Support group - Miscarriages

Hi bubbleteahut,

really not sure bout the answer to question 1. As for Qn 2, we did retest and we're both clear now.

But even tho i was treated twice for GBS for #1 (one in the early weeks and another time prior to delivery) it recurred again for #2.And for #1 and #2, i had bleeding till bout week 8 or so and gynae said its because of the infection caused by GBS. and the impression he gave me was that once i have taken the antibiotics, it shd all clear.

perhaps the infection/bleeding is triggered by implantation? i have no idea.

my GP didn't treat hubby for GPS (dr chan gave him augmentin) but GP treated hubby for diarrhea.
He gave hubby some v good bacteria to offset the ones that were killed by augmentin.

we're both cleared now, thanks for the advice

baby atom, thanks for the kind support. hope u're doing ok, too.

Hi gals

Got some conclusion on GBS (Group B Strep). I am not going to quote any source as got all these info from different sources and some pts I deduced myself. So, pls use ur judgement to see what is the best for urself or check with ur most trusted gynae as different pple have diff circumstances:

Group B Strep (full names is Lancefield Group B Streptococcus) is a very common bacteria found in the gastrointestinal tracts of many people. This bacteria can also find its way to our virginal and urinary tract. Once its in our body, it is very difficult to eradicate it completely. It is often harmless. Nevertheless, it can sometimes cause urinary tract infection (UTI, maybe especially when at times when we r stressed, etc and immunity system is weak) and if that happens, it can be treated with antibiotics and the UTI goes away. However, if its in our virginal, it really comes and go. After eating antibiotics, the bacteria disappears from the virginal but it can easily come back in weeks or months. But as said, even if it comes back, as long as it does not pose problems, it is actually OK esp if not preg or TTCing..

GBS is a more significant risk for a pregnant woman when she is about to deliver via natural birth. This is because the baby can be exposed to this bacteria when him/her passes through the birth channel. Complications on the bb could include pneumonia, sepsis and meningitis. However, there is a very easy solution to reduce infection on the baby to the lowest: that is for the pregnant mum to test for GBS in her 35 to 37weeks or so and once she is tested positive, the gynae should treat her with antibiotics during delivery to “kill” the bacteria before it has a chance to be in contact with the baby. If a mum’s waterbag burst (increases chance of bb to be in contact with GBS) and she was previously tested positive in week 35 to 37, she must be rushed to the hospital (in any case) and the doctor must be quick to administer the antibiotics. Some gynae overseas advocates only testing the mom in the 35 to 37 weeks due to: GBS comes and goes and its very difficult to eradicate. So even if its cure in a mom’s 24 weeks, it can still come back in 30th wk. As long as antibiotics is given during birth process, the risk to baby is reduced to the lowest already.

However, I find that some gynae also choose to treat the patients in early pregnancy becoz I believe that is they want to be prudent as there might be fear that the bacteria might cause infection of the membranes (which protects bb from viruses) which could pose risk to the developing bb. I believe the chances of this is low but maybe not none. That is why some gynae give antibiotics once the pregnant women is tested positive. It could also be that it is never a comfortable thought to know that the pregnant lady is carrying a bacteria in her virginal (part of reproduction system) that could be a potential risk to the developing bb.

Hi Avocado
This probably answers Avocado’s qus that GBS not does generally cause mc and it only poses highest risk of infection to bb during process of delivery. Another point is that the mom’ should be able to protect the bb against some infection under ideal circumstances.
However, as there is no absolute in life, my personal view is that there is still a very very low chance that it could result in an infection while bb is still developing although that is not a well known risk of GBS. (many drs probably also cannot give a definite answer to this question and to be fair to them, it is probably so low chance that after treating with antibiotics and the bacteria persist, it might not be worthwhile to keep treating it with more antibiotics that might further impair her already weaker immune system due to preg).

As to what causes GBS, it is really becoz the bacteria is so often found in our intestines and stools (rectum) that it can easily find its way to the urinary tract and virginal. Actually I think its unlikely that GB will treat this and personally, I would prefer to let the gynae-in-charge of any future preg know and treat it if they want as it will be easier for them to monitor the type of antibiotics we take (must be TTC friendly) and to know our history of GBS for ease of management during delivery.

Next is the most important concern for TTCing ladies, its GBS a threat to fertility for both female and male. From what I gather, it is unlikely to be a threat for female fertility and the bacteria comes and goes out of her virginal anyway. According to textbook case reading, GBS is not a sexually transmitted disease and is unlikely to be passed to our hubbies. HOWEVER, as we can see from a few egs in the forum, the textbook case is wrong. Apparently its generally more difficult to for guys to be infected by it since their reproduction organ is not always in a constant moist state like ours (easy for virus to grow). But the reality is that guys can get infected by wives. And it seems that when guys get infected, the risk of mc due to bb getting infected is higher vs when only the mom is infected and also, there is also a chance once the GBS virus lives in the semen, the sperm concentration (fertility) is compromised (saw from a few overseas articles that did sampling on men). But the saving grace is that it seems that when a guy is infected and gets treated, the recurrence risk is much lower (as its harder for virus to keep growing in their reproduction organ as said above) than that for us.

So the conclusion is for me and ladies out there who might have this persistent problem: since after several doses of antibiotics and the virus still lingers, we should strengthen our immunity system, always wear cotton underwear (to allow better circulation), maybe don’t wear underwear at nite. (Thanks to the Sylvie who suggested these to me
These are probably the best ways to fight the virus if antibiotics do not help. For ladies who have not tested for GBS, make sure u ask to test it (gynae will probably offer) when u r pregnant to know when to build ur body immunity if u have it (maybe can treat with antibiotics first and see if can clear, but better check with gynae. But must be prepared that it can come back again). Make sure to test it again in 35 to 37 weeks and if positive, remind gynae to treat during delivery.

For the hubby side, if wife is tested positive/ever tested positive, I personally believe it is advisable to test ur hubby too. If he is clear, its great news but if not, maybe can let him take a course of antibiotics and retest again to ensure he is clear. And from there, also ask him to build up immunity system to keep recurrence risk low.

Bluberi, also hope ur actual flow comes soon and don’t worry now since its still early. For all u know, u might be worrying over nothing once it reports!
Hi Cheerz,

Thanks for ur info..great that ur hubby is clear now. I believe that is the important thing and I will also make sure that my hubby is clear. For my case, think the resolution still lies in me buidling up my immunity and to be enjoy life more which is the best medicine for everything
One side note, I am very happy/grateful to have Dr Chan as my gynae as I personally find him to be very competent, compassionate and has dealt with my concerns/losses very professionally/efficiently.

But I accept the fact that the gals here definitely have their reasons for feeling the way they feel and in a way, its very healthy because every patient has every right to evaluate if a doctor is suitable for him/her. Having seen other Drs for other aliments before, I went away feeling that everyone will have so-called “their dr” loh. The one that they feel most comfortable with and addresses their most important needs. The bottomline is that if I want to continue with this route of keep trying despite high mc rate, I will probably stay with him. But if I ultimately want to consider PGD/wif IVF offered only by kk, I will have to go to Dr Loh who is the most experienced there. For the drug that induces preg offered by Prof Ng, I have checked that it is probably more suitable for those whose placenta does not stick to their uterus and that is out for me as my bbs’ placenta always clinged to me even after their hb stops (missed miscarriage). Meaning, I must brace myself for the possibility of more D&Cs that is if I successful conceive after this GBS saga. But if one day got anyone know a new method to induce miscarriage without D&C, pls let me know!
hey bubbleteahut,

agree with u that dr chan is very good. perhaps i am too sensitive coz the m/c was v traumatic for me. i admit i was a little sore with him for telling me everything was great and baby and i were doing well only to find out 6 weeks later that there is no more heartbeat. i guess its not his fault and these things jus happen.

also, i have no experience with other gynaes so i won't be able to compare. i'm glad that he's meeting ur needs and i guess if i didn't m/c i would have nothing to complain about my opinion is obviously biased...and i hope i will get over having any sore feelings esp if we were to get preggie again...he did take v good care of me for #1 and i guess for #2, these things are beyond his control....
hi bubbleteahut,
u reali know a lot. I didn't noe GBS can b so complicated.I tink there is 1 more method to prevent GBS is to wipe the rectum fr the back n avoid contact of the toilet bowl of public toilet.I always half sit half squat or flush it b4 use:p

how did u know tat ur bb placenta always clinged to u? will it be same for all the future pregnancy due to the structure of the uterus?

Hi Cheekz,
dr chan is experience n he has his plus points but just tat we do nt feel comfortable wf him.Like wat mentioned by bubbletea,every patient has their needs.After seeing few gynae,i would prefer a gynae who can guide n tell me wat to do n the same time,willing to address my concerns.To me, it is pointless to c a gynae who is gd at PR,but he couldn't treat me.

Doc or gynae make diagnosis based on medical report n scientific evidence.Thus,when he sees the scan is ok,then bb is fine.But he won't b able to tell all unless he sends u for further tests such as CVS,etc...The bb is soooo tiny,he wont be able to tell if there is any defect until 2nd trimester when they send u for oscar,cvs or triple test.

Initially,i oso blame my previous gynae who was not able to do anything b4 my 2nd bb hb stopped at 7wk.After i've done the researches myself,then i realise if the bb oredi unhealthy,for e.g. chromosome defects,the bb might grows normally at the initial stage but then hb suddenly stops at any time.

I'm sure we hv oso witness many cases whereby a healthy teenager or young man suddenly died fr. sleep.They look perfectly healthy but died w/o any symptom or warning...hw to explain?So this applies the similiar logic to our m/c..which our bbs hb stop suddenly.

I've oso seen ppl who lead healthy lifestyle n diet but suffer cancer.Also,doc claim the cancer patient will nt recover but he/she manage to fight the illness n recover.

after some times,hmm...i tink this is all depend on fate.
Hallo Cheekz,

To be fair, I really don’t think u r too sensitive or biased becoz u must hve ur sound reasons to take some views. To put myself into ur shoes, to know abt the mc only after 6 long weeks is very devastating in every sense. I told my hubby I have a online pal who only knew abt it after 6 wks and he said that is scary to keep building ur plan and future on a child only to find out after so long that its all in vain. I knew the hb stopped after 3 weeks for 1st bb and less than 2 week for the 2nd bb. Hence, our experiences are not apples to apples comparison. So its not fair for me to judge for u and I would have done u an injustice by doing that. So trust urself and go ahead and do what u think is the best for u and future bb k. But if u decide to stick with our dr, lets continue to exchange notes about the tests,..etc things to look out for.

Hallo Avocodo,
Heheheeee..the points u made r very valid and I practice them religiously and always put a lot paper in the bowl before pee scared that toilet bowl water splashed and touched me.. ;p After I found out about all these virus, I even changed all the detergent/bodywash in my house to dettol. But as highlighted by Sylvie to me, think we still must build up our immunity to get to root of problem.

I know the placenta clinged on for both cases is firstly, since the 6 weeks or so, I did not experience any spotting for the 1st bb and for the 2nd bb, I only had one occasion of implantation bleeding. Hence, no more bleeding once hb detected. Secondly, there are no cramps and BBT stayed high. Thirdly and probably the most important evidence is during v-scan after hb stops, are no signs that the placenta is giving way fr scan image. Even after 3 weeks when 1st bb hb stopped, still no bleeding and I was still very hunger up 9 weeks (hb stopped at 7 weeks). This means that placenta was still growing although the hb had stopped. My body failed to recognize the mc and progesterone stayed high. And for 2nd bb, the signs are the same. I think its probably not due to structure of the uterus but rather becoz my body continues to produce progesterone to support pregnancy although my bbs could not survive due to chromosome problems. There are cases of mcs when the progesterone level drops when pregnancy start to fail but it just doesn’t happen for me. With placenta so intact, D&C is probably the more foolproof mtd but also the most damaging on womb.
Hello ladies,
Just an update. Got a
on the Clearblue OPK kit this morning. Woke hubby up to TTC cos he will be away for the weekend.....sigh....on my most fertile days. Probably have to TTC next cycle.
hi bubbleteahut,
i heard too much detergent such as bleach oso harm us.I always run a mile n close all the windows when my neighbours' pest control come.

Will man get infected by GBS? Sounds to me GBS is very similiar to UTI....wat r common symptoms of GBS?unusual discharge?

My frd who went to c Dr Loh,mentioned tat he is a good gynae.He doesn't ask u to spend unnecessary $$ to go to expensive treatment such as IVF or IUI.

Hv u verified wf gynae b4 regarding the placenta?Since each preggie is diff, if the preggie is in a very early stage,it is still possible to go for natural m/c. But i reali tink tat u shldn't tink abt m/c or dnc(though i know very difficult esp ppl like us who hv gone thru m/c b4).
My gynae ever told me tat he has a patient who suffers fr. balanced translocation,hv 6 preggie b4 successfully gave birth to the bb.Other than the 1st preggie,she chose to let the m/c happened by itself than going thru dnc.
Hi Pinkpixel,
That is a good update
Who knows u might strike this time. Whatever it is, the impt thing is u hve at least put in effort and not let the chance go.

Avocado, Thanks for highlighting abt the danger of over using detergent. I will take note..Yes, men can get infected alto chance is much lower since their reproductive organ is always in a "drier" state (read 7 para of that long posting of mine). But even if they get GBS, its easier to eradicate for them than for women with antibiotics. GBS is one of the diff types of bacteria that can cause UTI but it is much easier to kill the bacteria in our UT than it is in our virginal. The tricky thing is that GBS may not have obvious symptoms and might not even give unusual discharge. But for the heavily colonized ones, some symptoms could be unusual heavy discharge that may or may not have foul smell. And it is also not itchy. So its not as easy to detect as yeast infection. The only way to probably confirm is to do a virginal swap and do lab test. Avocado, if u don't have GBS history, dont have to worry about hb I think. But for ur next preg, just make sure u ask for a virginal culture to rule that out during delivery.

I do not know anyone who goes to Dr Loh yet, so thanks for the feedback. He does sound like a dr who is interested in research and wellfare of patients..

So ur gynae knows of another patient who has a successful preg after several losses...that is very encouraging. 6 mc is a lot to suffer but for pple with our condition, really no choice.

Yes, has verified abt the impt of removing placenta after hb stops. Before the fetal demise, the placenta poses no risk. But if the placenta shows no sign of detachment (eg bleeding) even after bb’s hb stops, it is impt to carry out D&C so that the placenta does not grow into the uterus and destroys the inner lining of the uterus which could result in asherman's syndrome. Of course if there is a choice between natural mc or D&C, I would surely opt for natural like the lady u mentioned. But I suppose once the hb stops for say more a few weeks (I don’t know if drs out there have a standard but some of them might think asap) and placenta still cannot detach, must do D&C liao.
Hi Bluberi & Bubbleteahut,
Thk u. But I really don't think its so easy to strike. The TCM doctor told me that if once I detected the
should try continuously for 3 days. Too bad, this cycle I don't have the chance.
But at least I am happy that I am ovulating. For my 1st m/c, my AF cycle went totally haywire and I didn't ovulate for couple of months. So perhaps, the visits to the TCM do help in certain way.
Btw, my gynae ever told me that one of his patient went through 7 m/c b4 sucessfully giving birth. I hope that none of us in this forum will ever have to go thru tat.
Hi pinkpixel
Its true that its not so easy to strike but you'll never know.......
I'm thinking of seeing the TCM doc you recommended soon but I have a concern...I can't converse well in Mandarin, does he speak/understand at least simple English?
Hi Aileen,pinkpixel,avocado,bubbleteahut,

Thanks for ur advise. Me still having menses since last sunday. The flow was damn alot yesterday. Todae seems slow down liao. I will monitor again hopefully, it stop by this sat. Now me puzzle how to count the next menses. cramp stop liao.

Todae, my cousin sms me & then ask if i got gd news to share. I was abit upset. Yest, my colleague also ask the same question. The moment when ppl ask me when I will get pregnant. I will tell myself. Not tt I don't want to & I can't even tell them I am m/c.

I really envy them that they have kid.

What is PM?? How do I go about it??

Hi ladies,
Anyone out there know wat is "Bai(2) Dai(4)?
Any how to identify it??
Hi ladies..

went to visit gynae ytd and abit dissapointed. was supposed to be at week 6 exactly ytd but only saw the water bag and a little bit of the yolk sac. Dr ask me to go bk in 2 week's time but i ask if i can go bk next week, he say ok. he thinks that the size of the sac is measuring alright for 5wks+ to 6 wks. but i can't help feeling worried and was so upset ytd tat i even teared... cos i remember seeing the heartbeat for my gal and my #2 when they were bout 6 weeks and 2 days. can that few days make a BIG difference as in the yolk will grow super fast and then followed by the heartbeat?
Hi Pinkpixel,
Yes, being able to ovulate is already very good news. For me, after two mcs, I find that my system is no no longer as good as before. Cycles get longer and ovluate on day 17/18 vs 14 last time. If don't take TCM, maybe don't even ovulate.

Hi Cheekz, yes, thanks for sharing the info on late ovulation. There is quite a lot of literature of the fact that late ovulation could mean a poor quality egg and that increases risk of miscarriage. What u have pointed out is true. For pple with clockwork ovulation that suddenly ovulates very late for one particular month, maybe better not to try that month because that egg might have grown so big that quality is not as good.

wtpooh, Take good care of urself and u will surely become a mom some day.

donkey: bai2 dai4, is egg white cervical mucus and its good stuff to protect/guide sperm. Use tissue wipe opening of virginal (be careful when u wipe, don't swipe near to ur rectum) and if u collect a stretchy and transparent (resembles egg white) discharge, that is ur most fertile time in the month. check this out on how to detect and improve baidai.

Aileen, know ur roller coaster ride feeling, Dont worry k becoz a few days does make a BIG diff for such tiny darlings! A foetus can grow 1mm per day and if a 6 wk yolk pole is only say 0.4mm in size, 1mm per day is 25%! And its very common that distinct hb is only detected say 7 wks or so. Yes, go back in 1 week's time to give urself a peace of mind. For this week, eat well and drink well k!
Aileen, dun be sad and worry too much.. i'm sure ur bb will be fine. one day can really make a difference..

i oni saw my bb's heartbeat at 7w3d when i went to gynea for check-up aft spotting.. juz a day earlier (7w2d) i was at kkh 24hrs clinic and the gynea scan n see no heartbeat yet.
Pinkpixel, u can even strike with one time BD. dat time when i gt +ve for OPK, i immediately BD with my hubby.. for dat cycle, dats the oni time we BD and we also strike though later M/C. u muz tink +ve!

i finish the sunolut 3days already n my AF still no report. i beri worried even take medication AF also dun wan to report. am giving myself a weeks time, if it still dun report den confirm gt prob liao. *cross my fingers*
Hi bluberi
I took the same drug as you before for 3 weeks to regulate my menses about 3 months after DNC when my cycle conked. My gynae also did tell me that I should expect AF within a week of stopping med but I did not get my AF till 24 days later! Not to worry so much'll be fine.
Bubbleteahut / Blueberi - thanks for the advise.. i really hope to see the little flickering heartbeat next week... felt abit lousy now.

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hi belle, he is not well known TCM. is a small medical hall at blk 618 yishun ring road. i forget the doctor name. cos i leave the card at home. will check out and tell u ok.

hi aileen, i know to tell u not to worry is no use. just be very careful this week. and eat whatever u think is good for ur gorwing fetus. i believe u shd be able to see bb's hb during next week scan. my gynae also say 1 week can really make a great different

hi blueburi, u finish ur medication but AF still not report ah..did u check with dr woody ?

wtpooh, this is ur 1st cycle after D&C ? some ppl is 1st cycle a lot of cramps and flow..but mine is 2nd cycle then like tat leh. 1st cycle is ok for me.

as usual, i get msn & sms from frens asking whether i gt strike or not..i also hope to strike fast but is not so easy..smtimes i feel fustrated when frens keep asking me those questions. i just block them. especially when they know i got m/c before, i shouldn't have told them that i was preggy at early stage..of cos i want to strike and annouce to them the 1st min..but why must they keep asking me... haiz..just feel miserable..sorry...
Hi Aileen,
hmm...every baby growth n development is different.Like wat mentioned by Bubbletea,baby at stage grows very fast,but bcoz the bb is oso very tiny n difficuit to chk n measure,the gynae will always advise u to com bk 2wk later for more accurate scanning result.

If u subscribe SCV, pls do watch channel46 at 2pm today.A few taiwanese actresses share their stories abt their pregnancies.There was this actress who has twins,she visited 20 to 30over gynae n all of them told her tat her twins hv shrink n cannot make it.Until then,she saw one more gynae n he confirmed the twins r still ALIVE.The reason all the previous gynae couldn't detect the twins bcoz of the twins position(can't remember)in the womb or something.

Stay positive,Aileen!
Hi Cynn,
Yes, he is conversant in english. In fact, he sees a lot of non-chinese patients as well.
Hi bluberi,
Don't have to will regulate by itself. Must be patient.
cynn, u mean u took sunolut n ur AF oni reported 24days after u finish the medication????? gosh.. liddat no hope to TTC on my bkk trip liao. i shd haf asked for Provera instead.. my other gynea normally give me Provera to take for 7days n AF will always report a few days later one. i can see my hope of a May09 baby dashed.

Porky, ya lor.. AF still hiding somewhere, dun wan to report leh.. i haven check with Dr. Adrian since it's the 3rd day oni, beri paiseh to call him so often.. but i tink i will look him up tml or next wk coz the insurance co. needs him to fill up some details on the M/C.

Pinkpixel, tink maybe i keep on worrying when AF will report.. abit stressed.. so nw AF dun wan to report.

dun be upset. Dr Adrian do tummy scan or v scan for u?

Share with u my story, i went checkup on my 6th wks and during scan cant see anything in the sac. i did a tummy scan lar. I was so worried. 3 days later i go back to see Dr Adrian due to my bad MS. Then he did a scan for me again that was i am 6wks 3days. Then small the little baby and the heartbeat. That is only 3 day diff.

When i was in my 8wks cant detect bb heartbeat when doing tummy scan. Gyane get worried so do a v scan for me. There it is my baby heartbeat. Gyane comments cos my bladder not full.

So do not worry so much. next wk visit u should be able to see something.
Hi Aileen, from Jappooh's account, the outlook is very positive! Remmber, we r all rooting for u! And anytime if u feel the pressure too great to bear in this week's wait, try to release it by telling us ur thots/feelings. Take care a lot a lot.
Jappooh - thanks for sharing your account.. hope i can be like you, can see bb's hearbeat beating strong next week. i was so confident i can see it ytd and when i din, it was like the world crashing in on me.. HB even made a few calls to me today to make sure i m ok... prob, this bb is abit naughty, abit slower thus only can see sac.. well i told HB, at least we could see a round sac which is regular, that is also a blessing... god bless us!!!

Bubbleteahut/ Avocado / Porky - thanks for hearing me out... im trying to stay really positive though at times, the worry pangs just hit at me... argh.. cant wait til next thurs...
Hi Aileen, don't think too much. I came across a book which say tat if you are upset ur baby will feel it too. And this will not be good for u & baby. So stay positive and eat healthy. Drink milk & take stawberry daily. Its good for baby & you. Advise from mine sister.
Hi Porky,

This is mine first cycle after mine m/c in June. Didn't expect to have menses for 2 times this mth. However, the flow has slow down liao & seem like stopping soon. Thks for ur advise.
hey ladies...have been MIA-ing for a while so thought of dropping by to share wif u & spread some babydust...we are currently into our 12 weeks pregnancy so pls dun give up....jiayou!!

Aileen....pls stay positive and keep reminding urself that Baby will be fine and u will see heartbeat on the next visit....i was equally worried when we cant scan for heartbeat during our end of week 5 too even wif V scan but a week later we saw a small heartbeat which still worry us.... however it gets stronger as the pregnancy progress....dun worry too much okie...=)
Piyobaby - thanks for sharing and congrats on being preggie!!! and past ur first trimester somemore!!! ya, now that i read bout u and jappooh, im more confident and at peace... went home and checck and realised that i rem wrongly cos my gal and my #2 's heartbeat were both detected at 6.5 weeks.. so when i went at exactly week 6, prob too early... Dr Adrian did offer to do V scan but i told him its ok.. praying to see heartbeat and bb growing well in the next visit... am really glad that you came and shared your good news
thanks Aileen, the 1st tri wasn't dat smooth sailing for mi too, had fair share of fatigue, nauseous & poor appetite but glad dat they are easing off slowly....mayb bb shy so take a longer time to reveal heartbeat but it's still consider as will proudly showoff heartbeat on ur next well meanwhile okie...=)
Hi piyobaby, congrats & hope tat this forum will hve continous gd news spreading mthly.

Aileen - jiayou. God will bless ur little one.
hi ladies..

hope ur had a nice weekend.

my AF finally reported yesterday, had spotting on fri nite liao.. today CD2 n i started my clomid cycle again. hope i strike this cycle when i TTC.
hi piyo, thanks for sharing the good news. no wonder u hv been MIAing for so long. wait until past 1st trim then spread the news right ? hehe. we all understand. so when is ur EDD ?
porky...kind of dat things are more affirm....tentative EDD is 26 Jan 09 which happen to be CNY 1st day but guess EDD will shift....=)
thanks jappooh & bluberi....guess Baby shd be early ba so b4 CNY..anyway it's not a gd thing cos CL diff to find and very costly...

porky....likely 2 years no CNY for mi le lor...but it's ok cos got Baby to accompany us can le...hehe
PIyobaby - CNY baby wor..
best CNY angpow for you and HB!!!

Ladies - thanks for the encouragement! im starting to be positive and pray that this baby is by God's GRACE! shall not worry and will leave it to GOd

Bluberi - all the best to your TTC
Aileen....tis angbao will make us spurge for the next 20 years mayb...hahaha

looking forward to share ur exciting updates wif us ya....=)
Hi piyobaby,
my 1st baby also born ard CNY time. He is born on 7th day of CNY (Ren ri). Do agree that time buy food for my confinement are ex. Cos the fish and chicken are still ex at that period but no choice lar..
jappooh...u reminded mi cos have not thot of the higher cost of food as CL oso an issue cos it's either harder to source or much more exp....hoping my mum can help...

hi piyobaby,
cant help on the CL cos my MIL did confinement for me. If not i will have hard time also. My EDD will be close just 1 mth diff.
