Support group - Miscarriages

I'm curious, how does it work when we can SMS gyna directly? Is that a clinic? I go to KKH and they only allow me to go O&G although I only see 1 gyna.
It depends on ur Gynae. If ur Gynae gives u number to SMS then u can. My previous Pte Gynae I can SMS the nurse anytime. Once she's free she will get back to me.

Ya usually only pte gynae then we can sms /watsapp his clinic assistant when we have queries then if there is a need to highlight to gynae they will buzz him..
I see... I only managed to speak to my gyna's nurse the next day morning after O&G then they ask me to come in the following day. So during the whole ordeal I was really stressed out because I am worried I can't get to my gyna. And weekends are worst cause my gyna don't work.. :( but now it's all over... So I am curious how to get better support if I do get pregnant again..
I see... I only managed to speak to my gyna's nurse the next day morning after O&G then they ask me to come in the following day. So during the whole ordeal I was really stressed out because I am worried I can't get to my gyna. And weekends are worst cause my gyna don't work.. :( but now it's all over... So I am curious how to get better support if I do get pregnant again..
Then maybe u can consider looking for a Pte Gynae who can give u this type of assurance.
I see... I only managed to speak to my gyna's nurse the next day morning after O&G then they ask me to come in the following day. So during the whole ordeal I was really stressed out because I am worried I can't get to my gyna. And weekends are worst cause my gyna don't work.. :( but now it's all over... So I am curious how to get better support if I do get pregnant again..
Then maybe u can consider looking for a Pte Gynae who can give u this type of assurance.
I see... I only managed to speak to my gyna's nurse the next day morning after O&G then they ask me to come in the following day. So during the whole ordeal I was really stressed out because I am worried I can't get to my gyna. And weekends are worst cause my gyna don't work.. :( but now it's all over... So I am curious how to get better support if I do get pregnant again..
Actually only pte gynae will give u the no.
Previously I was w 1 of the pte gynae at kkh only email given will response only when he got time.
Now my gynae gave his own no which is to me can ask anything more assurance.
Private gynae at KKH - you mean those at the Private suite? Actually I'm not sure how it works - I go to Clinic B every time I see him means he is not private right? I pay private rates though.
Private gynae at KKH - you mean those at the Private suite? Actually I'm not sure how it works - I go to Clinic B every time I see him means he is not private right? I pay private rates though.
As in Pte prescribe gynaes with their own clinics. Also not all drs will give u number. So u need to see a few to make sure u are comfortable. And have like an emergency line to call etc.

Nvr been to kkh don't know the diff between clinic b and Pte suite.
dont worry too much. just make sure all the necessary blood tests to monitor ur blood levels are all done regularly and updated to dr sheila. I am sure prof mahesh will let her know if anything is not right. I also started on clexane once my blood hcg confirm I am pregnant and both of them were not around. and I was a known case with clear instructions to start clexane n aspirin asap once confirmed pregnant. so at around 3weeks pregnant I started my injections journey! until wk 34! now I have a boy with me!
btw. I have a history of protein s and antithrombin iii deficiency with 3 mid trimester miscarriages starting from 22 year old till I held my miracle son when I was 29. its a tough journey but all worth it. all of u must be perservere!
dont worry too much. just make sure all the necessary blood tests to monitor ur blood levels are all done regularly and updated to dr sheila. I am sure prof mahesh will let her know if anything is not right. I also started on clexane once my blood hcg confirm I am pregnant and both of them were not around. and I was a known case with clear instructions to start clexane n aspirin asap once confirmed pregnant. so at around 3weeks pregnant I started my injections journey! until wk 34! now I have a boy with me!
That is great that instruction is clear. Mine is clear as well now is only waiting for dr sheila back in town to order ivig for me pray that she can response to prof mahesh sms n email when she got time :)
Looking fwd to my live bb on hand n be strong for that. For the meantime taking pednisolone while waiting.
dont worry too much. just make sure all the necessary blood tests to monitor ur blood levels are all done regularly and updated to dr sheila. I am sure prof mahesh will let her know if anything is not right. I also started on clexane once my blood hcg confirm I am pregnant and both of them were not around. and I was a known case with clear instructions to start clexane n aspirin asap once confirmed pregnant. so at around 3weeks pregnant I started my injections journey! until wk 34! now I have a boy with me!
Thanks vac for sharing! So sorry for all ur losses, it must be terribly hard. But now that u hold ur boy in your arms must be an amazing feeling.

I m very worried abt this deficiency but just taking things day by day. Reading ur story gives me more confidence. Thanks again for sharing!
btw. I have a history of protein s and antithrombin iii deficiency with 3 mid trimester miscarriages starting from 22 year old till I held my miracle son when I was 29. its a tough journey but all worth it. all of u must be perservere!
You have been very brave n jiayou on ur pregnancy. Cant describe it w my words for now i can imagine the happiness n Happy to heard that n will try my very best to jiayou :)
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I'm curious, how does it work when we can SMS gyna directly? Is that a clinic? I go to KKH and they only allow me to go O&G although I only see 1 gyna.

I think this depends on the extend of service the clinic/gynae is providing. For mine, we are given a number to sms the nurse only. Its my gynae whom gave me her personal email. So I can ask her any queries that I had, no need to go to clinic to ask her and waste consultation fees.
Hi Vac and hopeful_mum,

I had 2 loses at 5weeks with no sac detected. Doc ask me to go for thrombophilia blood panel test and my protein s level were border line low.
Now I am 9 weeks pregnant, I retook the protein s test again and it was same border line low and started me on baby asprin.
In your cases, will doc ask for another round of protein S level test in the later stage of pregnancy?
Hi Vac and hopeful_mum,

I had 2 loses at 5weeks with no sac detected. Doc ask me to go for thrombophilia blood panel test and my protein s level were border line low.
Now I am 9 weeks pregnant, I retook the protein s test again and it was same border line low and started me on baby asprin.
In your cases, will doc ask for another round of protein S level test in the later stage of pregnancy?
Dr didn't ask I also requested for one more blood test. Cox mine is below border line I want to make sure that the clexane are working. It's very impt to monitor. Cox can be a serious condition. Worst case is stroke, still birth. Or miscarriage. So good to monitor closely.
I see, shall request for another blood test further down just for assurance.
Yeah, I read a lot about the complications online.
But my doc only give me baby aspirin and din told me much.
I guess becoz borderline, means blood wont clot bah. and maybe baby aspirin works just fine for you, so don't need to do extra. I just feel monitoring is good. as long as u know its fine, then meds work, don't have to worry so much.
if falls below borderline, at least still can prescribe other meds to help
yap, I will.

my previous MCs, doc also requested me to do a SLE test and glucose test. Luckily both came out fine.
whats SLE test? are u with a pte gynae? I think he quite good leh, ask u to do tests to check.
but later stage in ur pregnancy will still need to do glucose test again to check for ges diabetics.

For now stay happy and positive :) jia you.
No. I am with NUH, Dr TM Chua. lady doc.
I been to see a male gynae b4, I feel super awkward! haha

SLE is a test that determine whether u have cells that attack your own cells.

Ya, was quite glad I took all.. the thrombophilia blood screening is super EX! $500!

I think she was trying to find out the cause as I have consequents MC.

I think these tests are quite important, can help eliminate the cause for miscarriages.
No. I am with NUH, Dr TM Chua. lady doc.
I been to see a male gynae b4, I feel super awkward! haha

SLE is a test that determine whether u have cells that attack your own cells.

Ya, was quite glad I took all.. the thrombophilia blood screening is super EX! $500!

I think she was trying to find out the cause as I have consequents MC.

I think these tests are quite important, can help eliminate the cause for miscarriages.
Haha I also nuh but subsidy with the recurrent loss unit. Ya all these tests very ex. But worth it to find out.
Dear all sisters, I did my fet on 3 jun. Last Wednesday went for bt, result is 0.1. On Friday, went for another bt and the result is 94.3. Today another bt but hcg is dropping to 33. Doc said this is chemical pregnancy and I should expect af to come in 1-2wks time. May i know whether I'm consider as miscarriage in this case?
Hi Tinga, take care of yourself. I have 2 episode also.. no sac nothing just dropping hcg..I consider it as Mc.
My tcm suggest drinking 生化汤, to clear everything. Can only drink when u have ur af. You can go those Chinese medicial hall and ask the sinseh to pack for u. It's a rather costly Med. Have to brew urself.
Keep urself warm, drink lots of red date, longan drink.
My TCM even recommend me to drink 十全大补汤, weekly to tiao back the body.
First mc, I follow Her instruction then Rest 1 mth, 2nd mth hit jackpot. Then chemical pregnancy again. Then I follow her instructions again and hit jackpot the following mth. Now 9wks.
Eh I not sure If everybody can drink 十全大补汤,better to consult ur TCM.
Hi Tinga, take care of yourself. I have 2 episode also.. no sac nothing just dropping hcg..I consider it as Mc.
My tcm suggest drinking 生化汤, to clear everything. Can only drink when u have ur af. You can go those Chinese medicial hall and ask the sinseh to pack for u. It's a rather costly Med. Have to brew urself.
Keep urself warm, drink lots of red date, longan drink.
My TCM even recommend me to drink 十全大补汤, weekly to tiao back the body.
First mc, I follow Her instruction then Rest 1 mth, 2nd mth hit jackpot. Then chemical pregnancy again. Then I follow her instructions again and hit jackpot the following mth. Now 9wks.
Eh I not sure If everybody can drink 十全大补汤,better to consult ur TCM.
Thanks sunflower. Congrat on ur pregnancy.
Abt the 生化汤,can get from eys? I probably go to visit eys and ask abt this.
I'm thinking which tcm to go for? I heard a lot of ppl are visiting tsb but I think it is too far for me. I m staying at north.
I visit dr Su, bukit batok. I stay in the west.
I dunno abt Eys but should have la. Except it might be more ex? I buy from tcm hall already $20 per pkt.
Eh. The medicine is to help clear your womb.
Dear all sisters, I did my fet on 3 jun. Last Wednesday went for bt, result is 0.1. On Friday, went for another bt and the result is 94.3. Today another bt but hcg is dropping to 33. Doc said this is chemical pregnancy and I should expect af to come in 1-2wks time. May i know whether I'm consider as miscarriage in this case?
Ya consider :( but it's really early stage like period is late. In my mind I tell myself is not miscarriage. In medical terms they consider.

I also see dr Su think her meds do help me in tiao.
Dear all sisters, I did my fet on 3 jun. Last Wednesday went for bt, result is 0.1. On Friday, went for another bt and the result is 94.3. Today another bt but hcg is dropping to 33. Doc said this is chemical pregnancy and I should expect af to come in 1-2wks time. May i know whether I'm consider as miscarriage in this case?

I remembered my tcm mentioned chemical pregnancy is consider miscarriage also, so also need to tiao our body back. Western doc tend to think lightly on chemical pregnancy.
Like what sunflower mentioned, take good care of your body now.
Thanks all, I m going to Zheng Zhong ping later to take a look if they have selling the 生化汤. So I Shd start taking tat after af come?
Thanks all, I m going to Zheng Zhong ping later to take a look if they have selling the 生化汤. So I Shd start taking tat after af come?
Think is drink during af. I also drank ahha I cannot rem. maybe when u buy just ask the zheng zhong long. They shd know. Cox it helps clear the remaining blood
For the ladies that go to TCM, i'll like to check if you really feel the difference after seeing TCM doctor & taking the medicine?

My BFF kept urging me to see TCM after my miscarriage. She said even if its not for ttc again, at least to tiao my health back, as she said its useless to bu if i don't tiao. But i am skeptical of the benefits. Seems like alot of ladies here see TCM, do you find that it really helps with your overall health? For example falling sick less, more energy etc?
For the ladies that go to TCM, i'll like to check if you really feel the difference after seeing TCM doctor & taking the medicine?

My BFF kept urging me to see TCM after my miscarriage. She said even if its not for ttc again, at least to tiao my health back, as she said its useless to bu if i don't tiao. But i am skeptical of the benefits. Seems like alot of ladies here see TCM, do you find that it really helps with your overall health? For example falling sick less, more energy etc?
I don't believe also. Hahaha until I had 3 miscarriages and 1 chem. then I saw dr su. After taking her meds I can really feel my body warmer. And I think it did helped me.

My friend hubby sperm count increases after seeing tcm. The thing is it's not like western meds. It takes min 3-6mths to take effects.
Thanks all, I m going to Zheng Zhong ping later to take a look if they have selling the 生化汤. So I Shd start taking tat after af come?

My tcm asked me to drink when spotting about to end after my miscarriage, as it is meant to clear any debris/clots that remains.
For the ladies that go to TCM, i'll like to check if you really feel the difference after seeing TCM doctor & taking the medicine?

My BFF kept urging me to see TCM after my miscarriage. She said even if its not for ttc again, at least to tiao my health back, as she said its useless to bu if i don't tiao. But i am skeptical of the benefits. Seems like alot of ladies here see TCM, do you find that it really helps with your overall health? For example falling sick less, more energy etc?

I am not a tcm person before my miscarriage. But after mc, people told me to tiao my body. I feel my hands and feet are warmer now, compared to the past. My hubby sperm count problem was improved through tcm and not western pills.
I m not sure how much tcm helps me in my health. Have been seeing tsb since mid August n did 2 fresh cycle when w her, managed to success. Watever it is my dh did urged me to continued w tcm after bfp this cycle. W tcm medication I didn't take other bu things in case too heaty, will check w her next week when I see her.
Like wat hopeful mum said tcm is long term effective, takes 3-6 mths to see improvement
生化汤is taken during af. Take from first day.
I been seeing Dr Su since last Sept and I go alone. My husband don't believe. :p
Been seeing her since last Sept, use to have stomache and she tiao my body first before giving me those med to tiao for pregnancy. She always say her Med is not xian Dan. Of Cox u gotta do ur part, no tea, no cold drink, no salad. Keep warm drink tonic... haha I nvr felt so healthy for a long time.
I think to work, u must believe it too then u are determined to do it.
Ya consider :( but it's really early stage like period is late. In my mind I tell myself is not miscarriage. In medical terms they consider.

I also see dr Su think her meds do help me in tiao.
Are u still seeing dr Su?
I have not visit her since my 2nd mc, she told me to tiao 1 mth then go back. I was thinking to see her in my 2nd tri.
May I know where is dr Su clinic? Is she seeing patient at night time? I used to visit tcm in Sembawang eys but din really follow through as I dun see any improvement, She also never tell me any problem with my body. I asked if need for acupuncture for my iui cycle, she was saying no need for me.
Any sister seeing Chinese sinseh near by sbw/woodlands/yishun area can recommend?
May I know where is dr Su clinic? Is she seeing patient at night time? I used to visit tcm in Sembawang eys but din really follow through as I dun see any improvement, She also never tell me any problem with my body. I asked if need for acupuncture for my iui cycle, she was saying no need for me.
Any sister seeing Chinese sinseh near by sbw/woodlands/yishun area can recommend?

Its located at bukit batok. Currently only fridays have night consultations. I also live in north, but a lot people recommended her to me so I went all the way to see her.
Dr Su see patients on sat afternoon and sun morning. I usually go on sun, queue at 7.30am even though they open at 8.15am. I like to be the first few to see her.

Tinga, I have personally tried few tcm before I settle w tsb for the longest time. It's like western dr, I aso trial n error..
