Support group - Miscarriages

Hi hi,

Long time to log-in, good to hear good news
Gong Xi to OP and Ling. Be positive and happy. Being pregnant is the most wonderful thing that can happen to woman

Baby dust to all who is TTCing

Me still have to wait cos my Sinseh said my cycle is in a mess since I have 2 weeks mense+ spotting. Now trying to get back to my normal cycle. My sinseh said my hubby sperm is healthy. Hubby is taking GNC mega-men multi-vits. So hope to hit Jackpot soon.

I just bought GNC prental Multi-vits cos it seems to have more ingredients than Obimin. Now just taking things easy.

Heard 1 good news and 1 bad news just last weekend. One of my ex-colleague just gave birth, happy for her, sad for myself. When is my turn???

Bad news, my SIL's SIL just gave birth. She had some numbness on 1 side of her hand, thought it was okay, just massage and rest. Guess what next day she went in coma, went to hospital, Dr said too late; water went to her brain and she is actully brain died. Dr did an operation to remove the clog on Sunday. Actually no hope but SIL's mother just agrees to let her have the operation. And she just pass away yesterday. Sad for her, Glad that I am still alive. So should anyone have numbness in anywhere please see Dr immediately.

Everything is fated, so just let nature takes its own course. We will have healthy babies in our arms to bring home. Be positive, We will have our chances
Jia you
The more kan cheong we are the wait would be even longer.

Hi stefie

Sad to hear the bad news for your SIL. I think believe it or not all things that happened is fated.

Just like baby was lost because it is not fated to be mine. Even what you do you wont be able to prevent it. Haiz sound kind of pessimist. Now I try to think too much but still sometimes a pang of sadness still comes back especially when I see my relatives the same age as me had successful pregnancies and I dont have.
Vivi, *hugs* You are not alone.. it is prehaps randoness.. That is just no explanation. We look forward and brace ourselves. We walk a tougher path but it doesnt mean we are condemn...

Stefie, Thanks for the wishes! Just hope everything is fine. So sad for the family esp for the newborn and the hubby! Life is as such super unpredictable. When you think life couldnt get any worse someone predicament make you rethink if you are in such a bad sitatuation. =(

OP, Frankly I have no guts to go to the gynae at all. I am going to make the appointment later. My hubby told me he too have no courage but we got to go. Same as you I keep thinking ectopic and I cannot bear to be "declared" unsucessful pregnancy and thus so much fear. As much I want to go and get whatever medicine to ensure I have sufficient prostergen for the kiddo I fear the scan of an empty womb. Anyway I will make the appt later die die got to go through this. This is much worse than any exams I have to take! *sigh*
Hi Vivi,

Yes leh. Be positive. God closes one door, He would open more doors for us!!! Be positive. I had 2 miscarriages already, so if I am fated to have kids I would have. There are things that we can't force, have to let nature takes its own course
Jia you, don't give up.

My hubby said my 2 miscarriages are test for us, God will give us back maybe twins
He is alway so positive

Do count our blessings, we are more fortuate than some people. At least we have our jobs, a roof to live in, wonderful hubbies, enough food to eat...... We are very lucky already.

Hi Ling,

do see your gynae asap. Be positive= happy baby. No fear okay, be pregnant is already good news. So just embrace the happiness. Positive = Healthy baby. Too much worries and fear is not good for pregnancy. Just enjoy the pregnancy and be positive. Another chance = another hope. Hope to join your MTB club soon
Morning Ladies ... couldn't help but feeling envy for all who had conceived.
Last weekend kind of hopeful that I would strike a Sept'10 baby but my AF reported on time. Dissapointed but glad as well cos my cycle is back to normal after going thru with TCM treatment. Time flies, it's been 3 months+ since I lost my boy at 21 weeks. Today at the lift my boss asked if I have recovered and I almost burst into tears. The wounds are still pretty fresh...

Life basically had been back to normal for hubby & me...however, with occassionally crying. Learning to stop blaming myself & replaying the *what if?* scenario in my look forward and hope. It took me 3 years+ to conceive (only to lost him), so I know it's a journey which will take longer compare to most couple out there. Well, if I were to TTC again, I should put all those negative mind set away and do whatever human possibly can and leave the rest to HIM.
Ling why think about etopic pregnancy when it is not happening? For me I will rush to the gynae fast because I am anxious although I will be also paranoid too hee hee.

Dont worry so much no good for mummy and baby.

Yeng I know how you feel me too feel this way sometimes.

Yeah Stefie now only have to be positive and hope everything is ok for me.

By the way, just to check while trying to ttc, any foods that you avoid eating or would you make the effort to lead a healthy lifestyle or as just per normal. For me I dont know what to do to ensure that my health is ok for the next pregnancy.
Hi Yeng,

at least your cycle is back to normal. My hormones still siao siao.

Only time and Healthy babies in our arms can heal our wounds. Take it slow and easy okay

Even after 3 months, I still will cry when I hear someone give birth... Silly right, my hubby said I should be hppy for them. Yes happy for them, sad for myself.

Hi Vivi,

last time I gong gong one. Don't really watch what I eat. Actually should start taking folic acid now, and plus some prenatal multi-vits to prepare your body for pregancy, can try Obimin (from watson or Guardian Pharmacy) or GNC Prenatal multivits - One pill per day when TTC, once pregnant check with gynae.
Stefie me too last time I also anyhow eat that is why maybe my health is unable to support the baby thus lost it. I never know that we have to eat carefully to build up our health before ttc. I thought should just let natural take its course without any help.

I think I should have knock myself on my head for being silly.

I know need to take folic acid but when can I start to take? are you all taking those supplements from GNC too?

What about cold water or those junk food, do you all quit that too?
Hi Vivi,

It is not your fault, if baby is healthy, baby will make it thro' 9 months, if baby not healthy anything bad can happen. See even I told folic acid for long time before pregnant, bad things still happens.

Can start folic acid immediately. This is very important to prevent deformities (reduce chances by 70%). My 1st baby no heart beat at week 12 and 2nd baby has no skull due cos cannot absorbed folic acid, even I have start taking folic acid 6 months before I get pregnant. So now I am taking double amount of folic acid (10mg) + prenatal multi-vits.

Must start taking folic acid, very important.

Everything moderation. I still eat what I want, just that I have stop eating fast food and stop taking soft drinks/ Tea cos sinseh said any kind of tea is too cold for womb. Now on TCM treatment, 2 packs of medicines per month.

Hi Ling,

Go and see your gynae soon okay
In my case, I can't wait to see my Dr Hope asap
Vivi, this is what we are trying to implement in our lifestyle now :-

1) Exploring/walking different park in S'pore once a week(1.5 hours).
2) Frequent simple home cooked dinner prepared by me. Varieties of greens + meat cooked in healthier ways. Herbs soup twice a month.
3) Visit to TCM once a month
4) Sleep early
Hi Stephie, Yeng, it has been quite some time since you posted. Hope you ladies are coping well. Stephie, i was told another colleague of mine has given birth last fri (almost same EDD as me), I broke down and cried, guess it's all natural to feel that way.

Yeng, same here, no more fast food junk food, lotsa veggie and fruits, especially those high in folate. Exercising 2 to 3 times per week (heard exercise helps Fimbriae to sweep the eggs through the fallopian tube) and also sleeping early.

OP, hope both you and the fetus are healthy, i am 13 DPO, my chart is looking pretty, but it's too early to tell. Hopefully the witch stays away tsk tsk :p
Hi OP: hmmmm can see both you and ling anxiety. Once bitten, twice shy, that human nature...hee.
Strange right? First thing we try so hard to get the BFP, and after get the BFP is to worry the next few months. Hey ladies, healthy pregnancy to you all.

Hi Yheng:
I 'm sure you will conceive again with the changes in lifestyle yeah? I have seen some mothers come back here and post they suceeded after they "graduated" from this thread hahahha...

I have not tested yet. I tested yesterday negative liao. Clear blue +/- somemore. So I was demoralised liao. I'll just wait lor....No breast tenderness, no nausea, no fatigue. hiaz...I think I can look at OCT 2010 already.
Hi Vivi,

I am seeing Marine Parade central Dr Chan from Ban Choon Chan, the queue is very horrible during weekends. We waited for 3 hours last Saturday. His medicine needs to brew kind. Eu Yang Sen very ex. This sinseh only charge for medicine, average $$ per momth about $60 - $100 per couple. My 1st medicine cost me $45 for 3 packs of herbs, 2nd with hubby about $100 (Mine $80 for 4 packs of herbs, hubby one is bout $20 for 2 packs of herbs, my 3rd is Hubby $20 for 2 pcks of herbs, my free cos I stopped my 2nd time herbs cos my mense irregular, bring back he change the medicine for me.
wah stefie:
Your SIL's SIL story is quite sad ler...The case where the Matt in yeng link also. Seem maybe it is the same, blood clot hor. It also happen in air plane also, better not stay too still but also so random...We sleep at night also keep still wat and for 8 hours straight.
JTML can try again dont despair... wow didnt know Eu Yan Sen ex.... I stay in Toa Payoh so dont know where got good TCM around my area

13DPO can test already if you're using the 10mIu/ml test strips. I tested at 11DPO on CD26.


At 4-5wk, it's too early for gynae to declare that pregnancy is unhealthy. They'll adopt a wait and see till at least 6 weeks or so. So your first visit will likely be a simple affair of seeing a sac (or two? :D ) on the scan (unless retroverted uterus... but you can still opt for V-scan) and collecting medicine.

Why do you think ectopic? You shldn't hv such fear unless your previous was. And since it wasn't, the lesser reason you have for fearing. And even if it was, pls lor, such things are purely "by chance". Doesn't mean pple who kena before will hv a higher probability of kena-ing again, right?

You have been saying you're gonna make appt to see your gynae and I think it was since few days ago? Hurry up and don't waste any more time lah!!!

Its the fear lah. Anyway I called my gynae for appt just now.. she is booked full till 25th.. unless I opt for weekdays afternoon. *gawk* book for next week afternoon already.. Think by next week abt 6 weeks maybe can see something if anything at all.... I just went for my thyroid check and all my hormones normal range so my endo doc tells me unless bad sperm or egg otherwise should be a good pregnancy.. I know he is just trying to cheer me up.

JTML.. you used the morning first urine to test or not? My current BFP didnt come until 3 days past supposed period and only got a faint line. Worse thing is I also no symptons unless before and the only clue is the burping I have. So dont overstress...

Ladies I hope my presence here wont make anyone feel bad is just that so comfortable to talk to you girls that grown attached.
OP, I heard of people testing as early as 10 DPO, but I dun want to stress myself not, since watching the BBT is more exciting (like watching stock market) >D

I know a few mummies are POAS-aholic hehe..
Ling and OP and those who got a BFP recently, you must come in often, you are our success stories, so your new pregnancy gives us hope, joy and motivation.

We will not feel bad or sad. In fact, we will pray for your pregnancy, we want to see you succeed because we hope the same for ourselves, a smooth and healthy pregnancy

I dont want to do the invasive scan so trying to prolonged till can see from abdominal scan. I fear cannot see anything than worry for another 2 more weeks as well.. Ok I will call clinic to arrange for this Friday afternoon and take a half day off..

I am just a big scardy cat! I went online read abt blighted ovum and ectopic pregnancy..I thought I had some small cramp at the left side of the ovary or something so self assume might be ectopic.. Totally paranoid about everything..
Ling we will be very happy for you, why should we be upset .....

Dont worry so much.... go make the appointment....

By the way, what is DPO? and POA?

Actually, testing early or late got pros and cons. You have mentioned the cons. The strips are 70ct each so it's still not too ex to use excessively. :p The pros is that with early detection, you can fix appt to see gynae early (esp if your gynae is super hot one) and get medicine early, just to be on the safe side. For those without m/c history, they can still take their own sweet time.
Thanks OP, though mine wasn't a M/C, but I agree we need to see the gynae early.

For me, I suggest to see a gynae around 5 weeks+(take med and scan to ensure it is not ectopic pregnancy)
Harlow Ling!!! I went in at 4wk 3day and also saw a BIG FAT NOTHING - no sac, no nothing! But no fear, cos it's still early. And my main objective is really to go grab that cocktail of medicine. Cos if I don't and something goes wrong, then I'll be wondering if things would hv worked out differently if I had gone to the gynae earlier. Make that your objective too, so that there'll be little or no expectation on your first visit.

You'll be 6wk 1day on Friday. But don't panic if HB cannot be detected yet, cos it -may- just take another 1 or 2 more days. And it's perfectly ok.

I'll give you my Power Puff Girls strength for Friday! Yay! :D

I know I am sounding like a big baby but cannot help it... Ok I take all your courage hold my breath the entire time. Good or bad news I will take it all in stride! *breath in* I am not feeling positive because I have no symptons of pregnancy. My last pregnancy I have sore breasts, need to have on time meals or feel pukish.. now.. nothing at all aside from burping.


Test with first morning urine so you dont need to worry got line or no line.. Anyway you dont follow my example hor! Paranoid over everything...
Hi Girls,

I got a bottle of oyster extract from GNC to giveaway for anyone who can persuade their hubby to take. =)My hubby have taken at most 5 pills after much coaxing and definetely right now he is saying he do not need the stuff *roll eyes* I bought it for him in December 09 so defintely safe for consumption. Even if this BFP going to end as sad news I am positive he is not going to take it. *grumble*

Let me know I can pass it to you if you stay ard Punggol/ Tampines or town on weekends.

In my previous 3 pregs (2 of which were not successful), I nvr hv symptoms except bloatedness. I never puked even once in all 3 pregs. But I still managed to carry a boy to full term despite not having symptoms! How to explain that? So not having symptoms doesn't mean anything bad also.
Ling I think not all pregnancies the same ba. My friends do share that first time they may not feel easily giddy or nausea but the second time it can be totally opposite. Doesnt mean a thing at all. You think too much la.
Ling, i dun have symptoms when I was pregnant previously too. Just very tired and wanna sleep.

So no symptoms doesnt mean bad, you should count yourself lucky

I'll be paranoid over everything, I am sure. As much as i dun want but i guess I can't help it too. haha
Hi Op
sooo happy for you.. Really makes me miss those days..
Rest well and think positive k..

Hi LIng,
i know how u feel.. After my first mc, am very stress when bfp too.. Think is really not healthy to feel so stress as my 2nd bfp also result in mc.. Sigh..every scanning i goto, my heart almost stop for few minutes when they do the scanning. So when result in mc again.. I hv see open now.. Like wht my hubby say, u stress is no good for baby and it does not help in anything at all.. If is meant to be yours, it will be yours all the way.. Stress also no use.. So if i get to bfp again, i will try to stay relax ( but not easy).. Hence, still got to try.. So hope u can stay relax and go take the medicine fr gynea soon k..;)

hi vivi,
folic acid is take in the morning..;) try to take a healthy diet k..
No cold drink if possible but sometime i take abit due to singapore hot weather..

Hi gals,
my af have report last thursday. This time feel more at ease as my period had change back to my last time pattern.. Only
heavy for first few days.. Unlike the previous two cycles after mc whereby i bleed alot and whole af last for 10 days.. Super sianz that time.. Hence, my tcm doc say now is the right time to try since i am back to normal cycle again..;) i am happy but abit stress in work.. Hopefully still in time for this yr bb..;) finally 3mth cycle is over... Wht a long wait...;) op, ling, pls spread more bb dust on all of us here..
Joanne ok I will try to take folic acid in the morning. Yeah nowadays I try not to take cold drinks if not tell them no ice.

cant wait to try to ttc but I know la still have to wait for a while because just did my D&C.
joanne: yeah my first period after D&C, the flow was HEAVY...then after 1-2 cycle it beame better.

haha Ling, never mind if you big baby lah, you
will be abnormal if you don't worry hahhaha.

I agree with Shiseru, I am so encourage by those who got pregnant and bear the baby and they come back to say they suceeded. it just make me feel I can get a positive outcome like them, that include those who experienced the lost about the same time and get pregnant it is very encouraging news indeed. At least there is something to concentrate on.

Of course I am sad when we hear others we don't really know give birth, well it is becos those ppl did not felt our loss and it is easy for them...Especially those who bearing 2nd or 3rd child and then never hear of miscarraige one...and don't appreciate their child.
eh ling: hahah my man's ego... I still did not buy the men vitamin, Once it says, "improves vitality", they think we think that their little brother need help...signz...hahahhahha just tickles me whenever I raise the topic and he gives me the death stare. It like how we go nuts over shoes and clothes and cute stuff, and how they frown upon the sugestion their manhood need help.
hi ling - positivity breeds positivity, kambate

have a question. i just started taking GNC prenatal formula

the salesperson recommended GNC prenatal when i said i was trying to conceive. i only realised back home that the box says for "pregnant and lactating women".

since i am neither, will taking 2 tablets be an overdose? or should i just take one?

appreciate any advice from anyone who is taking this while TTC. thx
Hi Ling,

Relax okay. Everything will be fine

Hi Joanne,

good for you can start TTC liao Me still KIV till everything stablised.

Hi Pixie,

Can eat GNC pre-natal when TTC, but 1 pill per day, as what the SA said. I am also taking 1 pill in the morning with my 2 folic acid pills


Babydust to all

You can get GNC Men Multi-vits for your hubby. Just tell him it is for general health. My hubby is taking, my sinseh said his sperm is healthy
Hubby seems less tired and our BD also increase.

My friend did mentioned, we should sleep before 11pm cos that is when our organs needs to rest, so must sleep early at the same time BD=higher chance to hit Jackpot.


Don't worry too much, we will have our chance soon
Jia you

Hi Pixie,

forget to add, your urine may be slightly yellow due to high folic acid content. Drink more water.

Hi vivi,

cry all you want, it is healing process. Do pop-by if you need someone to talk to
Take care
Hee hee Stefie I think I am quite ok liao. Maybe now working so something to take my mind off. I even stopped myself from going to the thread for August mummies 2010 so that I will not get upset because others are successful and I am not.

By the way, I have just started to take folic acid this morning.

Just to check now I still have a little crampy feeling last night, I wonder if this is normal. No more bleeding liao but quite irritating because still need to have pantyliner on because it will just drip a drop or 2 each day.
Hi Vivi,

glad you are okay. I also stop going to April 2010 mommies thread after my MC. We have to move one and we will have our chance, no point envy others (Not easy, am trying hard)

Crampy is normal, cos the womb is strinking back to normal size, also healing up. Avoid cold drinks for the time being. Have you went back for your post checkup with your gynae?

Btw you live in Toa Payoh? There is Chung Hwa Hospital there right. They do have specialised dept for fertility, maybe you can try the TCM treatment there for you to tiao back your health.

Singapore Chung Hwa (Zhong Hua) Medical Institution – Toa Payoh Main Office
Address: 640 Lorong 4 Toa Payoh Singapore 319522
Tel: 6251-3304 / 6251-3428 / 6256-3481
Fax: 6254-0037
Operating Hours: 9am-12pm, 1pm-5pm, 7pm-9pm (Closed on Sun & P.H.)

Stefie Oh I see because on and off crampy feeling makes me worried.

I will be going for the follow up check up on 25 January. What do normally gynae do for the post check up?

Oh ya hor there is one TCM there but I wonder if that will be cheap....
Morning Girls..

Totally too bothered about this symptons thingy. Shall try to keep myself sane while I wait for the scan this friday going to call the gynae office in a little while to change the appt..

How? No one keen on the oyster extract for hubby? I giving it FOC... let me know if anyone is keen =)

JTML, I cannot believe making my dog take supplements is so much easier than my hubby. He can still laugh at my dog last time when we have to force feed him with tablets. *roll eyes* Think is universal the way men are..
Hi Vivi,

Your gynae will check whether has is the womb clear up and maybe papsmear. Maybe ask you to follow-up again in few months time.

IIRC it should be free clinic, ie you pay $2 for registration, free consultation, medicine at norminal charges. Maybe you can call the clinic up.
Hi Ling,

change your appointment earlier would let you have peace of mind. The earlier the better. Don't think too much okay
Oh my still have to follow up after a few months. Cant bear going to the gynae and see pregnant ladies.

Ok Stefie me go and check, thanks for your advice.

Ling I dont think my hubby is also keen on these supplements. Last night I told him maybe we can go and see the GNC Multi Vits and I want to take. He told me he see no need in doing that, let natural takes it course. But I reasoned it out with him la, need to build up my body ma, one time bad experience is enough to kill lor.....

Cannot stand him la sometimes, no support from him
Hi vivi,

My Dr Hope asked me to go back after 3 months (which is Jan) I really sian to see big belly women around me..... Maybe will wait till end of the month. So depends on your gynae.

IMO multi-vits will help to replenish whateven is missing in your diet, it is not easy to have balance diet. Supplements is more like bu pin; and at least we re preparing our body for next pregnancy mah

I didnt even realize need to go for so many follow up.... ha ha by then hope I can suceed in ttc ha ha

Ya la tell my hubby he dont understand....
