Support group - Miscarriages

Hi linggie n christine
Thanks for ur advise..;) for the massage, christine, u sign up the package? Do they come on weekend? And they do wrap too? Is it very oily after massage as they use oil right? So we can only do it after 3wks of dnc?? Thk u soo much for the link n advise.. Btw, do u gals drink red raspberry leaves tea after dnc? Good?
Joanne: she dont have package.. Is session by session. Each session is $60 detox plus tummy massage. She use lemongrass oil first n wipe it then powder you body... Will not feel oily dont worry.

She do wrap your tummy. U got to keep it wrapped as long as u can min. One hour. I usually keep it on for three to four hours.

I did it one month after dnc.. But then u can ask sharon when u are ready for massage. U can ask her thru email or sms. I usually enquire her thru email.

I did drink raspberry leaves tea after my dnc. Its very good. Heals wound n regulate hormones. N make your menses to come on time.u can drink about three times a day.. Once your first af comes, u can drink it once a day.
its better if u buy n drink it.
Hi christin
Thk u for ur detail explanation. May i know whts the purpose of wrap? Keep ourself slim? ;) difficult to wash away after wrap? Thot this massage can help us slim down too.. Hee.. Does she comes on weekend? Oh.. So she bring her own bed then wun dirty mind.. Thks for sharing.. Will u continue the massage or stop now?

The tea leaves sound gd but may i know how u contain the tea leaves to soak on water since it dun come in tea bags? U got add brown sugar to make it sweet to drink? If yes, how many teaspoon of brown sugar u put?
Joanne: she do come during the weekend too. But u will have to enquire her first, cos she got classes on weekends. The wrap is to hold our muscles so that our uterus will not "drop" downwards due to gravity.

Hmm.. Not really to slim down but detox do help te body to remove some bad toxic that block us from slimming down.

I will continue with her after my two weeks wait this month, if u are tryin to ttc, she will help to stimulate the ovaries for better ovulation during the period of ttc.

She simply apply the chinese oilment we can find in the markets, qu feng you. To massage the tummy, one to remove the wind in the tummy.

Yup she brings her own portable bed.

I bought the tea bag version from naturaworks. Its a sg online shop.

Its organic raspberry tea bags.... 16 bags in each box.

Or u can buy from babydust shop the loose kind, u can buy tea bag from daiso. $2 got 40 to 100 tea bags can use.

I didnt add sugar, i just drink it down, cos im used to chinese tea. So im ok with alittle bitter sour taste.

The tea tast a little bit like chinese tea. I think its better not to add sugar.. Drink it plain for better absorbing. Processed sugar isnt very good for us.

If we r trying to heal a healthy body n have healthy eggs produced, we have to Avoid processed food.

Like sugar which we will get a touch on almost everyday.

I avoid that for months. Till now, if i want to add sweeteners, i will prefer honey.
Hey ladies,

am back from my 15 days trip. Realised that traveling in the plane created havoc in my entire hormonal system.

Before I left, i had spotting. After 3 hrs in the plane, I bled. The worst thing occurred after 5 days into my traveling.

While admiring the beautiful scenary, i felt a sudden gush. And then many gushes within a span of 3 hours. Imagine the panic. I have never bled so much. usually, we don't feel gushes during our AF, but this time I did so many times. Regular heavy flow pads are not enuff. I have to place thick wads of tissue on top of the pad. I had to desperately buy a bottom to replace the stain one.

anyway, this lasted for 3 days and then it stopped.

Bled a little again while on the place trip back.

My AF came 2 weeks before I left for my trip and had spotting on and off.

Sianz. One good thing is my HCG level is down to almost 0 coz I tested negative in the pregnancy test kit. This means I am prepped for my surgery 2 weeks from now. I'm relieved.

Thanks ladies for hearing me out.
Hi christin
Thanks for ur detail..

Oh.. R u ttcing now? As u say after 2wks will massage again means u r in ur 2ww now? All the best to u.. ;) so this is ur 3rd mth already after dnc? Btw, can we massage when we hv af?

Btw, may i know the url link where u buy the leaves with tea bag? As i feel it will be gd to hv ready tea bag with the right portion of leaves separate proportionally else i may put too little or too much in the teabag if buy only the leaves.. How much u buy urs? Ok, i will not want to add sugar too.. Am ok with chinese tea taste too..;) thk u gal for ur advise..
Hi stressed
Oh no.. Hope u r ok now.. When did u do ur dnc? Take care and maybe go for a check first with ur gynea to confirm all r ok to ease ur worry.. U will be fine k..
Hey Joanne,

I did my D & C on the 11th April. I then had AF 3 weeks after i D & C and then bled really really heavily (during the trip) like 2.5 weeks after my last AF.

Joanne: yup! My af comes on time every month on the 23rd or 24th.. So still waiting but keeping my mind positive.. Haha... Having lots of outings up coming so hope i dont get preggie that soon... But just trying now...

I am in my 5th month after dnc heading to 6th... My first af came only 5 weeks after dnc... N now my cycle is every 32 days.... So... I only started ttc after my 3rd cycle in april...

The web is

I bought with the promotion on 6boxes at 9.50 each. If not usual price is 10 plus..

But since im drinking for months, buying 6 boxes is just nice.

Remember u can only use the tea bag once. Cannot add more hot water after first drink.

Stressed: wah.. Ur af came so soon? Its better u let your gynae check on you. Cos having very heavy bleed that u have to keep changing your pad every few hrs is not a good sign. Irregular bleeding shows bad signs at times...
i think u better get your gynae check n scan for u to make sure.
seems to see new names here..not very good though.

Christine, keep us updated if you have good news ok?

For me, I am waiting for my 2nd AF to come this month...I will start trying maybe after 3rd must concentrate lose back 10kg I put on first....haiz...
u waiting for 2nd AF already... my 1st AF just over. i'm feeling so impatient, wanna ttc soon. how come u put on 10kgs? i know i put on 10 kgs after my wedding over a span of 3 years. :p
Joanne: yup!
thats correct!

Pigy: haha.. I hope so too.. But i dont think will have any so soon... No much luck recently...

Oh.. Try exercising? I manage to cut away 12 kgs.. But i put on 6kgs...
Hi Mommytq

Thanks I receive your contact

Hi Joanne

U can bought the rasberry tea leaf at some of the organic shop too. I got mine from organic shop.
Thk u christine n qin
As i am doing mini confinement now so cant go out to find the leaf.. Think will get fr online so that i can start drink soon..;) btw, how much u bought at organic shop? Which n where organic shop u bought? Maybe i get two box fr online first then next time can go outside buy.. Kindly advise.. Thk u..
Joanne: dont tend to rush yourself into things... Just relax n do your confinement first... Focus... Its ok to start taking the tea after your confinement ends.
u have to stay rested n not think so much...
CHristine, I did exeercise leh but still donno y the 10kg...I hope I do not have the Thyroid problem.seems to have some of the symptoms leh...Read Thyroid also will hv fertility issues wor.

Joanne: Now must learn how to relax, like what my mum says the more you want a baby, the more nothing will happen...& same goes for those who do not want a baby, they have it so easily.
Thk u christine n pigy
Thks for ur advise.. Me now not kancheong, just want to tiao myself well now since i feel after dnc, it is quite bad for us in our well beings.. Will take things easy but not easy..;)

Hi qin
May i know how much u bought the leaf at organic shop? Which n where organic shop u bought fr? Maybe i get two box fr online first then next time can go outside buy.. Kindly advise.. Thk u..
Hi joanne

I got it at a organic shop in amk. Selling at 10 buck. Online shop cheaper if u buy 6 boxes but I don live near redhill for self collection so might as well get it from nearby organic shop
Thk u Qin
May i know whts the shop name? Inside amk hub? Exactly the same thing same as online? Thk u so much for ur advise..
Hi qin
No i dun stay in amk but i will go there shopping sometime.. Thks for ur info.. U oso hv been drink this tea? U see any difference in u after drink? I.e.Af come on time? How many cup u drink per day?
Hi Joanne

I not sure Coz I jus started drinking. I hv spottings 2 weeks after my first af. So I bought it and drink. And so far the spotting has stopped after I drank. I drank one cup per day. Hopefully like what others mention af will come on time.
Hi joanne, give the tea a try after your confinement.

Besides regulating AF, there are also days when I feel "achy" there and after a cup, will feel alot better.
Thk u qin n mommytq
Oh.. Can only drink after confinement huh? How long suppose to be our confinement? 2wks? Btw, mommytq, does the tea help u to regulate ur af too? How long hv u been drinking? Also one cup per day? Thk u..
Hi Ladies

Those after a D&C with uncertain spotting I would like to recommend Red Raspberry Tea Leaves to you. I have had sucess with the tea leaves and now take it regularly from CD1 till CD14 to prep the womb as after my own miscarriages. I have spotting for a long time before it finally stop.

Do Visit the following URL for information on the tea leaves.

I would normally recommend making a small pot and drink it as a "bu" regime
Hi Fairy
I just did my dnc last Friday. Still hv spotting today. May i know when shd i start drink the leaf? Can drink now or only after 2wks? U hv been drinking for how long n does it regulate ur af too? As this leaf is new to me so try to find out more fr u gals. Thk u.
Joanne, I start drinking after the first AF because only then I know abt this tea through Christine. For me, I drink a cup a day on alternate days for abt a month. Thereafter, only drink when "achy". Think its up to individual ba
Hi Joanne,

You can start on the raspberry tea leaves now. Since you will not be TTC until at least for another few months this consistent consumption of the tea will promote balancing of the hormones and priming of the womb for future pregancies.

If you are TTC, stop when you are in 2 Weeks Waiting (2WW). As the tea leaves have a certain uterus muscle toning effect.

The tea is also good to curb cycle cramp and effectively purge the cycle.

Make a small pot and sip on it. Hence my recommendation is to get them in loose leave pack. The amount to make a cup depends on how much you would like the concentration of the tea. If you prefer a stronger tea put in more if lighter less.

Been a silent reader. Had my d&c done 2 wks ago...and i just read the older posts that we should abstain from sex for at least 2 weeks. M worried now cos' we did the deed abt 4-5days after d&c....haven seen gynae for follow-up until next week. Will it cause any problem?

my gynae did not tell me the dont's before the d&c and i dint ask.

btw, can we drink coffee now?
Valerie >> Having sex before the 2weeks are up may increase the chance of infection if the cervix is still open, but other than that it's ok. When you see your gynae, he/she will probably check for infection. If there are signs of infection, a course of antibiotics will clear it up.

I think some ppl say no coffee during confinement. Depending on how far along you were, the body may need time to rest even though it was d&c.
Hey ladies,

I'd went for a check and the doc says my bleeding might due to the TCM meds. Some TCM meds thins the blood hence it keeps bleeding. One of the med is dang gui. That's why once a woman gets pregnant, she should avoid dang gui.

anyway, I checked with Dr Zuo. She says her meds contains no traces of such meds. In fact, hers contain elements to stop bleeding.

Anyway, my husband says to stop the chinese meds for now. So far it has decreased somewhat.

I'm happy to say I'm down to 149 for my beta reading. The doc says it SURE takes it's time to go down.

Mummy dust and good health to all....
Gynae did specifically told me to avoid Danggui (当归) and Paosheng (泡参). Understand that these thins the blood and might increase bleeding.

After d&c, it bleed for 1-2days and thereafter spotting until 5th to 6th day (at most)...then now after 16days (2wks plus) after d&c, i suddenly bleed for a day, now abit only...shld be those old blood/tissues as its not fresh blood col...but brown...this is not considered menses right?

so shld i count from now to another 4wks before i can expect my menses to come? its like such a long waiting time for 1st AF to come....
U mean we shouldnt take 泡生during 2ww or just after dnc?

Does ur 1st af come after 4wks abt ur exact af date or delay too?

Take care n hugs.. Me oso just did dnc 10days ago. Hope my 1st af will not delay too long n come fast after 28-30days too..
Joanne > i was told to avoid Danggui (当归) and Paosheng (泡参) after D&C, not sure about the 2ww. but i understand that Danggui (当归) has some hormonal stuff and can mess up the cycle, so maybe best to avoid it during the 2ww.
Joanne: no leh.. Mine came 5 weeks after dnc. But it did came on time during the 4 weeks wait.

I went for my follow up one week after dnc... N was told to wait for 4 weeks for first af... And i came on time 4 weeks later.

But my past af was 28days cycle n now it became 32days cycle... Which is the only difference i had so far...
Hello everyone!

I had posted about my m/c sometime back. Just wanted to post that i finally got my first af post D&C. Came exactly 6 weeks after the operation, my cycles are usually 6 weeks long. In the meanwhile I was super worried, as the doc had clearly told me not to concieve for 3 cycles at least. As i had mentioned earlier, we went on a holiday, and after all the stress of pain and medication, the holdiay felt very soothing and er.. somehow passion struck back (with a vengence!:p) )we had thrown caution in air ;)

Phew! Was relieved when af came. Was expecting severe pain as the doc mention my uterus was enlarged. At the slightest cramp, I rushed home from office and slept with a hot bag on tummy. Took the next day off too. Altho I did take strong painkiller, i think it was not necessary. My cramps were much better than usual. Maybe because the lining was much thinner. I'm hoping my future menses also wont give me much trouble with cramps as in the past, now that I have had a D&C

Currently on another antibiotic course, as the doc said there could still be a little infection left undetected. After this, am scheduled for a rubella jab, will as well take this since i'm anyway not allowed to conceive for next 3-4 months.

Now's a new kinda problem. We havent been using condoms for the past 2+ years and now suddenly to go back to it... feels horrible leh... ayya!! ;) ;)
Magpie sorry to read abt your lost. I have been thru that where I lost my bb boy at 5th mth of gestation. But I concieved again straight aft the 1st AF and now I have a healthy chubby bb girl 5 mths old. Dun get to worry just let nature takes it course ;)

m wondering if i can drink chinese tea/green tea now? have been eating oily food so thinking to drink tea....

Joanne - i also hope my af will report soon....
Hi gals,
It's been a while since my last post, been a silent reader. I hv a qn: did anyone experience shorter cycle after D&C?

Previously my cycle was 28-32 days, and after D&C, it's 22-24 days! It gets shorter for each cycle. I'm worried.
Joanne, not sure if ok to drink, can check with medical hall or sinseh ? For me I don't drink the tea on days when I drink TCM herbs.. Scare body over load.
Hi..hope you girls are coping well.

HOlidaygal: My cycle seems longer than my usual period after D&C.

Mitch: you conceive after the 1st AF? Thought some doctors advised after 3rd cycle? I've just passed my 2nd AF wondering if I should wait for 3rd cycle to be safe.

Valerie: its fine to drink it. Its a way for detox too. Its good for the body now.

Holidaygal: my cycle seems longer leh... I was a 28 days cycle.. Now 32 days... Its abit disappointing though... Hmm... I think its fine.... As long as it comes on time every month, u will be very normal n healthy.
