Support group - Miscarriages

Mine is aspirin

Hi ladies, I had my miscarriage 3 weeks ago, went for follow up scan today and found out that I have cysts growing on both of my ovaries!! One of them could be complex with internal echoes, which could be harmful and not benign. I do not know much about these things and doc will only see me to discuss further, e.g. whether to remove it through surgery, if the cysts are malignant or cancerous, etc.

I am worried sick, we are still hoping for our rainbow baby and this piece of news really struck us badly. I heard that ovarian cancer at my age (32yo) is very rare, still I am stressed out. I think only you ladies here can really understand what I am being put through.

Anyone has similar experience? Or do you know of anyone who had been through the same?
Hugs. I have not been through that. I only had fibroid during my first pregnancy and it grew to 5cm in early stages of my pregnancy. Wasn't the cause of the miscarriage. But I went to remove it later becox if I get pregnant again it may fight space.

I know some ladies removing cysts so to conceive. But ur case sounds very complex. I don't have much info to provide. Meanwhile u take care first and see ur Gynae to discuss. Hope everything goes well.
Give a hope, dr choolani and dr mahesh is the same person. In Nuh he doesn't do scan, he does it in Mt E clinic?
Ya I knew is the same person therefore I am seeing him there...
Yup he will do internal scan when there is necessary...but not cheap
Today is my 2nd time seeing him aft all the report out.
He doesn't fix next appt and asked me just take meds. But must let him know immediately once I know I got pregnant...he will follow the plan he had for me n react from there to keep the pregnancy...
Give a hope, I seeing him at nuh since last feb. are you taking the same aspirin as hopeful_mum? If yes, then is not the same am type as mine, not sure if watson has it.
His pte clinic is really v exp, can't afford to see him there
Give a hope, I seeing him at nuh since last feb. are you taking the same aspirin as hopeful_mum? If yes, then is not the same am type as mine, not sure if watson has it.
His pte clinic is really v exp, can't afford to see him there
Alamak got diff type? The nurse told me to get aspirin 100mg not say which type also...but she says can get from pharmacy...but I am having hard time to get it now lor...
Err yes it is damn ex...seeing hub paying it for every visit n all the tests my heart pain also...but we found the service there is super good and dr choolani will take time slowly explain and very details as well...
Today is my 1st time experience painless internal hub told dr choolani I scare of ultrasounds...but I felt happy w painless scan...haha :)
I will be see dr Sheila 2 week later for my slightly high NK cells...must save money in order to see both of
Alamak got diff type? The nurse told me to get aspirin 100mg not say which type also...but she says can get from pharmacy...but I am having hard time to get it now lor...
Err yes it is damn ex...seeing hub paying it for every visit n all the tests my heart pain also...but we found the service there is super good and dr choolani will take time slowly explain and very details as well...
Today is my 1st time experience painless internal hub told dr choolani I scare of ultrasounds...but I felt happy w painless scan...haha :)
I will be see dr Sheila 2 week later for my slightly high NK cells...must save money in order to see both of
Wah hear Liao very scary. So many mcs and with 2 ops already drained out a lot of our savings. I'm grateful I went for a slower approach to pay lesser. Now pregnant I may have to see dr Anita, prof mahesh and Sheila at the same time throughout according to the nurse. Will only change to pte patient later on when everything stabilised.
Wah hear Liao very scary. So many mcs and with 2 ops already drained out a lot of our savings. I'm grateful I went for a slower approach to pay lesser. Now pregnant I may have to see dr Anita, prof mahesh and Sheila at the same time throughout according to the nurse. Will only change to pte patient later on when everything stabilised.
W dr choolani it save our time cos he will ask to do the test all in one go but costly...
My two D&C also cost us many...sigh
My NK cells actually still within the range for normal person but to dr choolani it is over his limit set for pregnancy women...
Err I actually very scare cannot find dr when I need help and feel more secure that I can get the nurse even aft clinic hour or dr choolani when I really need it...
W dr choolani it save our time cos he will ask to do the test all in one go but costly...
My two D&C also cost us many...sigh
My NK cells actually still within the range for normal person but to dr choolani it is over his limit set for pregnancy women...
Err I actually very scare cannot find dr when I need help and feel more secure that I can get the nurse even aft clinic hour or dr choolani when I really need it...
True as long as u feel comfortable. I come to terms with it. If anything happens in first trim with all the meds help and even injection of things still happen hor also cannot help. I will go next morning. So far I haven't call anyone after hours in my past mcs also. But nuh also gave us the nurse number. But I only do it in day time and appt are fixed immediately. That's why I don't have much waiting time. Their service really quite fast. I'm so far still feel secure with them :)

Think it was one of the ladies in the thread to recommend me to nuh. She delivered a healthy baby Liao. Think hers was prof biswa.
Actually since nov I think I went dr Su. Very nice lady. But feb meds she gave me too Heaty. Cox she wants to bu my dec chem pregnancy. Initially I take her meds I think it's very good I can really feel my body warming up. But after feb I just desparate so I want to change tcm. So I went see tsb and so qiao I preggie Liao.

Now I want to stop go back see Gynae scan first make sure not ectopic and ask if can take chinese meds. If can I will continue with tsb cox I invested the pot! Lol but if u ask me I think dr Su is quite good. Somehow maybe tsb very famous and her clinic very clean so makes u feel more comfy. Like her meds cleaner u take u don't feel insecure. Not dr Su meds not clean, but tsb clinic got air con so all the meds also kept in air con room one. Like more hygienic. And don't have to go to outside to buy the herbs. Tsb has everything under one roof.

I do feel a bit guilty not going back to dr Su. But I just want to try someone new and with all her success stories makes me more confident.

Hi there, can you give me TSB address please?
True as long as u feel comfortable. I come to terms with it. If anything happens in first trim with all the meds help and even injection of things still happen hor also cannot help. I will go next morning. So far I haven't call anyone after hours in my past mcs also. But nuh also gave us the nurse number. But I only do it in day time and appt are fixed immediately. That's why I don't have much waiting time. Their service really quite fast. I'm so far still feel secure with them :)

Think it was one of the ladies in the thread to recommend me to nuh. She delivered a healthy baby Liao. Think hers was prof biswa.
How we feel is important and our decision lead to whether we will continue seeing our gyane or change to other one.
For my past experience I either having hard time to get the dr meaning need to call appt line to ask own gyane to back to hospital or the appt always fully booked.
Oh calling for help in the daytime can get reply easily. Dunno why my past experience usually is at night. And I don feel like going to A&E with their not sincere help that I encountered last time.
Hope for a fresh and good start from now onwards and will hold little ones next year. Hehe :)
I feel so stressful facing hb relative, the cousin inviting us to her baby 1st bday... I always hate all this kind of facing relative period so stressful I'll just stand one corner and not talk I guess I'd rather not be coming :( hais
The qing ming and cny period equally stressful sorry for the rant here need to voice out! My own grandparents I also never go baibai but married le no choice must face hb side one somemore his relative also scary ones :(
I feel so stressful facing hb relative, the cousin inviting us to her baby 1st bday... I always hate all this kind of facing relative period so stressful I'll just stand one corner and not talk I guess I'd rather not be coming :( hais
Can don't go? I unkowningly don't know start from when I just happily excused myself for all these. Say I got another baby shower etc. I just disappear I'm sick of all such gatherings though it's part of life. But no1 birthday then no2 birthday I don't attend at all. It's a terrible feeling. Can don't go then don't go makes us very miserable. Then have to listen to qns when ur turn etc. Very stressful.

Esp now I m uber pantang I will not go for any weddings baby showers birthdays anymore. Didn't quite believe in the past. I think it's time to be selfish for 9mths and be pantang all the way.
My hub relative also v scary one. Can ask the most direct ques like are we ok ? Did we see doc? Is he a father now ? How old am I??
Damn my blood was blooding during cny
This cny I was very lucky. My bro in law wife pregnant Liao. So all focus on them. When they ask I just oh they pregnant Liao we can take a break.
All this issues we need to face :( I mean deep inside we know they mean no hard BUT they just don't know what we've been thru :( I already tried to push away and yet they keep saying come luh must come hais...
All this issues we need to face :( I mean deep inside we know they mean no hard BUT they just don't know what we've been thru :( I already tried to push away and yet they keep saying come luh must come hais...
Haiz. Just say busy have another baby shower or wedding lunch to attend. Some I still go. Some I simply can't be bothered. In fact I go to those not as Close ones. My hubby friends one I all don't go. Their kids all 2-5years old. We all married same time I still on kids. All of them have 2! So I don't like to go there. The ladies somehow will just keep asking and saying.
My hub relative also v scary one. Can ask the most direct ques like are we ok ? Did we see doc? Is he a father now ? How old am I??
Damn my blood was blooding during cny
This cny we skipped and went to Taichung for an short trip..
But recently my mil asking me when is my turn to plan one...stunned she think so easy? How much pain I have and I still scare lor...
Just can pray for the best :)
This cny we skipped and went to Taichung for an short trip..
But recently my mil asking me when is my turn to plan one...stunned she think so easy? How much pain I have and I still scare lor...
Just can pray for the best :)
Does she knows what u went thru?
My mum told my mil after my ectopic surgery that she doesn't to lose a daughter for a grandchild. So she won't be pressuring me. My mil got it. And she all along felt she nvr hurry us. But she did. She even asked if we times intercourse. Etc etc. This one not hurry ah?! So after that she really stop asking me. And then bro in law married prc and 4mths down pregnant Liao. Hahaha
After my mc last year, mil aso didn't ask much. She just make sure dh take 冬虫草capsules from eys daily. Not cheap but she pays... I just have to tell her to replenish if gg finish..
Does she knows what u went thru?
My mum told my mil after my ectopic surgery that she doesn't to lose a daughter for a grandchild. So she won't be pressuring me. My mil got it. And she all along felt she nvr hurry us. But she did. She even asked if we times intercourse. Etc etc. This one not hurry ah?! So after that she really stop asking me. And then bro in law married prc and 4mths down pregnant Liao. Hahaha
Dunno leh but I know my 1st mc my hub did tell my fil hub says respect them if they says anything he will standing in front of me won let ppl say me den when went to visit parents in law fil just asked me take care and asked hub to do housework don let me take heavy stuffs...haha
Mil the other time says she don have sister and daughter she hope to have more girl at home. Den asking me when lor..
Haha u got prc SIL to push but my Hub's bro still single lor so all focus is on us...
As for my mum she said my body n health more important just don care whatever mil say.
Dunno leh but I know my 1st mc my hub did tell my fil hub says respect them if they says anything he will standing in front of me won let ppl say me den when went to visit parents in law fil just asked me take care and asked hub to do housework don let me take heavy stuffs...haha
Mil the other time says she don have sister and daughter she hope to have more girl at home. Den asking me when lor..
Haha u got prc SIL to push but my Hub's bro still single lor so all focus is on us...
As for my mum she said my body n health more important just don care whatever mil say.
Think mil just don't want us to give up trying bah.
Ya lor but don wan ppl asking mah...we will try naturally once we are ready...haha :)
Ya I agree. Really hate it when my mum in law ask my hubby then ask me. And she roti prata her words. Lol she told hubby must time. Then when she asked me a week later I told her we timed so to answer to what she old hubby right. She told me cannot time. Like that is stressful. Wah I was like just speechless!
Ya I agree. Really hate it when my mum in law ask my hubby then ask me. And she roti prata her words. Lol she told hubby must time. Then when she asked me a week later I told her we timed so to answer to what she old hubby right. She told me cannot time. Like that is stressful. Wah I was like just speechless!
Wah ur mil really will prata lor...make sure u tell everything that she told u to ur hub in case she saying another thing to him when u not w
My mil is now everything 60 年代things lor...last time like that now like this and now ppl thinking differently than last time which is too modern ah this and that...feel like no two way communication her what is she think is right ppl all wrong...
My hub worse .. Only child in his family... But after failed ivf n mc my mil keep quiet oradi. but will still Suan us without fail when we go on holiday to San xin ... I only go hol when fail leh
Mil should 将心比心...if she got dau touch wood happen on them our mil won be that way lor...
My mil is say what she wan den hub is she old liao old ppl like to talk n nag next time we also leh...I was like sweating in my heart...nonsense lor should be more sensitive la our mil
I rem when I just got married n stayed w in laws, I do have some culture shock over some little things mil does. In the end I got scolding from my mum cos she says u Ren mil mayb mil aso ren me.. stay under one roof. Close one eye if not how to live together. Then I slowly accept my in laws way of living. I m quite a home person wherelse mil vy active, she got dancing, karaoke n etc. Every nite home after 1030, I go to work she still slpg but she does the housework n laundry wash for us. So I told myself dun ask for much. Luckily they are modern enough n dun interfere w our lives but she does notice my shopping of shoes n clothes n go check out the brand n price...
Can u imagine my mil got drunk n ask my dh go down fetch her.. I really no comments. Now she still goes drinking or not I m not sure cos not staying w them anymore.. only knows she is into baking cookies n cakes recently..
Ya I told my hubby also. Cox they have a sister. I say if it happens to ur sis I think it's different. My mil probably won't say such things. I gone thru 2 ops just for having a baby. If her daughter was to go through all these it will be different. Of cox I don't want anything happen to the sis. So u a are Right. Shd Jiang xin bi xin.

My mil general treats me well. She is nice to me. But I think I'm frustrated. So maybe abit of unhappiness. Unhappy wit myself and unhappy with what she says lol. I just hope maybe it's me lah. I like my FIL a lot. He doesn't interfere and he just treats me as his daughter.

I shall not complain abt my mil hahaha I feel bad. But sometimes can't help it :p
I rem when I just got married n stayed w in laws, I do have some culture shock over some little things mil does. In the end I got scolding from my mum cos she says u Ren mil mayb mil aso ren me.. stay under one roof. Close one eye if not how to live together. Then I slowly accept my in laws way of living. I m quite a home person wherelse mil vy active, she got dancing, karaoke n etc. Every nite home after 1030, I go to work she still slpg but she does the housework n laundry wash for us. So I told myself dun ask for much. Luckily they are modern enough n dun interfere w our lives but she does notice my shopping of shoes n clothes n go check out the brand n price...
Can u imagine my mil got drunk n ask my dh go down fetch her.. I really no comments. Now she still goes drinking or not I m not sure cos not staying w them anymore.. only knows she is into baking cookies n cakes recently..
Okie leh at least she is modern enough n don interfere w ur lives.
My mil always thinking how last time how good all the storie of her young age n working stories...she don accept ppl comment or feedback and will angry if ppl doesn't support her thinking and action. Sometimes we just don bothered her let her say even fil say mil nv mixed w ppl thinking too narrow n hard to communicate.
Ya my mum always says that close one eye..actually w my hub when just got married time also cannot tahan his living style but I told my hub I will close both eyes lucky aft awhile he ok liao not like last time..actually we must give way n more flexible only can live happily together...haha :)
I rem when I just got married n stayed w in laws, I do have some culture shock over some little things mil does. In the end I got scolding from my mum cos she says u Ren mil mayb mil aso ren me.. stay under one roof. Close one eye if not how to live together. Then I slowly accept my in laws way of living. I m quite a home person wherelse mil vy active, she got dancing, karaoke n etc. Every nite home after 1030, I go to work she still slpg but she does the housework n laundry wash for us. So I told myself dun ask for much. Luckily they are modern enough n dun interfere w our lives but she does notice my shopping of shoes n clothes n go check out the brand n price...
Can u imagine my mil got drunk n ask my dh go down fetch her.. I really no comments. Now she still goes drinking or not I m not sure cos not staying w them anymore.. only knows she is into baking cookies n cakes recently..
ur MIL super happening!! lol
Ya I told my hubby also. Cox they have a sister. I say if it happens to ur sis I think it's different. My mil probably won't say such things. I gone thru 2 ops just for having a baby. If her daughter was to go through all these it will be different. Of cox I don't want anything happen to the sis. So u a are Right. Shd Jiang xin bi xin.

My mil general treats me well. She is nice to me. But I think I'm frustrated. So maybe abit of unhappiness. Unhappy wit myself and unhappy with what she says lol. I just hope maybe it's me lah. I like my FIL a lot. He doesn't interfere and he just treats me as his daughter.

I shall not complain abt my mil hahaha I feel bad. But sometimes can't help it :p
Haha same lor...but I can't say that cos my hub got only one elder
Ya my fil also he won interfere our lives he will told my mil young ppl thinking different than them they know what they doing and they have own burden...all the food we bought in Taipei mil doesn't want to eat n complaint many says stated pork but she think is rabbit meat n bought her blue color shirt she said last time in 60 年代 is funeral time den imagine like that how to buy local food back? But one thing good is fil just says her she don wan to eat he will eat that is local food of tw...
Haha same lor...but I can't say that cos my hub got only one elder
Ya my fil also he won interfere our lives he will told my mil young ppl thinking different than them they know what they doing and they have own burden...all the food we bought in Taipei mil doesn't want to eat n complaint many says stated pork but she think is rabbit meat n bought her blue color shirt she said last time in 60 年代 is funeral time den imagine like that how to buy local food back? But one thing good is fil just says her she don wan to eat he will eat that is local food of tw...
hahaha at least FIL appreciates it. ya i think we are all quite lucky. i heard of the really nasty ones. so we are all in good hands.
My dh got intention of asking them move in w us n rent out their flat . I m like can I say no.. he wants to filial I can't stop him.but dun know when he wants to do tat cos he knows he will lose freedom once they move in... hahaa so I nvr bother to ask.. mil said most impt got space for her shoes n clothes.. I look at my dh n say good luck... our own wardrobe aso no space in the hse where got extra for them when move in w us..
My dh got intention of asking them move in w us n rent out their flat . I m like can I say no.. he wants to filial I can't stop him.but dun know when he wants to do tat cos he knows he will lose freedom once they move in... hahaa so I nvr bother to ask.. mil said most impt got space for her shoes n clothes.. I look at my dh n say good luck... our own wardrobe aso no space in the hse where got extra for them when move in w us..
ur dh really nice. i don't think i can stay long term with in laws i enjoy freedom too much. his brother is still staying with them coz earning not much and wife prc not working type so single income plus baby coming along diff. PRC also cannot apply flat yet. so lucky got one sone still staying with them. even if he inherit the hdb i also happy for him, no need spend money buy house. but a bit squeezy the sis haven't marry off. soon lah. then the child at least can has her own room or something.
Fil is the super quiet type if compared w my own dad. My dad likes to talk n can talk for hours.. fil diam diam type.. when stay w them before he retires I can guess his working hours, slp at 8 means morning shift, 10+ afternoon shift if 11-12+ means tmr off day.. my mil can go out happening herself daily. They hardly go out together. Only last July after my mc, in laws said want tag along holiday w us be it bkk or hk.. so in the end we went hk, they paid for their own tix n hotel wherelse food n transport in hk, we fully sponsor...luckily mil can shop n fil just quietly follow us n carry things.. hehee
hahaha at least FIL appreciates it. ya i think we are all quite lucky. i heard of the really nasty ones. so we are all in good hands.[/quote]
Ya but just feel funny lor on her statement that tw can put rabbit meat as pork how we know...
I really got no say on her...haha
Fil is the super quiet type if compared w my own dad. My dad likes to talk n can talk for hours.. fil diam diam type.. when stay w them before he retires I can guess his working hours, slp at 8 means morning shift, 10+ afternoon shift if 11-12+ means tmr off day.. my mil can go out happening herself daily. They hardly go out together. Only last July after my mc, in laws said want tag along holiday w us be it bkk or hk.. so in the end we went hk, they paid for their own tix n hotel wherelse food n transport in hk, we fully sponsor...luckily mil can shop n fil just quietly follow us n carry things.. hehee
hahah so interesting on how u guess ur FIL timing. both my dad and FIL are quiet type. but still can feel the love my fil gives. i think support from In laws are most impt when comes to ttc and mcs. i am angry at times coz i cannot forget the things my MIL and sis say abt my first mc. they say things that are ultra pantang one, example i squat down, or i cross the drain. so when cross the drain baby drop. wah i listen liao from my hubby i gave him a scolding for not protecting me. hey I'm the one in pain losing my baby okay. why they have to say such nonsense things. don't squat down can, ur son can support me don't work i stay home lie down loh.

cannot be what singaporeans usually both have to work mah. ya so yes I'm still angry haven't forget. can forgive but can't forget. pour salt on my wounds when I'm saddest.
My dh got intention of asking them move in w us n rent out their flat . I m like can I say no.. he wants to filial I can't stop him.but dun know when he wants to do tat cos he knows he will lose freedom once they move in... hahaa so I nvr bother to ask.. mil said most impt got space for her shoes n clothes.. I look at my dh n say good luck... our own wardrobe aso no space in the hse where got extra for them when move in w us..
Me is communicate break down n mil do what she want only how to stay together?
But the most importantly is like freedom just like my elder sis rent one room out but we decided not to cos we will lost our freedom and more thing ahead to bother...
My hub got one time asking me if his parents come stay few days? Den he abit not happy cos my parents can stay but say hard to get along w mil worry will face hard time when stay together...till now we nv bring it up anymore liao...I also scare to talk about
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I decide not to tell in laws yet cos I dun know is me or bb 小氣...last mc my mil keep saying bil's gal is her baobei n ask her repeat she is whose baobei.. I was fuming cos they know I was preggy liao... then I m close to my nephew aka godson n my dad suddenly said in from of me n godson on labour day tat I cannot close to him wait bb jealous.. after tat I felt sharp pain on my boos few days later like pre af symptoms next thing I know no h/b when scan after tat weekend ……
This round although my parents already know I hardly see my dad, just yo avoid he talk pantang things again but beforehand I already starts cultivate the sharing thots w a younger one on my godson n told him we cannot just love him alone, we have to love him n didi & meimei.. slowly he agrees to it ...
I decide not to tell in laws yet cos I dun know is me or bb 小氣...last mc my mil keep saying bil's gal is her baobei n ask her repeat she is whose baobei.. I was fuming cos they know I was preggy liao... then I m close to my nephew aka godson n my dad suddenly said in from of me n godson on labour day tat I cannot close to him wait bb jealous.. after tat I felt sharp pain on my boos few days later like pre af symptoms next thing I know no h/b when scan after tat weekend ……
This round although my parents already know I hardly see my dad, just yo avoid he talk pantang things again but beforehand I already starts cultivate the sharing thots w a younger one on my godson n told him we cannot just love him alone, we have to love him n didi & meimei.. slowly he agrees to it ...
Ya just like my elder sis telling my niece must sayang Mei Mei but she very funny leh bring her buy food for her she will say Mei Mei still small cannot eat only can buy for elder sis take time to talk to her n tell her everything must share w Mei Mei...
I Muz say handling in laws n ttc and going thru mc is the most difficult thing
I think also scare lor...and yet the challenge ahead making me only can tell myself be brave and everything will be fine...
My gyane say IVIG is ex mbe can try steroids 1st once tested positive but if body can't absorb it den next time just go for IVIG...why like that? And either steroids or IVIG also no 100% it is depends on body whether can accept it and well control w meds and won fight w foreign object (sperm) from hub to form embryo and continue grown to become lil rainbow...
Ya now I'm taking steroids. But I think prof mahesh they all are very careful. They give very low dosage. I see the uk ladies taking 20-25mg daily I'm taking 10mg. Maybe also becox my nk cells is negative within normal range. They really just in case. Lol tmr I will ask again if I really need to take it.

I heard the ivig very ex but I think to some women it's effective.
Actually come to tik of it, I have to get used to in laws n same goes to my dh getting used to my parents.. so it's vice versus thing. I just believe that I b good dil n next time my children will aso b good to me.. my sil without fail yearly will get bil negotiate w mil on the reunion dinner schedule. Insist this year cny eve w my in laws then following year her parents turn on actual eve. My dh said y like tat n he has no such problems. I tell him u lucky ur wife's parents though tradition but always tell me follow hsb side first.. they no insist I must have reunion dinner w them on Eve, at least on 元宵節we dinner together will do..
Mil upset his younger son anything aso follow wife... I only know in laws dun really like sil, always complain at the back. I just listen lor n wonder wat did they talk behind me... heheee
Actually come to tik of it, I have to get used to in laws n same goes to my dh getting used to my parents.. so it's vice versus thing. I just believe that I b good dil n next time my children will aso b good to me.. my sil without fail yearly will get bil negotiate w mil on the reunion dinner schedule. Insist this year cny eve w my in laws then following year her parents turn on actual eve. My dh said y like tat n he has no such problems. I tell him u lucky ur wife's parents though tradition but always tell me follow hsb side first.. they no insist I must have reunion dinner w them on Eve, at least on 元宵節we dinner together will do..
Mil upset his younger son anything aso follow wife... I only know in laws dun really like sil, always complain at the back. I just listen lor n wonder wat did they talk behind me... heheee
Hahaha ya lah. I guess we just take a step back and everything will be fine!

Ladies I'm back for my scan. Good start. I'm only abt 5w2d based on conception date and 5w5d for lmp. Managed to see ges and yolk sac. Can't see fetal pole yet cox it's too early. But so far at least on track :) under nuh recurrent loss unit really quite good. I didn't ask for scan next week cox I thought is 2 weeks later according to the sonographer. But dr Anita say come back next week and we will see u. Hopefully by then the bean has a heartbeat already. I'm a bit worried cox don't know by 6weeks really can see???!!

Thanks for all the well wishes and prayers.

Still cannot fang xin. But with so many miscarriages, this is my first time seeing a yolk sac. I feel kinda relieved. I was hoping for more like see a fetal pole etc. Nvm I shall take it one step at a time :)

They asked if I can be part of their research. Meaning every 2weeks take blood for them to do research from 8 weeks onwards all the way till delivery. This is to help them understand why ppl has recurrent loss.

I'm willing to volunteer myself for this. Just that if just to go down take blood then I think a bit inconvenient. If so happen my Gynae appt are 2 weeks apart I don't mind being poked.

without this unit I also don't know what's going on with me. Though can't find anything but I know I'm at least healthy and they try to help me with a the aspirin etc. . And if I can help and contribute to future success of other ladies I'm more than willing.

Lol my hubby face turned blue when he heard take blood. He is afraid of needles.

Oh I asked abt tcm meds dr Anita say better don't take. So I'm going to stop Liao.
