Support group - Miscarriages

my temp is all hay wire after the 1st cycle, almost constant from 36.4 to 36.7, no significant dip or spike.

we took a 1 week holiday also haha but we have used condom. the pain of going thru a MC is really too hard to bear so better play safe

linggie >> My temp is all haywire also... I thought my AF was going to come a few days ago because temp dropped, but it went back up again, then today drop again. Anyway today is exactly 4 weeks after my d&c, and my cycles have always been long, so I'm not expecting it so soon.
my cycle seems to be the same as before...

same here! my 1st AF is abit weird cause i was spotting for quite some time, almost 2 weeks. i usually have AF for only a few days. think is our body trying to re-adjust after the MC.

your cycle of 32 days is fine. mine is 40 days! very very frustrating sometimes. i've also checked with gynae, but he just said sometimes it's stress..
hi gal, i envy your cycles are somehwat regular. After my d&c I had 2 cycles about 30-35 days ...then I started to take TCM medicine and today is day 80 and still no cycle!!!!!!!! My BBT temp has been low at 35.8-36.1 .. sigh. I want to go induce but my TCM phsycian want to wait to see if my body can menstruate. I give myself another weak if no AF I will go gynae for some meds to induce.

Because of this I can go full power on TTC...And I cant wait, my stupid collegue pass a remark yesterday if I am expecting my no. 2 what crap I told her Im just fat! She asked me why so long still havent get insensitive this people!! Feel like giving her a tight slap.
Sarina, if i were you, i would stop the tcm meds and go see the gynae to induce af. i wouldn't want to wait 80 days and still no af. it's so frustrating! maybe gynae can scan n advice and see if there's anything holding up your cycle.

and as for insensitive people, sad to say that they are everywhere... just avoid the colleague if u can. i've many relatives also like that... so i'm used to it. just give them a stupid remark and they will back off.
Hi Sarina

Try to ignore the comments, its hard I know.

Most of my office mates used to ask me why i dont have a child yet, i found its best to tell them i have fertility issues. They told me not to lose heart.

Then,everyone knew when i conceived, cos i went on bedrest for 6 weeks without prior notice. Then the post m/c horrible infection, and i passed out in toilet during office hours, and they knew I was hospitalised. Yet, one of the guys (pretty naive) used to keep telling me 'M, you double oready you should eat more lah' I kept correcting him saying 'No more double lah.. single oni'. He still never realized i guess.

Only yesterday when another colleague (guy again) asked me when I try again and then went on to say how I need to build up, the first guy looked shocked and asked 'what happen? I thought u pregnant meh!!'

Well, I just laugh it off, it doesnt hurt me as i know my colleagues mean well. I know there sometimes are some sour ones, I'm lucky I work in a team of nice people (all men tho... maybe thats y ;)) But I guess we need to learn to ignore and not let unkind comments affect us, when already there is enough in our lives to stress us out.
This is my 3rd week after D&C...i think i have let go...

I knw that a colleague also pregnant now (7wks) 1st, i was quite "jealous", "envy" and i never ask her directly.....but another colleague told me she is...

yday bumped into her and another colleague talking in colleague told me, yes she is pregnant now...i just laughed and congrats her...still jokingly told her i wan to catch bb dust from her desk, i talked to her awhile and i told her i just miscarriaged and i just laughed it off...she said she saw my HL (she is from HR) but she tot its my cyst (as i had it removed in end Jan11).

I guessed i have moved on....initially i kept blaming myself (cos i just shifted hse) and duno is it the pandang thing...but after reading those posts here, i realised my lil angel is not meant to be mine.... he/she is not healthy to start off with.

read from fb, another friend also just pregnant and she wrote on that day of my d& jealous and envy.....sorry that i feel this way cos i wonder why others can have so easily and breezely....

i am very worried abt 1st AF, duno will it come btw 4-6wks anot leh...scared.
Dear Val, nuthing you can do, dun worry too much...

mine came 5 weeks after and it was super heavy for 2 days then spotted for 12 days, hopefully next cycle is normal. wont dare to try till it is normal i guess (and ovulating most importantly!)
Actually after D&C, my hubby never talks abt this (cos he wants me to move on).... sometimes i emo, he will "scold" me and ask me to move on which i m quite unhappy. So i can only tear secretly at nite or alone and come into forum to read...
Thk u mummytq n christin..

It has finally come to an end of my mc and will be going back to work tomorow.. Hate to face so many pp but i will try to tell them i am busy, dun disturb me... Will close this mc episode n try harder again. Hope will never ever be disappointed n heart break again for myself n all the gals here..;)

Btw, nurse told me to refrain fr sex for 2wks n we cant control n make it at 13days, is it ok huh? Worry now..;p bleeding had stop so i thot shd be ok but now worry...actually must we refrain for 2wks?
Oh no.. I just spot some red spotting.. Worried now!!! How? Is it normal since i havent reach two wks n already bd with hubby? ;( any advise? Hope is a one off thing.. Worried...;(
Hi christin
Do u still remember having spotting after ur first massage? Me hv spotting yesterday after massage but the massage is done on wed.. Strange is it does not happen on same day.. Normal or not huh? Then for subsequent massage, u still hv spot? Btw, u do 6 hr wrap every time after ur massage?
Joanne: eventually sex was asked to be avoided cos our wound had not recovered. Therefore no sex is allow to avoid any infections n preggie.

If up coming u do not have cramps n heavy bleeding u are still fine. Try drinking more cranberry juice to wash away all te bacteria. Cranberry is well known for any infections in virgina.

Hmm.. I dont have any spotting cos i only started my massage after my first af which 6 weeks later.

It should be fine. I spotted before my first af came.

And then i no longer spotted. U should be fine.

Spotting is still acceptable. Heavy bleed will be something serious even when its time for your af. If ur bleed is so heavy that u need to keep changing your pad within an hour or two u have to go back to your gynae, it maybe infection.
Thk u Christine..;)

I think my spot is due to the massage.. As She tell me it helps to remove excess blood fr the dnc operation..;) i feel
allright so bd.. Hee.. Make me so scare after that but the spotting already stop and only once so shd be ok ba..;) u got do the wrap for 6 hrs? It helps to reduce tummy size..
Joanne: eh i keep it on for the most 4 hrs... Its abit tight... Abit hard to breathe. Haha... But as long as u keep it on for a minimum of 1 hris good enough.
Hi Christin
Haha.. As she tells me, if u want pretty n slim then put six hr so i force myself to put on six hr too but frankly speaking, do u think the tummy really looks smaller after the wrap? For me got abit ba..If i want continue, i doubt can put six hr le as work start today n weekend sat need to go in law hse at night so abit of time constraint..;( she dun work on sun so diffcult to arrange her to come my place.. Hmm...
Joanne: hmmm... I dont see uch difference leh... But it may have helped slim down abit ba... For me i dont see the difference... I think 6 hrs is a bit too long for me... By the time i remove, i think i will be totally out of breathe le. Haha
Almost 5 weeks after my d&c... BBT still high. I hope I'm not bfp, because we weren't quite as "safe" I think ^^; But I have no symptoms, so hopefully just late.
your first AF came already? your BBT has been high for more than 14 days? maybe just monitor a few more days.

just wanted to ask something. hb and i bd couple days ago and during it, i had some pain in my womb area. not sure if it's the motion causing it but anyone experience the same thing?
i went for my gynae review after d&c, doc said me not ovaluating...(cos i read here that we might ovaluate after d&c)...she oso dint say if my menses coming soon anot...

she said to try after 2nd af....but i duno if my af will come on time anot....very scared it will go haywire....
Ashley: i do feel a sudden sharp pain. But is fine. Cos some of the wound has yet to fully recover. Just like a deep cut u need time to heal it as long as u clean up well after it u will be fine. But if ur pain is continuously, it could be a problem. Its better to see a gynae.

Valerie: dont stress. Af will definitely go haywire fr awhile. Some who are lucky, the cycle became longer but it at least came every month. Some do not get any af even after two months of wait.

I waited for 5 u have to relax... Dont think too much about it.

If u hate to wait, u can get your gynae to prescribe u some medi to induce the af...

But i prefer doing it the natural way.... Drink red raspberry tea leaf.. And it works.
ashley >> No, my first AF is not here yet. My BBT has been going up and down like a heart-rate monitor, but generally on the high side (36.5-36.7) for the last 18 days or so? :S

So far I haven't had any pain while BDing. But it does ache a bit. I guess it's just healing.
your bbt high for 18 days now... hmmm, maybe u want to test in case. if not, just monitor cause our first few cycles after mc will be abit haywire. maybe it's just that. before my first AF came, we used protection. but after it came, we heck care liao. haha.

thanks christine, tethysea. i only feel the pain/ache while bd, after that ok liao. so should be fine bah.

my AF came around 5 weeks plus after the wash. totally understand your anxiousness, but try not to worry too much. keep bz.
joanne, same here! i wish to do massage more also haha but hard to find time, the last time i did i still reme it was labour day but she worked on public holidays sometimes i believed
christine, is it necessary to go for massage? i thiking to go to sharon as recommended by you in earlier posts....but my gynae said my womb went back to normal size already..i asked if need to check hcg level, she said no need...everything ok? wonder if this is the standard ans from gynae...

i have been thinking very positively...i dun feel sourish or whatever when i read 2 friends pregnant (around my time too) and also their #2...i also dun feel sourish when i see my pregnant colleage (also same period as me)...initially i felt so sad....cos i know she said she wants to try for #2 and this is her 1st try lor....lucky gal!
Valerie: the massage is to tone the muscles ard the uterus to be more firm n be back in place. Usually the uterus will go back into its normal size few weeks after dnc.

But becos we used to carry a water bag n has weight n will tend to pull the uterus a little lower which will then affect the next preggie. Having your uterus too low will affect the ability to hold the fetus n cos another miscarriage.

I do still feel bad whenever i see my friend with their new born.

Yesterday my sis just called her friend n family over... Its like a little boy n a baby boy... I felt so bad that i cried so badly in the room n my hub got so worried n rushed home from work right away.

To me... I feel that as long as they r not related to me im fine but some how i feel related, i will feel the pain. I dont see the reason why my own sis cant spare a tot for me. Knowing i will feel hurt if i see anyone with a bb right now yet she can happily call over a friend with kids over.

While my best friends n in laws knew how it feels n so try to avoid mentioning about kids or bring me to places where they know it will be kids infested.

Hais... My 1st preggie was also a lucky try. I only tried once. And i got it but still i miscarriage after that... Now trying again but it has been my 2nd try n still dont work out... Hais... I dont think i can get preggie that easy le after dnc... Hais..
Christine >> I know how you feel... my sis confirmed her preg one week after my d&c, and kept smsing me about her morning sickness and plans for her kids until one day I broke down in office toilet crying. After that I scolded her for being so bloody insensitive and ignored her until she apologised. I think sometimes our family takes us (and our emotions) for granted. Need a good whack across the head to remind them!
Tethysea: yes i totally agree with u. I cried so badly that day! I mean why do this to me? Why didnt they just put themselves in my situation. Its so hard for me to face it till now.. I dont think i can face it until i really give birth to a healthy child...

Its so hard to pull through..i have to admit that.
Can I join tis group? I'm scheduled for D & C tmr at TMC coz my 7 week pregnancy can't detect a heartbeat. Did hcG level, too low.. So worried now, dunno Wat to expect...

Do I need to do a mini confinement after tis? I dun hv anyone to take care of me or cook for me except my Hubby. I hv a 2 yo boy.

What can I take to "nourish" back my body?
Hi christine
Me still feel quite ok for the wrap.. Just abit uncomfy.. But like wht she say, u want pretty must tolerate lor.. Hee..

Hi linggie
I see.. Too bad she dun work on sunday..;( very hard to squeeze time ah...sigh..

Hi bunny
Hugz... I know how u feel exactly as it was my 3rd mc and very hurtful when it happen again.. I hv dnc done abt 3wks ago too.. For me, i goto tcm before my dnc to get some chinese herbs since i try not to step out the hse for 2wks.. For me, i start mini confinement food at after 1wk of my dnc.. No bath certain days except use 大风草 for two times in a week.. Drink red date longan tea to replace plain water till today.. Dun anyhow eat till today too.. No seafood as toxic except fish..

Take care gal..
Dear Bunny, sorry to hear that.
I didnt do much after Dnc, i went back to work 5 days later, ate confinement food 2 days, thats about it.

Do take care!
Hi Bunny, sorry to hear about your loss. I went back to work 5 days after my d&c also. My mom cooked some confinement stuff for 3 days, and I bathed with very hot water when I wanted to bathe. Other than that, not much. But stay off the seafood, and no sex for 2 weeks!
Joanne: ya nor.

Bunny: u can ask your hub to make simple food that u can heat it up n eat again thru out the day.
like rice wine chicken soup. Just add rice wine, chicken, ginger and hard boil eggs. Add a little vinegar as well.

Eat more spinach. It helps to cleanse blood n help to bring back blood for the body..

Make te confinement tea n drink it for about two weeks.

Add ginger, red n black dates, dry longans and dangshen.

Add into boiling wAter n keep it under heat for an hr or two.

Then drink it in replacement of water.

Cannot eat left over food or cold water. U must eat fresh boiled water n food.

Drink only warm water. Other than that its fine.
Bunny: its normal. I had sharp cramp after my wash too. Bleeding stops a day after dnc. N will have spotting for days up to a week.

If u continue to have heavy bleed n bad cramps, it could be a sign of infection.
Bunny >> Yes, you'll probably have cramps and bleeding for a few days. I had spotting for a week after d&c.

My bbt finally going down! And I tested negative with a cheap HPT this morning. Feel very relieved actually! Now just (impatiently) waiting for my first AF.
Hi Ladies,

I have been a silent reader... my baby's heart stop at 13wks 6days & I underwent D&C on 25 May...

Its exactly 2 weeks today but I am still bleeding and having some contractions... Actually, my bleeding stop liao & i had seen my gynae last sat and he say its fine but suddenly come back since Mon...

Wonder if anyone is like this?
Hi Ladies

Those after a D&C with uncertain spotting I would like to recommend Red Raspberry Tea Leaves to you. I have had sucess with the tea leaves and now take it regularly from CD1 till CD14 to prep the womb as after my own miscarriages. I have spotting for a long time before it finally stop.

Do Visit the following URL for information on the tea leaves.

I would normally recommend making a small pot and drink it as a "bu" regime
Hi Fairy
May i know how frequent u drink? Daily? In a pot can pour out how many cup? As am curious how many cup u drink a day? After ur dnc, it takes how long before ur first af come? As wonder can this leaves help to regulate the af to come on time? Worry the first af will take loong time to come.. Thk u..
Morning! Just to let you all know that my first AF is here - 5wks and 2 days after my d&c
Joanne, don't worry too much ok? Everything will be ok!
Hi ladies.

I had my AF 2 weeks back which was 6 weeks after my DnC. couple of days back i had a constant stomach ache, not like menses cramps but more like gas/acidity. Antacids or anything did not help, but the pain just went away late evening after i woke up from a short nap. Yesterday evening i saw i was spotting. I thought I must be ovulating and the pain and spotting were its symptoms.Have had them before when i O. I did not track BBT, also I have been down with a nastly flu and had a fever anyways. I was kinda happy that i ovulated at 2 weeks n my cycle would be about 28 days, very very rare that i have a cycle shorter than 45 days. I thght i must be more fertile now, and decided to TTC next month. Well, guess i spoke too soon as today morning i saw I'm bleeding full swing like a period! I dont know if this is normal after a DnC... and I have always had irregular cycles... but i think my body is still struggling... haiz~
Hi Joanne,

I drink about 2-3 cups a day for a month when I have my D and C. As maintenance now I drink 1 cup daily during CD1-14 to maintain. I have friends who have stop their decade long cramps after 2 months on it.

As for your AF it is different for everybody. I would suggest try the leaves and let it come naturally as best possible as it will be good indication your insides have healed.
Hi ladies, new here. I just came back from gynae, had a spontaneous miscarriage. Everything was dispel out naturally. Scan can only see lining. Gynae prescribed antibiotics for infection prevention n ask me to go out in 2wks time to make sure everything is clear.

Anyone can tell me what shld I eat or do now?
Hugs coyote....
Do a mini confinement. I'm doing a 2 weeks one, eating confinement food & taking red dates tea. Try to rest more, take DOM if u can.

How to cope with loss? Lost BB on Tuesday, still depress... I know I shd not dwell too much but can't help it. My Emo-ing is affecting my family.... Still spotting although now no bad cramps...
Hi coyote
Since urs no go thru dnc, no need much of confinement.. Just drink some red date tea without seafood except fish in ur meals will do.. How many wk r u at when happen? U can try next cycle since no scratch of lining... Take care..

Thk u fairy.. Me only drink one cup per day so far..

Thk u tethysea too..;) hows ur af? Heavy? As i remember first af after dnc usually quite heavy.. Sianz...
Bunnymuffin- big hugs!!! I Just went to see my Chinese physician n she prescribed me 4 days of herbal tea to cleanse the system. She said is not unnecessary to eat confinement food but if I want I can take some chicken soup. Boil red dates n tan sheng n wolf berries to drink. Avoid catching cold.

I guess being mentally prepared helps us a lot I spotted bleeding on tue morn n went to see gynae in the afternoon. He already told me is not a gd sign. Gave me a jab n told me if I stopped bleeding maybe can revive the situation. I ren at the clinic n went home crying v badly. On wed I bled badly n had very painful cramps until I cldn't sit. I guessed I lost it on wed. Thu bleeding n cramp lesser. Fri morning I went to gynae to confirm that it's gone. Both gynae n physician consoled us that the fetus at not a gd one, no point keeping. Body will know how to take care of it. Not meant to be ours.

Have to be positive n move on. Talk to frds or ppl who had same experience helps too. Jia you!!!!!

Joanne- I lost it at 7th wk. So fast can try again? My hubby will be happy to hear that...wahaha.

Saw u ladies keep mentioning abt AF n raspberry tea. What are they?

joanne >> Yes, scarily heavy. Have to change pad every 3hrs. Cramps are pretty bad too, but only just a bit worse than normal. Can tell body not back to normal yet... still healing.

coyote >> AF = Aunt Flow (menses), raspberry leaf tea is a herbal tea that's supposed to relax and tone the uterus.
Sorry to hear about your loss... do take care and "bu" your body back in shape before you try again. Actually I've heard that it's better to wait for after 1 normal period before you try again. I had spontaneous miscarriage too, but I went for d&c cos I kiasu, haha.
