Twins/Triplets/Multiples Mum to be!

Mmm... i am trying not to spoil them though... too many people are already fussing over them. Not the kind of environment that i will want them to grow up in..



actually during the several times my daughter fell sick, we didn't immediately bring her to see doctor. Waited for a few days for her to fight it. In fact even when we brought her to the doctor, no medicine was prescribed, just those over the counter stuff like nose drops, decongestants, etc. We also don't like the idea of giving medication at such a young age, their immune system should be allowed to fight off viruses.

Now is still early stage, maybe that's why people will fuss over them a lot?? Initially it annoyed me a lot, but in the end I realized I am the one spending the most time with them, therefore my influence on them is the greatest. It also helps a lot that I don't live with my in laws/parents (another plus point!), so my daughter only gets "pampered" once in a while. lol.


Think it will be like that for a while.. they are my parent's first grandkids and being boys adds on to the pampering.. my wife's parents' first male grandsons so a lot of fuss over everything..

not very nice to deprive the grandparents of this joy also.. so trying to balance a bit..

btw, we just celebrated their 2nd month over the weekend. Didn't do the first month coz they just come out of the hospital... so time flies..

Hi All,

It has been a while since I last post here ... Just a short update that I had premature contractions 2weeks ago when I was only 30weeks preggy .... luckily the twins heard our prayers to stay in me longer and currently coming to 33weeks preggy and hopefully for another 4-5weeks to come....currently on medications to ease the contractions ....back to office to hand over my stuffs before starting another round of hospitalisation leave next week till delivery ...

crown: i think i know which sonographer you're talking abt... she's called Li Li or something like that, right? i also dont like the way she does my scan. if its just the sonographer and not the gynae, then you can do what i did :p everytime i go to ADC, i would ask the counter staff which sonographer is doing my scan today and after a while, they sort of knew that i dont want Li Li to do my scan.. haha...

if you're looking for a gynae, then i would recommend my own gynae, Dr Khoo Chong Kiat. He's a personal friend and he always does his best for his patients. Not saying this because he's my friend but because he really has a passion for this line. If you're looking for a specialist, then go for Dr June Tan.. she's sort of considered a twins specialist cos she's one of the more senior doc in the higher risk pregnancy dept.

Hi ZaZa,

At first I tot you popped dy when see so many baby photo thru the FB. :p Hope you are alright now and pls take more rest. I had 3 weeks more to go also..


wow so fast already 2 months old!


hope you get the work handed over asap so that you can get your rest! take care of yourself!

Seems like the mummies delivering soon are CL & Zaza. Anyone I missed out? All the best to the both of you and do keep us updated!

CL - nope me still hanging in there hopefully for another 3-4weeks

Pinky - yah me also want to handover the work fast2 and rest @ home ....this morning I dun feel like coming to work @ all & practically had to drag myself out of bed ... luckily my big boss approve of my hl the moment she saw me .... thanks for the advance wished too [IMG=]


time flies when you are too busy wiping asses clean and poping milk bottles into waiting mouths.. haha

CL & Zaza,

good luck and all the best..

Hi all,

just want to complain. been having rib pain for a couple of weeks now, mostly on the left rib. had this same discomfort when I was pregnant with #1 because she had her feet there, but only in the later part of the pregnancy. Can't sleep on the left for too long otherwise it'll be a burning pain. Sometimes I get it on the right rib too. sigh. seems that women with short torsos (like me) & carrying multiples are more likely to get this. hopefully it's just what it is and nothing more serious.

hi pinky,

i hav that left rib pain since my 30th wk onwards... This happen everynight while sleeping on my left. One of the twin's leg is there kicking i think. As the right one is more 'inside' and lower think the leg not long enof to reach my right rib. Looking forward for this sat check up again. Hope she gain more weight now.

Nowadays cannot go out dy, tat day went to giant 1 hr only alraedy made my back feel so pain when walking due to too heavy the stomach.


do update us on ur check-up!

talking about Giant, we went on Friday night but i think it was more of the crowd that turned me off. think at this stage it's better not to walk too much. if u do remember to stop for a breather. take care!

Pinky & CL,

unfortunately it will get worse.. during the weeks 30-33, my wife was getting less than 3 hr of sleep each night because of the discomfort... [IMG=]

Hey pinky, I've more than one pump. I actually found the Medela Swing removed milk more effectively than my Pump in Style. And it's so compact and quiet.

Don k,

Last time I panic and whenever I wake up no matter what time also I will go to toilet. After sometimes, I already 'trained' myself to wake up go to toilet only twice per night, like 3am and 6am so that can hav more sleep. Even half way wake up, no urge, then I change position continue to sleep. Have to earn some sleeping time now else after babies come out I foresee no time to sleep as we hav 2 bb to take k in same time. [IMG=]


Maybe your twin on your right position is higher (like mine one is the left side higher). Anyway, these 2 days I felt my right side also quite active. How ru now? ru going for c-section? ur premature admission time got took the steroids jab to mature bb lungs?


haha.. ya... i was conditioned to wake up at certain time of the night so now i will wake up regardless got baby crying or not.

ya.. now we sleep average 4 hrs each night [IMG=]

CL - I'm still having the contractions on/off... As much as possible, I wld like to try for natural birth and according to my doctor, it is possible as one of my twins head is already engaged ... yes during my premature admission, I was given the steroids jab to mature the babies lungs .... when I was given the jab on my thigh, it paralysed my thigh for a while before back to normal....

hi mummies,

any of your babies trained to sleep through the night yet? and how many feeds do you gals give your babies in the night?

azureoct, yes she is the one. Pissed sia. Next thurs detailed scan, i dont want her to do for me. She dare to comment the last time say whoever do my detailed scan will have a hard time....

you're not the only one who doesn't like her to do the scans. my friend was also upset with her. i dont trust her professionalism... if there's any :p so do what i do... always ask the ADC counter staff who is doing yr scan that day.. then follow up with "its not Li Li, right? Oh.. its not her... ok, thank you *smile*" they shld get the hint... haha. at least it worked for me.

ok, when i go to the counter, i will request anyone except Li Li. I dont know how she get to be a sonographer, dont know she know how to scan or not.

Hi mummies,

Those of you who had c-section before, did you all have any bleeding down there after delivery? Must use maternity pads or not?

I had natural delivery for my number one, but now with the twins if I have c-section, I don't know what to expect. Need to stock up on disposable panties and maternity pads if have c-section?

Luvlee - You do bleed down there after c-section but not much ... must use maternity pads but im sure the hospital will provide it for you ... I gt to know this as when I was warded the other day, the lady in the same ward as me had c-section and she was complaining about bleeding down there [IMG=]

Luvlee, do you mean lochia? Yes of course, mine lasted 5-6 weeks after my c-section. Kkh provided 2 packs of maternity pads and disposable underwear. I feel normal pads would do too.

Hi Luvlee.. yes will bleed. My 1st child natural birth, 2nd preg twin C-sect. Quite similarly, 1st-2nd day nurses will change & clean for u coz a catheter will be inserted.

After going home, i used disposable panties. Bleeding normal like menses.

Natural birth heals faster, can move around more but C-sect more diff coz the wound hurts & also must be very careful.

I've got some extra disposable panties & milk samples to give away. Let me know if any of u mummies are keen.

1. 5 pcs Orita disposable panties, size M 38-40"

2. 3 pcs assorted ones, should fit XL

3. 4 pkts Similac Mum milk samples, for preg & breastfeeding mums, expiry 18 Jan 2012

Pls let me know if u're keen. Will advise postage.


if you are staying in subsidised ward, may be worth getting more of those pads when you discharged as your will have govt subsidies rather than buying them yourself from the pharmacy..

hi everyone!!

its been so long since i last posted...busy busy for me esp with no help and caring for 2 sick bbs. both have the cough..both have reflux and one have projectile vomiting and both having blocked nose.

btw want to ask anyone successfully bought insurrance for ur twins? i applied the supremesheild from great eastern for the twins but was rejected. they say they will only accept 2 years they are born prem 32weeks. as for life insurance, one twin got approved..another twin is pending underwriting...sighs...i wonder wat is the cut of week bbs born can they get insurance..i heard if bbs born after week 34 has no problems...

those who successfully bought and born before 34 weeks...can let me know which plan and company u bought from? i am desperate to get insurance for them. Thanks.

as for lochia, actually dun have to buy maternity pads..u know i went excessive, i bought 2 packs of maternity pads and a whole lot of normal pads, but end up i didn't have heavy lochia..just 5 days of heavy flow in the hospital, and a moderate flow for 2 weeks, proceeding to light ones that only require the pantyliner..mine also lasted 6 weeks.

now i have a whole cupboard full of pads...LOL...and i won't be having any menses anytime soon cos i am on hormonal meds to treat and prevent my endometriosis from returning in full force...haha...may they all rot in the cupboard...haha..


wat are ur bbs weights now? they just did a weigh-in and theirs are 3.9 3.8kg..and i am not worried anymore!!...

u are right..time flies...when i am busy feeding, washing sterilising making milk, changing diapers...etc..and surving on 3-4 hours of sleep everynight...they are 8 weeks now!!! urs is 2 mths le rite? how was ur boys' full month? must have received lots of angpaos and pressies?


about 4kg and 4.5kg respectively..

full month was great.. ya.. looks of friends/relatives looking to help out [IMG=]

Dear mummies, when you are pregnant, how do you all sleep? I can't get the correct position to sleep. My fingers are always numb, joints are painful [IMG=] and now I'm gg into week 19 only


I used to "Sit sleep" till i dozed off then somehow i will automatically lie down but then i cant get out of bed at all, need my hb to pull me up.But it only started to meafter wk 27.


I did the same as Leah. I have 4 pillows with me. 1 to prop my feet up, 1 to support my back when I'm lying on the side or to hug, and 2 that I prop myself up with. When I dozed off I'd lie back down. I don't have problems with getting up so far though, I'd push myself sideways up, sit on the bed for a while to combat any dizziness, then head off the bed. Sometimes hubby will comes in to give a massage & help pull me up.

As for the numb fingers, you can try to clench ur fist and open up repeatedly for about 10 times before u go to bed. It helps with the numbness. Some1 in another forum also suggested sleeping with the hands propped up by a pillow.

By the way I am 26 weeks!

Thanks mummies and daddy for sharing your experiences and advice! Very helpful. Stocked up on maternity pads and disposables liao.

Am currently at 33+ weeks and just went for scan today. The twins are 1.6kg each. Doc says they are on the slim side but he's not concerned about their weight, says they are active and healthy. He says it's prob cos I'm slim too. So far I put on close to 10kg and doc even commented today that I don't look like mother of twins though I look like a full term mother of singleton. I know shouldn't compare but am still concerned abt their weight. Those of you who are around this stage or more (>33 weeks) can share what your babies' weights are? What can I do to put on more weight? Is it true that eating beef and durian will help? I forgot to ask my gynae today.


the twins' weights are estimates so try not be too concerned about it. it can be more, can be less. I've heard from some twin mummies that eating more beef will help. If you are on the slimmer side there is also higher chance of ur twins to be smaller size too.

Right now at 26 weeks but every1 keeps asking me if I'm going to give birth soon or tell me I shouldn't be walking around too much cause my baby may come out anytime soon (touch wood).

Take care!

hi luvlee,

at week 33 scan also mentioned one of my twin is only 1.8kgs and she only gain 30g sine wk 31 scan. But yst when i check for wk 35 scan already 2.3 kgs. So i think it also depends on the scan whether can 'catch' the bb position correctlynot. Cox my last scan, this twin hiding at the back dun let doc find her so i think the scan is not so accurate. Since u are at the slim side, maybe ur bb will not be very big also. A positive thinking also, then u can carry them longer inside u [IMG=]

Hi pinky,

see doc yst, doc said they might be roughly 2.8kgs when birth on 10 aug. Fang xin already. Just pray they wait till at time only come out. So far, this few days no sign of cramps or delivery. So i think i can wait 2 more weeks!!

Sleeping position - i also keep changing sleeping positions through the whole nite. I will start at sit position with 3 pillow behind me and sleep flat with a pillow on my right ribs after i feel pain by sitting position on my back bone. Just keep changing until morning if not the tailbone will pain till numb.


u're almost there so jia you jia you!!! 2.8kg is good considering I delivered my #1 at full term with that weight. Remember not to exert urself so much, just enjoy the last 2 weeks! Btw, my next appointment with my OB happens to be on the 10th too!

to those mummies who've been on bed rest, what do u usually do to past time? I'm not on doctor's order but spend most of my free time in bed. i'm thinking of activities to do to help pass time. I like to do needle work but I don't think that is recommended for pregnant women to do in bed. most of the time i m on my computer but also finding things to do on it. occasionally my daughter joins me and we will do some scribbling using her crayons or read books together.


I find kinda boring also full time at home sometimes. Normally i just listen to radio, read some book and a few minutes later knock off..zzz.. :p

Hi Ladies

I am glad to have found this link. I am expecting twins, my first pregnancy. Currently at week 18.

I have a few questions ad hope the sisters here can help me clear my queries.

# When should i start buying baby stuff? I heard i may get too big in the last months to walk

# Can i put 2 babies in one cot for the first few months?

#Is breast feeding tough when u have 2 to feed? I am not sure if i can cope since i have no experience = worried

#Is it possible to care for 2 infants without maid or other help after the first month? My hubby doesnt like the idea of a stranger in the house. Sigh ...yet to convince him.

# Am i normal to keep worrying? I am afraid i cant cope

Thanks for answering my queries.

Hi mummies-to-be.. having twins is not easy & it's such a blessing! When i was preg, i had to sleep in a reclining position in my last trimester coz so diff to sleep on either left or right!! Even after giving birth coz it's easier to get up without much strain on the tummy coz mine was C-sect.

If u're opting for C-Sect with GA, be prepared for phelgmy cough coz u're inserted with a tube via the throat for an hour!! I coughed for nearly a month & gotto wake up frequently to spit out phelgm.

Pinky,, numb limbs very normal coz of water retention & babies might be positioned on one of our nerves!

Nann.. good to start buying beginning of 3rd tri coz yes, final months very diff to walk & also cant walk too much. I completed buying all the required stuffs at least 2mths prior to giving birth. Last 2 mths rested a lot.

My 3.5MO twins still share a cot, read in a book that they can share till ard 4MOS. I'm thinking of their sleeping arrangements coz they're growing! Any mummies can advise? Are they too young to sleep on mattresses?

Breastfeed, totally possible. Practice makes perfect! Perserverance is the word. I was so stressed during 1st mth when my milk flow was PATHETIC!! Less than 50ml for each baby only. Now, yes, proud of my hardwork.

Care-wise, i think quite impossible to do without help unless u're really super!! & if they're ur 1st born, lagi need help!!

Lastly hor, dont worry coz in life, worries are never-ending. Twins are a blessing. When there's a will, there's a way.


we didnt make it past 33 weeks.. my wife delivered right at the end of 33 weeks.. weight was 1.8 and 2.1 respectively... more carbo and sugar will help but be careful of your blood sugar level...


depends on whether you are buying them yourself or your hubby/relatives are helping.. you can shop first and decide what you want to buy and just let your hubby watch out for the sale and pick them up during the sale..

my kids sleep in 1 cot though we have another cot ready.. they are in the 3rd month now and looks like Addy's 4 months estimate is quite accurate.. not more than 6mths definately..

ya... it is possible but very difficult.. depends on how much crap you and your hubby can take.. we don't like to have a maid at home too but decided that we will not be able to take it so we went ahead and get one.. you should get your hubby to talk to his friends with kids.. they convince me to get a maid..[IMG=]

Hiring a fresh maid takes about 2 months to process and about 2 weeks to 1 month to get them trained so you need about 3 month for this..

ya.. most pregnant woman worry too much.. my wife still do now.. think it's partly the hormones.. so it's normal [IMG=]

Luvlee: my twins were born at 2.1kg and 2.33kg at 37 wks. You can try taking more protein stuff like milk, soy milk or protein supplements. I think you need to drink at least 4 cups of milk and do remember that the protein in meat doesn't count... must have additional proteins.


first of all, congrats!!

you should start sourcing at 4th month and buying everything at ur 5th month. that is what i did..i bought 95% of everything by 20 weeks. my hubby thinks i am crazy..but when i had preterm at 27weeks, he finally agreed with me why i had to buy everything early including diapers!!!. i couldn't wait for the sale though..unless u can get ur hubby to take note of certain items and get for you during sale like what Don suggest.

and caring for 2 babies alone without a maid is POSSIBLE!!! i have been caring for mine since day 1 without help. no maid, no MIL, no mother...except at night, hubby is assigned one baby for nite feeds. you just need to remember not to overstressed yourself, and ur hubby must be supportive and appreciative to you for caring for them alone.

breastfeeding for 2 is possible also. its not tough..but as a new mother, obviously i dun have any experiences so i just had to learn one step along the way..just ask the LC any questions u have, dun be embarassed if your questions sound the can read up about breastfeeding now..

and its normal to worry...i think i worried unnecessary throughout my pregnancy, up til now, i am still worrying for my twins, their health and etc.

Good luck and hope it helps.

