Twins/Triplets/Multiples Mum to be!

I can understand how you all feel cos my dd1 also need to be carried the whole day! The only good thing is she was the only one. I think the stress is really double for you all with 2 bbs.

I realise that letting the bb to sleep on their stomach makes them sleep longer. We tried that for dd1 at the later stage and 2 n 3 was place to sleep like that since birth it really make them sleep longer. But you still have to watch them.


The chinese doc dun give any medication juz massage some point to help them recover, but it will be a long way for you consider the distance from your place to the East with 2 bbs.....



as long as the stomach is not bloated and your kid does not look uncomfortable, a few days is fine.. i got the doc to check on my kid after 4 days of no poo and he said it was fine.. he finally pop on day 5.. haha.. never this happy to wipe shit off other people's ass...


have you try changing the milk? Some babies have preference for milk... or maybe they need to take soymilk instead...

one side note.. heard that people born in the year of tiger then to be bad tempered... ouch


sorry, to correct my post above, i mean i rather not try any TCM on them..those massage kind..cos in general opinion, i wouldn't even try them for myself, so i wouldn't want to try them for my bbs cos partly i dun believe in chinese medicine aka TCM. but thanks for your suggestion.


yeah i heard..they say esp gals born in the year of the tiger is especially hot tempered and scary...haha..its true lei...see how my gals behave. until i am scared of them also...LOL.


how true!!! my gals dun sleep much anymore esp when they cry so much at night and they dun sleep in the day except just 1-2 hours of nap..i have to carry them just so that they can sleep..its better than atm one gal will sleep in the bouncer while another one sleep on my arms..

do ur gals play? i bought the fisher price baby gym for them and they dun appreciate it, they cry like siao when i put them down...and yeah its very tiring when i have to take turns carrying them until i can't do much of my other chores in the day..

when u say ur gals dun want to drink milk, is it at the start they refused liao? or drink abit then dun want? if drink abit then dun want, could becos of the older gal drink abit then dun want, i found out she dun like the NUK teats, cos its too slow for her even in Medium size hole, so i got the Medela Teats for her (as recommended by Spiffy) for her to try, and then she started to drink liao..i found out she prefers fast flowing teats..


like what Don said, afew days is fine..and yes after a few days of no poo, u get a massive load of poo...u just have to observe if they are showing faces when pooing...or when they are uncomfortable..previously when my gals are on NAN PRO..they often make faces when trying to poo, and they will scream in pain just to poo, so i switch their formulae, and ever since then they dun have any issues liao..

so if u are giving FM, maybe u can try switching formulae, cos some FM tend to make bb very constipated. but if ur boys dun seem to be in discomfort pooing, then its normal..


yupz... mu lao hu... but guys are equally sons already can give me the piss off looks at this point... hopefully they don't became parent abuser and start hitting us... haha

by the way, if the kid is premature, how should we count their development age.. like now from birth my kids is about 12 weeks but from their original EDD is only about 5 weeks... so are they considered 12 weeks or 5 weeks?


free 10 huggies samples at


i need HELP! older gal is very needy, she has been crying the whole day...when i carry her, she stops...when i put her down, she starts to wail...i tried carry her to sleep...then when i think she is asleep i put her down, less than 15 seconds, she wails how? becos of her i cannot get anything done today...

is it seperation anxiety? i think its more than that lei, sometimes when i am infront of her (not carrying her) she still cry...

this is something new...she has been acting this way only recently...

is it normal? i put her on the bouncer, the play gym, on baby music for use lei...and she doesn't stop crying...she can cry until she choke...until the milk come out from her nose...and then she will vomit all her milk out..sighs..


for your case, ur boys actual age is 12 weeks, corrected age is 5 weeks. they are considered 12 weeks but in terms of development for milestones and all, u have to count their corrected age..weaning for semi-solids also use corrected age..only when bbs are 2 years old, then no need to use corrected age liao...for my gals, their PD treat them as their corrected age..

its up to you to tell pple their corrected age or actual age...some pple, their bbs are so tiny, so they use their corrected age..for me i use their actual age cos my relatives get pissed when i keep saying they are 2 weeks old only. LOL. then when i say they are 10 weeks old, i get comments from pple that my bbs are alittle small... gals even scarier, they scratch me, my face, my neck, my arms...i am now resorting to cutting their nails everyday, can't afford any sharp edges..and one of my gal grab my specs and threw it on the floor during one of her crying fits. dunno how she did that. they are damn strong and baby tigers..


tks alot! I think their routine now is to poo every 1-2 days. I need to wash their bum with water every time they poo with the hugh load! Wipes are not sufficient to clean the mess.


i bought a play gym fir them too but they also doesnt seems to appreciate. perhaps they are still too small to play with it? bt if i carry them and play, they like it! bt we only got 2 hands! cant entertain both at the same time.

in dk there are only 2 kind of FM... and i think i need to change the teats as they alway suck til flat!

May be you wana try to give your older gal pacifier? not sure if it helps...

Also check with you guys, does your bbs finish their milk every time. my boys sometimes finish all-150mils, bt sometime only drink 80-100mls then full...


no le... They do it from the beginning. But once they start it's not sobad.


i'm still bf le. There was one night thati gave formula to try but they reacted the same way.

I'm sooooo tired from this feeding problem ...

Gera, my boys grab my hair every time i carry them. Ouch! And mysterious scratches appear on their faces everyday. I try to cut their nails rounded but still the scratches appear.

Actually separation anxiety only happens when they are older, i think at this age, it's just called fussiness!

DonK, if assessing development, use the corrected age until they are 2 years old. By then, they would have caught up with kids their age. I always feel a need to tell ppl their corrected age e.g. the infant care centre, in case they wonder why these 4 month old bbs are so slow in development or do not have full neck control etc. On the flipside, when i use the corrected age, Mr Fatty really looks too big for a 7 weeker..

Shireen, may i know your bbs' weights now? They drink very well ah, 150mls.


try using toilet paper first... normally for shit i use toilet papers to clean the major mess and then followed by baby wipes.


it a phase i think.. somedays my kids are like that too.. but if it happens over a few days, maybe should bring her to see the doctor. Sometimes they are feeling unwell when lying down.

Agree that at this age cannot have seperation issue so no worries on that..

guess your planned outings for twins needs to wait a while [IMG=]


mmm..that sucks.. guess we all have to just bite the bullet and wait...


i got the same problem.. if used corrected age will be only 5 weeks and ah fat here is too big for 5 weeks... [IMG=]

So it means that if people say that around 4th month they will do this or that, i have to wait till the 4th month based on their corrected age... wah.. zzzzz


Yes, unfortunately for premies we have to use their corrected age and wait just a wee bit longer to observe their milestones.


Hahaha I can't help but laugh when u say ur boys look alittle too big for 7 weeks. My gals also look alittle too chubby for 2 weeks ESP my older gal.

Yeah my hair!! I almost forgot. My gals grab my hair also pulling, think I lost a few strands cos I got brittle hair. I also cut their nails rounded. Argh so tired to cut everyday ESP when they fidget so much and wail. I miss the times when they are younger, it's so easy to cut then. Do they sell bb nail filer? To file the sharp edges? Hubby told me no point cutting everyday cos then their nails will end up being sharp.

Yeah for development milestones, my 10 weeks bb are alittle slow. Sighs it's going to be a long wait.

Mummies n daddy, if say I'm on antibiotic for 3 days and the last pill I took is this morning 630am. So by when is my BM safe for my babies to consume?

Been pouring away my EBM into the drain for the past few days... So heartpain...


my boys weight are 4.1 & 4.6kg weigh 2 weeks ago. They are born on 28th May. But sometimes they can finish the whole 150mls but sometimes only 80-100mls then they stop. Bt I will need at least 30-45mins to feed them.. quite frustrating.


normally I use kitchen towel then i will carry them to the basin and wash their bum under the water. Hahahahaha! Ytd my older boy poo til his whole back is full of shit and I need to throw away his body suit as it was badly stained.

I think as parents we need to be very 'creative' sometimes to handle our kids!

Btw, check with you guys- In sg, once bb are born, the doc will give BCG injection? & what other injection was given straight after birth? Any vitamins were prescribed for newborn?

Hey pple,

Been MIA for a while as Im bz shiftin to my new home ...babies are still in me and they ar 35plus2days weeker today and hopefully they will reach 37weeks ...they weight 2.4kg n 2.1kg respectively @ 34week so hopefully they will increase in their weight [IMG=]

Gera - I bought the baby nail set and it comes with nail filer from Giant [IMG=]

Hi Shireen

At birth, the bbs will be given BCG and Hep B injections. Or in my case, only upon discharge at 35 weeks as my bbs were born prematurely. BB was given a bottle of poly-vitamin drops and a bottle of iron drops to take twice a day.

btw all, tons of sales lately! There's the Taka Baby Fair until 22 August. And over at the Expo there's the Borders and Metro sale this weekend and Robinsons next week. Anyone going? I'm slightly disappointed the Taka fair didn't have good diaper deals. Managed to trade-in a bunch of old bottles for Pigeon ones at half price though - their standard promotion.


my bbs are on 110mls..but they sometimes dun drink all finish..some days are 90-100, sometimes 70mls, they turn their heads le..PD told me not to force feed them..cos my bbs got history of projectile vomiting. yeah lor my twins also take their own sweet time to drink..last time 45 mins to drink 60mls...but now improving liao..about 20-30mins to drink 110mls..yup its frustrating indeed esp when u have another bb to feed.

when born, if bb above 2kg, the nurse will give BCG..and hep B, its compulsory..vitamins not given to full term bbs..mostly premature..depending if bb born lacking vitamins..though my bbs are not given any vitamins.


wah good idea hor, save $$ on wipes, use toilet paper...all along i have been using pigeon wipes.

btw spiffy got me addicted to Drypers now i am a big fan..and surprisingly its very good lei, dunno why it keep having bad reviews..maybe cos my gals are small so i like the snugly fitted..

now Drypers got promo at NTUC...$11plus..instead of $13 plus.

Ahem, someone told me to try NTUC brand diapers and that i would be amazed at the quality. I have yet to try it but that friend said you won't even think it's an inferior product to other brands. And it's apparently the most economically priced - a few dollars cheaper than Drypers. i know cheap isn't necessarily good but it's apparently both in this instance.


Did your doctor told u not the feed the bb while on antibiotic? Normally i request for antibiotic that is safe for bfg, so even while i'm on it i still can bf my bb. Otherwise, if i dun remember wrongly is a gap of 6hr after your last take.


NTUC diapers often go on promotion. Just stocked up that day and it was 2 packets for $19+. NTUC brand is quite reliable and you won't feel so heart pain if you accidentally tear a new one. Even now with DD we use NTUC diapers and can change them every 4-5 hours. Before we found out about NTUC brand, we'd use Drypers at home, and Huggies Ultra when we need to go out, so that we didn't have to change diapers so often, so this can be an alternative.

Think this time going all out with NTUC diapers once the twins outgrow the Bumwear cloth diapers, except when they start to STTN.


hope u feel better soon!


don't think it's separation anxiety. think they just want to be carried and be cuddled up. separation anxiety usually happens after 6 months and is more of when they start to recognize u, if u disappear from their sight they panic & cry. but that's another phase to deal with.


I am 28 weeks pregnant!

Feel very blessed that the pregnancy has been uneventful so far. Thank God! Will be having my check-up on Tuesday and will update everyone by then.


yeah lor, but her behaviour very much sounds like seperation anxiety. I am so tired. Cos not only I have 2 bbs having colic at night, she have to fuss in the late morning and afternoon. Previously she wasn't like that lei. Maybe her corrected age is Consider term bbs Liao that is why. zZz.


can't be 6 hours cos the elimination of drugs take longer to be 100% out from your body. it would be 24 hours depending on certain drugs to be out of ur system. Maybe due to her symptoms, there wasn't any safe drugs alternative just like in my condition now, the only painkillers that helped relieve my pain are the potent ones.


robinsons sale started already, was at centrepoint yesterday, think it's 20% storewide.

Hey the bb fair is disappointing, was so looking forward to get the pigeon bb clothes 3 for 9.90 (I bought a couple in the last TAKA fair) but this time round dun have lei.


I tried giving her the pacifier but she dun want, keep

spitting it out.

Thanks all... I'm feeling much better Liao... Been pouring away my EBM down the drain these few days... So heartpain.

Thanks gera for the information...

Gera, u took ur girls for the jab alrdy?

Letting go my Medela PISA in good condition, only used for 6 away extra yellow valves worth $24. anyone interested, just PM me.


babies don't usually take pacifier like fish to water. u have to keep offering it until they get used to sucking it. I intro-ed when DD #1 was about 2 months old cause wanted to avoid nipple confusion, and BFing was already established. Initially we thought it was the shape of the pacifier & kept going out to buy different types, but end up it was just getting her used to it. So u may have to keep trying. Once the girls take it, u shld have some peace. nowadays have to stop her from taking her pacifier except during naptime/bedtime. hahahaha.


of course i know that, but everytime i offer it to her, she will choke thus vomiting her milk out. until i very scared to give her. my younger gal, it took afew tries for her to get used to it, but it doesnt last long, just 10mins and soon after she will start wailing.

i also read that some bbs just dun like the pacifier at all..


You are right cos so far in my case are usually juz normal flu maybe normal medication can juz deal with it. Sorry if i give the wrong information.

My sil mention b4 that TMC parentcraft does help to look out for buyer for 2nd hand PIS, not sure if they help those who did not buy thru them.


You are one week earlier than me!!!!

Do you visit your gynae monthly still?

My nxt visit is another week later, the gals pass their flu to me and these 2 days i cough until dun know if will cough out the bbs not, am still thinking if i should have a earlier appt, cos bbs seem to be still moving well.

You take care and keep us posted ya.


I'm going for my check-up on Tuesday but the last month I went, she mentioned about seeing me every 2 weeks so I think from next week onwards I'll be visiting her fortnightly.

You have to take good care too! Hope you recover soon, and don't forget to drink lots of water. I think if it's time for the babies to come, they will come out and sometimes it may be better. so don't worry too much just rest rest rest!

If you can't post here do send me an SMS to update ya. [IMG=]


no worries...cos when consuming potent drugs while BF must be very careful..need to know the total time for drug elimination before giving ur BM to bb..6 is way too short..cos normal drugs peak at 1-4 hours..

Hi All Mummies and Mummies-to-be,

I am in my 18th week pregnancy (no-identical twins - Boys) and my legs/feet are very swell..

Does anyone have this problem at this stage ? I have been lifting up my legs on 2 pillows but it doesnt seem to work...

Hope to have some advise from here..Thanks! [IMG=]


welcome & congrats!

as to the feet swelling there is no 'cure' for it but u can try to reduce it by minimizing walking and propping your feet up whenever u can (good job!). the swelling is caused by water retention but do continue to drink lots of water as its important to keep yourself hydrated.

if u notice that 1 side seems to be significantly more swollen than the other do call up ur gynae.

When is ur EDD & where will u be delivering?

Hi Agenline - Congrats and welcome to the thread!

Hi all,

Finally now i can loudly say i can count down for 24 hours already ^_^ Tomorrow will be the D- day to meet my gals... Cant wait till tomorrow as my pelvis bone like tearing apart already every night. so excited yet also a bit scare as this is my first time admit to hospital, used to scare see blood and see ppl's on drip, now my turn [IMG=] Hope I could manage to BF my gals although i see a lots of mummies had commentted how difficults on BF esp we have 2 in the same now. *crossing fingers*


is the pillow useful? I was thinking whether i could use the normal nursing pillow or manually use 2 normal pillows to form a V-shape for the BF (if try to BF both together).


thanks for your info. In Denmark, babies are given Vit K injection @ birth only. & also I need to give my boys Vit. A, C, D & Iron til 2yrs old. Guess once Im back in singapore, I need to bring them to PD for BCG & Hep B jab.

& how was your MRI on friday? Everything fine?


Jia You & Welcome you to the Motherhood!!

Hope everything goes smoothly for you!!

CL, jia you!!!

The nursing pillow is very useful if u feed 2 babies at the same time. My girls sometimes will wake up together at night. So it comes in handy without my hubby help...


sorry I assumed you asked about the vacinnation in SG so that is why I never mention about the Vitamin K inj. Here all bbs are given vitamin k immediately at birth but BCG and Hep B are given when you meet the weight requirements. I not sure for the rest but my bbs are given in this manner.

When will you be back to SG? I did my MRI scan last week results not out yet, next doc review is next tues.

looks like God blessed a lot of us sisters with twin babies [IMG=] thanks for the encouragement. nowadays, by His grace, i'm doing better... maybe because the gals are better nowadays. less fussing. i realised that my emotions are at its worst when they both fuss or cry together. not so much because i can't stand it but because i'm more of an attached parenting person and i feel lousy when i can't meet their needs at the same time. i didn't want any one of them to think that i love them any lesser when it really was because i can't cope with giving them attention at the same time. there was this once when i was so desperate that i made myself carry two of them at the same time. but i was so afraid because their neck control is still not quite there yet.. was so afraid of damaging them.

anyway, hats off to you mummies who are coping and hanging in there on your own. i caved in and got a helper already. but i'm still quite resolved to be as involved as possible. my alarm went off when the helper told me that at her previous employer, the 10mth old, sometimes, do not want his mummy or grandma... only wanting the helper. my gosh... would never want that to happen. so got to try harder.. but i must admit that its helpful to have a helper around to do housework so that i can focus on the babies.

CL: believing that you're going to have a smooth delivery [IMG=] update us once you're settled in! early congrats!!!!


it's normal for us to feel guilty and lousy when we our babies fuss/cry & yet we cannot seem to meet their needs. 1 thing that kept me going through the early months was I kept telling myself that things will get better, never worse. Slowly the feeding times get stretched, they get into a routine, and they are easier to please. Then life gets better. Hang in there and hold on to Him. [IMG=]


had my 28th week check today. Went to TMC at 10am and was wondering if I could bump into CL there hahaha. Anyway both babies are growing very well at 1.1kg each. My son still has his butt below so gynae says most likely we'll have to go ahead with a C-section at 37 weeks.

I'm still clinging on to hope that he will eventually turn head down. My gynae says who knows last minute he will turn although there isn't really much space to do so. As for my daughter she has her head down, so it's really up to my boy to determine if I can try for a natural delivery. Will have the next visit in 2 weeks and to check my cervix length again.


One thing for sure, no one will understand how we actually feel once we have twins ourselves, the coping with twins is so much so different to caring for 1 bb. It's overwhelming, that's all I can say.

Btw I tried carrying 2 bbs at one go last time when they are small and less fidgety. All I can say it's very dangerous and not good for their necks. If both ur bbs crying same time, you can feed one bb in another room or wear ear plugs, less heartpain. But wat I normally do on a normal day is to put the second bb in the bouncer while I feed the first bb that is due, using my leg to Bounce her, that way I can tackle 2 bbs at once. I also stagger their feeds at least 45 mins apart so they dun clash and that I have ample time to feed and burp first bb before proceeding to the second one.

