Twins/Triplets/Multiples Mum to be!


I bought things throughout my pregnancy cause im not that sort who can stay in bed all day long even though i had quite nasty water retention so even the day before they popped, i was still out shopping.

I think caring for 2 alone is possible that its if u already have experience, I usually leave the babies with my maid(12 years experience with infants) and she handles them well while i go run some errands. In the beginning it is best to have someone to help u otherwise it can be tough, i couldnt stand them crying all day, night long. Occasionally my mil or grandma comes over, i really appreciate their kindness even though sometimes they dont do things my way but i guess got help is better than no help.

I only breastfeed the both of them 1 by 1 for 2 months, I prefer to pump so no comments on that. I think its possible since i know Azureoct succeeded :p

I put the both of them in mattresses now cause the cot is too squeezy for them now plus they are getting big, 6.7kg and 7.3kg. Just put alot of pillows and bolsters ard them as 1 of them knows how to flip now.

I take alot of durian and beef throughout my preg but im not sure if that works or not cause the nurses in KK were telling me its nonsense, but i guessed it help since they were born at a good weight at 36weeks.

I think its human nature to worry about everything, so just chill and relax!


I bought my baby stuff once I hit 2nd trimester as I didn't want to panic in my 3rd tri, especially if they have to be delivered earlier than expected. I feel that things like strollers & diapers can b bought after the bbs arrive. Diaper discounts r usually significant during sales, so u can wait.

I want to BF both twins successfully, so I only bought 2-3 milk bottles. Gonna buy 1 small tin of milk powder only and hide it in the cupboard lol.

For me I'm intending to stay home most of the time when I hit my 3rd trimester (doing all I can to keep them in for as long as possible!), so now in my 27th week I'm actually done with all my shopping. [IMG=]

I not only worry all the time, I get very emotional too! It's normal, just don't brood over the negative things and try to focus on the good stuff!

Addy, Donk, Leah, Pinky, Gera

Thanks so much for the advice and replies. At least I know it's normal to worry since I am a first time mum. Actually I very bad MS in the first tri, I couldnt eat or drink and was throwing out gastric and bile juices. So dehydrated I was in hospital 3 times for drips. I am very glad that all these were over now that I can eat and drink. I need to gain more weight as i lost some 10kg then. I maybe week 17 now now i look like a aneroxic with a small tummy. Glad that the babies are growing well.

I have yet to venture out as i feel faint. I just surf the net to see what i need to get and get them once i can leave the house. I am staying at my mum so she can take care of my meals and i am grateful.

My worry is premature babies. Imagine the stress and $$$ involved. I hope to carry them as long as i can. I have also quit my job as the MS then was making me very sick. Trying to stay positive. Sorry for pouring out here. My hubby think taking care of babies is easy. He is the eldest at home with no niece and nephew. His friends are either not married or without kids.


i had terrible MS too, which still comes every now & then. I vomited day & night too until I aggravated my gullet & threw up blood too. But thank God I was still able to hold down liquids as I was close to going to the hospital. I was losing weight in my 1st trimester & my gynae was quite worried too. But don't worry your appetite will come back & you will put on weight again! Apparently for mommies carrying twins or more the pregnancy symptoms are more exaggerated, so it's normal.

I share the same worries as you, that's why now I'm staying in bed a lot and trying not exert myself. Even for shopping trips I have to limit my walking too. It seems to me that a lot of first time daddies-to-be, even mummies-to-be, think that looking after babies is easy. But we won't know until we handle the babies ourselves. Since ur hubby hasn't had any experience with children, think it's quite understandable that he thinks this way, so don't blame him for it. We will all learn when the time comes, so don't worry!

Where will u be delivering?


I had no problem with MS. I had MS(only dizzy, no vomit) during my 1st and my last trime. I gained 30ish kg throughout, so if i were u, i rather stay skinny, now i have too much excess flabby skin to loose, but dont worry, in no time ull be putting more weight than u expect!

Anyway nowadays u can buy almost everything through the internet, maybe a walk downstairs your house helps? at least u wont feel too bored staying at home all day, or u can come over my house, help me babysit and learn whahahah

Theres many mums here who endured till full term so u need to just relax and enjoy ur pregnancy, not many ppl get the chance to have 2 or more babies inside them! 1 mummy on this forum ever told me, they will come out when its time so no point worrying!

My hb also thinks that is easy to take care and i was pretty negative but until when they were out, he was more active, better and have more patience than me and i was surprised! We are all learning on the way so just relax!


I was recalling back the times when i was asking such questions, plus there is no crime of a reason, its no rhythm or reason [IMG=]

Hey pinky

with u stayng in bed a lot, how do u also look after yr other little one?

I think many parents-to-be think they're prepared for a baby, but looking after twins is really very challenging. Some of us had no confinement nannies or domestic helpers. Sometimes I wonder how I survived the first month home!

Speaking of worries, one of my twins had unexplained fever for the past two days.. Thankfully today he's fine!


she's trained to be quite independent, so most of the time I have her confined in the security of her play yard (I got the Haenim one) while I rest in the room. I have a good view of her from my bedroom so I can always check on her. She'll play on her own, or have Mickey Mouse DVD to watch. LOL. Anyway my hubby works from home most of the time, so he works in the study room and comes out to check on her if she needs anything too. Thank God for hubby & his flexible working hours!

I think 1 baby still can survive without much help, but I'm saying this because I recovered from a natural delivery with #1. I think it may be harder with a C-section though. Having said that, I had my mum over during the first few days after we got home from hospital and that helped a lot too! Sure, she may not have been doing things the way I'd like her to, and have her "rules" which I sometimes find don't make sense, and her nagging, but I don't think life would've been any easier without her help, even if only for a few days.

Spiffy: are you due back at work soon? i think we're in quite similar situation as i'm also hesitant abt getting domestic help due to privacy reason.

my ML ending in late Sep but i'm thinking of applying for 2mths unpaid leave first. wld love to quit n take care of the gals myself but financially it might not work out, unfortunately [IMG=]

congrats Nann!!! and welcome to the club!! [IMG=]

definitely shld start to buy stuff early so that you wouldnt panic closer to the delivery date. esp if you have to be on bedrest. i had to be on bedrest for the last 1.5mths so that the twins will grow more... on top of drinking my milk and soy milk to 'fatten' them up.

yes! my 2mths old gals are sharing a cot. more than enough space but i guess when they can turn... better move them so that they dont suffocate or hurt the other.

its possible! but a lot of hard work and determination.. and with the help of a huge nursing pillow made for twins. i ordered it from Double Blessings in the US. but there's satisfaction to it... they're really cute when they're nursing together. but not easy.. many times i'm tempted to switch them to bottles but i scaredy cat... they will chomp down on my areola :p so still persevering.

no maid... possible but can drive one up the wall. me and hubby try our best but he has to go for meetings at times and cant always be home. so we resort to things which we normally wldnt want to use.. like the sarong yao-lan. no choice... to maintain our sanity [IMG=]

worry? i've been worrying since the day i knew i had twins.. normal but press on! we've been blessed with 2 [IMG=] hang in there!!!


Yes I am due back to work on Monday.. I'm not looking forward to it. I think priorities have shifted. I'm planning to quit in end Sept tho. Hubby has given me his blessings for which I'm thankful. We won't be as comfortable but we'll get by. If I could I'd tender right away but I fear to think how my boss will react.

Who'll be looking after yr twins when u go back to work? Mine - one will be in infant care and the other with my mum.

Pinky yr older girl sounds like a dream! Have you prepped her about her new siblings?

My mom too has been a great help since I delivered. I didn't want to thrust this responsibility of looking after my bbs on her but she has been enjoying it a lot so I'm relieved. Don't know how she manages to also cook dinner for all of us.


Thanks for the encourgement. I cant imagine if I had a older kid to care for while I was so sick in my first tri. Kudos to u mums [IMG=] I was thinking of buying some stuff at the upcoming taka sale. I will be abt week 21 weeks then. Hopefully can go out then. Ya like azurecot mentioned, maybe have to do bed rest at last stage but I will hang on till at least week 37.

Actually I have yet to announce that I am expecting twins to the family. They were so worried abt me especially my mum. My next FT scan is in mid august. I planned to tell them when the gynae says both babies are well as well as the gender.

I hope to take things easy after babies are born but guess must keep sane first. Btw I am with TMC. Thanks ladies


u mean nobody know yet?!? Wow I guess ur tummy is really small! Actually the taka sales is not that cheap and there will be many people squeezing here and there so you need to be very careful!

I think after having them, the thing I really cannot stand if they keep crying for no reason and they want to be carried all the time. Initally it was the breastfeeding, had to be up every hour to latch then pump, no time to sleep, burping seems forever but I did it! So can u ;) I'm sure many mummies here must have had meltdowns before so don't worry! Any questions u have, feel free to ask!

In the meantime I thnk u should rest more and chill! I go out alot when I was preg, shopping, catching movies, etc to keep myself sane and also in case I can't go out anymore after they pop but luckily it didn't happen now I'm still flying ard like a bird lol

Good luck!!!


Haha, cause i lost so much weight in the first tri. I looked so aneroxic then now slightly better. Tummy getting bigger. Thanks for the encourgement.


Does bed rest mean we can only go to the toilet and lie down the rest of the time? How abt meals? Can get up and sit on the table to eat? Wonder how to pass the time

Nann: actually if you asked me.. i say it depends on whether you're on bedrest because of issues like low-lyng placenta, bleeding or threatened premature labour or other reasons. I was on bedrest to 'grow' the babies cos my gynae feels that w/o work stress and less movements and activities, the babies will grow more and faster. apparently, stress impedes the growth of the babies.

i wasn't so strict with myself since I don't really have serious issues like those I mentioned above... so what I did was that I stayed in bed MOST of the time to read and watch tv (was glad I made the decision to purchase and mount a tv in my bedroom beforehand.. was my life-saver!! otherwise, i wld be immensely bored) only to move out of bed to go toilet or cook/buy food. occasionally, i do light things like washing the babies' clothes and stuff.. remember dont do 'heavy' things like housework or spring-cleaning. ahem... of course can sit at the table to eat! unless of course your condition is very serious :p ask your gynae just to be sure.

having said all this... towards the really later stage of pregnancy, you wouldnt want to move ard very much anyway, preferring to stay in bed. way too heavy by then!


takes you back to school days.. feels like the end of school holidays [IMG=]


Depends on how bad your condition is but realistically it is difficult to stay completely in bed unless you are staying in hospital.. just rest as much as you can without getting too bored.. aggressive shopping should be a no-no though.. watch as much movies as you can coz it may be a while that you watch another movie after birth...


i finally gave in and stuck the pacifier up their mouth... zzzz


yep my girl is quite a dream so I'm really hoping her siblings can be like that too! She's quite prepped for the arrival of her didi & mei mei, but I don't think she expects having to share all the attention with them. heehee. but i'll try my best not to let her feel "thrown aside".


yes week 37 is a goal for many of us, so everyday whenever I'm up and about I keep reminding myself of 37 weeks. This way I make sure I get the rest I need. [IMG=]


don't feel so bad about the pacifier. My girl took it occasionally when she was younger, then we found it helped a lot when she was teething & fussy. Now we only restrict it during nap time & bed time. Eventually you can wean them off it. I just don't believe in letting the kids go everywhere with the pacifier stuck in the mouth.

By the way everyone I am 27 weeks on Friday! So far so good, except with the usual discomforts, so far no BH yet, which is gooooooood. The past week I was really paranoid about BH, but I realized the tummy discomforts were just bowel movements. lol.

10 more weeks to go!

Hello everyone... Hope all are doing fine!!!

Spiffy... U intend to send 1 of ur bb to infant care n the other ur mum take care? Intend to spilt them huh? I also intend to send them to infant care... But the costs incurr is huge. But the tot of splitting them apart still not an option leh...

spiffy: good for you! glad you could spend full-time with your kids soon [IMG=] wish that's a viable option for me at the moment. my gals will have to be at the babysitter till my mum quits her job a few mths later. but she will need a domestic helper... the very thing which puts me off [IMG=]

kate: hello back! how are you? i'm surviving but gets stressed out from time to time. how's the development of your gals. my elder is 53cm and 3.68kg while the younger is 52cm and 3.48kg. shld be average, i think [IMG=]

My babies are fine. Took their bcg only last mth. Last weigh them on Monday is 4kg. So glad they managed to gain weight.

Pretty stress too n tired... Maid giving me problems instead of helping me. Haiz... Waiting to go back to work in mid Sep. Dun tink I can than being a SAHM... Haha


hope so.. getting them to get rid of the pacifiers will be another round of pain.. but looks like we rather deal with this later rather than now..


my wife is also looking forward to go back to work... haha..


I think as we go along some things we eventually just close 1 eye, just to maintain our sanity. hahaha.

Hmmm, nobody keen on being SAHM (finances aside)?

kate: wow! 4kg sounds great! and your girls are just one week older than mine, i think. can't you shorten your ML and go back earlier? taking the balance flexibly? your company won't allow?

pinky: me! me! me! i really want to be a SAHM [IMG=] like what Spiffy said.. priorities has shifted. hubby and myself are really giving it a good thought on how we can manage our finances so that I can quit my job and take care of the gals myself. its not going to be easy (sure its going to be stressful to try and do so w/o help) but i think it will be worth it. i don't think I can't stand the thought of missing out on their important milestones like their first steps, first words. which makes me suspect that if i go back to work, i'll resign very soon also. not to mention my lack of confidence in still maintaining my milk supply to feed both of them. even if i express, i probably have to express like every 2 hourly to even be able to store for both their needs?

speaking of which... anyone knows whether we're allowed to tender our resignation during our ML? otherwise, i might have to just pay back 1 month salary to skip the notice period.

sigh... found my answer on MOM's website.

Employee’s Obligations

Employees cannot resign from service while they are on maternity leave and use the maternity benefit period as notice of termination.

kate, given a choice we'd send both to my mother, but she can't handle two so one goes to her and the other goes to infant care. We also hope this minimises their falling ill. Have you checked out any centres yet or booked any places?

azureoct, at least the domestic helper doesnt have to stay with you and your mom will be around to keep an eye on her.

Reading your post about being a SAHM mirrors all my thoughts exactly. I don't want to miss out on the stages of their development. As tough as it will be, I think the benefits outweigh the negatives. As it is, we don't go out a lot because of the kids and so are already saving lots. Been eating in too, instead of eating out every night. So i'll skip a manicure here and there, no more shopping, no biggie. i haven't been doing that recently anyway! I am also quitting because my job requires frequent travelling and I dont know how hubby will be able to cope at night! He says he'll be okay but i know it'll be tough. And how can i not worry when i'm away from my babies?

Don, boo hoo, school holidays over..

Eh i still have 1 week of maternity not claimed, though i dont think i dare to bring it up to my boss. As it is she is very unhappy i went into emergency labour and left her with all the work. [IMG=]



so you will be quiting to stay at home? If that is the case... that similar to being "kick out of school" after your school holidays..hehe..

We did the full 2nd month... not really celebration.. just invite friends and relatives for some food and baby viewing... cater some food etc..

good opportunity to catch up with friends and relatives..

Don, i'm finally going to have my bb celebration next weekend. Took us a while, but i think they're less fragile now. Still tons of relatives haven't seen them so we have to hold a celebration la. Also haven't seen my friends in such a long time since the bbs arrived.

spiffy: yup! we also dont go out nowadays because they're still young and all the logistics involved is just phew... not worth it. besides breastfeeding them both makes it difficult since not every place is breastfeeding-friendly. so we stayed home and indulge ourselves with food that gives us pleasure like chips and ice-cream.. so much for being healthy! but what to do? nowadays, simple things like Pringles chips and Nestle Crunch ice-cream (occasionally we indulge and eat Magnum :p hur hur) brings me much joy!

and yes, seldom buy anything for myself now... whatever i've bought online for the past month or so are for the gals. like their teething toys, mozzie catching gadget, toys.. etc. and we're also expecting the lack of motivation to go out with them in the near future.. unless its for Sunday church service. our biggest expenditure will likely be groceries and food. which reminds me.. how do you find time to cook?

still not sure abt the helper.. if i quit my job then i think i'll convince my mum that the two of us shld be able to take care of them w/o the need for a helper.

we did a full month celebration for the folks on my hubby's side of the family. we were nicely blessed with lots of monetary gifts but its not quite worth it in terms of efforts cos i rushed from my home over to his grandma's place and 1st thing i did was to feed the gals. later, i brought them downstairs to 'show' everyone and they napped and i eat the buffet food. in no time, i had to rush upstairs again to feed them. after feeding them, came back downstairs and we hurried home cos it was getting late. didnt want them to be too over-stimulated and not sleep at night. even then, by the night we reached home, it was 9pm already! thats why i say.. its great for everyone else but not so great for the parents!

Kate: good weights, ur gals are just 2 days older than mine rite? my gals last weight last week were 3.9 and 3.8kg.

btw i just checked that all our babies age are quite close apart rite? Azureoct had hers 1 week after kate, i had mine 2 days after kate, MomMe had hers roughly 10 days before me, Don should be 1 week before me? Spiffy your boys are about 1.5 months before Don rite?

we should have a gathering next time when bbs are would be fun to see so many sets of twins at one go. [IMG=]

Azureoct: true true, the last time i brought them out to the mall in their twin pram, we took 1 hour to get out of the hse..and one of my gal is fussing so much..and with so much unnecessary attention which stressed hubby and me out that, we got home in less than 2 hours after buying wat we needed. haha

we dun go out together as a couple anymore...if there are errands to do, like bills to pay, groceries..etc, hubby and i take turns to go out..but its a rush job, cos either way, we both have to care for 2 bbs ourselves.

no more movies, dinner at hoo!

financially wise, we can't afford a maid. we dun have familiy support so getting help from my mom or my MIL is out of the question. so i just have to put in my 100% effort on being a SAHM. although the past week of colic crying has been driving me crazy.

Mmm... think we are at the other end of the spectrum... we go out with the babies at least 2 times each week usually for 4 - 6 hours each time.....

when they get older, the frequency will probably increase... haha...


actually most of the people who attended the full month did not touch the babies at all.. they just watch them at the side.. or rub a bit of their cheeks.. those with babies are too busy making sure their own kids don't run around too much so don't worry too much..

you will be busy entertaining people though so you might want to designate some help to look after the kids but overall it should be fun.

Gera, you are an amazing woman to go it alone without any help from anyone during the day. Hope their bouts of colic will decrease in frequency and length soon.

azureoct, i cook very simple food for my lunch. Like porridge or steamed fish. Usually once they are asleep, I work quickly in the kitchen. Recently bought the Baby Bjorn Babysitter Balance bouncer recommended by Gera and it's great, if a baby is awake, i put him in the kitchen to watch me work.

i chuckled when i read about what you wrote about comfort food. I've been eating Calbee snow peas, prawn crackers and Sara Lee cake this past week. Very indulgent but ahhh what lovely little pleasures.

DonK, i'm still giving the babies a good scrubbing after the party! ;-)

These days i really love bringing bbs out in carriers. It's so easy to go out to a nearby shop. Unlike strollers, our bbs never cry in carriers. What a godsend!

Spiffy: Thanks...dun have a choice here, just have to learn how to be independent. but with no help, i am still able to go out shopping for bb stuffs and some new clothes for myself (i cant fit in any of my pre-preg clothes yet!!). of course hubby have to take over...[IMG=]

haha.i am still looking forward to have the gals bounce on their own, cos my legs are kinda tired bouncing for them...can they kick on their own yet? did u buy the rediculous overpriced wooden toy or cover? hehe

comfort food...yum! i haven been eating those in a long time.i dun even have time to eat normal food much less snacks. [IMG=] i think i have been eating ham with bread the past few weeks. i catered food though, but it comes in the morning at 10am..and i only manage to find time to have it at 3pm, lol.

As a SAHM you'll definitely need to watch your spending and think twice before you want to buy something. So far I'm enjoying being one and as crazy as it sounds, I do enjoy being alone at home with my daughter and bringing her downstairs for walks. I think it could also be because we've been staying on our own that I'm so used to the peace in the house, and therefore reluctant to hire a maid. My parents take her once a week so I do most of my stuff then, or go dating with the husband. On this "off day" I try not to do any chores at all. Don't think it'll be quite possible with the arrival of the twins, but I'm sure we'll figure things out.

I won't say it's easy at all cause since we can't really afford a maid (and i'd rather spend the money somewhere else) I have to do housework and other stuff. Actually when we list out the things to do it doesn't seem very overwhelming but it's very different when we start getting down to do the chores hahaha. But since we can't afford a maid then no choice have to suck it up and try my best to get things done in the house. We can't complain about it also cause we have decided to bring this child into the world and it's not their fault or other people's fault that we cannot afford a maid or have no help. We also believe that our parents are not obligated to help us also. Being Christians we also believe that if God has led us to this, He will also bring us through it.

There are times as a SAHM I really feel overwhelmed and I feel upset with the plight I'm in, but in the end I just try to look on the positive side and tell myself that at least we can make ends meet on 1 person's income. There are other families who don't even have such a privilege and even have to take up several jobs to pay the bills.

Hope I didn't bore you guys with my experience. [IMG=]

Spiffy.. I will be going to 2 infant care this sat to see see look look. If ok will put deposit Liao... I'm afraid by sep no more space for them. Dun tink i got other choices since I'm going back to work n no old folks to help me look after my twins n maid. Haiz... Another heavy expenses...

Hi all,

I have MIA for a long while. Only manage to caught up now. Congrats to all the twins who is born & growing well and welcome all the new twins mummies.

It was quite an eventful mths for me. My mil had a fall and have to stay with us. It was rather stressful to manage the needs and meals for both the young and the old, esp when the old is on wheelchair and in the worse of mood. Then i fell sick, then dd3 has to be warded and after her discharge she is down with HFM within a span of 2 mths, then hubby down, then dd2 turn to be down with fever plus in between was dd1 school holiday so need to entertain her.......anyway all these have make me so busy that i really am too tired to come on the thread. I really wonder what kind of life i will have after dd4 and 5 come out. Sigh............

As if these are not enough, i juz sprain my ankle today!!!!!! But it may not be a bad thing cos i was so busy that even i plan to rest more now that i am 26 wks, time juz dun seem to be on my side. With the sprain, i cannot move and finally got my rest, that y now can be here ;p.


Hubby told me u sms me the last time but b4 i can get to read the sms my dd3 deleted it!!!!!!! Since i din have your no. so i din manage to reply u. Sorry abt that. You may wanna PM me your hp or sms me again. R u staying in Bedok now? Btw, how big is your bb now? Mine is 800g and 750g. Am wondering izit normal as i am thinking how possible to beef them up to above 2kg in say 10 weeks time!!!!!! And that is provided that i can keep them for that long, am really no sure since i seem to be so on the move.


glad to know ur situation as i was wondering if things are ok. it must've been really hard on u. hope things r better now as u really need to spend the rest of the 10 weeks resting well to grow the babies!

at my 24 weeks checkup babies were 630g & 613g which is okay, so I think ur babies r doing fine. They'll start putting on their baby fats really soon in the final trimester but I think it helps to drink more water & rest well so that they can beef up in the best possible uterine environment. I think the longer we keep them inside, the better chance of them gaining more weight.

i remember i sprained my ankle days b4 i delivered #1 and was really stuck on the bed hahaha.

I will SMS u later in the afternoon. [IMG=]

pinky: you're so positive! wish i could be like you [IMG=] but to be honest, i've very mixed feelings on my relationship with God now. i feel so angry with God at times for blessing me with 2 kids when i only want ONE child (probably like any sane parents would). but i find myself 'crying' out or praying abt my needs to Him. like "pls let the babies sleep longer so that i can catch up on my sleep" etc.. that's why i say my feelings are so mixed right now. of course i know i'm supposed to feel blessed but sometimes, situations like financial problems or when babies fuss.. it just makes me feel "urrrghhhhhhhhhh... where is the grace I'm supposed to have???!!!!" having said all these, the gals do make me feel happy too cos they're quite adorable [IMG=]

sorry.... so much for being edifying :p keep up your good spirits and faith. pray He will grant you much strength when your twins come too...


Yup really hope that i can really rest from now on. This morning dd3 got fever!!!!! This whole thing seem unending sigh.......

Juz bought few boxes of durian yesterday in the hope to beef up the bbs even i dun really feel like eating it.

Ok i will hear from you later.


Many times, things does not happen in the way we want but after a long long time as you look back you will always be thankful that your life was not run in the way you plan.Esp when we have our creator who run and manage our life. ;)

After our dd3 we din really want to have anymore bbs, so i was really down to know that i have twins and hoping for mc. Now, with all the happening i am also not sure how i can cope when they come. I juz pray and trust that God will carry me thru like how He had carried me thru so many times.

Btw, so far all my 3 bbs were not easy to handle, so i never am hopeful that these 2 will give me an easy life. :p

One part of a song that keep me on is : If He carry the yoke of the world upon His shoulder, i know my sister that He will carry you. Press on ya. There will be light at the end, even i'm like you now cannot really c the light yet. [IMG=]



I think it's very normal for us to feel angry sometimes. Like u, we also wanted 1 more child as a playmate for #1, but we ended up with 2. People always tell me "u're so lucky" "God has blessed you with twins", etc but sometimes when finances are tight, I really wonder if it's a blessing. In fact I think I spend the 1st half of my pregnancy worrying about all these and I honestly didn't feel "lucky" at all to be having twins. Then I realized most of the time the frustration comes because of money issues, then I stop feeling so angry anymore, then I feel guilty for being angry with Him, and I start to say a prayer. Hahaha. In the times when I had to deal with fussy #1, I think it has become a habit for me to pray in my heart, whether it is to stop her from crying, making her sleep soon, etc. Can try it [IMG=] It may not make them stop crying or fussing, but it will provide u with a sense of calmness and patience to deal with the situation.


I really salute u man! And here we are feeling so worn out from looking after 1 or 2 babies, when u r pregnant with twins and have to take care of the whole family. By the way, who is going to take care of the kids when u go hospital to deliver?

