Twins/Triplets/Multiples Mum to be!


God doesn't give us more than we can handle. Since pregnancy until now, there've been many mini trials and i keep asking Him for strength. Since he's blessed us with twins, trust that he will see you through.

This has been a very happy week for hubby and I. The boys have developed a social smile. whenever we call out to them, they turn and smile at us. So cute! One boy is also cooing and gurgling a lot. So glad for them reaching this milestone. [IMG=]


Hey guys

it's indeed comforting to know im not the only one going thru this madness. I always feel guilty when I start or end my sentences with 'becoz we r having twins'

n it's v frustrating when people tell me it's v ez to take care of kids when I say I'm so tired. They jus dun get that I'm having 2 newborns to handle at the same time. Think only we can understand each others stuation.


pinky, how true. Once i start working again, i'll only have a short time each evening to play with them before it's time to whisk them off to bed. Sob!

Gonna see if i can fast track my resignation.. heh.


I have a helper who is with me b4 dd3 was born, so she will stay with them when i go deliver.

Anyway, is rather likely that i need to go for c-sect since i have a c-sect cut for dd1, if i'm not wrong if c-sect usually in the day right? We will likely send the 2 girls to school b4 i go and deliver out the bbs.

Hi mummies

feeling v heavy hearted... Been noticing that my younger girl seems to want me above my maid. Sometimes I'm

the only one who can pacify her or get her to drink her milk when she fusses. Tho I should be happy I feel mote stresssed coz going back to work soon...very heartpain. Haiz.

I want so much to stop working now but it's impossible.


welcome back to the workforce [IMG=]


It's the first time in a year that i'm drinking coffee...heavenly. Really need it to crank up the ol' brain cells again.


haha... i'm a tea addict so thank goodness i do not have to bear children coz i doubt i will be able to kick drinking tea...

maybe after this you will settle down and continue to work... [IMG=]


i think 2 kids is more than double the effort of 1 kids.. not totally sure because i never deal with one (and you probably will know from your first kid..) but at 2/3am, after feeding 1 of them... feels really crap to hear the other baby cry and you have to go through the whole exercise again... both of us are exhausted!!

Ya... It's soo exhausting. It's terrible ESP if it's one After the other. My girls r on 2 hr feeds le! Their small tummies somehow can't stomach so much. N when 2 of them r resting I gotta spend time with my boy. Haiz

eh actually I continued to drink coffee/tea during my 1st pregnancy, but i'm not so much of an addict, maybe 1-2 cups a month. think it's really hard to stop, especially if u're the sort who downs 3 cups in a day.

btw, i recently complained about my rib pain right? these days it's been getting worse, whether I lie down (on my back or sides), or sit up or recline. even sometimes when I stand up i can feel the pain. it feels like a burning pain, those who had this before, does it feel like that?

it'll be another week before my OB appointment. thinking of going to a GP but I don't think there's anything he can about it either except give me painkillers. Don't think an x-ray is feasible at this point too. wonder if the pain is going to get worse as i progress. getting a bit depressed indirectly from this also cause can't sleep well.

MomMe, 2 hours? That must leave you with very little time to do other things. Have you tried increasing their feeds and stretching it to 2.5-3 hours?

pinky, my rib pain was only bad when i was sitting down, especially if i slouched. I felt there was very little space left in me and they were pushing against me. Later it became impossible for me to lean forward and i had to lie back in my office chair to do work. Are you sure you'd want to take any medication for it? Are there any positions that are pain-free?

One of my boys slept through from midnight till morning today! It also helped that we separate both of them at night cos the other boy is still waking up every 3.5 hours wailing to be fed.


trying to increase their feed now. They r taking 110mlnow - v little hoh. It's really tough feeding them. They r really sweet when playing or just talking they will smile , but once come to feed time they'll cry and strggle. I'm still trying to figure why... Haiz...

Hey MomMe, I'm also feeding my boys 110mls, but every 3 hours. They are 6.2 and 5.6kg already (corrected age - 6 weeks old) so I'm refraining from feeding more. I'm afraid they will become overweight. They already look like mini Michelin men!

Are yours hungry after 2 hours? Will they feed better if you stretch longer and they are hungrier?


yupz.. it is the "one after another after another after another" effect that is killing us at the moment... my boys are drinking 110/120 respectively and they are on 3 hours feed so for you to be on 2 hr feed must be really tiring [IMG=]

but you are right.. one of them looked like the mini Michelin man... haha... what percentile is your kids at? My elder kid, we called him ah fat, is at 90% :p


you can schedule an earlier session if you want. I remember my wife changed her schedule a few times because she wants to get things checked up.. you can call up your doc to reschedule..

haha... nice!!

personally i prefer chubby baby so i find him cuter than his brother.. :p ... but i try to console the smaller kid that he is more lean and handsome.. haha

Spiffy n don

ya they di look for milk after 2 hrs. Coz keep doing ye niam niam action with their mouth.

They not v Michelin. They were 4.9 and 5.2 at 8 weeks. Now I'm not too sure le.

mmm.. will they cry if you try not to feed them?

I heard from my pd that babies can be overfeed coz drinking milk is comforting to them so sometimes parents feed them when they are not hungry and the baby take in the milk anyway...

no chance of delay for my elder son.. he will start off with a bit of cries and get real piss and scream his head off if his parents does not surrender the milk within a minute or two... haha...


how are ur gals? their cough better? actually if they pursed their lips like they are hungry doesn't mean they are hungry lei...cos like wat don say, they will probably drink the milk even when they are not hungry. i got duped a couple of times when my gals cry after 2 hours, thinking they were hungry so i fed them, they drank everything...then they vomitted everything out. so what i do now is i will give pacifier to them (if they look hungry at 2 hours)...if they dun want to suck and still cry then i will feed.


wah ur bbs so high their percentile...and mine are only in their 25-35 percentile and i got accused by the KKH A&E doc for overfeeding them..oh and she also said my bbs are overweight. at 8 weeks they were 3.9 and 3.8kg..and the doc say its impossible to double their weight in 2 mths esp when they are preemies..

she did the calculation which is weight X 150 and expects me to feed 60-70mls...when i told her at that amt, they only can last 2 hours..then she told me to feed more irritated...somemore ask me to burp for 30mins and sit her up for 45 mins...she think i very free is it? by the time i do all that, its time for next feed do i even squeeze in to feed other twin? some docs think caring for twins very easy...

Hey anyone had their bbs born before 34 weeks gestation manage to buy insurance? how bout the CPF basic insurance? i am having troubles getting insurance for them sia...Great Eastern rejected say must wait 2 years...even the CPF basic one, my younger to wait for underwriter to worried. how can dun have insurance one?

2 weeks ago..the doc wanted to admit my older twin, but i declined...partly cos worried hospitals got lots of germs, and she is still preemie..and cos she dun have insurance yet!! told the doc i prefer to monitor her condition at home..Thank goodness, she got stopped projectile vomiting liao..

i cannot imagine what the costs will incur..esp now my hubby's medisave have been drained to $0 from my delivery..and the costs of caring for twins is so ex sia! esp their FM. argh!

just to warn anyone who is pregnant with twins and have existing back problem...i got history of back problems...and my spine is in degeneration liao...and i just found out that carrying twins aggravated my back even more, and now i got a suspected slipped disc. no wonder i suffered from intense back pain after my delivery and numbness and tingling on both legs immediately right up to now..

sigh..going to do MRI this a very bad feeling..based on the pain and symptoms i been getting..

Hi everyone, it have been ages since I lasted posted. Not sure if any of you still remember me :p Anyway I delivered my twins boys in Denmark on 28th May and time flies... they are now 2 mths old. My boys are now weighing 4.1kg & 4.6kg.

Congrats to all those who have given birth & all the best to those waiting to see their twins!

@MomMe- I do have the same problem as you when comes to feeding my boys. They can drink peacefully for around 50-60mls but after that they will stop and start making 'drama'... Cry and Struggle! I would then have to calm them down, walk them ard the house then continue feeding. Sometimes they will just fall asleep. I do managed to feed them when they are in their sleepy shape or they are much calmer and the feeding always takes up to 1.5hrs -bottlefeed! I felt very stress when its their feeding time too. Bt sometimes they will just guai guai finish their milk. Btw, Im feeding them 150mls now every 3-4hrly.

My boys sleep rather long at night... After their night feed ard 8-9pm, they will sleep through the night til 5-6am [IMG=] Bt as their feeding take ages, they normally fall asleep around 10-11pm.

Hi shireen

at last I found a 'comrade'! Haha

ya I do the same thing, have gotta rock n sing... So tiring n I'm q shy to bring them out coz if this. Haha.

For my girls it's at the beginning. V terrible. It's funny coz they like to be carried upright. So sometimes the moment I turn them to lie horizontal they know it's milk time n start to cry. How v odd. Haiz.

Hey.... To thoese still bf, do u guys drink coffee? I having a super craving for it ESP due to the lack of sleep. But caffeine isn't too good for the bb right?

@Gera- hope your MRI on friday shows nothing serious [IMG=]

Hi MomMe, mine too!!! My boys behave exactly the same!! The moment i put them in the drinking position they start to cry, kick & struggle. Sometimes after feeding one, I put him down, feed the other then continue to feed the 1st one again.

My boys are not on TBF, I give them both FM & BF... I do take coffee now.


if u ever fgure out why my share with me.


ya, thankfully they r better. Every week there's anew challenge... First reflux then colic then cough n now this!


i don't want to take any medication either, thus i think it'll be useless to see a GP cause he won't be able to do anything about it either. Guess I have to suck it up for the next 2months+ or until they "drop".


you can still drink coffee but try to limit it to 1 cup a day and have it after a feed/pumping session.


thanks. gonna call up the clinic tomorrow to see if they can give me an appointment on friday. am anxious to know how the twins are doing too. if can't then i'll just wait till monday.

have been walking around too much over the weekend. think i shall be a good girl and stay in bed for the rest of the week. #1 is back to being clingy again. think she knows didi & meimei arriving soon & trying to grab mummy's attention as much as possible.

Juz when i thot that i can have a good rest, now the whole family including the helper is down with flu........

Was also trying to avoid extra medication but i guess need to c GP and get some b4 my condition get worst too. sigh.........

Btw, Pinky, did you buy anything for your #1 as a gift for her to be a big jie jie? Not sure does it really works but we did that for the past 2 times and the jie jie seem to be more willing to give in to mei mei.


if your regular gynae is not available, you can always see another specialist first.. my wife saw other specialist who consulted with her docs a few times when she reschedule to an earlier appointment.. no problem one... most consultants can consult with other doctors over the phone anyway...


my insurance application is still in process.. not sure if it will be rejected... [IMG=]

It won't be too expensive if you are on B2 or C class right? My babies now are on C class and their PD visits are pretty affordable. [IMG=]


hats off to you.. cannot imagine myself with 5 kids.. think i will go crazy before i hit that number..


That is good, at least their cough is gone, mine still have the cough for 2 weeks already. And they both have reflux atm and blocked nose on and off. Oh and that sickening COLIC is driving me nuts. 3 weeks and counting, wonder when it will go away before I go insane.


ya... I'm going crazy too. They were so cranky last night . I realy salute u for handling the babes urself when they are difficult. Why can't God give us easy babies?!?


yeah we're getting a gift for jie jie when we come back from the hospital, and hopefully everyone comes home together.

take good care of urself! do keep us updated on ur OB visits. [IMG=]


mine is at night both cry non-stop for hours, not enough, daytime also cry...i am on the verge of checking myself into IMH liao at this rate..

its so older gal is so needy..she sticks to me like night i co-sleep with her, cos she refused to sleep in her cot. in the day, i must be within sights if not she will i dunno if i should laugh or cry. i have to forgo brunch and toilet breaks too..lets not even go into the days when i have to go down SGH for my medical appts.

i read on babycentre that colic babies will be problem solvers next time...i wonder how is it related sia.. i just have to swallow the fact that i have not 1 but 2 fussy babies...*faints*


you referring to the CPF insurance in process or u bought for them separate insurance from other companies?

hmm..B2 or C..still must pay $$ mah...for their PD at SGH its under private class, so its pretty ex..$69 for each bb..i didn't downgrade that time cos in SGH for subsidised care, u get double standards in the neonatal and my C-section.


hi!! wah i didn't know ur boys are born 2 days after are also caring them on your own rite? how are u coping?

Thanks..on one hand, i was hoping i have some answers to my leg numbness and acute back pain, on the other hand, i dun want any bad news regarding my spine..


Not that i wanna hit that no. u know, is God's gift. But i guess i'm a unwilling receiver. Well, i have come to this stage to wanna learn to accept them and looking forward for the joy they can give as they grow. Met a mother of 5 girls last time, she was saying that after 3 it gets easier to have 4 n 5 cos the older can look after the younger. Now that all her girls are older from 14-6yo, she said they are mostly on their own. I'm waiting for that day to come. But i'm really not sure if i can last that long, esp when all of them are sick. Sigh........

MomMe and Gera,

Not sure if this can comfort you. My dd1 was also a colic baby and cried for an hour everyday for 3 mths, she also stick to me like glue until after she is abt 18mths, i remember even when i take shower i need to open the door and let her see me!!!!! But the truth is she is really much easier to manage as she grow. She will listen to us more and never get out of control in public places compare to my friend's baby who is very easy to manage during their baby times.

For Insurance, I'm not sure if you have tried AIA? One of my adult friends who got rejected by GE manage to get some coverage thru AIA. But i'm not sure if they have change since that was many years ago.

For bb cough, have you heard of a chinese doc who massage the bb which help to cut down the cough w/o medication? Is call Yu Guo and is in the east. I tried that for dd1 who have cough when she was less that 3 mths and it seem helpful. The only thing is u need to go down for at least 3 days for treatment. If anyone is keen i try to find out the details.


the cpf insurance is auto one unless you choose to reject it. I also apply seperate insurance for them from NTUC. That is still under consideration.. takes 2 months to process i heard..

mmm... you should be able to downgrade the babies now though.. we also apply for downgrade after delivery.. so only part of the SCN charges were based on C rates.. no harm trying to apply for downgrade again.


sort of can understand.. though we have only 2 now.. my wife and I are unwilling receivers too!! haha...

not that we are not getting a lot of joy out of this experience but there are a lot of crap along the way too... but you are right though.. have to learn to accept and look forward to the joy [IMG=]


not true lei, my older one got hers approved after kena asked countless questions...but my younger one still awaiting for approval...until now still no news...

SGH protocol of downgrading very messed up la..cos if downgrade, i also have to downgrade my gynae clinics and all of my other appts like thyroid and so on sia...then i will have to see a different doc and repeat my history all over messed we rather just stick to wat it is now.


1 hour everyday for 3 mths? mine is 3.5 hours non-stop every night for both babies for 3 weeks already..they only stop to breathe that is all..some nights they cry longer..can stretched to 5 over hours...

my gals are preemies (32 weekers) i doubt any insurance will accept..and i rather not try any chinese medicine on them..cos their corrected age is 2 weeks only. but thanks anyway.


i got a friend who have twins, she tried applying from NTUC income and they got rejected cos her twins are 30 weekers..and was told to wait for 2-3 now all she have is the basic CPF ones..

after hearing her story..i think i cannot be bothered applying with ntuc liao...ur bbs are 33weeks gestation? let me know the outcome, perhaps i can change my mind..


yes..non-stop...its draining my hubby and myself..its especially worse for my younger gal...she has colic every night without starts at 10pm..until 3am..if we leave her alone she cries for that long lor...the only breaks is when we feed her...after that she start again..and she dun sleep at night one lei...she gets hungry quickly though..we tried everything liao...but nothing helps..just have to hope and pray after each feed, it can make her tummy full and make her sleepy..they both can cry until their throat gets hoarse until no voice..yeah and the face redness...

it sounds so hard to believe hor? but if u come my hse every night then u will see to believe..some pple think i am exagerating lor...

that is why i say i am very very very tired..i have been sleeping like 2 hours everynight the past 2 weeks except on weekends is longer...

i wonder when will it end? online says 3 mths..and if i want to count their corrected age means what? i have 2 mths and 2 weeks more to go? [IMG=]

some pple also say its becos we never burp them properly that is why got colic, but we saw the doc liao...its not the gas, cos they are burping well with colic drops...their colic cries as what the doc say its just unexplainable...its not cow's milk allergy or anything..

Hi Gera,

yes Im all alone in Denmark with my 2 boys! My boys arent sleeping much during the day and I think they only wana me to entertain them. Put them down they cry, carry them, sit them on my lap and play they enjoy it! But I cant be doing that the whole day. Normally they gets cranky in the noon and all the way til nite. But after the hours of staying awake and crying, they will sleep through the nite [IMG=] My boys too cry til face turn red and no voice! Not sure if it is good as they are also driving me crazy in the day.

I salute to all mommies who looking after their kids all by themselves its really not an easy job.

Lets JIA YOU together!!!


yeah my gals also...they dun sleep much liao..except just 1.5 hours of nap time..the whole day basically its crying...they take turns to cry, cos i have to feed one bb at a time..always want to carry, when i carry she stop, when i put her down, she starts to wail...

yes i agree, i dun have time to always pick up to carry or play with them..i still got to wash bottles, sterilise, make their milk, and household chores in between their feeds..

my younger one now her throat is so hoarse, think no more voice le...

yes its not easy..i can truly understand how u feel sia..and yes i am going nuts.


guess we are in the same situation! I tot only my boys are so cranky... Not sure whats wrong with them, after feeding they should be full and happy but still cry & cry.


are you BF them or giving them FM? Im giving them FM now so Im not sure izzit they dont like the milk or the teat is not flowing well for them. Sometime they will suck til the whole teats become flat! Maybe the flow is too slow for them, thats y they cry. I try to latch them on, they wont cry and will suck and suck. So maybe my boys dont like to bottlefeed. But Im trying to let them get us if not its hard for me to waive them off.

How I wish I can read their mind! Hahahhaha.

Btw, does your BBs poo everyday? Mine dont. They poo once every 2-3days. Is it Ok? Im giving them Iron & Vit D so not sure is it the IRON that cause the 'constipation'. But once they poo, it will be a HUGE LOAD!! So scary!!



hey ur kids sound like mine. They also dun poo everyday but apparently it's normal le. My bb r full bf i tot they dun like my milk but when I gave them powder they get even more angry. I've changed bottles n teats like 3-4 times already. But not mch use. I've got so many spare bottles n teats now.

Lately my girls haven't been sleeping much in the day either. It's really tiring. I try to leave them by themselves but I realise if I dun get them to sleep they get even harder to feed. So in the end, I gotta Carry them so at least they get a bit of sleep.

