. by the pie, opposite blk 195 kim keat.
nur, biadap seh!!! do i sound like auntie meh!!!!

i tried to use msn chat last time but they say mac nt compatible lah. u wan mit, i'm game. haha...
me cant stay still at home!
my boy oso same.

i was waiting for u from just now. tot u wont log in since today sat.. but u still log in huh..

i never say u sound like auntie la but afraid la u might be abt 30.. hehe.. hmm u 1981 eh?

hmm paiseh la nak meet up.. haha.. but where shall we meet ah? abeh kalau we do meetup, my bb nye schedule camane? hahaha..
nur, ytd v late oredi.
he was beside me wen i was surfing la...
i got yahoo messenger oni.
i PM u my number if u want.

Yr dd schedule how?
Nvm lor since u oso go out everyday. keke....
i'll b at suntec every sun.
If u go there, sms me lor. Cn mit go makan.
eloz Ladies..

i also 25 tis yr leh.. heh.. both of u SAHM or wrking?

here's a pic of my son on our big walk trip ytd:
me and mixedup are sahm.

oh yesterday big walk huh.. yr boi chubby la.. wat u feed him huh? hehe..
good la yr boi can walk oredi so he must have enjoyed big walk..

i used to have yahoo messenger but dat was long long time ago. now ppl use msn so i use msn lor.. if i want to chat with u, guess i have to go install yahoo messenger.. just for U! hehe..

hmm u mention yr son has lessons in the morning.. so u usually stay till wat time? cannot be till nite rite? hehe..

hmm where do u tink we shall meet up? how long?
nur.. so gd.. both of u SAHM.. me wrking.. heh..

no lah.. he can't walk yet.. ahahah.. still learning.. so we pushed him in the stroller.. heh..

hahah.. no lah.. its coz of Cal Ion Water.. dat's y he quite chubby.. coz the water contains calcium n helps him to absorb nutrients easily.. heh..

hw old r both ur babies? mine is 6mths old only..
nur, my son class is ard 3pm. But me n hb oways stay ard that area till abt 8plus. eat dinner then go home.
Anywahere is fine with me. Did u get my hp no?
Anything u sms me lor... Then no nid install Yahoo!

cel, my boy is 1yr old liao. u promoting the ion water huh? keke... but he is v chubby at 6mths. my boy eat a lot n v v active, so he not so chubby. Esp now that he can walk, i think i'm the one growing thinner... after all the running!
mixedUp.. i not promoting lah.. juz sharing.. aiyoz.. hahaha.. coz its a fact dat's the reason mah.. heh.. my son also eat a lot n v active too.. always jumping whenever we hold him.. non-stop.. so tiring for me.. heh.. hopefully he will slim down a bit after he start to walk..

PeriousMoments, i do give my son toufu, bread or mashed potato w/o gravy when i'm out.. or even baby potato..
cel, just kidding la... boys will naturally slim down wen they start to walk. he used to kick u a lot in tummy then?! baby chubby cute mah! but grow bigger then its a prob! keke...

Precious, u can give them light food from yr bowl, but try not to give too much as our food are high in salt. Unless u cook w/o salt then its ok. But dun make it a habit else next time, he wont eat his own food.
mixedUp.. no prob.. hahaha.. ya lor.. he kicked a lot in tummy.. so active.. but surprisingly i can still slp thru during his kicking.. hahaha..

why do u say sahm lucky leh? i dun find myself lucky.. i am one of the worst sahm around.. not fit to call myself sahm..

yr boy 6mths can jump oredi huh? hmm mine 10mths but.. no comments la..

u give mashed potato w/o gravy means kfc whipped potato is it? hehe..

good la yr boy can sit in the stroller the whole journey of big walk.. my gal nowadays seldom sit in the stroller.. always must carry one..

chubby baby good mah.. ppl always comment good things abt chubby baby and of coz will praise the mum too.. i also want to have a chubby baby but decided not to feed her so much cos i dun have the energy to carry her.. now 8kg only but i no energy...


ya i did get yr hp no.
oh u always there till 8pm huh.. but only on sunday la.. hmm maybe sometimes we got bump into each other but didnt noe its you.. cos i go suntec very often.. but sunday seldom la.. hehe.. i dun quite like going out on weekends bcos of the crowd.. dun have the patient to walk with so many crowds.. so if u see an impatient person, it might be me.. haha..

morning ladies..

nur.. issit? i would wan to b a SAHM.. so tat i can b the first to noe all my son's growth process.. ya.. he 6mths old nw.. but jump as in,when i hold his hands lah.. heh..

ya.. i give KFC mashed potato at times.. he usually wans to finish the whole med size one.. heh.. so poor mummy will only get to eat the gravy.. haiz..

whereas for sitting in pram.. only if there's 'interesting things' define by him to c den he will sit there.. if not, he will also wan mummy to carry.. give daddy carry also a while only.. he bully mummy nia.. kekeke.. he's now 10.2kg.. so u can imagine.. hw much effort i haf to put in to carry him.. i din feed much leh.. juz normal meals.. but he still grow chubby quite fast..

JeslynLuvRenee&Regine.. thanks.. show us ur baby pics here to lah.. hee..
