Support group - Miscarriages

Congrat Congrat! Tat a good news, soon I able recieve ur bb dust. *^^*
Ur TCM sound good wor, how he know ur uterus position? Just by feeling ur pulse?
For $95 is for both u n ur hubby?
Thinking of visiting him once n tried it out. Hehe.


Thanks!! Also no guarantee la but glad to hear all is fine.. Oh he knows about my uterus not by pulse la.. Keke.. Cos last time gynae told me during scan but it depends la, many women with retroverted uterus also conceive with no probs.. $95 in total for our meds.. He will give med for a mth, waiting for my next cycle to start taking.. Of cos if my af never come i will be very happy also la! Haha.. Youknow ah, today i was hoping he'll feel my pulse and go 'you're pregnant!'.. Keke.. Silly right.. My af due on 11 dec, if have, by now should know hor..

I guess it'll be interesting to get another tcm opinion if u want.. You can just see what he says.. If u decide you don't want his med, he won't charge you..

Hoping lor.. Haha.. But if preggy, by now tcm should be able to feel something?? Dunno leh.. Will just wait lor.. I bought some clearblue hpt recently cos special offer at watson's buy 2 get 1 free.. Can't wait to use them ya.. Keke..
u're so sweet to ur hb! i think u make him v happy. m i counting wrongly, looks like 1 present for each day in dec? how to find so many presents? i have trouble thinking of wat to give my hb most of the times, he doesn't seem to want anything (other than babies tt is...)

thanks for the update abt the dates! i was starting to doubt the dates i posted earlier with so many different dates mentioned. ya i can understand ur feeling, he made me feel quite relieved somehow, like there is still hope for me to become a mummy.

actually the ban choon chan tcm told me abt my uterus position by feeling my pulse, n explained y i was still bleeding after 2 months, then gave me meds to brew. then he oso told us tt my hb's troops not too good, then tt was also confirmed a few days later when the semen analysis came out. somehow feel tt this tcm's diagnostic abilities is quite good. oh ya, n mine came up to b ard $125 for both of us.
not silly at all! i also hoped tt he would tell me tt i'm pregnant the last time i saw him. really wish tt i was still pregnant n tt just get some an tai meds instead.
min: thanks! I only did my d&c barely three weeks ago, so don't know if it is too early to TCM yet? Also have to check hubby if he can take leave to go on weekdays. I also have a retroverted uterus, possibly slight endometriosis (lots of lower back aches) and small cyst near ovary, but still managed to conceive naturally, so there is no hard and fast rule. Most importantly, never give up! p(^o^)q

Ya hope next time we go back is cos we bfp and wanna ask for advice
I read from another 2 ladies' posts, apparently they already knew they got 1 blocked tube, one already had itvremoved.. They didn't tell him anything and just let him feel the pulse first.. They were quite amazed when he told them they have blocked tube and which tube is blocked.. Pretty amazing ya.. I wonder what tcm doc hear from pulse..

Oh ya, he reminded me if bfp, no tcm herbs in 1st trimester.. He was just telling me he just saw this lady yesterday.. She knew she bfp so was gan cheong and boiled herbal chix soup with herbs like dong chong cao.. When she went to him the next day, he feel her pulse already know she gonna start spotting told her go and see gynae asap.. No wonder, if u look at how he prescribe our med, the last dose will be abt 3-4 days after ovulation and no more after that..


Maybe you just have a good rest over the festive season first then go tcm
Let's all jia you together!
Wah sia.. Tat TCM so amazing.
Will do some research n look for him.
His medicine need to brew everyday? Gosh I hate tat.

I just contacted a Friend recently.... and she told me that she also had m/c earlier on when she was TTC-ing... i was shocked too... because she just give birth to a Princess two months back.....

She told me She had 2 m/c and After She visited Ban Choon Chan, it was BCC who helped her to conceive her 3rd pregnancy which is this Princess that she give birth 2 months ago....

After hearing that, i was tempted to try too... because BCC is very near to my home.... more convenient than Bukit Batok....
Wow tat great to hear. Do u have full add of BBC?
Duno leh... Dr Su is more convienent for me but so temp to try it out.
Might go there a visit n see how it goes. No harm trying. Hehe!
Celest, jhw,

For BCC, gotta brew own herbs so gotta be prepared for that.. But very easy with electric ceramic cooker.. The up side is that no need to take everyday.. I only got 2 doses, one for day 8, one for day 22.. Hubby also got only 2 doses.. Convenience is that only need to go once a mth.. I guess no harm to go and see if you are comfortable with him, if not, just say you don't want the med first, can always go back to dr su


The address:

#01-636, 81 Marine Parade Central, Singapore 440081 (closed on mon and tue)
not much snow this year yet and hope it'll come soon so can insulate the house
It's also a tradition to make gingerbread house here esp for the children..

haha yes you're observant
one for each day..big presents can't afford lah! LOL i got a big packet of sweet mix and drop different types in each plus some other small things like his favourite cookies and notes such stuffs..hehe maybe you gals can also do so next year
that means can also include prints like your baby's finger/hand/foot print..cos our rainbow babies will come soon!
Min, this BCC must go weekday morning ah? Can't call to get q number? Wait v long? May I know wat to bring along on first apt? TIA dear. Hope u no chance to take his meds! Hehe! *wink >,~
Wow the reviews for BCC seems good but I can't meet his schedule except weekends leh. My tcm still gave me powder med after I got bfp the last time round and I was abit apprehensive if can take. Mum also gave me birds' nest once so if really strike again next time, I think best not to take anything in T1.

No consultation fee, only pay for medicine.. If don't wanna takemed, can just leave after consult.. Medicine varies, this time i paid $95..


No la, can go on wkends too.. Just that longer queue.. Last yr i used to reach at 7.30 on wkends, can be no. 6/7 so can leave by 9 plus, now i'm not sure.. Ya i also hope don't need to take the med! Hehe..


Thanks!! Hope to hear good news soon after your vacation too.. Hehe


Wkends are fine, just longer queue.. Ya agree with you, no tcm in T1.. Both gynae and the tcm told me.. My mum scolded me for not telling her i was pregnant.. Said if she knew, she would have made herbal tonics and i would not have m/c, i told her gynae said cannot, she insist not true, gynae dunno chinese med, gonna make for me when i get preggy.. So scared leh.. Now gonna tell her, even the tcm says so!

Its true that tcm will wants us to go back see them even if we are preggy. According to them, its ok to take med during T1, as we got preggy due to their med, so its only right to continue through T1. So far, 2 tcm told me that. Only 1 tcm say no need to go back to him after preggy. He say tcm is better to help conceive than western, but once preggy, western is better then tcm in term of the support etc.

Haiz...difficult choice har.
not so troublesome to brew actually, its the first time i brew the chinese meds, they told me can use glass, ceramic or stainless steel pots to brew. i just used the corningware to brew. i think min's electric pot even more convenient but i dun haf one... actually for my hb, BCC prescribed cordycep pills, so no brewing required for him, think e meds will b prescribed according to ur body condition. mine was 3 packets to brew every 3rd day.
he seems quite good at getting info from the pulse, i keep wondering how they can tell the difference. last time i heard from my fren who was studying to b a tcm at ntu, tt if u r pregnant, u will feel 2 pulses. mabbe can try to feel for 2 different pulses. can bring ur mum down to the tcm also? my mum oso tell me to eat this n tt last time, but then she went w me to the tcm then they clarified more things.

the tcm i see at chinatown told me to go back to him after i get bfp then he will prescribe some an tai meds. but then i think i will stick to 1 tcm n just follow the advice of tt tcm so less confusing.
so thoughtful of u, ya! next year i hope can print the hands of our rainbow baby into the present, print on white paper n frame up a family portrait of handprints, n then make 1 every year n pace them along a corridor, then every year can see the growth of the baby. tt would b so nice...
Min, yah sometimes parents have our interest at heart and it's hard to turn it down. They came the same way and nothing happened. Perhaps, it's just our body constitution that's different and can't bu during T1.
Today i spoke to my HB abt BBC.
He say tat we shd stick with Dr Su, as he more comfortable with her.
Agree with him, but tot of visiting BBC for a consultation. Anyway wouldn't die ma. Hehe!
Ya loh. No harm knowing our body more.
Only harm is wallet lah. Hahahha!

Tomolo we be going Nuh for our result.
Whole day I dare talk to my hb, his mood swing lot.
He stressing himself any the result. Sweat!

Ya TCMs also have their diff opinions like diff gynaes might have diff opinions too.. Guess we just have to go with what we're comfortable with.. Since BCC told me no tcm in 1st trimenter, i'll listen to him.. He say if i preggy, i can just drop by let him check on bb's progress..


Don't think will bring my mum cos she'll kinda not approve of it after she sees the old medical hall.. But if i get preggy again, don't plan to announce to family till abt 4 mths or when can't hide tummy..


My mum actually had 3 m/c, 1 before my elder sis and 2 before me.. She eventually had me after going to some exp gynae at gleneagles (i was an exp baby too! Hehe) so i thought she should have some faith in what the gynae says.. Well, maybe it was just too long ago..


All the best for the review of your results tmr!!
Maybe just sayang sayang your hubby today and cook or go out for a nice meal, relieve the stress..
hey gals

well its no luck for me again after testing HPT which was a strong NEG..God didn answer my prayers this round again..i kinda expected it as i don't feel anything. Will still continue with support though it's difficult to understand why on earth should i go thru the painful jabs despite neg..Anyway cos clinic not open today and thus will call tomorrow for more instructions..

Sorry to spoilt your sundays gals cos no baby dusts
Celest, don't worry... everything will turn out good tomorrow

We are here rooting for u....
enjoy your sunday dinner with your hubby tonight and make him forget about his worries.... hehe

big big hugggzzz!!!!
Maybe try natural next time round?
But is it already 13 days? Could it be too early to test?
My friend test negative one day and the next day is positive ....
ChrisL: don't be discouraged. Your efforts will be rewarded, even if it's not as soon as you'd like. Jia you!

Btw, who is this Dr Su you all were mentioning? Just harm keeping options open, hehe.
Thank lord for the result!
Both of our tests turn great... Not problem at all.
I mention we tried more the, 2 years still can't concieve.
He suggest we do IUI... Now going start IUI for next cycle.

My hubby got abit upset n stressed over it again.
He seems not happy with the result n blame onto me for not ovulatating well.
While we waiting for more tests etc, he thow temper into me.
I really felt like crying but I'm enduring. I'm so sick of him.

Hugzz.. You have some more snow babies right? Take a gd rest and can go for your 2nd fet when ready k.. Jia you!


Glad to hear your tests results were great
Hmm so did the doc say you're not ovulating well? Was wondering why your hubby said that.. For your iui, will it be natural or so-iui? Maybe it's time to sit down with your hubby and have a good heart to heart talk.. If you've decided to go thru with fertility procedures, will need lotsa support from hubby.. It'll be tough if the r/s is strained, makes you stress during the process too..
Wat the different? Dr didn't mention so-IUI to me.
He suggest IUI bcos of my 2 year ttc.
Bases on my report, I shd be ovulating. So duno wat the cause too. But becos I didn't scan with Dr in NuH before, so they couldn't tell me if I'm ovulating well. So I needed to come back n scan on day 12 to see the grows of my follicle.
Need to take my round on clomid again, the. Scan on day 12.
Touch wood! If it didn't grow well, I might need injection.
If nothing goes wrong, then they will inject my hb troop into me.

Now I dun wish to talk my hb. Leave him alone.
Until he ready, then we start the talk.
Dr see him tat stress up, told us to relax. Stress up will affect the process too.
I duno how to relax if he continue dun show support n hurting me. Really wan cry out loud but I'm stuck in hospital.
Hi celest, congrats! Good to hear u have good results. Try to have a heart to heart talk with your dh. No use pointing fingers right. He shd b understanding n give u full support. That's wat husband n wife do. Try to have a nice talk with him. I'm sure he will understand. Meanwhile u look on the bright side ya. Dnt feel upset. At least your test results is good ya

Natural iui does not use any med/injections to stimulate ovulation.. Just go in for scans and when the follicle size is right, will receive a jab to release egg and doc will inject hubby's troops within 1 or 2 days.. For SO-IUI, you will need to take med or jabs or both to stimulate ovulation.. Once egg is gd size, the rest is the same as natural iui.. You might wanna inform dr su you're taking clomid or jabs so her med doesn't clash..

Understand how u feel now.. Hope you can talk to hubby soon cos not good to drag this out.. It's unfortunate that some of us need to go thru fertility procedures to try to conceive but it's not the end of the world and absolutely nothing to be ashamed of.. Hope your hubby can understand this..

All the best!!
Hi Ladies,
wanted to check with you gals with Dr is the waiting time like? Do we have to make an appt before that?
haven't been ovulating since MC :~( Sigh..
hugs... try to take this time to bu ur body more n prepare for the soon to come bfp. we can only keep trying.

good to hear tt ur results are all good. ur hb's reaction a bit worrisome thoh, can try to help ur hb to look at the big picture n well, understand that this is nature and a lot of times things are not within our control. throwing tantrums wun improve the situation in any way. can understand tt it would b quite stressful for him at this time, n i think its good tt u're leaving him alone till he cools down. At the end of the day the relationship is between the husband and the wife, n in a marriage, we should always remember the vows that we made. in sickness and in health, for better or worse. now may b the worse part, but soon everything will become better. it will be all right.
btw u r in hosp to do the tests?
i was born in gleneagles too! r u gg back to the same gynae who delivered u? hmm i guess better not bring ur mum there in tt case... actually i din tell the inlaws the 2nd time, only told them after mc, then they kinda got upset with me n hb for keeping it from them. but then i still dunno if i will tell them or not the next time.
Thanks ladies for the encouragement. Later tonight I will need hv a good talk with my hb.
After allowing him to calm down, he didn't apologize.
Still alway whatever come to medical attention he will get stress up n same time throwing temper onto me. Tat he needed to understand tat I can't forever allow this to happen. There more ahead for us to fight thru. If such a report could causes such stress between us, I'm so afraid worse will come ahead. I had to deal with my emotion after getting those info from Dr, yet same time dealing with his emotion problem. Got make him understand, I got to hv his support n stop stressing the both of us. It doesn't help me at all.

For my first natural IUI, they say will scan my follicle during 12 day. If my follicle went well, day 14 will send troop to me. But let say my ovulatate didn't grow good enough, I will need injection to help my egg grows.

My previous 4 cycle of clomid wasn't tat well grown for my follicle. The biggest was day12 at only 17mm. even I'm on the highest dosage of clomid. Tat what worries me. All my test turn out fine, I simply dun understand why my follicle couldn't grow. Haiz!! I'm so sianz.. Felt so useless.

Good luck for tonight.. Hugz.. Don't get worked up k.. Talk over it nicely.. Give u moral support.. I'm sure the 2 of u will be able to work it out..

Don't be too worried about follicle not reaching desired size by day 12 k.. It also depends on your usual cycle.. For eg, my cycle is abt 32 days, so ovulation around day 17-18 is normal.. Which means day 12 maybe my follicle only around 13-14mm still alrite.. They will just ask you to repeat scan 1 or 2 days later.. For nuh, iui can be done when follicle reaches 18mm.. Jia you jia you.. Don't get stressed abt it, just go with the flow, it'll be alrite..

My gleneagles buddy! Haha.. No la, the gynae who delivered me already in his 70s and retired.. Hmm i think i'll still keep it from my own and hubby's family when preggy.. Less stress..

Just to rant.. Told my mum about a new job that i'll be embarking on in the next few mths.. As usual, she put me down again.. My hubby already told me to expect that cos we already know her.. But still.. Guess i'm just kinda cranky today cos CD1..
Xie Xie Ni... Hoping he ready to open up.
Sometime he can be quite reserve toward it. Men ego... Pout! Hehe.

After reading what u wrote, really eases me lot. Thanks dear.
Worries n thinking doesn't help. I shd follow the flow.
Today I'm also very emo, went to church n cry my eyes out. Lol!
Now felt so much better...

Sorry for Kpo. Why ur mum disapprove ur new job?
If tat ur dream job n made u happy, then dun care what they said.

Hope everything went well for you last night

My mum is just like that lor.. Haha.. Used to it la.. When i became a special education teacher, also don't like, became mainstream teacher, also don't like.. Now change another line, also don't like and say why can't stay in teaching.. Say until i'm very incompetent, won't succeed in this job..
Last night we had a good talk out.
We allow each other to voice out our thought n feeling.
He over Gan chiong over the IUI, he afraid tat I might be pregnant aft the IUI n crash on our hoilday.
I had made him understand tat I need lot of support, stressing me out couldn't help me getting pregnant too.
Hoping tat we able to face this ttc period in peace n hope. Sometime guy needed longer time to digest those info from Dr.

Ur mum could be over Gan chiong n worry for u.
My mum even more worse, she worry i cant take care of my future bb n suffer.
We are their flesh n blood... Next time I might also behave like them. Lol
Hi all I have been a silent reader in this thread and would like to share my experiences with you all. I have been consulting Dr Su since Aug when my hubby and I went for checkups after TTC for a year plus (married for 4 years but only actively trying since July11). Turns out both of us have issues which will greatly affect our chances of having a bb and the gynea was not optimistic too and urged us to go for IVF. We didnt want to go the IVF route so decided to seek alternative treatment. After 4 months of taking TCM, we thought his sperm morphology will improve (it was <1%) but the recent results showed the same outcome. Will consult Dr Su when she is back but it can be really depressing when everyone around me gets pregnant so easily. Jia you all ..

good to hear tt everything is good between u n ur hb. hope tt he can understand u better. my mum oso think i cmi to take care of a baby. last time when i tell her i want to b a sahm, she looked at me with 'r u sure' kind of face.

haha yups buddy. haven't really met anyone born there. ur mum seems to have high expectations of u. i think u shd have no problems adjusting at all, typically pple who changed jobs usually get happier. me too, much happier after i changed jobs, even thoh the job scope changed completely.
