Support group - Miscarriages

una, my mum asked me to use hot water but I was lazy and didnt follow instructions. In the end, it took half a day to cook just 2-3 person share of red bean soup. Zzz...

I learn something new today, will try GBOB's porcelain spoon method or yours the next time.

Our test was taken at NUH. Dun think they will revel the result to us under the fone.
On 10 Dec, we will get all the result. Hopefully nothing wrong.

I think ur hubby really very stressed.. Maybe keep this topic out of your conversations for now? Some guys do not like to discuss much about ttc.. Hope your mum recover soon!


Things like allergy, eczema and psoriasis are autoimmune disorders.. Our immune system somehow is unable to recognise our tissues and organs as our 'self' and they attack them like they attack the foreign invaders such as bacteria andvirus.. The cells could view embryo and foetus as foreign invaders as well and attack them.. So i'm doing the test to make sure i don't have high levels of those cells.. The full tests is about $1000 but prof say no need to test everything.. Test these 4 first and if the results are no good, he'll refer me to immunologist for further tests..

He didn't explain.. I think he was more concerned about my psoriasis.. He asked me twice if i'm officially diagnosed.. I told him yup and i'm still under treatment from skin specialist.. Psoriasis can actually affect the joints and cause rheumatism so i guess that's why he's checking..
Milo queen, if u gonna use slow cooker next time, use hot water n also put in the porcelain spoon... Rem to soak the red beans overnight ya...

Min, thanks for your info. My dh has ezeyma. For me I think I Dnt have. Prof is quite good hor, will send u for such tests unlike kkh.... Kkh didn't even ask me to do thyroid test until my second cycle failed!!! Faint
Milo queen, if u gonna use slow cooker next time, use hot water n also put in the porcelain spoon... Rem to soak the red beans overnight ya...

Min, thanks for your info. My dh has ezeyma. For me I think I Dnt have. Prof is quite good hor, will send u for such tests unlike kkh.... Kkh didn't even ask me to do thyroid test until my second cycle failed!!! Faint

I guess diff hosp got diff protocol.. I had actually wanted to check for thyroid a couple of mths back and i consulted him first.. He flipped through my file and showed me that he had actually tested for that before i did my iui and cleared me for thyroid already.. I didn't even know, just let them take whatever blood they need everytime.. Keke.. Today he very nice, waive my consultation again, only pay for blood test..

How much was your 1 cycle at kkh? I think kkh cheaper leh.. NUH gave estimated quote 10-12k.. I pay abt $90 per scan, i think subsidised patient is 40 plus.. Lucky prof quite flexible, sometimes waive his professional fees.. I never ask why also, i pay less also happy.. Hehe..
My first cycle was abt 12k. 2nd was cheaper ard 8-9k cos short protocol. I m dying to go c prof Wong... Shall go get referral letter from polyclinic end dec n prob go Nuh for the first time in jan n c how it goes from there

Ohh.. Ya kkh cheaper.. Cos i doing short protocol already quoted 10-12k.. Okie must see whether you are comfortable with him, cos such things very subjective.. But hor, he sees pte patients only.. For subsidised patient, you will only get to see him once before starting the program..
Min, I was thinking subsidized first for all the tests then after that switch to pte so that I can choose him as the IVF doc

Oh i see.. Hmm were all your tests done very long ago? I think if they're done recently, certain results still are valid and don't have to redo.. For the tests done at kkh, the docs can access direct from their system.. Or you can just bring along whatever test results you have.. If can save on certain tests can save money..

Ohh.. Ya too long ago, will have to redo all the tests..

Do all of u use slow cooker for the red bean soup? I just cook in normal pot over stove leh.. Is it ok? Let it boil 10-15 min then simmer over slow fire.. I like to cook till all the red beans pop.. Hehe.. My hubby's addicted too, now always ask when i'm cooking it.. Hehe.. Cheap and yummy dessert..

I used the stove too. How long do you normally cook to make it pop? I soak them overnight but sometimes still find it a bit hard.
Nah, i been avoiding the any TTC topic with him & stop TTC for a few mth now.
He just over worried and stress himself out, even my TCM said he seems wanted a BB so badly then me & stressing himself.
Now he said tat my TCM dun dare to voice out him abt his condition. Haiz...

Like gbob, i also have to boil abt 2 hrs for the red beans to have all popped and the soup to get all rich and thick with the essence of the red beans..


Don't worry k.. I'm sure both of you will be able to overcome this tough phase.. I hope your review appt comes really soon so can clarify all your doubts..
min81, GBOB,

I cooked no lesser then 2 hours everytime, but the red beans are not as soft compare to those desserts shop. Dunno what went wrong leh...
ic, my results were sent to my gynae, coz my follow up appt was pending the results, tt's y they just tell me over the phone, no problem, no need to go back for another appt. at the very least, ur results will help u understand both ur bodies better.
I think someone suggested adding sago to the red bean soup oso, mabbe tt would make the texture nicer.

I use a thermal pot to cook these kind of desserts/soups, its just like a slow cooker but dun need power, dun need to worry abt burning or drying up, n its still hot whenever i want to eat it. just boil the beans for ard 10-15 min, then leave inside the thermal pot n let it continue cooking in the residual heat. i usually leave it for a few h but i think dun need to leave so long.
F&E very nice! which part of NZ r u gg to? i only managed to cover the north island, but i think if u r on self-drive u have to have xin li zhun bei tt some roads are really v off-road kind, i rem some roads have no lamp posts at all, n the sun sets ard 5-6pm n the information bureau (i-site) closes v early. did u watch LOTR? hobbiton is a v nice attraction! actually the whole island got a lot of nice places to visit.

Maybe try boiling longer than 2 hrs see if can make a diff? That time i cooked a big pot for my friends took abt 3 hrs plus.. Depends on quantity also..


Oh the thermal pot you're talking about, is it a stainless steel pot that can be placed inside this big container? Cos my mum gave me but i haven't tried using.. She said just boil 10-15 min then place the whole pot in container.. Can save so much on gas snd the food is well cooked..

I did put sago also, additionally I made my own sago with flour as well. I like bigger pieces as they are more chewy. Maybe I try to cook longer hours like what min81 suggest.

I am going to the South only this round. I dun want to pack the trip too tight, so I can have more time to linger at one place. Will cover the North next time!!
Thanks for informing me! I had been checking around with friends as well on the road condition, journey etc.


Thanks!! I will try to cook longer and see how it goes.
ya, it fits the description, i bought a small one to try out, then i found its v handy for making those chinese soups/stews/desserts tt need to b boiled for a long time. later on i bought a 6L one coz got sale, haha. can also move the cooked rice there to keep warm instead of leaving it in the rice cooker. u can try making the red bean soup, just boil after u reach home, then by supper time there will b a bowl of yummy piping hot red bean soup.

good idea to space out the itinerary, we din go south last time coz it was ard autumn-winter n we din want to encounter ice on the roads. summer shd b a great time to travel, next time i will go to south island! n u haf the added advantage of nice long days in summer, nice! has e itinerary n hotels been confirmed?

Same sentiments! I see that now is summer there, so better go south first, else it will be too cold. Somemore driving in a unfamiliar place, road condition gotta be good. Yes, itinerary and hotels are confirmed.
hmm just have to come in to chat with you feeling so negative! this 2ww is making me emo...up and down! i feel like no hope already...*sob sob*
Chrisl, Dnt b negative. Dnt let your imagination run wild. Try to make yourself busy with comedies n activities so that u wnt keep thinking abt it. Jia yo! We r rooting for u!

Oh wow sounds easy to use.. Gonna use that the next time i cook


Hug hug!! Stay positive k.. Try to occupy yourself with some things you enjoy doing.. Have faith in your beanies.. Jia you jia you!!
Chrisl, try to stay positive. Go out take a slow and short walk. Take deep breath. Feeling emo is also one symptom of bfp. which day is your embryo when transfer?
Adeline my embryo was 2 days old during transfer

thanks just maybe reading too much into symptoms and as there are not much im letting my mind run wild..
Stay positive. Stress urself will affect too.
Try not to read those symptoms, it will only stress u up.
Im sure everything be fine.. JIAYOU!
Thanks all for your advice and encouragement! ^_^ Good to feel better and better day by day, makes me feel more positive too.

ChrisL: don't give up hope. As long as you've done your best, leave the rest to let nature take its course. Don't worry too much over things you can't control and keep positive. Jia you!

jas: I had wanted to call to check when it will be closing. We'll try our luck to go queue at Ban Choon Chan after 21st Dec, thanks for your info. Seems like all the TCM must queue de...zzz...not the best use of time.
Hi jenny,

I went to check at ban choon chan 2 days ago.. They have a sign outside to say they resume business 5 dec, that's today.. Hubby not free today, so we're going tmr.. If any changes to opening dates will update here


Don't read too much into symptoms k.. Not accurate really.. Watch tv, read magazines, take your mind off..
thanks sisters! the up and downs of ttc...hmm..better today trying my best still not to think too much though it's very very difficult! hmm..did this a few days back for my hb this year..a countdown on the days to christmas haha
I plan to include a note and my HPT in one of them..saying if BFN or BFP, we've tried our best.
min: Thanks! Will look forward to your updates. It is not very near my home so can't always go down to check.

ChrisL: so sweet of you! Your hubby will definitely love your thoughtful presents.

I know its difficult, but you have to try. Its so sweet of you to prepare these for your HB. Keep this going, do the happy things you want to do to distant from the negativities.


So romantic!! Hehe.. Your hubby will be so touched


No prob
I stay quite near and hang around that area a lot so quite convenient for me..


Wah you really get to have white x'mas in norway hor.. So nice.. Hehe.. Can bake gingerbread man..


Went to ban choon chan this morning.. He'll be closed from 17 dec-2 jan, resume biz on 3rd jan.. If can afford to take some time off wk in the morning, will be gd to go on wkday.. I reached at 8 and was 2nd in line.. Left at 9.15..

Hubby and i feel quite positive after seing tcm, hope got good luck.. Tcm say everything good with me even after m/c and lap and good time to do ivf.. He said cos of my uterus position, my hubby's troops might have probs heading to the egg so iui/ivf is gd for us.. Hubby's troops have also shown much improvement according to him.. Asked him do i need to keep away from cold stuff, he say he doesn't believe in that, just take everything in moderation and don't binge on food it's fine.. He said he won't give me med when ivf jabs start.. But he say if i want, can visit him 3 days after embryo transfer, he can help.. Got med for my coming cycle, 2 times each for hubby and me to take on specific days, $95.. Told me if i got anything to check with him just go and see him, he doesn't charge anything if never give med.. Time to start brewing herbs again!! Keke..
