Support group - Miscarriages

Linggie: heavy cycle means u are all back to normal!
having a good heavy cycle with fresh blood means u are very healthy. Thats wat sharon told me. So dont worry.
as long as u dont have much old blood which is brown during menses, its a good sign.

Im still in the mids of ttcing...

Babydusty luck to all

Thanks Starry... Actually I have been having light bleeding over the past few days after the d&c, but looks like today it has lessened to brown spotting. Hopefully it means it's healing! In the meantime, trying to find out what multivits to take to get body back in shape.
Linggie, you are one step closer !

Chris, am gonna ttc after coming mense. Its been a long wait to this day. Lets jia you together !
Linggie: dont. Worry! You are perfectly normal!

Hey girls! All the best for ttcing! Maybe all of us will hear good news soon! How nice if all our good news comes in the same timing!
gd afternoon gals, hope you are all doing well. maybe all of us are meant to have dragon babies hehe..

Envy all of you with regular menses. Today is cycle 64 but no menses yet, from my BBT no sign of ovulation also. TOld my TCM yesterday I wanna go gynae to induce menses but she discouraged me. Told me to tahan another month as she want to see if my body is able to release egg on its own. So another month of eating yucky powder and bloated stomach..grrrrr. I hope the menses dont turn up during my HK trip on 22 May...!

So what are your plans on Vesak Day? I plan to take MC on 16 so have a long weekend heheeeeee
That's great news tethysea! Happy for you. If you don't mind, let me share with you what i know abt a good supplement tht I've been sharing with many family and friends, my 7 years of experience as a pharmacist does help me last time.You can PM me, or I can also Pm you. Thanks!
Linggie: not to worry! My af is not heavy ever since my dnc... N only lasted for 5 days. Its on n off dunno whyalso sometimes heavy, sometimes light.

Sarina: vesak day, going to have a good prayer for that day, as well my father in law is currently in hospital getting ready for his heart by pass operation tomorrow, n one month later he will have to go for another operation to remove part of the tumour near his liver.

My heart sank for him when i see him in the hospital yesterday. But at least he is all well. Everything detected early.

Just nice my 10 yrs bestie having her 23rd bday party on vesak day itself, so going for a good ktv session with my hub her friends at night.. Good way to release stress.
hey Christine how are you? My 4th cycle come already. So far so good. however i noticed my menses cycle is now shorten to about 24 - 26 days. Last time usual cycle is 28 days. Is ok right? Now TTC. Gotta relax now otherwise so stress not going to be good for the body. How's ur TTC plans?
Happy: fine
still trying... I also ended my 4th cycle now ttcing.. Hopefully i dont see my 5th cycle coming!

Hmm.. Its fine that your af shorten to 26days.. As long as it comes on time every month, u are consider healthy and also provided your release is fresh blood, that means u are not ovulating old eggs.

I now let myself stay relax n not focus on just bb making but enjoying the process.

Recently father in law in hospital so focus on his health but still we remember to bb make during this tough journey... Trying to keep myself stress free...

I also no time for exercises these few days... So.. Maybe this break from the exercises can aid the sperms to swim further.
waiting for good news soon... I hope... But no high hopes...
Hi ladies, my mense is finally here but its a few days late. It is never late before... Even after dnc, also zhun zhun report. Super sianz... Wait until so long for this cycle and the mense suddenly haywire !!!
Hi ladies
Hope everyone is fine! I bet some of u have taken leave today so enjoy the long Vesak holiday.

Juz an update, my first AF is finally here, 5 weeks after my wash. Feel so relieved that didn't have to wait too long and hopefully it'll remain regular. Let's all jiayou for our little dragon babies!

Christine, yup, relax is the key, so good to hear that you're keeping bz with other things. I find this very true, keep our minds bz besides ttc and it'll be better and I've heard of alot of stories of how many strike when they least expected. So jiayou ok!

Maybe this AF cycle you were stressed with work that's why cause u to delay AF? Just monitor, sometimes it's just a one-off thing.
Thanks Ashley, I hope its a one off thing too. *keeping fingers cross*. Just can't help feeling sianz.

Good thing am off work today! Going to pamper myself abit !

Lets all jia you jia you jia you for little dragons !!!
Mommytq: my af also late last month, so dont worry. Sometimes its due to stress. If u think u r ready to ttc you can go ahead, but best is after 3 cycles.

Ashley: thanks! Yup so i keep myself occupied. Lucky my bestie birthday is here... So that i keep myself busy with all the birthday present making...
ya i agree that you should wait 3 cycles. At least let the womb to rest and plenty of time to recover. I went to see TCM and she told me i can get pregnant very easily after D&C but can also miscarriage easily because the womb is not strong enough for the implantation and attachment. So is good that we should let the womb recover first.

hehe ya hope we can strike the next one
Am keeping positive and chucked out all bb books and thermometer and whatever lar. Can best strike when you least expected it
My gynae also advised me to wait 3 months... but he was very specific that it's months, not cycles. Not very sure why, but maybe he's worried that if my cycles go haywire and become very short after d&c, the body won't have enough time to recover.

Feeling restless and kind of down... 3 months seems like such a long time
Thanks girls for the consolation
This is actually my 4th cycle... Maybe my body is trying to tell me that its still not ready and hv to wait awhile more... Guess the waiting game continues again.
Hi gals
May i know of any link on wht confinement food u took after dnc?
Also, did u all go for any blood test or further investigation on why mc?
Sadly, my bb hb stop at 6wk plus..;( and it is my 3rd mc. I dun know wht shd i do now to avoid the same thing happen again n again? Any of u hv any idea?
I am so sorry to hear Joanne.
Did your gyne suggest any test? For 3x, I believe some tests would be conducted?
Do take gd care of itself, mentally and physically.

for first timer, they usually attribute to chromosomal abnormality, no test was done.
Oh no Joanne03! You too?! *HUGS*
I think for more than 1 time the gynae will want to do tests to find out why. Someone from another thread suggested that both you and your husband should eat more tonics and multivitamins before you try again... some times it's the problem with your DH's sperm but can be improved with better nutrition.

linggie >> *hugs* thank you.
Joanne, hope you are recovering fine. Did your gynae suggest running any tests ? Its better to get any underlying issues (ie if any) sorted out before ttc again
Hi linggie, mommytq n thytsea
Thk u..;( very sad.. Not sure wht shd i do next to prevent same thing happen again n again? Any of u go for the bt to find out why recurrent mc? Any idea whts the cost involved? Think not cheap...;( hope can find out the reason and solve it, else i really afraid of conceive again.. Can any gals who did the test share ur experience? Thk u..
Joanne: hi girl, sorry to hear about your loss... For confinement, try taking heaty food. Like vinegar pig trotter, ricewine chicken, ginger rice wine soup.

Eat more fish, more spinach. Spinach helps to bring back the healthy blood into the body. U can stir fry it with just ginger n add some rice wine.

Then u can brew the confinement tea.

Ingredients are, ginger, red n black dates, dangzhen, dry longans.

And drink it down as plain water. Avoid all left over food. U can only eat freshly cook food.

Try to only bath in the morning n dry your hair asap.

Try doing a massage on your tummy to bring your uterus back in place ot prepare for next preggie.

Take folic acid or multi vitamins or pre natals pills daily. Fish oil n royal jelly.

Have your husband to take selenium n vitamin E it isto help produce healthier sperm quality n quantity.

Rest well. Dont think so much. Its better to have your body checked regarding the recurrent miscarriage. Its better to get it checked n treated before your next preggie take place.

Be positive! You have our support here!
Thk u Christin

May i know r u using 大风草 to bath or plain water? U bath everyday? As when we give birth, usually dun bath for at least 2wks... R we suppose to do the same?
Hmmm... You can use da feng chao to bath also.. Its better also... I bath with just normal water only one week after my dnc.. The climate nowadays its hard not to bath at all. S fine to bath but dry up fast n cover yourself well.
Thk u gals
May i know why many of u go to nuh to do bt? R they gd in treating recurrent mc? Anybody succeed to give birth to healthy bb after seeing them? R the test charges ex? Btw, for gals who hv 2time mc n above, did u do the coromosome check on ur fetus after dnc? Is it necessary?
How can we see the doc at nuh for subsidize rate? Thk u gals..
Hey Ashley,

My 1st AF cycle also on 16th May after 5 week from mc.

Do u have heavy menses? i have and a lot of red u hav the same? is it bcos i didnt go for d&c tats y a lot of the jelly?
Was intending to ttc after this 1st cycle but read tat many of u says better to wait after 3mths...

however, KKH doctor told me i can start after this 1st cycle..3mths is too long for me...i cant wait anymore...but at the same time i feel worried for my next pregnancy...i don wan the same thing to happen again..never...
Jo's mummy,

I was in the same shoes as you! My kkh doc also told me can start ttc after 1st cycle. Forgot to ask my tcm but the medicine he gave me for strengthening womb was only for 1 mth. I wanted to wait till I finished that medicine. Who knows, my ovaluation (after the first menses) was late, since I had finished the medicine, I thought might as well try.

Now, I am waiting for my af to arrive. Really qi shang ba xia. Anyway, don't think I am so lucky, I had difficulty conceiving. Also, no symptom at all. Haizzzzzzzzzz
jo's mummy >> Ah, I thought I remembered your nick ;)
I haven't had my AF yet after d&c, but I did have a lot of the "red jelly" the week after the d&c. Maybe it's the remaining tissue?
Hi Christine
May i know u hv any contact who do the massage to push the uterus back as wht mention in ur post? Am waiting for dnc now n all will be over after today..;(
Actually i hv bad omen before my scan to confirm bb no more heartbeat on monday.. Two of my fish die suddenly last saturday.. Sigh..

Btw gals, can dnc claim via insurance? As i hv do a series of bt at kkh which cost me thousand plus 2 days ago, understand fr some say is claimable since am doing dnc surgery? Do u gals claim?

Also, may i know when shd i take Organic Red Raspberry leaf? Heard is gd.. For 100gm, how long does it take to finish as worry too much for me to finish if buy..
Joanne: i claim from my medishield advanced plan from ntuc.. I claim full amount back.. Hais removing my angel cost me almost $1.2k... But i rather spend 10k on giving birth than removing it... Hais...

Thanks linggie for helping out with the link.

U can try sharon... She is a really nice lady...
Thks linggie n christine

May i know does she come to ur place or go there? When shd we start do after dnc? How frequent ( once per wk?) n stop after how many mths or how many times?

Btw christine, did u claim for ur before n after consultancy charges n bt charges too? My medishield not so gd as can only cover dnc surgery day.. We intend to claim for the bt which cost $1000 plus via our company hospital n surgery plan under prudential.. Not sure whether can claim or not for dnc procedure under prudential? Any other gals ever claim
successfully via prudential before? Thk u..
she comes to my house with her own bed! agreed, she is really nice

i did 3 weeks after, i only did it once so far. I think Christine is doing twice a mth?

mine is throu aviva, unsure how much can be claimed yet though, we have to pay 1st then they let us know later rite?
jo's mummy (jo3309)
my AF for the first couple of days not heavy, some spotting then it came full blast on third day. not really jelly, but very bright red blood. sorry, tmi.
my gynae ask me to ttc after 2nd AF comes, cause he says that 1st AF is recovery and 2nd AF is conditioning, but i went for a wash, so might be different from yours. But if your dr give the go ahead, can try, but bu your body first with vitamins and the like. for me personally, i feel after the 2nd AF cycle will be just fine, cause it will give my body some time to recover and regain the cycle and in the meantime, build up health.
Joanne: yup, just keep all the receipts n submit it up, can claim back.

I did it twice a month.. This month didn ask her along... Too busy but she did mention that my uterus is back in place, just need to do maintaining...

I just got my prudential policy didnt claim anything from there. Only got my protection plan from ntuc.

Ashley: thanks!

Hi mummytq where u seeing the tcm? My af haywire so need a tcm to tiao my body

Btw girls i having my af 2 weeks ago and now I have spotting again. Is it normal? Have went to checkup last time after d&c and all is cleared.
