Support group - Miscarriages

hi thewife,
pressed on! you are not alone! me suffering badly from MS as well and all i can say is, it will go away with time! I'm feeling much better tho still, 9th weeks, that fast! me was in my 11th week....

piggy mummy
did you do a 'confinement' period after your 'loss'... eating all those "bu" food ?
maybe the backache could be 'feng'(wind)...must take care leh...
try to avoid being in a/con area... sleeping with socks is good and take hot showers & hot drinks, avoid cold drinks... but here in s'pore this hot weather is really burning hot.. but what to do... must take care for our well-being. it's actually good for you to take 20mls of DOM every night, it warms the body as well as "bu" internally. hope you'll get well.
hey piggy,
i experience backache too after my m/c in jun. my mom bought Bu Yao Jing for me. i think its quite good...cos after taking for a while, the backache just disappear.

the inner layer is actually the surface of the yolk sac....n bb forms at the surface of the inner layer there.....that time my one no bb detected too n the yolk sac has grown bigger than what it should be....n water bag is not not normal liao lo. prob our case is due to adnormal sperm or egg or even during the very initial development.

ur d&c insert something into ur cervix one is i took a pill the night b4 to dilate the cervix.....n during the procedure, the gynae just put me to sleep. by the time i wait up, everything is done. very fast. so no worry k

agree, i think i learnt quite a lot after the m/c. be it better prep for the next pregnancy or facing/telling others the fact of my m/c, handling own emotions etc.
hi piggy mummy, my gynae said can try for bb aft 3 cycles. my 2nd gynae whom i sought 2nd opinion also said the same thing.

cheezel, yeah, gynae said put pill to dilate cervix..aft tmrw i shall tell u..a bit scared. tink wil cry. gynae said wil hv to stay there for another few hrs aft the d&c, maybe cos of GA. hope i m too drowsy to cry.

thanks to all your advice, went to eu yan sang n bought lots of tonics. even bought the bai fong wan tho i dunno if i dare to eat many pills...but since they are gd, shall jus take. for my next bb....

charlene n bepositive, pl rem to take lots of tonics too, ok? we must be healthy first in order for our future bb(s) to be healthy.

when i was lying outside the surgery threater waiting for my gynae to come, i was very scare....imagine lying there alone with nurses n doc waiting mouth was dry, n i was shivering....dunno if it is becos i was scare or eyes tear too but i told myself not to cry so in the end swallow all back.....the nurses r nice...cos once in a while they come n ask how i feeling...

yeah...after the DC, i rested for abt an hr plus, then the nurse make sure i can walk by myself b4 i m allow to go back.

i didnt take bai fong wan for my confinement...cos too much tonic till i i only take after my very first mens.....

Dun be afraid, we are with you
Cry if you need to, do not hold back your tears. After that you'll feel slightly better.
I got my blood test results.
My blood was alright.
But doctor says when they send my placenta
for investigate, found that there's a loss of blood. doc says that may not be the reason cuz it is a still birth, they dont really know what's the main reason unless they operate on the baby for further investigation.

I go for ultrasound scan very late when i'm 7mths preggie. So doc asked me go for Scanning next time when i found myself preggie. They will observe me closely. I ask when can try for a bb again, doc told me to give myself time relax for about 2 more mths then try again. But i can't wait, i want bb.. sigh~`

Do i have to take alot of medi to recover my blood? I'm weak so bb also same as me.. sigh.
Now have to take more tonic liao le.
dont be scare ok, we all here for you =)
I think there's only abit painful during the injection.. Then you will sleep untill its done. And rest for bout an hr.. mum told me de.
Cry if you need it, u'll feel better.
Charlene, really sorry to hear you have to go thru all these. I tink you shldnt be so anxious to try for bb immed. You need to make sure your body is strong & healthy first. thats most impt.

There are many ways to nourish your blood. i m more for tonics n natural foods rather than medicine. Have you tried tonics? drink ginseng tea? red dates+longan? dang gui? cordyceps? do you exercise?

i jus came back fr the d&c. right aft was very painful. the cramps were v bad. so took 2 dosages of the painkillers. nurse said its normal cos womb is contracting. am feeling alright now. feel a sense of relief, actually. cried when the gynae did the final scan, n lying on that bed was so scary. Looks like those abortion beds fr the movies. thankfully fell asleep less than 5 secs later..

Am feeling alright now. Given 1.5wks of MC. the nurses told me not to take the tonics now tho, for fear of excessive blood loss since the tonics wil dilate the blood vessels. only longan water, no red dates. lots of ginger n fruits n veges.

gynae said the same thing, can only try for bb aft 3 cycles. nothing before that cos high chance of miscarriage since womb hasnt fully recovered.
I'm so sorry for you. you too got to take gd care of yourself okie? The contraction feeling is like menses cramp. I know its painful, be strong k.. Next pregnancy sure be a smooth one, dont worry too much. my tears now going to drop while i'm typing now. Really upsad, this is not we wanted! But we've got no choice..its all fate! Let's work hard together k.. Everyone here concerns about you! love ya!

Oh means have to wait for 3cycles before trying for a bb? if not there be a miscarriage?
Hi charlene..

I believe it has been really tough for u. Dont rush to have a baby..u really need to recover. It is rather normal to want to try again asap..cos of this deisire to replace the one that was lost..I felt that way too...but I realise and also read some books on grieving after a miscarriage is that mothers have to take time off to grieve..its only sane on yr emotion n mental state to do so. Also..yr body need to get to pre-pregnancy state before its ready to have a baby again..and since yours was at a later stage..u need around at least 3months. My girlfriend who lost her baby at 24 weeks was advised by her gynae to rest for 6 months befeore TTC. First u have to start your menses..then wait around 2-3 cycles to TTC..the womb needs to build up the lining..n hormones need to stabilise first. Pregnancies too close together..can cause the mother to be malnourished and chance of anemnia(low red blood cell count) is higher. Some TCM physicians will tell u to wait even longer. So..hang on there..take the time to grieve and rest. Its only wise so that yr next pregnancy will be a smooth one.
gd facts
i did do a small confinement, drinking longans and hong zao every day,i still expose to aircon environment because i am working during that period and i do sleep in aircon room. But i didn't drink cold water nor bath with cold water.I do drink DOM, but not every day, because my stomach feel like burning. So i drink it once a week.If until now i "bu", will it be too late?because i had my misc during May..
Hi Charlene, gynae says must wait for 3 cycles for the womb to heal properly. he gave me the eg of a football field. If we strip the field of grass, the first layer that grows is stil young n sparse. If we play football on it, sure to make it "botak" very easily. Same as our womb. if we did not wait for the womb to heal properly n grow its lining til its strong, it will break down easily.

Continue to eat nourishing food to build your body ok? I am sure every one of us who jus lost the bb wants to try again, but if we are not healthy first, how can we ensure our bb is healthy? U can try buying those instant ginseng tea fr eu yan sang to drink. longan n red dates easy to prepare too.

I bought the concentrated birds nest from loh hang gai. everyday eat one teaspoon. heard it helps to build immune system.
hi piggymum,
it has been a while and your body is still adjusting... i think you can still 'bu' as now...
b'cos your period flow is still irregular, right. women, when have period must 'bu' monthly also... to be strong and build blood, etc... try and drink the Dom every alternated days lah... yes the whole feeling is suppose to be warm all over the body that's how it works and will give you a good nite's rest too.
hope you'll get strong soon.

charis, my cousin sis had a still birth at 25wks last year and... she was advised to TTC only after 3 cycles. that's the guideline, i guess.
if dun like the fire-feeling, can mix a teaspoon of DOM in a cup of warm water... my mum said so...
but i jus drink frm the spoon cos used to drink a lot ;p

sometimes i also mix DOM with water and drink. but my mom say not so effective....dunno how true it is. but anyway, i pour into tablespoon and drink fr there slowly every other day. te alt day i drink bu yao jing. but if i take pai fong wan after mens then i stop taking bu yao jing or DOM for a day or 2 cos scare too heaty. normally when i having mens, i dun take all these.

think Ryes got preggie again after the 1st cycle right? thats the fastest i have heard it myself. my gynae told me he also got patient got preggie again after 1st cycle and still have normal bb
Charis and leeloo,
; _ ; thanks for telling me.
Okay, i'll listen to your advice.
I want a healthy baby! I must wait then..

Leeloo, you too k.. "bu" your body back hor..
wanna hear your gd news k! =)
does D.O.M really good? i seldom drink cuz i dont like the smell..

Preggies out there, must take gd care k!
much love.
Dear Doggy,

Thank for your console. At least ppl who has similar experience will understand how we feel about the loss. To stand by one another and give encouragement.

How long did you wait before you try for bb?

Ya, I agree with the rest. We must learn how to take good care of ourselves before trying for the next pre as all of us here want our baby to be well and healthy.

I dont want to go through the sad days again, neither can I afford to. I will break down.. so take good care.
ooh, din take DOM. i took twice many yrs ago when my hubby persisted. straight or mixed with water, i dun like the smell.

been taking foods cooked with ginger everyday now. so heaty until sore throat, painful...stopped my longan water liao. drink honey water n orange juice now. Will start all the proper chinese tonics after this one mth. Am avoiding cold water tho.

i dun tink i wan to try for bb so soon. prob wait for another yr. everything seemed to come back last nite, then starting sobbing again. sigh. dun tink i hv such high EQ to go thru another miscarriage. wan to be healthy both emotionally n physically first.

we must all take care!!
Ya its true ryes got preggie after 1st cycle..then 2nd cycle menses didnt its sort of 3rd cycle then she strike..I think can consider that way.

Yes some gynaes say its ok if u want to TTC after 1st cycle..but there are the what I told charlene earlier..malnourished, chance of being anemic n if unfortunately end in another m/c again, this conditions have even higher chance of appearing..and another thing is stress, emotional stress-cos if its jus after a m/c u still have the fresh memory of the m/c, ,some ppl have guilt cos they realise they didnt take time to grieve the lost baby n then suddenly a new baby..also u cant give a LMP-hard to calculate the cant really tell the age of baby..that's another stress.
Sad to say, I had another miscarriage again at 14 weeks. It is a natural miscarriage which happened at home where the featus just came out from my virginal. there is still some left over tissues in my womb and if it doesnt clear by monday I have to go tho the D&C.

This is my 2nd m/c already.. already dunno what to say. Anyone went to detail checked up?

What happened? Why did it happen at the 14 weeks? My m/c also happened at home and i could feel the pressure of it when foetus came out. I was hoping that it was just some blood clots instead of my baby.. Can really understand your feeling what more a 2nd time.

I dun understand why god give allof us here baby but don't bless it to be a healthy one. Shattered our dreams of becoming mummy...Sign
i'm sorry to hear tat. Did your gynae mention what happen? 14 weeks should be into 3 months liao ba?? But you must be strong ok! these kind of things we cannot prevent, so must be strong/hard enough to accept it (quoted from my gynae, cos his wife also kana miscarriage then preggie again).

went for follow up again last night. My gynae actually say i can start trying for bb now if i want to....n i check with him abt the pros and cons....and what he told me is i m well and health and since i have no prob conceiving the 1st time round, if i wan bb now, i can go ahead and try. no problem one.....but he did mention that sometimes, older generation ppl like our mom or mil will advise to try 3-6 months later or must drink this and that to build back the health.......if we scare of all the nagging no harm listen to them ...else can start try now.
dear icy, u are not alone, i had my 2nd mc this year as well but mine was much earlier at 7 weeks. It must be hard on you.

i did a miscarriage profile with my gynae, though he usually only recommend that to women with 3 or more recurrent miscarriages. he did mention too that i'll most likely clear the tests and in the end, i still may not find out why i had 2 mc.

there was a series of blood tests and my first set of results came out alright, going to get my second set of results next week.

just to share with u ladies what keeps me going, my cousin and a colleague of mine, both had 2 mc previously, but now, both are proud mothers of 2!

take care n keep on fighting!
Shine, cheezel,
I had been bleeding and clotting for the last 1-2 weeks. Actually went through oscar test and found that bb have 10x chances higher to get edward syndrome.. as comparing to people of my age.

My gynae happened to be on holiday and only will be back on next friday. The backup gynae i see doesnt really give advises, I am the one who actually asked if can test on bb what had happened.

I had passed thro the stage where I start to wonder why. I used to wonder why god gave me these series of tests. I thought 1 was bad enough and yet the 2nd one had just happened to me.. which is more drammic.. I don't even dare to look at bb.

I am diagnosed that I had thalassemia beta and fortunately my hb wasnt a thalassemia carrier. I thought perhaps this time, I better go through some test to find out if I had any problem retaining bb. I actually conceived 6 mths after my first miscarriage. Now my mum was asking me to rest like 1-2 years before trying again.

I guess I will check with my gynae to see if I should do the test.

Yes, like u.. I will still fight and continue to try. I still believe I will get to carry my own baby some days.

Had my D&C done on last Thurs, check with you all, what do you had when doing a mini confinement?

Went to medical hall, asked me to have black chicken with tang gui once a week (take 2 times will do). I think this still not enough. Do you all have black chicken with DOM also?
my aunty did cook the black chicken with 'danggui' twice after, my cousin sis had her stillbirth at 25wks. she drank the longan ginger drink daily avoiding all cold drinks. had lots of fish steam & fried with ginger. alot of green leafy veg too, taufu, egg, & sesame oil chicken dishes. she did a full month confinement and drank DOM everynight. only towards the last 2 weeks, she then slowly able to eat some not so 'richly' food like sandwiches & burgers. but she did lookafter her well-being too, wearing socks and slipper at home, avoid going out, she showers daily with lemongrass hot water and washes her hair twice a week then use hair dryer to dry well and also had a massage lady for 10days.
Hi Gdfacts,

I cant take dom now cos taking anti-biotics which cant take with anything alcohol. I will start to take DOM after I complete in ard 2 days' time. My mum asked me to take 'ko lei', she say this is to 'bu' the womb, to make it stronger. Guess I will have to work out a schedule of what tonics to take.

Aiyah, I only sleep without air-con & with bath for a day only.
Hi Angelbee,

MY Doc and TMC (Du DE MEi) said we are not suppose to take any tonic after D&C. This is cos, we are suppose to let our body calm down. By eating all the tonic, it make our body active again. Tonic can be taken only after mense return.

Mini confinement can be eating all the steam Fish with ginger, eating pork with ginger etc etc...

Not sure how true it is, anyway after my D& C, I didn;t take any tonic. Now waiting for my mense to return.
Hi Poh,

I tot cant eat only when we still bleed after D&C. Only eat after bleeding stopped. I cant wait for the menses to return then eat cos I now feel very weak already sometimes will feel giddy, wanting to faint, not sure is it bcos of the blood loss.

Can only start to try after 3 menses cycle. Some Gyane say 2mths, I see one of hospital posting say 1 cycle. Then how? I have endometrosis, it afraid after 3 cycles, chances of getting preggie will be lessen again

According to my TCM, she said the first 6 months after D&C ,we are most fertile. We can try after 1st cycle.

However, I will try again after 3cycle to play safe.

Anyone here always get UTI? I got it so often until I'm scared! Any food or way to prevent it?
Hi Poh,
U can try cranberry juice, you can check with GNC store there are some supplement to prevent, I dont know if it really works. Most important is to drink plentiful of water everyday.

Have you complete your 1st cycle? Will u be going to Gyane to monitor you to get concieve? I find a bit stressful if I were to do so.
Hi POh,
yeah...drink tons of cranberry juice or just buy the dried prevents UTI. But must remember that have to drink tons of water too. I got it once b4 and its a terrile feeling. So now scare liao.....always make sure i drink plenty of water.

Hi AngleBee,
my first mens just end. and went for follwo up last thurs. My gynae told me if i want i can try to get preggie now need wait till after 2-3 cycles...but i think u must also feel comfortable and make sure you are and feel healthy and emotionally stable then try for another one.

I have tonics after my bleeding stop after the DC. My mom did make the chicken drumstick with martel instead of DOM cos i no like the drumstick with sweet taste. didnt really drink longan drink all the time. i have just water instead. and i still sleep in air con room and have fan blowing at me cos i think the weather is just too unbearable. i bath and do my stuff as per normal except no carrying of heavy stuff and skip cold drink for 3 weeks.
Hi Cheezel,

I am thinking i might want to change of gyane. current gyane is good and also considerate towards our pockets but the clinic brings me back bad memories at the same time bocs of miscarriage. I know that it's not the Gyane fault. The gyane know my case well as he is the one who did a lap. op & D&C for me.
if gyane is good then stay... frankly, it's b'cos your personal data is all with this doc. i'm sure the doc will 'help' you along while you TTC... and afterall doc knows your 'history'. yes, it's emotionally very hard, but you will overcome it. after the follow-up, your doc won't see you again untill you know you're preg. or due for papsmear, etc...
hang in there and just let time heals.
take care
Hi icy..

Im truly sorry for yr loss..I know how u feel..n a 2nd loss feels even worse..

Its up to u if u want to do a miscarriage profile, to test why u the 2 m/cs..maybe something conclusive may come out..

But mean time, u must rest..n cos 14 weeks there is more blood, tissue, so u must let yr body expel all those it helps if u do a mini-confinement n get a lot of rest. U can try massage yr tummy where the uterus it..push gently with yr palm downwards..thats wat the indonesian massage do, it really helps to expel out blood n tissue. Hopefully u dont need to do a D&C.
Gd facts,
Have to let the Gyane to monitor thickness of lining before we want to concieve right? Or we can just try on our own?

Hi Charis,
where to do a miscarriage profile?

not all women (after a m/c) need to go back to gyane.

you have a medicial reason/history...
you mention earlier, you have endometriosis - the tissue that lines the uterus (womb). in women with this problem, tissue that looks and acts like the lining of the uterus grows outside of the uterus in other areas. these areas can be called growths, tumors, implants, lesions, or nodules, etc...

i'm sorry but it's b'cos of this condition, you are at high risk of 'infertility'... but there are test and surgery that you could do.

but there are some studies suggest that you may lower your chances of developing endometriosis if you exercise regularly, avoid alcohol and caffeine.

no one knows for sure what causes this disease, but scientists have a number of theories.
they know that endometriosis runs in families. if your mother or sister has endometriosis, you are six times more likely to get the disease than other women. so, one theory suggests that endometriosis is caused by genes.
another theory is that during a woman's monthly periods, some endometrial tissue backs up into the abdomen through the fallopian tubes. this transplanted tissue then grows outside the uterus. many researchers think a faulty immune system plays a part in endometriosis. in women with the disease, the immune system fails to find and destroy endometrial tissue growing outside of the uterus. plus, a recent study shows that immune system disorders (health problems in which the body attacks itself) are more common in women with endometriosis. more research in this area may help doctors better understand and treat endometriosis.

you mentioned above you did Lap - Laparoscopy ?
yes alot of discomfort, but it's b'cos of your condition. since this doc already knows and is over looking your condition, you ought to stick to him/her.

now it's best for you to look after yourself and try to recover. after m/c there's lost of blood and body is weak. do take care

here's more info to read on your condition.
dwoof, Chalene, and Charis.
Unfortunately I went to scan again and the tissue doesnt come out. Ended up have to do a D&C again. Waste my effort to eat the pills which makes hurt my tummy so much. *sigh*

I will ask the gynae if we need test. Think I will need a longer test this time. I am glad that my hubby had rushed back for me, he will be here with me for 2 weeks while I go my confinement. Think I would want to leave with him in 2 weeks time.. i can cook some confinement food by then.
Hi there everyone!
It's wonderful to find a site like this. I have just been diagnosed as a case of a missed abortion, baby is 9 weeks old. After all the injections, hormone pills, etc etc, nothing has worked, I am just devastated ... this is my 2nd pregnancy and a natural one, which caught us my surprise because I have problems conceiving before (1st baby is 20mths old, via iVF) ....

I see that alot of you have your own story and also experiences to share ... I am really grieving now, it's really difficult to listen to the doctor saying that it;'s very normal, because this little life has been with you for the past few weeks! And nothing you do can help the little life! I feel so helpless!

I will go for the D&C on Thursday, but was wondering if anyone out there had been diagnosed as a missed abortion case, but later finally see the baby heartbeat? My baby had a slight heartbeat and 6 weeks, but faded to nil ... My hopes are dashed and down to zero ...

Any advise on how long the mini confinement should be and food to take? I am feeling some backache now ...

so sorry for your loss... yes upon conceived a baby is life. would you want to consider seeing another senior doctor for a 2nd opinion ? my cousin sis, had a still birth at 25wks. she did see 2 different doctors just to be sure.

due to her loss in 3rd tri, she did a full month confinement. my aunty did cook the black chicken with 'danggui' twice in the month, she drank the longan/redates ginger drink daily avoiding all cold drinks. had lots of fish - steam & fried with ginger. alot of green leafy veg too, taufu, egg, & sesame oil chicken dishes. she drank DOM everynight. only towards the last 2 weeks, she then slowly able to eat some not so 'richly' food like sandwiches & burgers. but she did lookafter her well-being too, wearing socks and slipper at home, avoid going out, she showers daily with lemongrass hot water and washes her hair twice a week then use hair dryer to dry well and also had a massage lady for 10days.

moms here who loss in 1st tri, usually do at least 2 weeks of confinement.
do take care... the body is weak and will need time to heal.
Hi all, just to seek your opinion. I lost my baby at 6 weeks. Had D&C in end May. Now is 3 mths already. Seeing a TCM. The TCM doctor said can start to try for another one already. But must go back to see her once conceived. I only had 2 menses since. Very very worried and scared miscarrage will happen again. I also worry if I can have a healthy baby. What do you gals think?
Hi there..........

To check with u all. Are you given a jab after D&C? This jab is to prevent infection. I was given anti-biotics but now there is itch there.... Could it be infection or normal for a while?

not too certain about TCM, but the reason why in general doc's advice to wait for 3 cycles is to allow the body to discharge 'any unwanted' remains (tissues, cells, etc) in the womb and also to allow the body system to recover and get back to it's original hormones.
the 'first cycle' is not 'really' the regular menses... as the body is still adjusting to the changes. the '2nd cycle' allows your hormonal system to start being 'normal' and by the '3rd cycle', more or less by then you are able to know the actual regular cycles again 28/30 days...
frankly, it's best to know how 'professional' is your TCM person. does he/she has the knowledge of pregnancy ? is there an ultrasound machine to show you the sac/heartbeat of the baby upon conceived ?
alot of women do feel as you do, after a m/c. the fear is really so uncertain. but you need to overcome it by talking and sharing those feelings and slowly learning to release the pain & fear.
try to distract yourself by doing things to prepare yourself & your body for the next TTC. pick up an light and easy excerise, eat well, etc... be happy

and do start on folic acid before TTC and when you know and feel that you are expecting see a gyane, confirm the pregnancy and allow the gyane to monitor your condition. of course you must let the gyane know of your 1st m/c so that special care could be given if need to.
to me personally (no offence):p, i'll go for a known practitioner = gyane. b'cos i need to know the logic medicial reason and not TCM which is base on "Ying/Yang" (hot/cold) of a person, etc.. ?? furthermore chinese herbs are too "chieam" to understand... and also it's not totally 'safe'.
