Support group - Miscarriages


my friend took Instant Bazhen too
because she said she and her mum dunno how to cook soup... and she is still taking now...
seems to be working for her...
you can buy the one from fu hua
around $20+ for 6 bottles

Oh ya ladies ,

Drink warm water and stop all cold drinks .. It really helps a lot during the mini confinement ... Even after the confinement , cut down on cold stuff is good for ur body ..

My Tcm said its okie to try after 2 months if it miscarriage naturally .. But if it's not , better to give Urself a while longer .. Western doctor ( gynea ) , chemical pregnancy can try 2-3 months later .. If its not , they recommend abt 6 months ... Can't look down on chemical pregnancy , my body is in such a bad shape until I look grey thus all ask me to go to a Tcm .. I am so much better with just 2 weeks of Chinese medicine and zero cold drinks ..

No prob, I think the packaging shows a kid's face. I think supposely meant for fussy kids, now we have to buy for our hubbies.


Its true, we have to treat them like kids. Coax them if need be. Most important is that its works. Who cares!!
Thank jhw, I'll try to b a good girl n avoid Liang food n cold drinks. Sometimes the weather so hot, v warm buay tahan Mai lim cold drinks hor... Hehe
I saw somewhere that tomato does help for mens fertility. Now my hubby been faithful eating as much possible.
Oh... I heard from my lady massages that Lady finger works too but dun over boil it.

Sometime mens just need to hear good words from us. After he swallow those pills, i will thanks him and give a hug. Slowly he will auto and eat his medicine. They are like kids, need to be pamper. As what others saying, compering girls and boys development. Girls tend to grow & learn faster then boys, so we mature faster then them too. They just dun understand and we need to guide them. Not easy at all. I been thru those stage too. Hehehe!
Just did my D&C this morning now at home resting.

Rgding when to ttc Dr Irene Chua say start after the bleeding stop which i asked not after 3mth she say no best is to try str8 away after the bleeding stop so this time i will start to try don wanna wait anymore.

Princessleopard, me also want to join ur class hee hee...
Ya, different gynae different sayings. So, back then, after my first AF came. I went back for checkup with gynae & TCM, both gave me green light, so I start on the 2nd mth.

Do u still see Dr Su?
WOW! Contain so much!
He been taking those mini tomato wor, so how much per days? Got to warn him too. Thanks alot!!

By the way, i love to join ur class too. wink!

My gynea also told me to TTC once my first AF arrive.
A nurse from the hospital telling me, D&C preform a wash and scrub method. So aft the cleaning, our womb is totally clean which make us more fertile.
Which alot of ladies got pregnant very shorty aft the MC. Sadly, it dun added to my cases.
i am going to start TTC end Sept after my 3rd AF, because today i am going to have my wisdom tooth surgery.... wanted to get this stupid tooth out before i TTC... so that i will not bear with the aching during my future pregnancy... TCM told me to wait one month after wisdom tooth surgery, so i will listen to her.... which is end Sept....

Jiayou gals... TTC when you are comfortable with !!! most imptly is to enjoy the process lar haha

I took those mini ones too. I took about 5, just aga aga lo.

Thank thank!! Will keep you in the loop too


I also got my wisdom tooth settled before ttc back then. If not very troublesome when it act up during preggy.
It's quite true that it's easier to conceive after a mc .. But regarding when should we start trying , I think it's best to see the condition of our health ...

Last time I think its perfectly fine to take medicine during 1st trimester as long as its a safe kind of medicine ... But after that I heard from my Tcm tat it's not good to fall sick during 1st trimester .. Even my rheumatologist say try to take zero medicine during 1st tri ...

All gynae say different thing de ... My current gynae say can try after 1 cycle ... Another gynae actually wanted me to wait for 6mths!!!

I do thank my hubby when he finish he food .. He feel super uneasy ... Hahaha or sometimes I will say ' I spend a lot effort preparing this for u , hope u like it and eat it ... '... And a PLEASE with innocent and pitiful eyes are quite useful at times ...
My gynae told me 6 months while another say 2-3 months. How to tell if body is ready? I just ended my first AF and my body feels backto normal now. So pretty confuse on how I know if womb and body is ready.
My personal views lah:- we can just "try" when we feel we r ready cos it's not a guarantee thing that we will definitely bingo on our first try. For me, I think I will start trying after my first af. ;)
GBOB, that's what I thought too. Not cfm bingo at first try, mabbe also try a few months then conceive. By then already rest enough? Hehe
ya i think don't wait too long.
maximum is 3 mths..
and just ttc whenever you are comfortable with.
My TCM told me, to Start making love immediately after Menses(AF) ended. and Best is to do frequently throughout ovulation period until maybe few days before the next menses was about to come? Like very tiring hor? hmmm...
i dun quite remember when to stop... but i remember clearly that must start making love immediately after AF ended throughout ovulation

ya same !! my colleague also ask me if i got flu/cold during first trimester.... i say yes.
then she told me i must take note if i got flu/cold, because we are not suppose to fall sick during first trimester


Wow one medium tomato contain 1000IU
if i ate 5 tomatoe, i am overdosed !!! oh my !!!!

They got sell ovulation kit de (Tcm) .. If nv remember wrongly , start taking urine sample from 11th day ... But very stressful to 'make' like this , like quota like that .... That's why me and hubby decide to take things easy ..

no i never take so much at one go..
i was just thinking, if i happen to eat 5, then overdosed liao...
nowadays my mum still use tomato to cook fish.... but shared among the family

my tcm never tell me to use ovulation kit haha
she just say start doing after menses ended. try to do frequently. but she always say it in joking manner, yet i know she meant everything she say

I see. But that normally is sliced 6-8 pieces, I think taking a few of those is fine. At least for me, I usually take a couple of pieces of tomatoes only, but I loved the tomato sauce over the fish.

I think buy cherry tomatoes safer ba. I take about 5 every morning before breakfast.

i used to take cherry tomatoes in the past too..
okay i will go back to cherry tomatoes just to play safe.... will make my hubby eat too haha

oh ya, do you know if antibiotics will delay menses? because i am taking now due to my wisdom tooth surgery last evening... and my menses is coming soon, hopefully it does not delay my menses...
anyone read this article before..
i think i worry for my hubby's health until i going crazy liao

First Article


Another article below:
but i got problem pasting the link, dunno y

Top Fertility Foods for Men's Health

Cashew nuts are a good source of zinc, which may increase testosterone levels.

Bananas contain magnesium, protein and vitamins B1, A and C, which improve and stimulate sperm production.

The high vitamin E content in avocados boosts sperm motility, and the folic acid and vitamin B6 in the fruit help regulate the function of sexual hormones.

Asparagus has an abundant supply of vitamin C, which helps increase the motility and viability of sperm.

Tomatoes are a good source of lycopene, an antioxidant carotenoid that increases sperm count and motility and helps keep it healthy. Pink grapefruit, watermelon and other tomato products like ketchup and tomato juice are also good sources of lycopene.

Apples are a nutritionally well-balanced fruit, and in vinaigrette form like fruit cider vinegar, particularly effective.

Pumpkin seeds contain a good supply of zinc, the most important mineral for increased testosterone levels and sperm count. The omega-3 fatty acids in pumpkin seeds enhance sexual function by motivating blood flow to the sexual organs.

Oysters are another good source of zinc and can help repair sperm damaged by chemicals in the environment.

Pomegranate juice may help with erectile dysfunction, sperm concentration, motility and cell density as well as with reducing abnormal sperm.

Fertility Nutrition Effect on Male Sperm Health

Diet does not have an effect on a man's sperm count, but a healthy diet can be a valuable aid in producing healthy sperm. Free radicals can cause sperm DNA damage and poor motility. Additionally, if conception takes place, a child may inherit genetic problems from damaged DNA. Men should eat a healthy, balanced diet and limit alcohol consumption to less than ten glasses a week. High doses of alcohol at one time can be toxic, so any drinking should be done in moderation. Cigarettes also contain toxins, so men who want healthy sperm should attempt to stop smoking as well.
he never test before, so we dunno
but ever since i got miscarriage, i become very must make sure both me and him are very healthy before ttc.

I see. Since u can get preggy once, I believe should be ok one. Just try to keep balance diet, dun be so tensed up, stress level also play a part in ttc.
Try not to stress urself during ttc period, It wouldn't help in any way too.
Now I have learn to let go slowly n let everything fall in fate.
If we are place to be pregnant, we will get our rainbow bb soon.
So no point thinking so much. Hug hug!
thanks princess & Celest...
yup yup, i better don't stress myself too much.
sometimes it is because i see my hubby eat junks and thought of my mc, so i tend to get abit upset... okok i better control....

Sometimes we can lead a better life if we close one eye.

PS: Sometimes I closed both...haha. Its not easy at first, cos I am not such a person actually, but got to learn to do so, for a happier life.

ya i am also not such a person... and i keep telling myself to at least close one eye...
but when he do certain action in front of me, my eyes will automatically open, then my mouth will start to open too, to nag him.
hahahaha... maybe i should start doing Yoga...
if i manage to give birth one day, i will sure make him pay for the classes that you are offering...

ya, I know its a natural reflex. Slowly la.
ya, should do some exercise, can relieve stress also.
Not just the classes, also slimming treatments if need be. That's what I told my hb. Giving birth is not just my job, its ours. I asked him to save for my slimming treatments...hahah
Hi ladies,

Anyone know if the registration to 'chao du' bb at SBL still open?

Piky, i was told of the one you mentioned charging 1588... I felt kind of mislead by the article they post in the papers.. Register to 'chao du' at like 38 but actually its just 'providing a meal for bb for the day only'
When i mentioned slimming treatment... my hubby said " I love you for you, even if you are chubby i will still love you with all my heart. So... dun need slimming treatment la..." (-_-")
I dun buy that. I believed women should be always in their top form. A few years down the road, when I show our photo to my kids, I definitely want them to recognise me instantly rather than "who is the woman beside daddy?" I dun wan to be a 黄脸婆, and let hubby say 货不对半. LOL

SBL Chao du also in 7th mth but i am not sure if it is closed for registration... i remember i called the other time, the gal told me that chao du will be on first day of 7th mth... not sure if they change the date or not.... because i called around two months before 7th month...anything can change...
you can visit below website and call them up.
Cost is $30
When I say abt what if I become ugly and fat after giving birth and can't slim down , can he sponser me to slimming centre ? He will reply and say ' u so 'aimei' .. Ppl who is aimei wil not allow themselves to stay that way after going birth ' .. Zzz
I do realized my hubby like to make me uglier ever since married ... He does not like me to put on make up , don't wan me to wear certain clothes .. Even when we go to town , he is actually okie with me wearing shorts and slippers !!! But I will always change to a more decent clothing .. When I doll up , he will say ' why u makeup till like this? Why u wear till like that ?' ( for info , I no longer wear mini skirt , tube top nor tight fitting clothes for 3 yrs ) ... 男人!!! Dunno what they thinking ~

I dunno what he is thinking, but I know some guys dun like their wives to attract attention from other guys. They will feel threatened. I think sometimes its good to let them have a little heart attack to let them know that we still have market value though we are married. So, when I have "bees" around me, I will tell him and get him worried.

My hubby dun like me to wear revealing of course, or else he will wrap me with newspaper (he warn me since we are dating). But I must wear presentable cos he say he will be a proud hubby to have a attractive wife beside him.
Yeah .. He hate the bees around me .. Maybe another reason is cause I am much more younger than him ... But I don't wear revealing all the while, so it's still okie ..

He don't have much heart attack nowadays cos I don't even have time to go out .. Hahaha ..
Wah then my hubby opposite.. He doesn't mind me wearing sexy or dress up nice nice.. Haha.. He likes it for me to da ban, cos he says i also feel confident.. And a confident woman is a beautiful woman.. We like to go shopping together.. I must say he has sharp eyes.. Haha.. He picks out really nice stuff.. When i asked wat if i get all chubby after having kids, he smiled and said 'are you sure you yourselfwill allow that?'.. Haha..

Create some attacks every now and then, to spice up your life.


Same same, my hubby also dun believe I will get fat. But I know it will happen cos its in my gene. That's why I do a lot of exercises to keep up with the shapes. We also enjoyed shopping together. I really feel fortunate cos I have a lot gf complain always got stares from hubbies when they shopped. But shopping together sometimes can be a chore too, cos he got picky taste & point of views very different from normal ppl (my thoughts). Perhaps cos he is from design background.


Haha.. Ya.. It's nice to shop together.. We have quite similar tastes so quite ok.. He thinks i won't put on much weight too but he says if i really do, i would probably be working real hard myself to lose the extra pounds.. Haha..


My hubby also much older than me.. 10 yrs.. Some women on another thread were talking about their hubbies going for reservist during their ivf.. I was thinking i don't even have to worry about that cos he already don't need to go for reservist snymore, so can guess his age.. But still no bb
