Support group - Miscarriages

thanks gal. It is really devasting for me. This is the 2nd time that happen and the gynae is unable to pinpoint the problem. I will be seeking for a second opinion when i feel better. he said its a natural miscaairage but this is the 2nd time sad

I realised that some of u gals here m/c is cos of no baby heartbeat. I am the same. Can I know did your gynae explain why & what measures we have to take b4 trying again?

Gynae told me there are many reasons. 1 of which cld be chromosone prob, implantation cause etc.... Hope to hear other gynaes' opinions.
whats DC?

when i had this miscarriage the gynae did not give me anything? is it right. when my friend had this miscarriagem she was given antibitics...
Hi bookworn

DC is Dilation & Curettege, a form of sucking the foetus out.

Sorry to hear ur case. How u now? Resting at home?
hello gals

Qwer - oic. nevermind then u must remember to relax yourself n stay stress free yeah! Dont blame yourself.

AfterDC - so sorry to hear that. yeah! must do a min confinement to bu back your health. Take care yeah!

bookworm - u mean gynae unable to tell you the reason. Did he/she ask u whether u want to see your result for testing? So sorry to bring up the past, u mean u juz bleed by itself? (Did u fall down or anything?)
Hi Lost & confused.

This is what I;ve done.
Every morning, you hv to brew a 3litre of red dates n dried longan.
Red dates without seeds, else heaty
V small portion of dried longan, cos it is heaty
Put in a hot flask.
Do not drink plain water, drink only this drink thru out the day.

2 hard boil eggs
2 bottle of essence chix
Bread or cream cracker (Bread must make hot (either steam or toast), cannot eat cold food)

Lunch & Dinner
Lots of ginger (to remove wind)
Lots of Sesame oil
Lots of liver (to replenish blood)
Mee Sua/Rice
DOM/Glutinious rice wine to add onto the food.
Stirr fried ginger with sesame oil
Add pork & liver
Add some water
Lastly add DOM or Glutinious rice wind

All food hv to be consumed HOT. Dont eat fruit or veg during this period.

I know the next question you wana ask me is, if not fruits or veg you will constipate right? But frankly speaking, during my mini confinement, I ate a lot of ginger and I dont hv any constipation problem at all.

In between meals, if you are hungry, eat cream cracker or bread.

Go buy herbs from medical shop. Brew the herbs and bath.
Easier way is use rice wine.
Boil water to 100 deg, pour into pail den add abt 1/3 - 1/2 bottle of rice wine. Buy those cheap rice wine will do, cos is use externally. Think ard $2. Let the water cool, then you hv to speed up when you bath. Remember, you cant afford to catch wind. Immediately after bath, blow dry yr hair. Try not to wash hair daily. As for personal hygene, I think we shd bath daily. Make it a fast one.

No fan is allowed. Personally I think aircon is fine.

First few days, when you are still having mensus you cant eat tonics. Eat only when yr mensus are gone.
Go to Eu Ren Sen and buy one type of herbs, I cant remember the name. This herbs is for woman after give bith must take. It is to helpto clear all the blood clots. This herbs eat only once. Check with Eu Ren Sen staff, I think eat on the 2nd day. This one u MUST check with Eu Ren Sen or other medicall halls. MUST MUST eat ok?

After mensus gone, eat the following:
Ginseng chicken
Dong Sheng + Beiji + pork, brew and drink
Pau Shen + Pork, brew and drink
Cordyceps, drink after one week.
Ba zhen, u can drink 2-3 pkts. Dont drink everyday.

Share with you my plan.
Monday-Ginseng chix
Tues: Dong Sheng + Beiji + pork, brew and drink
Wed:Ba zhen
Thu:pau Shen + Pork, brew and drink
Fri: Ba zhen
Sat:Ginseng chix
Sun:Cordyceps, drink after one week
Hi Bookworm,
Sorry to hear about your loss... it is always heartbreaking I know, I had 2 m/c myself and many others here too had experienced similar pain, if not worse... Take good care of yourself and try not to think too much... Lots of Hugs to you!

DC is done to "wash/clean out" the womb after a cfm m/c and Anti-biotics is usually given after a DC to prevent infection. the whole process last only for 15 to 20 mins if I'm not wrong, but as we'll be on GA, ususally takes about 1.5 hrs to wake up. Meanwhile will reast in gyne's clinic. In my case, both DC cost ard $400 each. Dun know if the cost differs between gynes though.
Hi Chubby_fishes,

Wah your mini-confinement so detail oh! I was only given 3 day MC. My mum & friends only told me to rest n eat "Mah You Ji" (Sesame Oil Chicken) n even so, I only ate that for 1 meal, afterthat back to normal. = P

Guess its always good to take extra care of ourselves. Thanks for sharing.
no, i did not have DC, mine is what they term as natural miscarriage, where it started with brownish discharge, then bleeding.
Hi Clare,

My Dr is gd and she advise me to take longer rest as to "Bu" bk my health. She even asked me to take 2 more weaks using my annual leave to rest at home.

Are you still TTC? When is your m/c? I heard ppl saying that after m/c, it is easier to strike. Wonder is it true.
<font color="0000ff">Hi Bookworm,</font>
Sorry to hear about your loss. Take good care... Do give yourself some time to go through what you are emotionally going through now... {{Hugs}}

<font color="0000ff">Hi Droopy,</font>
I am here
. I have set my target to graduate by 31 August. I have announced it to my family, so no matter what, I must get it done. So nowadays, quite busy to log in to chat and check emails... I found my directions...

hehe... I am also enjoying teaching those cute little kids... The gals I taught are so smart. So I taught them how to add music to powerpoint slides and automate the whole slide show with music...
A kind of achievement for me that the gals know something which many people do not even know how.

<font color="0000ff">Hello Hamasaki,</font>
Welcome back to Singapore
. Hope you have enjoyed your trip
<font color="aa00aa">Hi Lyn,</font>
Ya it's good to set a target for yourself. I had wanted to tell you this but dare not, scared u not happy. Now can tell u liao, cos think you might have 'dragged' too long to graduate. Wanted to tell u to 'jia you' for these few mths &amp; then graduate. After graduation, u can plan for your 'future' already, kekeke....
Hi Chubby_fishes,
My last m/c was in late Nov last year, after DC my menses was blocked n didn;t come for 2 months which i then need to get my gyne to "unblock" it. By then already Feb. Waited for my menses to come naturally 41days later in late Mar then start to try again. Concepted in Apr and now i'm on my 9th week going on 10th week pregnant... Sometimes i look back n realised how time flies from Nov to Apr almost half a year then conceived again. Not easy oh but never give up!!!

Jia You ladies!!

Btw, what's TTC?? hee hee
hi lyn, thanks for welcoming me back..

Great to hear tat u have finally decided to complete ur work soon and set a deadline as well..

Once u have graduate, u can finally have the whole lot time to focus and work hard on other things.. baby dust to U..
U are a lucky one among us.Congratulations!

Got such thing as as Gynae to unblock? How to tell Gynae? Currently I hv spotting, wonder is this consider mensus?

TTC = trying to conceive
<font color="0000ff">Hi qwer,</font>
Thank you...
Yap... I have been giving myself excuses not to graduate. I gotta stop now.

heh... I also dun want to be as sad and stressed as before
So will cut down on the time thinking about ttc...
Just follow my gynae's instructions for now...
I started using the OPK this morning. Gynae told me to start using on Thursday. Since I have so many cheapo ones, so start today
I will keep the OPK tests and show gynae when I see him again next month.
<font color="aa00aa">Lyn,</font>
Jia you! U can do it!!
That day u graduate, do share with us your good news!

Ya, nowadays I also dun bother abt the BBT. I only record my temp &amp; leave it aside. Nvr analyse it. This is something that we can't analyse. The more we analyse, the more stress. So it's good to juz 'bo chap'. Blur blur come, blur blur strike.
Hi Bookworm, just to share, mine was a natural miscarriage too sometimes last yr Mar'04. I had intermittent spotting, stupid gynae din give anything to support, say it is normal. And within 2 wks, suddenly, tat nite after my birthday, i had bleeding. Went KK, the same gynae happen to be on duty and asked y i din come when got spottings...
he was the one who said not to worry and now, changed his word... Scan done, no heartbeat and bleeding jus beside the womb. Go for 2nd scan in the morning..... cant see anything liao...
BB gone...

I still go for D&amp;C as was advised to clear out any unwanted tissues. Stayed for a night and was given abt 9days hospitalised leave...

BellyButton, how u doing? Remember to update us on ur appt tml!
Thanks Chubby_fishes!
I month after my DC i experienced severe menstrual cramp for 2 days around the dates its supposed to come but it never did. I went back Gyne 1 week later &amp; Gyne says i should have gone back on the day it was painful coz only then would I see the menses when she unblock it then &amp; there. By the time 1 wk later body prob already reabsorbed back the menses. So I was told to either wait for another month hopefully next round menses strong enough to break through, or i can opt to unblock by manually inserting a metal round head tool &amp; swirl it round inside. Total 3 difference sizes so got to insert in &amp; out 3 times. Finally went back just before Chinese New Year to unblock. I was given option of GA but since gyne says "how painful can it be, only 1 min lah" I say do without loh. MAN, IT WAS VERY VERY PAINFUL and throughout I was scolding my gyne say " you bluff me!! u say not painful one!!" After it was over my legs were numb n the assistant asked if I needed painkiller I say yes please... but when she tell me the most effective painkiller is by inserting in I was so quick to say NO WAY!! Rested for almost 1 hr &amp; afterthat I was even able to go shopping liao... Now think back so funny... All I know is next time I give birth I will surely opt for Epidural.

I wonder anyone else had similar experience too??
Hi Bookworm,
U might wan to ask for 2nd opinion if its necessary or better to do a DC, at least to clear your womb like Ocean.
hi girls..

i'm still around.. resting and playing yahoo games over the net. can't bring myself to lie in bed whole day.

my appt with Dr Ann is tomorrow. a bit apprehensive, like i've always been before check-ups. you know, after i've been diagnosed with oligo at 15th week, gynae visits are no longer fun.. but filled with apprehension. will keep you all updated.

bookworm, which gynae are you going for 2nd opinion?
hey ocean, ask you something.
did you work during your pregnancy? or did you rest throughout?

also, was there any growth restriction in your bb when she was in your tummy as a result of the low amnio?
Hi bellybutton,
Dun be stressed ok... remember to pray outloud for GOD for remove ALL FEAR &amp; ANXIETY that Mr S A Tan puts in you &amp; claim GOD's promise that HE will surely bless... We'll keep u in our prayers too. Do share with us tomorrow after your apt. JIA YOU!!!

The way you write is very funny...hahaha. I am having spotting, do you think this is consider mensus?

Do you mean that yr gynae work out for you when is yr O date, then you use OPK to double confirm? By the way, can you share where you buy cheap OPK?
<font color="0000ff">Chubby_fishes,</font>

Yes, my gynae gave me the days to start and end using OPK, and the days to BD. I showed gynae my BBT and he worked it out for me.

<font color="0000ff">qwer,</font>,
Thank you very much for your support

Yeap, I also take the temperature every morning, record it, then leave it aside. I think it's better to record the temp so that gynae can detect the problems.

<font color="0000ff">Hi Bellybutton,</font>
Hope everything will be alright for you tomolo
I am sure Dr. Ann will be able to help you...
Oh chubby fishes,
I bought the cheap OPKs from
They are very cheap, but I am not too sure about the accuracy. I have used them for one cycle and all I get are negatives. Then I stopped. I do notice that the control lines are always different. Sometimes lighter, sometimes darker. I told my gynae, and he told me the cheap ones over the internet may not have good quality control. Cos the cheapest cost is about SGD10 in the market.
hi lyn and qwer, I have stopped recording my temp for more than a wk liao..

Just started to take it again yesterday, and i find it sooo sian to do it.. was thinking if I should stop taking it completely.. no mood to do so liao..
Bellybutton, my visit to see gynae was never a happy ones too ever since i had a M/C before. Guess it casted a shadow on me and the fear is always there. And when i preggie again with my Cherish, i noe that it would not be a smooth one and i was right.

Yes, i did work cos mine was detected at wk 23 though tat time still at slightly below borderline. Only startin at 31-32wks, the level dropped again. So i was sort of in and out of hospital... everytime dun wanna to admit
Had to monitor closely BB movement.

And every visits, i will drinks lot of water... though it din help, still, i drinks lots of water, especially before i was about to go for the scan!!

I guess the only growth restriction that my BB had was not able to "swim ard" and thus she had a weak neck muscle.
<font color="0000ff">Hi Hamasaki,</font>

I think the key to taking the temperature is to allow your gynae to detect if there's any problem with the menstrual cycle.

For me, my gynae ruled out problems with my ovulation. From the BBT, he said there's no problem with my ovulation. I think I have problems of implantation cos my BBT showed chart of preggie... With the BBT, gynae can help to rule out some problems to make diagnosis faster.

In order not to feel so stressed over BBT, just take the temp, record it, and leave it aside. Try not to take it out and stare and try to analyse. I got crazy over that a few months ago. Now, I leave it to my gynae. Else pay so much for what...
Hi Chubbyfishes

Thanks for ur advices. Its really comprehensive &amp; difficult for me to achieve

You actually did all these for how long? You cook urself or have someone to do for u?
hi bellybutton
hope things are ok for you tomolo. i have an appt. with Dr Kowa tomolo. let's pray for each other.
i was at Mt E. yesterday. I went to see endo for hyperthyroidism. sigh.... blood result was ok but endo wanted me to continue with medication for another 3mths. is it safe for thyroid patient to conceive? any advise?
hi amy,
yup yup, we'll pray for each other
what a blessing to have girls like you all in this thread!

yup, do ask Dr Kowa.. afterall you're paying the consultation fees
hey girls.. ask you all a question. i'm in my 23 week, but my tummy is still very low, ends at my bellybutton. as such, dun look very pregnant.

when normally does the tummy come up above the bellybutton?
hi Lyn, thanks so much...

those days of taking of temp makes me so pek chep... Me totally does not have the mood to record it liao..
I was thinking since i have been taking it for a few mths, and till now, yet to get pregnant, was wondering if I should give up totally and let things go by the natually way..

Since U told me that its good to take it to help gynae rule out anything that might be helpful or wrong to me, maybe maybe i take my temp for a little while more..

Dun give up

It will be good if you can take and record the temperature. Else, if you go to ur gynae, he or she might ask you to do the same to rule out certain conditions and that will waste maybe a few more months.

BBT will not tell us when ovulation is going to take place. It will only tell us whether ovulation has occured. So it's not a good way to pinpoint ovulation and use it for planning.

My gynae suspected I have problems with implantation. So for this cycle, he gave me clomid to double confirm that it's not due to ovulation problems. If I strike, then good news. If not, I guess gynae will recommend some treatment.
hi lyn, i hope there will be good news from u soon.. Dun worry too much for the time being.. take great care of urself..

all the best to U..
<font color="aa00aa">Hi Hamasaki,</font>
Pls stop telling yourself that taking BBT is very 'sian'....cos the more u tell yourself that, the more you'll think that way. Juz take BBT &amp; show to gynae.

<font color="0000ff">Lyn, Hamasaki,</font>
I think my attitude even worse. I take BBT daily, but only record it in my handphone calendar. Never plot it in a chart etc. Didn't even bother to show gynae on my visit last wk. Dunno I record for what, keke..... However, I dun feel 'sian' taking BBT. Think I'm used to it already, it becomes something very routine to me - juz like brushing my teeth...kekeke....
BellyButton (bellybutton)

think will go to mt alvernia , dr ho for 2 nd opinion .

Sometimes i wonder if the gynae can actually hekp to save my baby if he sees me immediately. think will check with the gynae and ask him.

when i went to the hospital, i was just spotting, u know.

actually this is the 2nd time that happen, i did not do any DC as well for the first time as the current gynae said that its natural and everything will flow out. and he said its common, so no test was done for me.I wish then i went for a second opinion.
keep taking your temp! dun give up. jia you!

y not during lunch time, if got few mintues to spare, then key into excel sheet. that's gd, ur making of taking temp as a routine.

can teach me how or not? i noe i shd have started long time... but...
so i shd just take my temp in the morning, preferable same time every morning? but wat if i get up to go toilet say, abt 6am, and usually i supposed to wake at 7am? does that affect my temp? [got to make sure, cos i do get up in the wee hrs of morning to go toilet... :p]

i agree wif u. at 1st i tot taking temp is quite unhelpful, since it makes u gals confused. but now that u mentioned, that the temp can be used by gynae to see for other "extra" things which we dunno, dun mind starting on 1 myself 2.
hi. i think that if u feel uncertain, it is best to go for 2nd opinion. Rather than to wonder next time if you shd indeed have gone.

dear bookworm, i had a miscarriage the same day as you, on monday. It was a natural miscarriage too but the gynae still recommended a D&amp;C to remove all tissues/blood inside to prevent infection. which gynae are u seeing? R u going back to see him again? Was not in the mood to ask him about the cause but will ask on monday when i see him again. As the gynae suspected an etopic pregnancy, i had a scan done thru the belly button and the total cost was abt 5K before medisave deduction. was told that the deduction was only 1.5K anyone had anymore deduction? Heard that there was an amt we can deduct for miscarriage. Money was reserved for the delivery of the baby but now.....
