Twins/Triplets/Multiples Mum to be!


we've prepared everything for the twins already, except mentally of course, since it's hard to be mentally prepared for twins. So far now I'm seeing her monthly. Not sure when she'll start seeing me fortnightly.



Ur boy is taking the liquid iron supplement? Mine has already completed his folic acid.. Left with half bottle of iron to go, not sure if i shld continue? Their next review will be in sept.


we checked in because the docs wanted my wife to deliver at completion of 32 weeks. We wanted to drag a week more so the docs advised us to check in for more regular monitoring... so we did in the middle of her 33th week.

thank goodness that we did because we discover that she was contracting and the babies heartbeat was irregular.. this dragged on for another few days in the labour ward and we finally decided to go for the C sec when the 33 weeks is completed.

Leah, yep both are on iron drops as they have iron deficiency anaemia. Quite common in premies. Did yr doc say when yours can stop? I've a review today w blood test. Hope their levels r within normal range.


my older boy didnt have enough calcium when he was born, then after a month we went back for another blood test, he lacked of iron and folic acid. Doc said its mild ttts. Now waiting till sept for his next blood test. Like u, im hoping he will be ok.


i wasn't mentally prepared up till the last minute that they wheeled me into the OT. i tot i had 3-4 weeks more to go..[IMG=]

oh..i see my gynae every 2 weeks since week 10..cos of the identical twins third trimester is still 2 weeks, [IMG=]


think cause so far everything has been going smoothly & my obgyn seems quite optimistic about my situation so far. I think most likely the fortnight visits will start once I hit 28 weeks, which is next month.

Btw, did u bring ur own breast pump to the hospital or borrowed the hospital's one during ur stay?


no..i used the hospital grade pump as its more efficient and better than my ameda one..can't borrow..there is a room where u can use the pump, u will have to get out of bed to use it. in the end i like the medela one so much, i bought the PISA immediately on the day of discharge. [IMG=]

btw i was told even if i use my own pump, the nurses won't sterilise for me lei..ask me pour hot water..then i ask if can loan and use at the bedside also cannot..had to walk out of bed in terrible pain to pros and cons..

maybe TMC is better...u can ask MomME, she delivered there, maybe she will know..[IMG=]

leah, i see. Perhaps you should continue with the iron drops because the levels usually rise quite gradually. The review today was alright; i'm told to continue the drops for another month then review again.

Meanwhile the twins finally had their 6-in-1 vaccinations today which had been postponed due to their iron-deficiency anaemia. Thank goodness no fever or fussiness this evening. Anyone going for the pneumococcal or rotavirus vaccinations, both of which are optional?


I brot my own, they can help u sterilize. Remember to bring your own container tp store the pump. [IMG=]

my friend said tmc will actually lend if u request.

To store the pump. As for milk, I asked for glass bottles. [IMG=]


Mine just had their 6-in-1 today too.. mmm they have iron deficiency anaemia too but the doc gave them the 6-in-1 anyway..

probably taking the pneumococcal and rotavirus too since we are planning to put them in infant care...


oh that's good. I think I'll bring my own pump as I'm more familiar with how to adjust the suction and speed to my comfort. was just concerned about the extra work i had to do if i need to sterilize the parts myself. thanks!


ya, easier to use own one. [IMG=]

Re: iron def

how does doc check for irn def? Blood test?


that's a very late post! R u up cause of feeding? [IMG=]

I just woke up to use the toilet & was feeling hungry. These nights I prop myself up in a sitting position until I'm drowsy before allowing myself to sleep back on my sides. Hubby snoring is getting more bearable ever since I sent him to sleep on the floor. There is just not enough space on the bed especially when I have a lot of pillows and I feel much more comfortable when my limbs are sprawled across our bed.

Tummy feels stretched all the time. I think it won't be long before I really have to stay in bed most of the time. Trying to settle all necessary errands, and coming up with a list of things for hubby to do in case we don't get these less-important stuff done in time.

Remember I mentioned about my fall in the toilet? I think I may have sprained my ankle or pulled something in the process. Ankle feels like it got sprained (I used to sprain my ankle a lot so it's ligaments are weakened). Yesterday I got up from my chair and then felt this "pull-tingle" kinda feeling from my lower back all the way to my butt. Think I sprained my back too. Really very clumsy person!

I remember a few days before I delivered #1 I sprained my ankle while getting out of bed.

I think staying in bed is the safest, less clumsy option for me.


was up expressing milk n feeding the gals. Ha.

Waking up at night hungry was a v common thing for me too. Ha. In the third tri there was no nght or day. I jus slept when I could n ate when I'm hungry. So I can be like waking atmidnight to eat cheerios n only falling back to sleep at 3am. Ha!

Anyway, u better take care le.... Is anyone helping with your daughter?

hey Don, me too, have you confirmed a ifc centre yet? i'm putting them in the Learning Vision at changi business park. Very nice and new..and large. I visited 3 others...some are cheap but the facilities really not up to scratch.

Are you planning to put them in ifc immediately after the 4 months' maternity?


It's through the blood test they did each time before they see the PD. Premies almost always have iron deficiency anyway so it's quite expected for us (pretty much like jaundice..)


Ya. Have confirmed 2 spots with Cheri Hearts. Not sure if we are putting them in after 4 months of maternity leave... we might put them in earlier because my wife wants some baby-free time before she heads back to work.. haha

so i think better to take those 2 injections because they will be sharing a lot of nasty things at child care [IMG=]


not too sure about cost/facilities wise... we just did a search on the MYCS website for the ones nearer to us and went down for a chat and observed how they handle the babies/kids...

Cheri Heart was the first... hahah.. seems ok so we just signed up for it...

Hey KKH very thorough hor? For my twins, its not required to do any blood test prior to PD Appt. So I have no idea if they have anaemia or not. Even that time one twin was having projectile vomiting, she say she dun want to put her under unnecessary tests and so on.

I only know my smaller twin has thrombocytopenia. But no meds or anything given.


my hubby takes care of her in the mornings. He works from home so he can always keep a lookout. She's also quite independent so I don't really need to do much playing with her except for 30min activities 1-2 times a day. Sleeps at 8pm and wakes up 8am. So things are manageable for us. [IMG=]


thought blood test and development measurements like weight, head circumference etc are standard procedures.. if not what's the point of following up with the PD?

Haha.. but KKH is pretty good.. they even assigned physio-therapist for my older boy coz he has stiff neck...

Yep and all bbs born under 1.5kg have to see the physiotherapist too. One of my boys just saw the physio today. Quite interesting. I picked up a few tips on methods of carrying without supporting the head so as to strengthen neck muscles. Also how to encourage bb to flip etc.


weight and head circumference as well as length are standard procedures...but blood tests..not that i had heard of. as far as i know SGH protocol is preemies need to follow up with PD for related issues up till they turn 1..if everything alright no need to follow up lor...the PD wants to see my twins still to monitor their weight progress...other than nothing much..

think cos SGH cannot compare to kkh who is a hospital specialised in paeds & OB-GYN..SGH is multidisplinary..


yeah when my twins were in high D, i saw they have a physiotherapist attending to those low birth weight bbs..they also have this program on bb massage done by the physio..

Ya.. it's like spa treatment out there for them... KKH should start a massage palours for babies... imagine rows of babies lying of massage beds with towels across them enjoying massages.. lol


mmm... not sure about that.. think it is more to do with the preference of each hospital is different.. maybe SGH does not see the benefit of doing that.

Hey I just realised that our 'batch' got all the same gender twins. Spiffy, Don and Leah= 2 boys each, MomMe, Kate, Azureoct, and me = 2 girls each. So cute hor? Who else i missed out?


tiring.. but still managable.. the next hurdle will be when my wife goes back to work after her leave...

how about yourself?


weekend is good... [IMG=]

Took the bbs out for lunch and jalan jalan... both of them like to go out so they seems to enjoy it.


niceeee... walks are great. they don't really do much now but it stimulates their senses & they get really tired after that.. hahaha.

24 weeks OB review:

Boy @ 630g - nearest to cervix with buttock on it

Girl @ 613g - further up, head down position

Both twins are sort of forming an S shape with their positions. Amniotic fluid good.

These days I've been having some tummy discomfort which are sometimes painful. Doubt they are contractions cause my tummy doesn't harden up & doesn't feel like contractions anyway. Doctor said might be muscle strain due to all the stretching & weight. Anyway, I was given nifedipine in case I do have real contractions, and to take them when necessary. Hope I won't ever have to pop 1 of those down.

Next visit after National Day, after which will be seeing her every 2 weeks.

Everything else is pretty good. These movements inside my tummy have been keeping me awake for some nights already. Think my twins also having World Cup fever. lol.

Hi All,

I am 13 weeks pregnant and expecting a pair of twins. I would like to find out if it's possible at all to breastfeed 2 babies? I already have a 5-year old girl and wasn't successful in breastfeeding her the first time round so I'm not sure if I should give it a try again with the twins.

Also, does anyone have any recommendation for a good confinement lady who has experience in taking care of twins? My friend recommended me one but she didn't want to do twins as it's too tiring... makes me worried how i'll be able to cope.

hello mail,

congrats on ur twin pregnancy!

yes it's possible to breastfeed twins. There's not a lot of books that cover much on breastfeeding twins, but I'll recommend "The Art of Breastfeeding" by Le Leche League. I just borrowed this book from a friend and I'd say it's got the best info on breastfeeding twins that I can find. On top of that it also covers everything you need to know about breastfeeding basics & how to handle possible problems along the way. U may wanna check it out from the library or bookstores like Kinokuniya. hope this helps. [IMG=]

I've not delivered yet & haven't even met my confinement lady so can't introduce her to you. Some mommies here have completed their confinement so I think they'll b able to recommend theirs when they find time to come online.

I'm going mad... Babies r really colicky n it's affecting their feeds. They r drinking even lesser now and it's a real struggle to feed. Since they r on almost full bm people r starting to doubt my bm n say it's causing the colic...

This sounds like a super dumb qn but since I'm asking u can see how much pressure I'm under... Is there such a thing as it's a must to eat or drink something before bf? U see I dun so people say it affects the quality of the milk.

At this point I'm so close to giving up coz it's no fun seeing the girls like that and when people say my milk is upsetting their tummies.

Hi mail,

Congrats on ur pregnancy!

Is possible to bf twins as I'm doing it on the 3rd day at hospital. The nurses are good so they taught me hw to bf the same time. But when bk hme, I dun have so many pillow to stack up... Lucky I bought the twins nursing pillow. It of great use when both of them crying for milk at the same time.. Initially u will feel tired n tough... But remember, if u have the determination u can do it. Else will give up half way.cozs is really tough to look after twins n pump n latch... esp when no one is helping u. If got helper, then tings will be much easier. Btw I also have an elder girl but she is 3 yrs old.

Jia you!!!

Mummies n daddy, have u all give ur babies pacifier? My mum keep asking me to give them coz they like to suck milk bottles n sleep. Which I'm very reluctant to give in to pacifier....

Don, u bought 2 single maclaren stroller right? Hw much n wAt model? Cozs I'm tinking of getting 2 single n the clip.


mine were in 69 position for a very long time.. hehe...


Congrats and welcome...


have you try using different brand of bottle/teats? Air might be getting into your babies through your current teats..

alternatively, they may be in a fussy phase and you just have to wait for them to get out of that phase..

as far as i know.. bm is the best so no worries about your own bm...


no pacifier at the moment.. we bought a pair but will not give them unless we got no choice..

i bought the Techno XLR for about 600+ each.

Actually, you might want to hold the clip unless you never have to navigate stairs.. i have never use it even though i bought it... the problem is with stairs.. for short flights, i can carry the single stroller up/down the stairs but i doubt i will be able to do it with double stroller or 2 single clipped together...

MomMe, how is it affecting their feeds exactly? It's really unlikely it's the bm. is there a certain time of the day when bbs cry a lot? Young bbs do go through fussy phases but it will eventually pass. Mine are fussy in the evenings for 1-2 hours where nothing appeases them. There's nothing I can do but hold and comfort them.

As to what to eat, as long as you're eating nutritiously which I'm sure you are. Don't listen to the detractors, believe in yourself!

MomMe just read yr qn again. I never ate or drank right before bf but I just made sure I had lots of fluids..and small meals thruout the day to up my calorie intake.

Kate I did read that young bbs need suckle time. We bought pacifiers out of desperation but on the few occasions I used them, the babies spit them out due to their natural reflex. I'm not sure if it's cos of the Nuk pacifiers' shape or all pacifiers r like that. If I don't hold it in place, it's out in 2 seconds!

Does anyone face the same?

Don I'm fine. Not looking forward to going back to work. I would really like to stay at home cos I'm enjoying taking care of them more and more.


they dun wanna drink milk... Drink a bit then start crying. For past 2 days my younger gal did that for every feed. In end yester she only manGe to drink 500ml. [IMG=] the elder one occassional .

Evening time is when possibility of throwing up milk v high.

Anyway I jud got back fr pd n have been advised to stay off dairy n othe high allergy food to see if it helps.

I even called tmc n they said if it's v bad I can Bring the babies down n let them observe for one afternoon so that they can see wat is wrong.


I tried both pigeon n nuk teats le. Dun seem to be teat prob le coz they dun even wanna suck. They basically cry or jus bite on to teat n refuse to suck


have u tried feeding some gripe water to help with the colic? It worked for me. During my #1's fussy period people kept saying she's fussing cause she's still hungry & that I don't have enough milk for her. Even my husband kept saying it & I was really annoyed & frustrated.

Don't listen to what other people say. You're their mother, so you definitely know better than anyone else what your babies need. I just ate whenever I'm hungry & drank lots of water. Hang in there!

RE: Pacifiers

It's normal for new babies to spit out the pacifier. Takes lots of attempts to keep the pacifier in the mouths before they willingly accept it.


my wife is starting to feel the same way too.. [IMG=] but she feels bad if she does not go back to work after taking 16 weeks of paid leave.. haha.. maybe next year she will consider to be a SAHM.


you mean babies can be alergic to BM? Thought only FM have this issue...

maybe it is just a phase.. my smaller boy's milk intake actually went down these few days.. we are just feeding him based on his demand..

Mmm.. maybe you can see a chinese TCM doc. My friend did (coz her baby keep getting sick) and the doc advised her what food to avoid because some are too heaty (or too cold.. cannot remember)

Dear mummies & daddies..

So glad to 'accidentally' come across this thread!!! Wish i had been here earlier [IMG=] Coz this forum doesnt go by 'latest post' thus quite difficult to search for posts.

My twin boys are already 3.5mths. Put on 30kgs during preg, now lost almost 90% but my tummy still looks like 3-4mths preg leh.. Any mummies like that?

Gosh, i think we really need support for this twin bundle! It's a blessing though, and i really cannot imagine mummies with triplets!!

Do we start feeding them cereal at 6MOS? Any recommendations? My gal is 5YO liao thus my knowledge all faded [IMG=]


Hi all, had been quite some time never some in the thread. past few days posts was little, thought the system down again.

I just recovered and had doctor check up last sat. 1.8kg and 2kgs at wk 32+5 days. Think the sickness really affected the bb intake, the smaller twin only gain 30g in 2 wks.. so sad [IMG=]

