Twins/Triplets/Multiples Mum to be!


finally..the wait is over..wishing you a smooth delivery. [IMG=]


how are your gals? still fussy with their drinking? btw i saw ur FB pics about Nat and his hiding places...he is so cute...he really made my day!. ur hubby still can't tell your twins apart? hehe..[IMG=]


CL wishing u all the best and a smooth delivery. Ooh another mummy popping, how exciting! [IMG=]

azureoct hang in there, you're doing great and you're such a caring mummy.

Just had my bbs' celebration last weekend, albeit somewhat belated. They're 6 weeks old (corrected age) / 4 months actual age. So tiring but glad I did it. They were as good as gold thruout and mostly slept thru the noise.

Lately my older boy has a lot of gunk in his right eye. Sigh, suspect it's infected. Do your bbs touch their eyes inadvertantly? Mine will chew on their hands then sometimes their hands go straight to their eyes. I don't want to have to put mittens on them but if I don't swaddle them, their hands go wild.

All, where do you put yr bbs during the day? Mine officially do not fit in one cot anymore unless they're put diagonally. Play gyms don't seem soft or padded enuff for whole day use so I'm thinking a large play mat. Any recommendations?


when considering to buy a play mat, please get the LG asobang playmat..its recommended by alot of mummies on the forum, cos the playmat is very thick and shock proof so if bb decide to flip and hit his head...he won't cry and injure himself..its expensive though...ranges from $165 to $318 depending on sizes...i am looking to buy too...but waiting when my gals are older..

there is a link to it..

but i heard if u buy from forums, it could be cheaper...and i also saw mini toons selling it but the designs are very limited.

as for bb touching eyes...yeah mine do that...they will stick their fingers in their mouth with saliva then proceed to swipe their eyes..i think its unintentionally, cos they are still figuring out how to move their hands and ur boy have greenish pus? it could be infected...mine everyday got eye dirt but its whitish colour.

aiya too old to put mittens will affect their motor development..i seldom swaddle my twins liao except at night cos they will fidget so much..until less than 1 minute of swaddling, their hands "escaped". hehe


ya still fussy. Can only hope it's a Passing phase. Each feed takes over an hr now but I managed to stretch their feeds to 3 hrs.


I put them in the bouncer during the day. Q funny coz they seem q amused with the toys n will even talk to them.. Ha

they'll either nap in the bouncer or in the cot.

Yes the lg mat is v good. I got the large size one n it's really useful ESP when bb started crawling. It's q thick but thinkcan't sleep on it. If get fr the forum they'll deliver to ur house.. Which is good coz it's q heavy.


haha thanks... Kids at 2 plus r the cutest, they say the funniest things.. I'm so tired fr the girls but my boy never fails to put a smile on my face. Can't wait for the girls to reach that age as well.

Gera thanks was wondering if there were any other brands but it seems many ppl buy that mat. I think it's good cos it's got diff thickness and sizes. Will start ordering it..

MomMe yr bbs can sleep in the bouncer? Mine can't..


We bought a cheapo queen-sized mattress to put on the floor of our living room when DD #1 started to flip and could be on her tummy. But she didn't really stay within the "boundary", always wanted to venture out of the mattress instead. I wanted to get the LG/Parklon playmats but wasn't sure if they were worth the money. Now a bit too late to buy for DD #1 to use, so will probably get one to fit into my Haenim playyard when the twins are out and older.

If u think the eye's infected, better go check it out at the doctor's. [IMG=]


my gals sleep on the baby bjorn bouncer lei...and they also love to poo in it. so in the afternoons, one sleep on the swing, another on the bouncer...[IMG=]

Tks Pinky & Gera. So all babies are also given Vit K injection in SG. Once Im back, I need to bring them for BCG & Hep B.


my hubby (his is a German) is working here... thats why I follow him. Its really not easy for me as the city where Im staying is rather ULU and in a foreign country to have my delivery etc. Cried many many times when I first arrived here as I felt so lost (i was 24 pregnant then). But lucky hubby is supportive =)


my hubby contract ends next yr june only. I miss SG!! I hope we can be back for Xmas. My mom kept on asking me to go back. Hope your MRI results nothing serious.


my baby cot is getting smaller too where I place them on my bed during the day. My younger boy used to have pus in his eye too. I use NACL (sodium chloride) to clean his eye. Basically its salt water [IMG=] Pour on cotton wool and wipe his eye. Its gone in a day. Maybe you can check with your doc.


Do you put barriers around the mattress? In my mom's house we use 2 mattresses, one thin and one thick, but i think we'll soon stop using the higher one cos we're afraid they may roll onto the floor when they start flipping.

The last Taka sale i saw a large Haenim play yard but didn't buy it. Wasn't sure if it was large enough. And if they are naughty, I can so see them shaking down the fence and escaping the play yard!

Also thought of play pens but noticed not many play pens are laid flat on the ground. Most have legs - with twins their combined weight might be a bit much and the middle might sag and touch the floor.

MomMe - what thickness did you get for the LG mat?

Gosh Shireen mixed parentage? Your kiddies must be so so adorable! i'll be following hubby overseas next year for 6 months when the twins are 1 year+. Either Canada, UK or Australia. My biggest fear is feeling alone.

Gera/Shireen, the eye dirt is white but A LOT. Much much more than usual. Thanks for the advice.


they are mixed German & Singaporean. Getting German Passport for the time being [IMG=] Try meeting people when you are overseas. Ang Moh are more 'socialable' and Im sure u will be lonely.

We might be in other country too once his contract ends... perhaps we will be somewhere out of singapore!!


hmmm I bot it 2 yrs back... I'll say get the thickest! Ha..

It's pretty heAvy n had to store. So I jus leave it on the floor all the time n fold it up at night.


I saw ur swing.. Looks good.. But I must refrain..


ya, your kids must be adorable


my boys are getting less fancy now during feeds. I realised its the position I feed them. Now I place a pillow on my lap and put them on top of the pillow and feed. They seems to be more 'relax' in this position and they finish their feeds in 20-30mins now. Sometimes they still struggle but its getting alot better compared to last week.

Perhaps you can try but not sure if it works for your girls.


I didn't use barriers at that time cause I was contemplating on whether to get the Haenim playyard or not. Keeping her toys on the mattress wasn't very helpful as she rather flip on the cold hard floor (and bump her head).

I bought 6 panels (1.5 boxes) from the same BP seller Gera mentioned about the LG/Parklon playmats. It's quite stable. DD has tried to shake it and climb on the panels. Very useful as I can leave her there to entertain herself while I do other stuff. The 6-panels measure about 1 x 2m if u put it rectangular but there's no restrictions to the shape of the play yard. I am considering getting another 2 panels to extend so the twins will have a larger CONFINED play area next time. My living room is quite like a playground.

Compared to the playpen I have, the area is smaller than a standard size cot, so I doubt it'll last long if you put 2 babies inside.

For the Haenim playyard if u purchase the LG/Parklon playmat there is a size in which the playyard will rest nicely OVER the playmat. My friend who used this option said it's still quite stable. Otherwise you can also consider getting the Seahorse brand mattress which also fits nicely WITHIN the playyard. Only the Seahorse brand fits, if I m not wrong shld be the foldable one. Think if u use a normal single size mattress there'll be a gap.

Think it's a good investment. You also can confine the mess within the boundaries of the playyard hahahah. Once u r done with it u can easily sell it off. [IMG=]

i have another link here...but i dun think its the LG playmats..they call it the bumper playmat..i recall the LG/Parklon one can roll...but this one is folded into squares...

MomMe, can u verify?

wah u bought the thickest and the biggest? must be damn ex rite?

haha..i caved in and bought the swing..cos my older gal is so fussy and sticky..i carry her until my arms very pain..can carry her almost the whole day..didn't want to buy initially cos not worth it lei..only can sit until 9kg..but cos bbs preemies..think can sit until 6mths? hopefully..but its a lifesaver!!! i wonder why i din't buy it in the first place.

btw anyone here has cot mobiles? i didn't buy..cos my mothercare cots, the rails are kinda short, so when attach the mobile, it hangs low..but i heard there are higher cot mobiles in the market..and dunno if i should buy one...wonder if its too late..cos at night my 2 colic bbs crying their hearts out, wonder if that cot mobile will do the trick..


oh eye dirt that are white in colour...then its not infected la...just clean it for them? i noticed when my bbs cry alot, they have more eye dirt.

True..i got a playpen cum bassinet as a gift, and i just installed it the other day, and it has legs..abit flimsy..currently just using the bassinet function..i think they sell playpens without legs..i see before lei...

hey i went paragon the first few years last week and i saw they sell this play area with the gate function in a hexagon shape..i was thinking of getting that for my gals..cos my hse is so crampy, its impossible to baby proof my entire tot want to isolate them to one location..but i wonder how much it cost, i didn't check the price..

oh and putting twins in a playpen think abit squishy rite?


i also put pillow under bb when i feed her...i using the my brestfriend pillow..actually not for the same reason as u use...cos i got carpal tunnel syndrome, without the pillow, my wrist will that pillow helps somehow to elevate bb on my lap, so less weight on the wrists.

thanks..i hope so too..


Jia you [IMG=] All the best


Welcome to the thread [IMG=] I am in my week 20 detailed scan this week. Cant wait to confirm the gender.


If possible i also prefer natural birth but dun worry ur gynae will be the best person to decide. Today went taka baby fair and bought my first baby item -- a AVENT sterilizer bundle. So many things to buy......

Gera - his eye is very wet all the time... i found an unopened bottle of saline the pd gave last time. I'm going to use that to clean his eyes for now. Really hope it clears up. With all their Drs appts coming up, i can't afford to keep taking time off/leave from work.

Re: cot mobiles, now that the bbs' eyesight is improving, i find them getting enthralled by the mobiles. Earlier they would totally ignore the mobile and continue crying. Now their eyes would follow each toy as it goes round. It helps when i'm busy with one and need to occupy the other for a few minutes. For colic, i dont think this would help much though. Just have to ride out this difficult phase with lots of patience.


just saw the pics on the Bulk Purchase page and i've got to agree the 6 panel play yard looks good on the 2100x1400mm mat. Oh gosh, i'm gonna spend a fortune on this...


I tried feeding her in the bouncer but it's still v hard. It's so frustrating coz so much can be done if they drink faster. Urgh

imagne I started at 8pm n my gal only finished at 930!!!

It's so crazy coz when i stop she will smile n coo ... Haiz


I thunk I paid abt 200 plus to 300. But it's a good investment cox up to Now my boy still plays on it.


thanks a lot for ur encouragement. hope everything goes well for u too!


yeah it's expensive but I think it's quite worth the money. 1 thing to note according to my friend is that the mat might be a challenge to clean as dirt can get trapped. I think if u clean it every few days it should be ok. now i very tempted to buy the playmat already! thinking if i shld be kiasu and just get the biggest & thickest. lol.


i just placed my order for mat + yard. Don't want to think too much about it. I think it's a necessary investment. It's gonna take up a chuck of my living room space though!


All the best to u.


Good to know that your bbs is fine. Nxt week will be my turn to know how's my bbs doing. [IMG=]

Btw, if anyone of u wanna order the bumper mat, dun order the parklon one. The surface is smooth but thinner, mine already got a few cut. [IMG=] LG one seem better, it is also more dense and firm. I din get the thickest but it was still good to "hold" dd1 when she fell from my bed to the mat. She still crawl ard and smile at me, think she was less than 1yo then.

Shireen, hopefully when i'm overseas we live in a quiet suburb where i can get out of the house weather permitting. Would hate to be cooped up all day where hubby coming home is the only thing to look forward to. The usual SAHM grouse no?


credit card limit permitting... cooping up all day at home is not too bad if you have internet [IMG=]

you need tons of space for your shopping though so you probably still need to live in a quiet suburb [IMG=]

Wondering if i should get the stroller and car seat after i deliver or before? Do i need 2 stollers? If i were to breastfeed the twins, can i still bring them out? Sorry ask silly questions - first time mum hee.....


car seat definitely before u deliver as it's a legal requirement to have ur kids in a car seat.

strollers can wait till after birth but no harm getting 1 now. it was the 1st item we bought cause we managed to get a good price of our twin maclaren. plus we're going to have a total of 3 kids to bring out so we definitely need a stroller.

u can definitely breastfeed twins and bring them out. it's the most convenient way of feeding ur babies!

DonK - LOL! You gotta love the Internet.


Should try to get all the essentials before you deliver because after that you'll be pretty much home bound. Whether 2 or 1 stroller is really up to you. Some of us have a twin stroller and others have 2. I bought the Maclaren Twin Techno and am constantly amazed at how it gets out of tight corners. I decided on a twin stroller cos i figured if i'm taking one bb out, i'll just use a carrier.


car seat first. stroller can wait.. we didn't use the stroller until after the first month when we can bring them out.. Having said that, very troublesome for normal sedan cars to have 2 car seats though...we normally carry 1 in the arms now and put 1 in the car seat..

In terms of whether to get a twin or 2 single ones.. depends on your preference.. we got 2 single ones because we need to navigate stairs when going out (ie, my flat does not have lift that goes directly to my floor) so carrying a twin stroller with 2 babies is too taxing.. also, we use the strollers as a rocker at home when the baby cry so 2 single ones is more suitable for us...

The downside is, you need 2 person to operate the 2 strollers. We bought the clips but never used it because clipping 2 single stroller will turn it into a super bulky stroller so we never tried it...

btw, ...and i'm being lame, but have you already decided to use Nestle Nan as your FM? [IMG=]


not really.. the internet is our worst nightmare.. now the wife can shop till your wallet drop and you won't even know it till it is too late!!

hi everyone, thanks for all the wishes. My twin gals arrived yst after 2.20pm safely with the joys of the whole OT doc, nurse, daddy n mummy. They are only 1 mins apart. Thumb up for the services here, the staff make me calm n no panic though is my first time c sec. After tat i was compacting wif the epi effect till this morning. My poor gals havent taste mum's wonder milk n hugs yet cox i just off my drip after lunch today. Will try lacth later in evening feed. Thank God! they are in 2.46kgs n 2.63kgs. Every tests gd now.

DonK, i live in a walk-up and have never brought my stroller up to the apartment. No point la, just leave it in the car boot.


thanks so much for the advice. So glad i found this forum [IMG=] I probably get one car seat and one single stroller first. Like Don k, my unit has no lift landing. Can be a challenge come to think of it. Any brands to recommend for the seat and stroller? These 2 items doesnt come cheap...

No. Nestle Nan is good for newborn? Just in case i cant cope with breast feeding, i need FM at home just in case


CONGRATS [IMG=] The babies have good weights. Well done. Rest well!!


i bought the Combi Coccoro which fit into the corner and middle seats at the back comfortably with one more passenger seat to spare. I drive just a Civic, not a large SUV/MPV so needed a more compact car seat.


Can't. When the babies cry, they like to be place on the stroller and rock to and fro.. maybe they like to pretend to go out ... lol


Congrats! Good weight... rest well.


err...just joking.. coz your nickname is "nann".....

depends on your preference... think most of the people i know, including people here, are either on Nan, Similac or Enfanlac. We gave our kids Enfanlac.

try not to get 2 cots first.. looks like my kids does not really like to sleep on cots.. so probably we will put them on matress after they outgrown the cot that they are sharing now... unfortunately i got another cot already so now i'm using it to put things rather than the baby



congrats & rest well!


is the Coccoro the one which is suitable from birth to about 3 yrs old? We're also not driving a 7-seater and I have to accomodate THREE car seats. DD's using a Maxi Cosi and we bought the infant version for 1 of the twins. Unsure of whether to get another infant seat or the convertible types.


how will you accomodate 3 car seats if you are not driving a 7-seater?

I got the Coccoro too..think they go by weight.. like up to how many Kg but i remember it can be used up to about 3 yrs old depending on your kid's size..


1 infant, 1 squeezed adult, 1 toddler behind. 1 infant in front as our Proton doesn't have air bags.

Will check out the Coccoro when we pass by Baby Kingdom.


Can use the Coccoro from birth till max weight of 40lb. You might want to consider the Coccoro...found out about it from parents from other twin forums who were concerned about space constraints.

CL: congratulations! you were carrying more than 5kg worth of babies!!! how did you manage to do that???!!! no wonder the staff were rejoicing with you [IMG=] i'm sure they're healthy and well.

nann: my advice will be to buy as much as you can if you already decided that you NEED them. my personal experience is that its really tough to go out. i have left the house maybe 10 times since i delivered in early June.. and its visits to polyclinic, KKH and the mall near my place to get groceries. but this is all because i'm breastfeeding my gals exclusively. and i much prefer to tandem feed them by latch on. saves me alot of time so that i can squeeze some time for myself to eat, shower and maybe surf a little. of course if you choose to breastfeed them, you could also latch them on one by one but that will take more time. if you choose to do the latter, then you could definitely bring them out cos you're only feeding one at a time. to do that, i have to first qualify that you must be able to take the hunger cries of the other twin. personally, i can't take it. sometimes, this happens to me because as they're older, its not as easy to latch them on together, so i have to latch them on one by one now. but the other twin will be asking to drink also and again, i feel so torn [IMG=]

as for stroller, we're extremely pleased with our Maclaren Twin Techno... its got great maneuver abilities which you would never imagine a twin stroller can have. my hubby believes that a single stroller will not be able to achieve what this twin techno can do. of course, this is my personal opinion. do evaluate according to your own needs [IMG=]


love the "1 squeezed adult"... [IMG=]


Thanks for sharing [IMG=] Actually I am afraid i cant breastfeed them both fully. It's always easy to stop BF and start giving them FM. U are doing very well. Jia you [IMG=]

Don K

Haha...maybe i get discount from nestle nan. Planned to get one cot first. My master rm may not have space for the cot sigh...dun know how. Maybe i just sleep with the twins in the nursery on the guest bed. How big are ur twins now?


thanks for the recommendations. Combi corroco has many nice colours [IMG=] will check it out


you can try [IMG=]

my master bed room is really crampped with 2 cots.. thinking of getting rid of 1 cot to make space or even moving them out to sleep with the maid. There's only 2 bed rooms in my place so can't let them have their own rooms.. and they don't need it..

they are about 4kg and 4.5kg about 2 weeks ago when they last weight in at PD.. probably can still stay in one cot for another month or two.. then 1 have to move out to make space..



how old r ur twins now? The twins r going to be with us first, so we're gonna use 1 cot in our room and will kick them out to room in with DD #1 once they r sleeping through the night, around 3-4 months old. May be super squeezy if I try to have 2 cots inside.

Regarding the "1 squeezed adult", more motivation for me to slim down after I deliver? lol.

