Support group - Miscarriages

Tomomi, in your first trim how often did u take the hormone jab? And how many duphaston pills per day?
I have low progesterone too, I trying to find out what the max protection I can seek next time.

Hopeful_mum, the predensolone is take when preg, is to combat Natutal Killer cell, is another version similar to ivig. That what I know.
Thanks baby milo. But so far as per my report I do not have the nk cells. They are just getting me to take as a preventive measure in case got some nk cells not detectable yet at this age of science coz nvr know.

But after reading I very scared. So is ivig steroids also? Cox they initially wanted to put me on it as well.
Hoepful_mum ivig is not subsided and is vey exp abt $2.5k drip that takes a few hours. No harm to body just that the cost is v v high. And ivig can last one month only.
Hoepful_mum ivig is not subsided and is vey exp abt $2.5k drip that takes a few hours. No harm to body just that the cost is v v high. And ivig can last one month only.
wah so ex, ya they told me i don't need it now. but i really don't feel like taking prednisone. this just in case has ben making me uneasy, but when i was at the clinic becoz i want this to be successful, i agreed to take it. after coming back to read more i feel uneasy.btw I'm on duphaston twice daily.
Hopeful_mum prof mahesh also gave me duphaston twice a daily and hormone jab twice a week. I asked for more dosage he said that this the max. Differ from what tomomi gynae had given her. I am curious, I suspect I have implantation problem, my bean just don't stick. U goggle ivig nuh, there has been successful preg cases. I am ok wity anything that will help me keep my bean sticky. I trying to curb my spending and save for pregnancy as I realise ppl like me problematic needs to spend more and govt not subsiding much to help ppl like me.
yes i also suspected i have implantation prob, thats what they suspected too. so they started me with 1000mcg folic, baby aspirin and vitD. i have been taking since last sep. dec i got a chemical. after that they gave me steroids. so now once tested positive must eat. but i really don't want to yet i am afraid i may have another miscarriage. I'm feeling very lost right now and have lost slp.

i was just thinking since my tests are all negative and I'm fine why do i want to take steroids to hurt my little one. and apparently steroids masked all the pregnancy symptoms so this makes me even more nervous.

Hopeful_mum prof mahesh also gave me duphaston twice a daily and hormone jab twice a week. I asked for more dosage he said that this the max. Differ from what tomomi gynae had given her. I am curious, I suspect I have implantation problem, my bean just don't stick. U goggle ivig nuh, there has been successful preg cases. I am ok wity anything that will help me keep my bean sticky. I trying to curb my spending and save for pregnancy as I realise ppl like me problematic needs to spend more and govt not subsiding much to help ppl like me.
I'm thinking of stopping the tcm i had diarrhea twice yesterday not sure if its due to the pasta i had or the chinese meds. today no diarrhea, but my tummy is churning and its calling me to go to the toilet every 10 mins. but nothing came out. arch I'm feeling terrible.

u mentioned steroids. did u have prednisolone in first trim? I'm very worried abt cleft lips, other side effects like low birth weight and pre-term delivery is worrying too. i told dr anita kale i rally don't want it, but just becoz all my blood tests are fine they want to play safe.

i know they meant well, but i also don't want to risk this. I'm so confused now. i read some reviews, its okay to take this, but her kids bones were very very weak after birth. so I'm just very concern. sigh

the steroid jab is another one only taken at later stage for ppl prone to pre term .. its only 2 jabs ...
oh ya , during my first trimester to early second trimester, my rheumatologist is monitoring on growth of baby, any slow down or lower than normal he will have to jab me ..
don't worry so much ..

my vit D dosage was 1000IU a day .. I stop taking at mid of second trimester when my vit D is normal ..
the steroid jab is another one only taken at later stage for ppl prone to pre term .. its only 2 jabs ...
oh ya , during my first trimester to early second trimester, my rheumatologist is monitoring on growth of baby, any slow down or lower than normal he will have to jab me ..
don't worry so much ..

my vit D dosage was 1000IU a day .. I stop taking at mid of second trimester when my vit D is normal ..
thank u. i decided to stop my tcm until i meet the gynae. then i will follow the steroids prescription first. since its not high dosage and can help me in keeping my baby. i better don't play dr now.
Hopeful_mum prof mahesh also gave me duphaston twice a daily and hormone jab twice a week. I asked for more dosage he said that this the max. Differ from what tomomi gynae had given her. I am curious, I suspect I have implantation problem, my bean just don't stick. U goggle ivig nuh, there has been successful preg cases. I am ok wity anything that will help me keep my bean sticky. I trying to curb my spending and save for pregnancy as I realise ppl like me problematic needs to spend more and govt not subsiding much to help ppl like me.

different gynea different style I guess ...
my gynea give me 3 times a day progesterone, will jab only if there is any spotting etc ... first trimester almost weekly cos kept spotting ...
the one who jab me weekly with 2 progesterone and 2 duphatone a day was another gynea ( my gynea not around that time )...
Hopeful_mum I taking the same med & dosage as you. Except vitD, what is that for?

there is a blood test meant to test for vit D =)
baby aspirin and vit D are given by my rheumatologist , not gynea .. but both well aware of what is going on .. they contact via letter and will update her my current auto immune condition with test report that need to be brought up ( i mean i pass to my gynea >.< )
there is a blood test meant to test for vit D =)
baby aspirin and vit D are given by my rheumatologist , not gynea .. but both well aware of what is going on .. they contact via letter and will update her my current auto immune condition with test report that need to be brought up ( i mean i pass to my gynea >.< )
I'm not worried abt vit d. Basically I did all tests all came back healthy and is negative for all. They say my mcs are just bad luck. Soore diff to treat cox nothing there is for them to zoom in. I'm more worried on the steroids.

Anyway I started the tcm only when I found out I was pregnant so I think for now I don't take. She is not confident also upon hearing I m taking steroids. So I better just check with prof mahesh they all first.

sigh thanks for sharing. can't stop worrying
I'm not worried abt vit d. Basically I did all tests all came back healthy and is negative for all. They say my mcs are just bad luck. Soore diff to treat cox nothing there is for them to zoom in. I'm more worried on the steroids.

Anyway I started the tcm only when I found out I was pregnant so I think for now I don't take. She is not confident also upon hearing I m taking steroids. So I better just check with prof mahesh they all first.
As in with tsb. But this full cycle I was sick so didn't take dr Su meds also.
As in with tsb. But this full cycle I was sick so didn't take dr Su meds also.
Jia you hopeful mum! Seeing all the process you're going thru is really tough but I believe all the hard work you endure will be a fruitful one! AF was here on Sunday morning hehe total relieve! Circle has been regular 31 days circle. Phew!
Jia you hopeful mum! Seeing all the process you're going thru is really tough but I believe all the hard work you endure will be a fruitful one! AF was here on Sunday morning hehe total relieve! Circle has been regular 31 days circle. Phew!
ya babe. i think now so early i am just moody and emotional. yesterday for nothing i cried for an hour bcoz of the steroids. but i thought it over and think that is a smaller risk to have it then not eating it. so more calm and happier today.

happy that ur cycle is back to normal. at least don't need to stress for nothing. waiting for u to collect my red eggs in nov. I'm just praying every day and whenever i rem.
ya babe. i think now so early i am just moody and emotional. yesterday for nothing i cried for an hour bcoz of the steroids. but i thought it over and think that is a smaller risk to have it then not eating it. so more calm and happier today.

happy that ur cycle is back to normal. at least don't need to stress for nothing. waiting for u to collect my red eggs in nov. I'm just praying every day and whenever i rem.
Keep you and your lil bean in my prayers too! Don't over stress yourself stay happy! :)
Don't worry too much :) my next app is April to see the Psychiatrist den may to see Dr Shelia. Long wait. :(

I see u don't go count dates too. Just relax. I think it's good. Keep us posted. For now just rest ur body. Some more u will be shifting u will be very busy. Take care of ur health.

I see u don't go count dates too. Just relax. I think it's good. Keep us posted. For now just rest ur body. Some more u will be shifting u will be very busy. Take care of ur health.
Shifted in at the end of Feb hahas! Life would be easier when my hub is in a good mood of not tiring... mentally don't know how long how can tahan hahas but lucky my mood turn over rate very fast!
Shifted in at the end of Feb hahas! Life would be easier when my hub is in a good mood of not tiring... mentally don't know how long how can tahan hahas but lucky my mood turn over rate very fast!
lol thats good. congrats! now have ur own place also good. need some time to get used to staying together with no one else. good time for bonding.
This morning I woke up and there is a constant sharp pain on my lower left abdominal near the operation scar. I'm just preparing it's not another ectopic. The pain has slowly subside. Ectopic is just very scary u don't know when ur life will be taken away.
Hopeful_mum think positively. The probability is low. When I went a&e the recent incident for jab the o&g young female gynae keep doing v scan on me when I was bleeding. She don't want to tell me what wrong and called prof mahesh to tell him that she suspect I having ectopic and that one of my ovary is extra big! Wtf!!!! I pray hard and when I see prof a few days later ie thurs review, the scan showed that it was not. Stay positive helps!
Hopeful_mum think positively. The probability is low. When I went a&e the recent incident for jab the o&g young female gynae keep doing v scan on me when I was bleeding. She don't want to tell me what wrong and called prof mahesh to tell him that she suspect I having ectopic and that one of my ovary is extra big! Wtf!!!! I pray hard and when I see prof a few days later ie thurs review, the scan showed that it was not. Stay positive helps!
Bcoz I had one before. The chances of recurring is 10pefcrnt. Then if it's happens the next time will increase to 25percent and so forth. But it's on the left so I think it shd be okay. My precious ectopic was on my right tube. When I saw prof mahesh and Sheila they wished my right tube was removed so that chances of recurring will be low. But my tube was saved my previous Gynae. Lol irony.

I'm so tired I refused to wake up today.
Thanks for your information
no issues. if u need someone to talk to, come to this thread. or u can pm me too. take care. I had 4 mcs in the past but I didn't believed in doing mini confinement, or the least to take care of myself maybe drink red date tea etc. so when I see tcm, tcm told me I shd have coz my body became very weak after that.

so please take care, and see a tcm to tiao ur body if necessary.
Good to do a mini confinement so our womb will be strong in later years esp when we deliver
I cheated a little :)
ya I agree. that's why DR SU says actually my base body is very strong, but because I didn't take care so becomes weaker and have to tiao a bit. then I believe actually is impt to just take care.

coz im sure all of us were sad right. I just continue to indulge in cold drinks etc.
This morning I woke up and there is a constant sharp pain on my lower left abdominal near the operation scar. I'm just preparing it's not another ectopic. The pain has slowly subside. Ectopic is just very scary u don't know when ur life will be taken away.
Hope you're feeling better already! If the pain don't stop better go have a check!
Hope you're feeling better already! If the pain don't stop better go have a check!
the pain is still there but not constant and less intense already. I rem in dec my chem pregnancy I really was so scared I just went nuts. I went A&E. then from there I found out my pregnancy no longer viable. well for that good news was its not ectopic, but bad news is chem preg. life really just irony. lol but now better liao so I tink shd fine :)
Try not to think too much and try to relax
Listen to some soothing music n rest more
been resting already. hehe but today my hubby coming back so im much happier! less worried. finally can share the news with him. cant wait to see him, after not seeing him for abt 2 weeks.
Congrats Hopeful_mum! Have a good smooth pregnancy ahead! ^^

Hi Ladies,

I posted here a few months back.. here I'm back in action again.
I have seen Dr Sheila & Prof Mahesh, took my blood tests result on Monday and was cleared. Except for my glucose fasting which is slightly higher and vit D level not sufficient. I was scheduled to see Dr Claudia the next 2 weeks for managing my glucose level. Anyone seeing Dr Claudia before? I'm taking vit D, folic acid & baby aspirin since last month - 1st visit. On Monday, Dr Sheila prescribed low dosage of steroid & duphaston (to be taken once I'm preggy)

Last sep after my 3rd m/c, I took some blood test requested by my other gynae and was tested positive anti-nuclear thingy but none of them (Dr Sheila and Prof Mahesh) mentioned about this during the consultation on Monday. Coz the results is ok for me, I was so happy that I forgotten to ask them about the anti-nuclear thingy. But after I went home, I checked again and it seems to fall in the normal range. Did anyone same as me? Tested positive for anti-nuclear but after a few months later, tested negative?

I'm quite hesitate about taking steroids so I wanna know if anyone here taken it and has given birth to a health baby?

Thanks for reading and looking forward to hearing from you ladies ^^

Jia you everyone
Congrats Hopeful_mum! Have a good smooth pregnancy ahead! ^^

Hi Ladies,

I posted here a few months back.. here I'm back in action again.
I have seen Dr Sheila & Prof Mahesh, took my blood tests result on Monday and was cleared. Except for my glucose fasting which is slightly higher and vit D level not sufficient. I was scheduled to see Dr Claudia the next 2 weeks for managing my glucose level. Anyone seeing Dr Claudia before? I'm taking vit D, folic acid & baby aspirin since last month - 1st visit. On Monday, Dr Sheila prescribed low dosage of steroid & duphaston (to be taken once I'm preggy)

Last sep after my 3rd m/c, I took some blood test requested by my other gynae and was tested positive anti-nuclear thingy but none of them (Dr Sheila and Prof Mahesh) mentioned about this during the consultation on Monday. Coz the results is ok for me, I was so happy that I forgotten to ask them about the anti-nuclear thingy. But after I went home, I checked again and it seems to fall in the normal range. Did anyone same as me? Tested positive for anti-nuclear but after a few months later, tested negative?

I'm quite hesitate about taking steroids so I wanna know if anyone here taken it and has given birth to a health baby?

Thanks for reading and looking forward to hearing from you ladies ^^

Jia you everyone
Hey thanks. I'm currently taking steroids now. I have asked them they say it's not high dosage so shouldn't have any issues. I will go for a scan on mon and will ask again. I read online many women take 25mg or 20mg to prevent. We only take 10mg so the dosage is much lesser. Super rare side effects is cleft lips. Common side effects smaller baby in weight. Premature birth. And mum may get ges diabetics.

So u have to be careful since ur blood sugar is slightly on the high side.
Hi hopeful_mum,
Actually I was surprised when my glucose level is higher than normal. Coz I don't really take sweet stuff. But I simply love drinking milo which I think it's a no no for me now. I gotta control my diet till I go see Dr Claudia.
Good luck to your scan next mon! :)
Hi hopeful_mum,
Actually I was surprised when my glucose level is higher than normal. Coz I don't really take sweet stuff. But I simply love drinking milo which I think it's a no no for me now. I gotta control my diet till I go see Dr Claudia.
Good luck to your scan next mon! :)
Thanks. I will update u on the steroid. But I see other countries they take high dosage but babies no prob. I also understand ivf sometimes also use it. So shd be safe given out dosage is so small.
Lybaby, not just sweet stuffs contribute to glucose. Carbo food like rice, noodles n fried food are aso contributors to do take note of ur diet. Trued to take brown rice, softmeal bread instead of white bread..
no issues. if u need someone to talk to, come to this thread. or u can pm me too. take care. I had 4 mcs in the past but I didn't believed in doing mini confinement, or the least to take care of myself maybe drink red date tea etc. so when I see tcm, tcm told me I shd have coz my body became very weak after that.

so please take care, and see a tcm to tiao ur body if necessary.

So which Tcm you went ?
So which Tcm you went ?
Actually since nov I think I went dr Su. Very nice lady. But feb meds she gave me too Heaty. Cox she wants to bu my dec chem pregnancy. Initially I take her meds I think it's very good I can really feel my body warming up. But after feb I just desparate so I want to change tcm. So I went see tsb and so qiao I preggie Liao.

Now I want to stop go back see Gynae scan first make sure not ectopic and ask if can take chinese meds. If can I will continue with tsb cox I invested the pot! Lol but if u ask me I think dr Su is quite good. Somehow maybe tsb very famous and her clinic very clean so makes u feel more comfy. Like her meds cleaner u take u don't feel insecure. Not dr Su meds not clean, but tsb clinic got air con so all the meds also kept in air con room one. Like more hygienic. And don't have to go to outside to buy the herbs. Tsb has everything under one roof.

I do feel a bit guilty not going back to dr Su. But I just want to try someone new and with all her success stories makes me more confident.
Congrats Hopeful_mum! Have a good smooth pregnancy ahead! ^^

Hi Ladies,

I posted here a few months back.. here I'm back in action again.
I have seen Dr Sheila & Prof Mahesh, took my blood tests result on Monday and was cleared. Except for my glucose fasting which is slightly higher and vit D level not sufficient. I was scheduled to see Dr Claudia the next 2 weeks for managing my glucose level. Anyone seeing Dr Claudia before? I'm taking vit D, folic acid & baby aspirin since last month - 1st visit. On Monday, Dr Sheila prescribed low dosage of steroid & duphaston (to be taken once I'm preggy)

Last sep after my 3rd m/c, I took some blood test requested by my other gynae and was tested positive anti-nuclear thingy but none of them (Dr Sheila and Prof Mahesh) mentioned about this during the consultation on Monday. Coz the results is ok for me, I was so happy that I forgotten to ask them about the anti-nuclear thingy. But after I went home, I checked again and it seems to fall in the normal range. Did anyone same as me? Tested positive for anti-nuclear but after a few months later, tested negative?

I'm quite hesitate about taking steroids so I wanna know if anyone here taken it and has given birth to a health baby?

Thanks for reading and looking forward to hearing from you ladies ^^

Jia you everyone


I am tested after my mc and found out I am ANA positive ( anti nuclear antibodies ) ... My boy is now 1 year old =)
If u got this positive then negative, odds are u might be at boardline ... so it always good to get urself tested when needed... I follow up with a rheumatologist after my MC and he is there my whole pregnancy to monitor my condition ... first trimester I see him almost monthly and he will test me when needed... I went through a very comprehensive test before he allow me to ttc .. I was not given steroid for info, but if the baby growth is not as good as expected, he did tell me that he will give a some kind of jab ( not hormones jab ) ..

ladies im so worried now. I started spotting this morning. Brown cervical mucus. and spots on my undies. already informed NUH waiting for them to get back to me. im worried sick to my stomach. no cramps, but I feel abit "suan suan" feeling down there. I don't know if this is another mc.
