Young Mummy

hi mummies, i wonder if u hav read an article from straight times? abt baby's weight. im quite stess abt it. my girl is 6mth+, weighing abt 7.2kg. but my fil always like to mention that my girl is nit as chubby as other baby. my hb cousin also had a bb girl, who is going to her 4th mth, she is weighing abt 7kg too. so my bb end up being the thin one! im total breastfeeding her, and my in laws suggested fm cos they think bm is not nutritious enough, cos my girl is noy chubby!

PreciousMoments.. i tink its ok lah.. for girls to b on the small size n weighing less. dun b too stress abt it.. as long as they r eating n slping the right amt is gd liao..
my boy is 1yr old, and he's oni abt 10kg. if u wan to compare, he's nt as chubby as cel's baby. ppl oways say unkind stuff abt us mummy wen we give our bb bm. Bb not growing well, not suckling well and stuff... Thus we feel disheartened n end up giving them FM. You just tell yr ILs that doc even rec BM as it is MORE nutritious. Wats more, even cost savings. keke....

Ultimately, as long as yr gal is growing n eating well, just ignore all these VOICES. keke... Not all bb are chubby. Mayb cos they r active. My sis son is chubby and he's 3mths older than my boy. But he's not active. Dun give yrself unnecessary stress and compare yr gal with other bbs.
thanks for the encouragement! i dont want to compare too, but its the elders in my family. haiz.. they think im too young to knw how to take care of a baby. especially my fil. anyway, im a sahm, anyone staying in the west side? we can meet up, im boring myself to death at home!
PreciousMoments.. tink u can mit up wif mixedup n nur.. both of them sahm.. too bad i'm not.. if not i would love to mit up wif u ladies too..
I'm a SAHM, staying in CCK. U?
I'm 25... will b turning 26 tis yr.
Ils oways like that one lor.. Just ignore them. My Ils oways wan to find excuse to stay over wen my boy is sick, say afraid i duno how to take care. keke... But i oways say NO. If we dun learn, we will never b able to take care of bb ourselves rite?!

perli eh.. hmm wanna meet this thursday? but i dunno where to meet la.. btw wat time u need to be home? how long usually yr blind dates last? keke..
i'm anything-goes. not fussy.
u wan cum down cck? keke...
hb never put curfew on me la. i just nid to tell im w i go.
how long ar? it depends on babies i tink.
some bb get cranky, so mummy will excuse themselves to go home lor...
precious, thats far from here. if u drive, it wont b a pob i suppose. i send my boy for assessment at poly. v convenient. i'm one damn lazy mum lah...
wake up late, eat late, shower oso late.

mine is boy, nur is gal.
this yr like got many gals.
the playdates i join oso more gals.
IM SO FREAKING PISS! my fil just compare my bb again, say my hb's cousin's bb growing so well, so fat. he want something fat, might as well go get a PIG! my girl is healthy n fine, let him say till like she malnutrition! IM SO PISS, really very PISS! he even asked my mil to giv her fm!
PM, cool down. u leaving with yr ILs?
y dun just tell them to stop comparing.
Or ask yr hb to tell them. mayb if u n hb both on lighter side how to produce a chubby bb!! Cannot possibly tuff her to eat n eat rite!! as long a healthy, thats the best.
Since u living w thwm, got to tolerate their 'nonsense' lor. Unless u move out. So sorry cant help much, but if u bored, can drop by my place in the day. keke...
I'm glad my ILs dun stay with me.
i firmly tell hb i dun wan them here. keke...
*bad bad DIL*
nope, u r not bad, cos its always hard to live together, especially we r the 21st century mums, whereas, most of the in laws r still way behind. haiz.. yea, u r right, i got no choice. u stay at which part of teck whye? near mac?
relax pm... i understand ur woes! jus be firm with ur standing.... let them yak their rubbish..
deaf ears! thats what i am... hee
i feel so guilty, my girl fell dwn thrice ever since she was born, she is goin to her 7 mth. last sun, she fell n cut her face, today she fell from bed, i did all my best to prevent her from falling, but still... haiz.. im bad mum. now i feel afraid to take care of her.
PreciousMoments.. its ok.. i tink most of our kids fell a lot of times b4 too.. my son had fell a few times also.. n i noe hw guilty u might feel.. mayb juz try not to put her too high up, so dat the impact of the fall would not b dat great.. n also put cushions on the floor if u HAD to put her up on the bed.. dun worry too much k..
hi all mommies!! long time i no post here
!! Precious moments, dun worry lah. My boy fell 3 days in a row liao. I feel so guilty. All when he trying to run. I so worried also but babies are tougher than we think. My son fell on his face, it made his nose bleed 2 days later it heal until no scar. so no worries
hi hi this thread is dead but i hope to revive it to know more young mummys hehe hehe i am a mum at the age of 20... now my son is 1 yr old... hope to share more things with other young mummies....
hi ladies!

im a 1981 mummy.. but baby gal only 3mths old.. still can join the young mummies club or not?? hehehe
welcome Mrs Chua n storm...

Storm i'm also a 1981 mummy.. hee.. my son is 14mths nw.. n a 2nd one on the way due in June tis yr.. of coz can join.. heehee..

i'm a 1980 mommy ... can i join?

I'm also 1981 mummy... my son is 1yr old and my 2nd baby is due in May.

my sister also 1986 mummy... her boy is currently 5mths old.
wah.. the thread is moving again..

Yes, vinconia.. tis thread is alive n kicking..

hey Karen, my son also 14mths nw.. my 2nd one is due in june.. hee
Vinconia.. so nw u still doing ur confinement?

Hi Karen.. my 2nd one is a girl.. juz went for detailed scanning on Friday.. hee..

Hi Wendy.. of coz u can join us..
congrats to you!!! confinement really sucks right? need to stay home all days and cannot wash hair.... really torturing.
me too.... especially the ma yu ji...... hehe hehe hehe... but my mum use red wine to cook... so the taste is a bit disguesting.....
ya.. dun worry abt figure.. maintain a healthy lifestyle.. eat balanced meals n continue bfing.. u will lose weight fast..

congrats on ur girl.. me too, 2nd one girl... hee =0)

Dun worry abt losing weight... BReastfeeding will help u lost weight even faster... i lost all my 15kg via breastfeeding alone. even my colleagues tot i went for slimming :p i breastfeed for 9mths in total but gave up cos i'm expecting my 2nd baby... the supply drop and my boy refused to latch on so had to stop.

i dun care, i still bathe and washed my hair during confinement using herbs...

my mum didn't cook ma you ji for me cos i went thru c-section so no chicken for that whole month.. no eggs, no liver...

only had pork, fish (lots of fish soup to increase the breast milk supply), pig's kidney and veggies...


congrats to u too.. ur girl will b a mth earlier den mine.. heehee..

wah! u breastfeed ur son for 9mths ah.. u r a SAHM? i only manage to bf my son for 3mths.. thereafter slowly wean off as its taking too much of my energy at wrk.. but i lost my weight quite quickly as well n din really gain much during pregnancy.. hee..

for me.. i did bathe lah.. but only 2 weeks after my delivery.. but i bathe n wash my hair only twice a week.. using herbs n lemongrass..
