Support group - Miscarriages

Mike>sad to hear that.... Who did the tests for u? Did u go for a medical checkup? Sometimes cysts, fibroids, endo, thyroid etc are conditions that cause repeated m/c....

Did u consider changing your gynae? Go for a fertility specialist, who can give u another perspective.

Miko: I guess u should try tcm.. I had two mc too.. N currently seeing a tcm... My hub's friend wife also seen her when she had her 2nd mc n conceived naturally n gave birth to a gal.. Her gal is already 5yrs Old. N she did loss it when age tried ur the fourth time without seeing the tcm... So it's seems that the tcm is pretty good.

She is specialist in fertility. My hub's friend wife suffers from uterus wall lining too thick. Can't hold the baby... N some other illness u can't remember but all those things eventually made her loss 3 babies.. But she still have one in the end. She was 30 over by then...

Don't give up!!! I'm not giving up too.. Although I don't know my actual roof of problem other than my sinus n hives.. But I'm getting myself treated so that I can get ready for the next one...

I was so anxious when my Af came late this month n thought I could be preggy but in the end.... my Af came at day 34.. I felt relax cos one part I know I wasn't ready. My body wasn't ready.. Another I do feel depressed.. Cos I thought there might be some tiny hope for miracle to happen...

But I'm going to try again! U don't give up too!!! Try tcm to adjust ur body back.. Before trying...
I went to a tcm in tanjong pagar plaza level two. The clinic name is koo cheer yui. Clinic . The unit no. Is #02-47.

The tel: 62218892

Try to call n book early.. She always fully book one.. She is closed on wed n sun. Plus even u go on time still need to wait for 30min to 1hr...
Hi Christine, dont mind me asking, why u think she is a fertility specialist.... Just wana know more about her knowledge and diagnosis methods.
Emily >> My gynae gave me go ahead to BD after 2 weeks, but I kiasi so I waited until first AF came. Actually as long as cervix closed can BD liao.

miko >> Sorry to hear about your loss... Maybe you want to try TCM or another gynae? Cos the fact that you got pregnant means you are fertile, so it's not egg/sperm issues. Might be other things like blood flow no good or like Christine your autoimmune system too sensitive and keeps trying to eject the "foreign" organism. I read about a lady who lost 7 babies, all because of a blood flow problem! And once she found a doc who diagnosed the problem, her 8th was a healthy baby girl. Don't give up hope!

Christine >> Stay strong *hugs* My sis also lost first one supposedly due to hyperactive immune system (she always have sinus and hives also). Now she's a mother of 2 and another on the way!
Tethysea> i fully and totally support your view too. For my case, I really regret not going for the proper fertility checks after my ectopic pregnancy, things happen for a cause..... and I wasted one year trying for another one, and ended in m/c.... from my ep to m/c, the gynae still tell me its bad luck and all the incidents are separate issues! Ask me to keep trying... thats why i believe that your story of that lady is true, because some docs are not careful and they let their patients go through unneccessary agony and pain at the expense of us...

After my experience, I feel that if your gynae is one who doesnt bother to check what is wrong with you and simply let you try aimlessly, then i think he is not an advisor but burden to you... i wasted one year on aimless trying and series of emotional breakdown, in the end I feel that finding the root problem is important.... resolving the root problem will follow and understanding the kind of treatment you need....
Tethysea: thanks! I will!

Emily: my hub's friend wife is one of the example plus the clinic did state she is specialist in fertility... She brought up a lot of cases for infertility n mc... I saw preggy women n women who bring their new both to her as well...
Christine, does she use acupuncture? How often you go and frequency of med?

By the way, Christine you are very young.... you got lotsa time... I regretted not trying earlier, wont be so pathetic now
Yup she does. She is known for acupuncture.. She is specialist in using acupuncture to treat fertility. I see her every two to three weeks. It depends how long is the medi given.

She usually don't give long dosage of medi.. Cos she will keep adjusting the medi until the best one that suits u... N really take effect on u.. She don't charge for acupuncture. She only charge for medi.. It's all ready to take medi.. In bottles n in

Hmmm... Ya I know.. But somehow if I try n keep losing it also the same. Time flies... So I just hope the next try will be fine with the help of tcm...
I have a friend who just got to know she m/c yesterday. She's not many friends in Sg and I am thinking to cook for her. Heard food is the same as after giving birth? All the Ginger,so on and no cooling food
Yup u r right... Try eating more kampong chicken... Add some rice wine too.. It helps warm the body. Eat fish also... Take a lot of spinach. It helps bring back blood.
hi , I've just learnt abt my miscarriage this morning. it shd be wk4-5. have been bleeding non-stop since i know I'm pregnant on the 24 nov. heavy bleeding on sat, 26 nov and blood clots were discharged. until now still have some clots passing out. we know it's not a healthy and smooth one from start and hence mentally prepared to lose it if fated. until now, i'm still v cool abt it. is it normal? i m more afraid i will have sudden breakdown....btw, i have 2 healthy gals already and no issue with previous pregnancy.

i'm allowing to have normal discharge for the miscarriage though doc suggest surgical. but body is still super tired and having the pregnancy symptoms...anyone feel the same?
hi , i have just found out abt my miscarriage this morning at gynae . found out i m preg on 24 nov, abt 4 wks. then on 26 nov i had intense bleeding and blood clots. i had spotting from 24 nov onwards. doc gave injection and pills and 1 wk bed rest. in my heart i know this is not going to be a smooth one and told myself if its fated to be ours, will be ours no matter what happens. when doc could not detect the sac this morning and saw i m still bleding and clotting, he said i had a miscarraige and can chose between letting it discharge normally since it's such early preg or surgical. i chose to have it discharge normally. he said i shd expect to bleed for abt 2 wks. cannot take chicken essence or tonic stuff, just let body heal naturally. now the body still have pregnancy symptoms and tiredness..and bleeding has lessen but cramping. anyone has same symptoms?

i m still pretty cool headed abt this...and afraid i may have sudden breakdown. wonder if that's normal. i have smooth pregnancies and have 2 healthy and beautiful gals. we did not deliberately plan for 3rd one, just think that if it happens , it happens.
Hello, can i just check if we will have some brownish discharge before our first AF after D&C? Have been light spotting yesterday but today there is nothing again.. Headache. I feel so bloated
Oisterbaby >> First AF usually will be weird, everybody is different. Monitor see how... hopefully it will come properly in a couple of days! No more pain right?

amy >> It's natural, must remember that's very tiring for the body. Give your body time to rest and recover! Do a mini-confinement maybe? Actually that time my mother made me drink chicken essence with cordyceps, she said it's good for healing. But must wait until the body expel most of the stuff first. You might get a big clump of tissue/clot about palm size - that will be the major part already. Look on the bright side - the body is smart, so maybe this baby was not healthy and couldn't have survived anyway. At least you have 2 healthy girls le!
Oisterbb> do u always have spotting before your menses? My first af reported last week, ended today. Not as much as expected....

Anyway I went to see a fertility specialist and just underwent lapascopy for my endo last week, didn't know I have that all along.... 2 ops within 1 month... I m drained.... I m taking jabs to curb my endo soon...
Tethysea >> I was having bad cramps in the late noon.. Then it stopped suddenly at the GP. Haha. Think it's scare of the doc. Haha. I'll just monitor for another few days

Emily >> please take care and rest well. Did u go for 2nd opinion on ur endo? My Gynae also advised me to take jabs but it is to stop my period for a few months so that my uterus will shrink further. I'm still debating if I should do that or go for a 2nd opinion.. Dun understand why it cannot be a smooth sailing pregnancy. So much complications even after m/c. Gosh..
My endo is causing pain, so decided to get rid for pain relief.

I will opt for the jabs, since that's a more effective way of managing endo.
Oisterbaby >> As long as the cramps are not worse than your usual menses cramps should be just the uterus shrinking.

Emily >> At least you found out what's wrong already!
That's a good step forward. After you recover your pregnancy journey will be smoother! Jiayou!
Thethysea, thks I m much better now. Still bleeding but not that much. Still passing out clots now n then. Due blood loss I feel tired v easily. At times I still feel those pregnancy symptoms. Did a preg test kit today n confirm not preg already. Will see gynae in another 2 wks. Hope all these will stop soon. I m starting work tml n hopefully keeping myself busy will be good. Staying at home makes the mind wonder now and then. Hope anyone gg thru the same are recovering well too
Finally found a site to pour my heart out.I just lost my bb @5 mths.I had pre term labour.I stitch my cervix in order to stop my contraction.the surgery took me 3hrs due to some complication occurs. after 1 day,i kept having abdomen pain tt is worse than labour pain.i cant hv any painkiller due to pregnancy.blood test confirm tt I had virus infection.I had no other choice left but to abort the baby to save my life.I had to unstitch the cervix without any painkiller n gv birth naturally. The process was so painful n unforgettable.I saw d bb grasp for his last breathe.I arrange undertaker to help me with d bb funeral. 3 days after I discharge,I went A&E due to excess blood lose. I had to do D&C to clean up my womb. Everything put in a stop after 8 days of struggling decision crying heartbreaking.
I really do not know what to do next.I can't conceive naturally.I need to go thru IVF treatment in order to hv my little ones.
Jaslyn >> I can feel you. We shared the same fate. I myself lose my BB @5 month last Sep'11. Mine is also an IVF pregnancy with NUH.

Everything happen so fast and within overnight I lost my BB. I started having spotting in the day and eventually the spotting turn to full blood with abdomen pain which feel like contraction pain. My hubby rush me down to the A&E at NUH and after some investigation, blood test, the MO told us that mine is a threaten abortion and our BB could not be saved at all.

I wasn't given any painkiller for the pain and was told to be bed-ridden and hope that my BB will survive and the bleeding will stop. I still manage to see the heartbeat of my BB for the last time during the scanning and I'm hoping for a miracle to happen.

The next morning at @ 2pm, I feel the contraction pain which last every 5-10 mins. The pain is so unbearable that even after given the pain killer, I could still feel the pain.

I have to bear the painful moment untill at @ 4am, my water bust and the nurse told me that, I would be giving birth shortly and be prepared for the worst afterwhich at @ 0620am, after having the contraction pain again and 2 hard push, I gv birth naturally and my BB didn't survive at all.

This is my 1st pregnancy and had been married for 8 years.
Jaslyn & Farisah >> So heartbreaking to hear about all the pain you both have been through... can't imagine the trauma! You both are really strong women! *BIG HUG*
If you're trying to conceive (naturally) again, you might like to know about this wonderful person who has helped me. She is Mdm Tan from Yoga Inn who does healing sessions for me.

I know many of you have an even more difficult journey than me. Here is my little story and I hope she can do miracles for you too! All the best.
hi fellow mummies,

anyone has bad hair loss after losing baby? it's been 3 weeks since we sent our little one off n my hair been dropping like crazy.

I did a D&C last friday my bb stop growing and heartbeat stop ard 7 week quite sad as this is my 2nd miscarriage wanted to try again soon anyone manage to conceive few mths later? or how long do u all manage to conceive?

piky >> I conceived 2 months after my D&C, now I'm 6months pregnant. Do you know why you had miscarriages? Cos usually better to find out the root cause and treat it first, to prevent future m/c *touchwood*
hi all,

i just had a m/c two weeks ago due to PPROM. Would like to see TCM to prepare for next pregnancy. Can anyone recomment any good TCM doc??

Does anyone know any good high risk pregnancy gyn who have knowledge of PPROM?

By the way, is it true that it is easier to conceive within six months from m/c or will it be more diffcult to try to conceive after six month from m/c?

i just mc naturally on 18th at week 6. i jump out of my bed at 7am and saw blood.rushed to hospital. i knew it's gone by the time i rushed to hospital. saw the sac but also saw blood clots...took 1week to clear all bloods.

I blame myself taking it too lightly,not visiting doc when i have brown discharge that lasted 4days.

I guess I'll always ask myself what if i went to see gynae earlier,will my bb survive?

I didn't do confinement as i tell myself fetus not formed so i took it as my af.

This is my first pregnancy and Im 30, my hub 40...

Do i need to go for follow up check out with gynae now that I've no bleeding? To confirm I've discharge everything?
OCCTY >> Safer to check with gynae that you discharge everything, otherwise may get infection. In the meantime don't have sex for at least 2 weeks. Don't blame yourself lar. Spotting is indication that something is not right already. When I m/c-ed, even after all the meds and bedrest I still lost the bb... so just take it as not meant to be, not a healthy egg. Rest well and try again when your body has recovered.

libby >> I've heard that first 6months after m/c will be more fertile, but dunno if it's scientifically proven or just old wives' tale.
I am diagnosed with suspected blighted ovum. LMP was 3rd Nov. They could only see the sac on 19 dec and 27 dec. I am going for second opinion tomorrow. Should I opt for natural mc or d&c in this case? Is there any oral medication to purge out? I am very terrified of surgery.

Not sure if I shd wait for another week to scan another. Sigh
I cry: I think it's better to do a mini confinement it's better for your body... It's advices to go for a check to make sure u had a complete mc.. My first mc was at week 12 n I did DNC n I too did not bother much when I started to cramp n brown discharge shows as my mum has got the same situation when she had my sis but I lost it somehow

N my 2nd mc was a natural mc n loss it at week 6.5 as fetus did not grow at all after implant... By the time I go back for scan my sac was gone very heartbroken n had rested since then.. Eventually my two mc happened within 6 months which had somehow proved my body wasnt ok...

Lapixiaoxin: doc will give u medi to purge it out if u can't expel it on ur own cos if it stays in for too long u may get an infection let ur doc advice u wat is best for u.. If ur sac is too big it's better to go for DNC to do a one shot clear up.. If not u will be in big pain.. Natural mc process is a painful process u have to be ready for it somehow...

Anyways my tcm told me that after a mc a woman is very fertile for the next 3 to 6 months...
Piky..and all others,
Just dropping to say hello to give you all some words of encuragement. I used to visit this thread last time - after I had 2 succesive miscarriages. One was at 10 weeks, and the other at 7 weeks. I was then trying for a sibling for my older boy. I was and am thankful for all the suport I was given then.

Today, my second boy (conceived naturally 4 months after my second miscarriage) is a happy, healthy and adorable 15 month old. I do not forget the ones I have lost - but I just want to share that good news is possible even after 2 miscarriages.

Take care, all of you. I hope the new year brings you good news.
tethysea>> did you see any TCM doc?? do you have any one to recommend??

Christine >> the TCM doc that you are seeing at Tanjong Pajar? Is she good?
chin: Thank for your encoragement. I hope I can have a healthy baby like you.

I lost my baby at 12 weeks on 7 Dec. I was bleeding with clot on that day so my hubby and I went to see doctor. The doctor said the fetus stopped growing at weeks 8 and there was not any heart beat found for my baby. Both of us felt very sad. Then I had to go for D and E operation to clean up all the tissues in the uterus. Now I see TCM to "tiao" my body. Actually I am very old le. I am at 38 years old and my hubby is 39 years old. We hope we can have a baby.

Really hope all of us can recover soon and stay healthy. Let jia you together. May God bless you
Take good care
hi chin,
can i chk if u hv seen any tcm prior having ur 2nd child?

i've had 4 m/c.I've 7yrs old son.My 1st m/c happened when i was 32 y.o.Then I've had 1 m/c each yr subsequently.Quite depressing.
hi Avocado,

Sorry to hear about your recurrent miscarriages. Your gynae would prob recommend some tests if you had 4. MIne did not want to do for me as she said that 2 miscarriages does not warrant tests yet since I had a healthy first pregnancy.

Yes - I saw Dr Tan Kian Sing (TCM, Clementi) for 4 months - starting the week after my miscarriage. My husband went as well. We had accupuncture and took the meds/ supplement prescribed.

I stopped taking the "an tai yao" after when I was 9 weeks preggy. He then taught to me "tun" black chicken soup to take for my second trimester.
Lapixiaoxin: the whole thing only lasted for 30mins u will be advice not to take any food for at least 6 hrs then u will be put to sleep once awake u will feel sharp cramp n heavy bleeding.. Once u are ready to go home u can be discharged within a day. U will feel cramp for the next one week then bleeding usually stop bleeding a few days later n spotting will continue for abt two weeks
Lapixiaoxin, oh no, you're here too?

2nd opinion is good. Not to give you false hope, but there's always the possibility you had late ovulation.

I took 3 scans in all, 12dec, 22 dec, 27dec. Egg wasn't growing, no heartbeat, had increasing bleeding, so gynae confirmed pregnancy was a no go.

just had a vacuum d&c yesterday (wed). Pretty much like Christine described, only my symptoms less severe ie my bleeding is very slight now. registered at 8 am, surgery at 1115am, got woken up at 1140am, even told nurses I had nice dream(!?), left at 230pm. Erm, it actually was very boring cos lots of waiting to do.

Think opting for natural m/c or d&c is personal choice, although at times d&c is safer. My gynae just asked to do d&c straightaway, which I didn't mind cos it's faster than natural m/c, and more importantly for me, less emotionally draining.

Whatever the case, hope everything turns out well for you.
hi chin,
thanks...i went thru all the immunological related & chromosome tests at NUH,Gleneagles & TMC.Results r all normal.My hb's sperm test was ok.we do not hv fertility prob but don't know keep m/c.

Anyway,thanks for the contact..will see Dr Tan KS.Is the accupunture painful?

libby >> Nope I didn't see tcm. I was considering it but got preg again before I could decide ^^;

Lapixiaoxin >> Don't worry, d&c is not that scary. For me I didn't feel any pain after I woke up, just a bit sore and disorientated because of the GA. You can get someone to go with you so that when you go home at least there's someone to watch out for you.

avocado >> Sorry to hear about your loss... maybe try TCM to get a different perspective?
