Support group - Miscarriages

Hello everyone!

Been busy ytd thus din log in... miss your lei heehee...

Jo - congrats!!! have you been to see gynae yet? better to see now for some hormone pills to stabillise the pregnancy.. do take care n rest well

Bluberi - ya, its really amazing how the little one grows so fast.. hope bb will be big n heart beating strong when i see gynae next week..all the best to ur TTC too!

Porky - no la, din hear the beartbeat..see only lei. think Dr Adrian very busy that day...anyway, good enough tat i saw it flickering... hee..u jia you also k! *raise pom pom*
congrats.. Do take care and rest well.

my detail scan is on 13 Aug.. Another 2 more wks.. So long.. Wait till my neck long long liao..I am still not feeling too good. These few days the nausea came back. Dunno when will stop. I am currently in my 18wks liao. When i took my weigh i didnt gain any weigh from the day i knw i am preg.

the mth i strike i did test using the ovulation strips but i never get a positive. Cos i was on clomid i should have O when i am on oversea trip but i think i too stress that mth. According to my preg stage that mth i should O 2 wks late. So when me and hubby BD we didnt expect to strike since both of us think my O over liao. Cos when i take clomid usually O very zun one.. My 1st 2 preg when take clomid O very zun and i get positive on OPK during CD11.
Hi all

Wow.. nice to hear Jo is preggie again. Congrats to you.

So far, seems like all nicks starting with J like Jappooh Jlow and now Jo are pregnant... When is joyful going to be pregnant? ;P
Jappooh, take clomid also will O late? last cycle i O on CD14.. today CD11 n no sign of O when i test with OPK, but my BBT dropped sharply today.
actually when i took clomid my O very zun one on CD11. Dunno wat happen the last cycle i have O 2 wks later lei.. That is the 1st time happen to me. I also dunno why. Luckily O so late if not i wont be having my baby in stomach now.. I guess that mth i am super stress cos was alone in Beijing for biz trip.

Maybe u gg to O soon lei. Sometimes cant rely on OPK. Cos i also never get a positive on OPK on the the mth i strike for this preg. Just BD. dun miss it.

u are back from your trip. Enjoy?? Will be your turn soon.
Jia you!!
Hi Jappooh

Yes back from the trip. It is really nice place to visit. Hope to go back again. Hahaha...

I sure hope it will be my turn this round. In my 2ww wait... Hope AF won't come this sunday at all...... *crossed fingers*
Congrats to all the mum to be. Take care of ur health.

Was quite busy recently hence didn't log on. Hope to hear more good news n also, i wish that god will grant mine prayer. I am TTC even though gynae told me to try only 3 mths after m/c. But I was rather anxious & kiasu so try before 2 mths.
Hi mothers,

Thank you for all the well-wishes! today i went for the 1st appt but didn't see anything except a small dot on the screen. Gynae says could be late ovulation so put it at only 4 weeks+.. Im quite worried coz' my 1st preg was something like that too.. Im gg to see her in a week time.. I think she can feel my apprehension.. heehee. so got many vit pills and hormone pills from her..hope to see bb hb next appt

Pinkpixel, Im sure it will be yr turn too! I feel that BBT works for me..
jappooh....dun think abt the nausea too much ba...mayb jus one of tose isolated episode....muz b really looking forward to ur detailed scan ba...mine is in mid sep...neck grown even longer...haha

Jo....dun worry....everything will turn out fine...mi oso having so many pills to take every morning....finally done wif my hormone pills yet replaced wif fish oil so back to 2 capsules & 1 tab daily.....=)
Hello everyone,

I am new to this thread. I have had 2 miscarriages and I am extremely scared to TTC again though I badly want to have a second child. (My DD is turning 4 this Dec)

My first miscarriage was an unplanned pregnancy, dating back in Dec 06. I had bleeding in my womb and my baby's heartbeat stopped at 8wks, after achieving a good growth. What a pity. My gynae said the bleeding might have obstructed the oxygen supply and thus my baby's heart couldn't function properly. I had a D&C, and I cried throughout the ordeal. I never thought this could happen to me. I kept blamming myself for I had negative thoughts in the initial, and I felt that my baby sensed it. We weren't ready for him/her, and seems like baby knows it and he/she chose to leave.

My second miscarriage was in May this year, and we've planned it this time round. We were very happy and my hubby was proud that we've strike in the first month of TTCing. When I was 5wks+ preg, my gynae said I had bleeding in my womb again; I burst into tears after hubby left the consultation room to bring DD to the washroom. And in our hearts, we knew we're not gonna make it, hubby didn't say so, but I can sense his disappointment. We just can't help feeling this way cos it's so uncanny that the same thing could happen to us, twice. I was given jabs, and taking duphaston tablets twice daily, together w folic acid, but no amount of supplements or rest could help, for what's not meant to be, is not meant to be (the anesthesian from my 1st D&C said that to me). True enough, there wasn't any heartbeat at 6wk+ and sac growth was really slow and minimal. I remained at 6wks+ when supposely (as per my own calculations) I shld have been ard 7wks+ already. Gynae was straight forward and told me to wash it out and try again. I can wait, but no point he said, this is an abnormal sign already. I had a D&C again. This time, I was brave and accepted the fact quickly and because there wasnt any life at all, the feeling wasn't as bad. No tears in the beginning when I reported at my gynae's clinic and later the hospital. BUT, when they pushed me into the operating theatre, I burst into tears; the surrounding+atmosphere was just too intimidating! Even the nurses were surprised for I seemed so fine when I was waiting outside.

For the past two months, I thought of myself as fated to have only one child, and I somehow got over it. My hubby seemed pretty fine too, and life is back to the usual for us. But as I watched Mark Lee's wifey giving birth just now (on channel U), I suddenly had this sad feeling and I just felt like tearing. I kept thinking: why can't I be like her? Why can't I have another child? Furthermore, it took place in the same hospital lor, evoked a whole lot of memories. My hubby's friend's wife gave birth recently, there shld be a full month party. Though party's not confirmed, I am already finding excuses for I can't bring myself to attend it.
Hi Magenta,

Hugz.. I guess everyone here at some point, will question why it happens.. like yr doc says, maybe it's just not meant to be.. dun be so hard on yrself.. take care of yrself.. at least you have a healthy child! I know e feeling.. i teared a bit too when i watch mark lee's baby being borned.. try to be strong.. U will definitely be blessed with another healthy baby soon..
guess we're all very emotion.. me too feel the same way when i watch the program just now.
suddenly just don't want to mit any pregnant friends or fullmth part..
i vomit again yesterday nite straight after my dinner. This morning the giddy spell hit me again. I find that this preg i get giddy vry frequent. Think i better ask gyane during my next visit.

Hi Magenta,
sorry to hear that. Everyone here experience the loss and we knw that we wont forget the loss no matter how long the time pass. We have to be strong. Specailly u have a DD. Take care.
Hi gals, haven’t log in lately becoz work is getting more demanding but really need a breather sometimes.

Avocado, u r actively swimming and that’s good. Can ur little boy swim also? Young children who can swim r very cute when they wobble in the pools
Yes, for me, for the menses after D&C, the periods around ovulation has more cramps and also feel more emotional and tiring. It seems to be our body’s way of readjusting our hormones. There was once I got such major pelvic cramps that lasted for 5/6 days that I had to see doctor.

Mummy Bear, Yes, your anger, frustrations, disappointments, sense of betrayal for the efforts of not giving up are all very valid. You r being forced to go thru a journey of intense grief. Alto I have also lost two bbs and understanding some of ur feelings, but I can’t say with certainty that I understand all of it becoz we grief differently and hve diff circumstances. But its ok be angry and ok to cry and ok to be depressed BUT keep in mind that your ultimate goal is to live a happy life with ur hubby, future kids, other family and friends. While some might tell u to bury the past and move on (diff people recover differently), putting myself into ur shoes, I would think just give urself space to be angry, frustrated, etc but make sure u slowly and must recover day after day. There will be very bad days and u thot u have sank back to day 1 and the nightmare starts all over again but most likely, u will get better with each passing day. And yes, its understandable u feel why u hve to do two mini-confinements when other can hve it so easy but think of it this way, we all have diff paths to walk in life, what doesn’t break u will only make u stronger in future. No one knows what the future holds, for the sufferings u r going thru now, u will be a very blessed mom and a more compassionate and better person loh. Hugz hugz..

Jo, Humm…joyful is rite, there are a lot of J new moms-to-be leh! Congrats, Jo. Very happy for u. Pls don’t worry becoz first appt can see dot is very good liao. Anyway, one week passes by very fast and its not good for bb when mom is stressed. Eat very well.

Aileen, Piyobaby & Jappooh, how r u gals doing. Must be pampered by hubbies and moms and MILs rite..heeheee..

Pinkpixel, think as long as there is no odor and no itchiness, should be ok. Drink lots of water and also exercise can help to balance whatever that needs to be balanced in our system.

Funne, both my menses came about 4 weeks after D&C and I have read periods ranging fr 4 weeks to as long as 8 weeks. So no worries yet. Hope u get it soon. In case still haven’t report in 8 weeks, then start to think abt next step, maybe see gynae.

Magenta88, sorry to hear abt ur two bbs. When I read ur story, I feel like crying but got pple around me so must “ren”. U have been thru a lot and its good that u have a closely knitted family to help pull thru this. One thing want to check with u, have u discussed wif gynae if can resolve the issue of bleeding in the womb or bring the risk to the lowest? I am sure you have spent time checking on this already by just want to make sure u have explored the possibilities.

Talk about Mark lee’s story on channel u. I cried while watching the show yest’day becoz my bb if still alive would have been born in the same month as his daughter, in the same hospital and by the same gynae and nurses. Everything is the same but the only diff is I was unable to bring my bb to this world. So in my mind, there was an image of what would have been like if my bb is still alive. One side note, Mark Lee n wife tried 2 rounds of IVF before they conceived naturally, so I suppose life is fair after all but some people just have to work very hard.

So Magenta88, get ur body back to shape and don’t give up k!
Work to give ur dd another playmate when the day comes.
Magenta - so sorry to hear about your loss. this thread is a great channel to let out frustrations that no one else can understand.. we all went thru it and know how hard it is. do take care and try to bu your body well. im sure one day, u will be blessed with another beautiful child

Jappooh - wow, u din gain any weight?Did Dr Adrian ask you to eat more? is it certain food that make u pukey? giddy speels cld be due to lack of sugar i think. i used to put packs of soya milk in my bag so that i can utilise it when giddiness hits. give it a try! chocolate bars help too...

Bubbleteahut - me doing pretty fine.. not much symptons except for ultra fatigue and sore breasts which are now dwindling off.. nausea is only at times esp when drinking plain water. no la, me never tell inlaws.. only HB and 2 close frens know. only intend to tell inlaws after my NT scan... looking forward to see baby next week!
guess all of us gets emotional when watching mark lee's wife gif birth last nite.. mi see liao super envy.. which gynea is tis at gleneagles ar?

Aileen, i heard soya bean milk is 'cooling', so better dun take too much.
Bluberi - really!!! shucks.. been drinking it at elast 3 times a week with lesser sugar... thought it was supposed to be a good drink for bb... sigh, am already cutting away coffee, cooling fruits.. so limited choices... and yet hungry all the while...

well Mark Lee and his wife had went thru 8 yrs of ttcing and finally got their baby gal, think THey also suffer alot of agony and disappointments..they went thru 1 or 2 unsuccessful IVF, and finally seek TCM as last resort. Btw their TCM is the one I am seeing now, Thong Ji at Chin Swee road, Dr Tan Siew Buoy.
Not too sure which gynae they went to at those who had m/c here can seek TCM to tiao after D & C...

I had a stillborn before and been seeking TCM after that and my body health is stronger
my frd said mark lee n his wife r seeing Dr Fong Chuan Wee fr. GlenE.She saw their photo when she visited Dr Fong.
Hi Aileen,
Dr adrian never take my weight lei. I weigh myself at hm. I look preg with a big tummy but funny why weight same?? My pukey and giddiness can hit me anytime one. Not the food i take and i have been taking sweets also no use. Now chocolate make me puke more that i wat i use to like to eat.. I admit nowadays i dun eat alot loh.

I didnt watch the Mark Lee program. Now very fan on wan to send my boy to childcare or get a maid. Both have the pro and cons.. Sigh.. Main reason didnt wan my boy go cc cos he wake up late like 930am and need alot of time to change this habit and i also dun wan him to feel unwanted after i have 2nd bb. ow he is the baobei loh..

is it certain food that make u pukey? giddy speels cld be due to lack of sugar i think. i used to put packs of soya milk in my bag so that i can utilise it when giddiness hits. give it a try! chocolate bars help too...
Aileen, i nt sure.. the gals in the TTC thread said soyabean milk is cooling.. so better not take.. my sis said it's ok coz she also took soyabean milk when she was having my nephew.. maybe juz dun take it everyday or too frequently.
i'm nw taking clomid to help ovulate.. at the same time i'm seeing TCM physician Dr. Tan S.L. at hougang ave 5 once a week.. she prescibe me with medication to help mi ovulate.. i haf finish my clomid on CD6, today is CD12 and i'm gg to take th TCM medicine.. hope no side effects.
Hi bubbleteahut,

tks.. will try to eat well n think less..
jappooh, some say sour stuff works for vomit but im not too sure.. give it a try?
bluberi, I read today paper.. they say soya milk not good for sperm count lehz! but it's a good source of calcium
hi piyo, sori but cn u provide me with the website to purchase OPK strips again? I hve misplaced the link.

gals, dont know why hope I dont strike this cycle... coz I keep falling sick, not veri gd for the bb if i strike.
magenta...take care...

jappooh...isit bcos of certain food u take or u have low blood? dr A did not mention anythg so far...pls take care...when u feel giddy try to sit down for a rest to be safe...=)

sheryl...sorrie but I dun have it anymore...paiseh...
Thanks gals, I really need the support now. I am glad to have found this thread; at least I know, I am not alone.

Thanks, yes, when it's not meant to be, it's better that things end quickly too. My gynae said that if we only find out the abnormalities in the later stages of pregnancy, disappointment would be even greater. Imagine, if I have to abort my baby after those months of bonding, I will definately crash harder. Now, it's mother nature whom stepped in and made the choice for us.

yup, that was the feeling.

Thanks, and yes, I am really grateful to have my DD and I will be strong for her. Btw, I also got frequent giddy spells during my last preg, asked my gynae if I shld take iron tablets but he said cannot, not in 1st tri. Told me to quickly sit/squat/lean against wall and rest shld I feel giddy.

It's extremely hard for you too, I can feel your hurt as I read your post. Take care ya. My gynae gave me hormones jabs and told me to up the dosage of duphaston tablets which are some sort of 'an-tai-yao'. He said there's nothing much we can do about the bleeding in the womb; I did not fall or hurt myself nor carry my DD this time round (I did a lot when I got my 1st miscarriage) and how the bleeding came about is a total mystery to us. Just have to ensure that I don't further exert myself. I was persistant and kept asking him at every visit if there is another medication/supplement I can take; he then explained to me and my hubby that what I am taking is good enough. It is no use if we force our body to sustain an abnormal pregnancy, better to let mother nature purge the 'product' if it is not good. I couldn't accept it in the initial, but now, I think he is right. My gynae is supportative and compassionate, but he's also very straight forward at the right times.

I couldn't agree more, this is a great thread!

My aunt told me to take 'ba-zhen', supposed to nourish our womb. Did your TCM physician mention anything on this?

Thanks, I will be strong and take good care.
when i take sour plum my vomit get worse i think cos that cause my gastic problem to surface as well. at teh 1st place i dun have much intake loh cos i vomit almost everything i take during my 1st trim.

i didnt tell Dr Adrian abt my giddy spell cos i thought is my MS. I was already like that in 1st trim. But now i am in 2nd trim liao (18wks) everything should be better. but the giddy spell just hit me hard now and then. so i will check with Dr adrian during my next visit.
jappooh....guess it's good to check wif him lor...hear wat he has to say....mayb ask if there's any way to prevent it....when are u seeing him again?
hi Magenta,
I oso hv m/c twice,the 2nd m.c happened last June.Did ur gynae advise u to request for chromosome test for the bb? Fr my case,the chromosome test concludes tat my bb has chromosome abnormality(triploidy).Tat's why his growth was extremely slowed n heartbeat stoppe at 5wk.

u r nt the only one.After my 1st m/c,i was oso wondering wat hv i done/ate..tat caused the m/c.Wat ur gynae mentioned is right,if the bb is nt healthy,our bodies will dispense it out naturally.
Hi Magenta88

I really feel your loss and pain. In fact, I cried when I read about your experience. I too had 2 miscarriages at 6 weeks and 8 weeks, conceived thru ivf and iui. There was no heartbeat.

I remember being wheeled to the theatre and trying my best not to cry as I did not want the nurses to console me as that will make me cry some more. I was waiting in the theatre for so long and I felt the loneliness.

I'm currently going through my fourth ivf and I'm so scared. Scared that I will not get pregnant and scared that if I do, I'll miscarry again.

I just tell myself to be brave and strong. Keep saying that to yourself too. Please take care of yourself and all the best to you.
Hi Aileen,
Great to know u r coping well. Heeheheee..I laughed when u said hungry all the time becoz that is exactly the no amt of food will ever fill u up rite
, Do u also drink milo, its good source of iron, no doubt it contains sugar but will fill u up quite quickly. But drink lots of water when u drink milo as it a little heaty.

Magenta88, yes, that is my belief also. Not to hesitate to do anything to improve on conditions that is within our control, but for events beyond our control, let fate decides. And u have really done ur best just concentrate on recovering in every aspect now.

Thanks for ur consolation
Currently I have grown past the phase of being sad over the possiblity of a childless life and my hubby and myself view having a child as a bonus and not a given. Of course we will still try our best at realising our child dream. Its better to have a child. And the second best is to have no child but at least tried and have no regrets. The worst to happen is to give up without a fight and live wif the "if-onlys". The pain I have now is more of being sorry to my bbs for being able to bring them up. But I believe my bbs know I have tried my best.

From the feedback ur gynae told u, u have also tried ur best and now its time to start loving urself. I am not so sure of bazhen. Have u consulted any chinese physican or seek TCM to regulate ur hormones? Come by often and chat with us whenever u feel like it k.
Magenta88, my BIL bought ba-zhen n asked my mum to cook for mi after my M/C.. i took 2 times liao.. still got 2 more pkts to take.. the TCM doc also prescribe me medication to 'bu' my womb.. tis week she started mi on medication to help with ovulation.
hi bluberi, one of my fren also ask me to see this TCM physician Dr. Tan S.L. at hougang ave 5. cos she also tried for 3yrs no kids. then she see her and got her 1st bb boy last year. now she is also seeing her for the 2nd bb. i have not went to see her yet..
Magenta88, yes, want to add that ur gynae is right about the fact that a unhealthy preg (due to by chance chromosome issues/cell division) despite interference. Read before that in some cases of unhealthy preg, the corpus luteum is unable to produce enough progesterone (a result of unhealthy preg and not the cause) to substain preg. So in sense, yes, mother nature is a gatekeeper.

Mala, understand ur fears. But u have acted inspite of those fears and that is an essential prelude to success. All the best really.

Pinkpixel, try again, half a month passes very fast one..
thanks, bubbleteahut. when i read your post about having a child is a bonus and not a given, I cannot help but wonder on the "why me" situation again. Sigh...I guess somethings in life will just go unanswered.
I am thinking of taking clomid this cycle, but I am not sure if it would clash with the TCM medication that I am taking. I heard that some TCM believes that clomid increases the chance of m/c, so not sure if I want to try.
*Hugz* My gynae did not mention this chromosome test. Btw, when shld it be done if we request for it? He did mention that probably something went wrong at time of implantation; a bad start, thus couldn't pull through. He did send my baby's remains to the lab for testing; just to make sure that it is a normal miscarriage and not anything more than that (cancerous cells, etc).

I'm really glad to be here and to know you gals. Cos those feelings, not everyone will understand no matter how well you narrate it to them. I am also scared like you, my mom (and gynae) told me not to worry and to TTC again. But, how not to worry, because now I know, IT WILL HAPPEN because it has already happened to me. If one haven't been thru it, of course one won't think so much in depth and can be carefree. Before this, I never thought miscarriages wuld happen to me lor.

And thanks, I wish you all the best too. Waiting for you to share good news with us.

For sure, this thread is too comforting to be missed. Yes, at least we've tried, so next time if my DD asks me why I didn't give her any sibling, I can share with her that I tried, but failed, and suffered a lot emotionally and that we shld be grateful and treasure what we have at that moment. Actually, I feel like trying for one last time, but, mixed feelings... I will try TCM first, will get contact from bluberi cos Dr Tan SL seemed rather experienced in handling cases like ours. Hougang's near my house, it'll be convenient to go see her too.

Thanks for your feedbacks, I might go buy it and try. Do you know how long we have to take before TTC again? As in, how long will it take effect to successfully nourish our womb? Or is it ongoing, as long we take, it's good already? At the same time, can you share Dr Tan SL's contact with me? I wanna go see her. How are her fees like?

do be positive.. i oso felt the same and discussed the possibility of childless life with my hubby.. even now tt im preg, the shadow of my past mc still lingers..u may want to try multi-vits or baifeng wan.. heard it works..

Pink Pixel,
Guess god has its plans for all.. I believe we will take care of ourselves more if we become preg again.. n appreciate our next bb..
hi Magenta,
For my case,my gynae advised us if we would like to send the fetus for chromosome testing b4 DnC.I remember the nurses confirmed wf me again if send our bb remains to chromosome testing b4 they pushed me into the operation theatre.

The result shld b out in two wks time.I believe ur gynae was refering to molar pregnancy(cancerous cell,etc).The chromosome result will oso be able to tell the gender of ur bb. Mine is a baby boy wf chromosome defects:triplody.

I can understand how u feel.My son was puzzled tat the two didi or meimei tat he supposed to hv,suddenly disappeared fr. my tummy.

After 2m/c,i freak out...I feel the world is treating unfairly to me.Why did u give me two babies but took it fr me? After some times,I just told myself tat it is fated.

my gynae advised me to wait fr. at least 3cycles b4 ttc again.I feel my body gets weaker after each DnC. So I might wanna tak longer time.Besides,my hb sperm test result is nt gd.So he might nid to go fr medication.

wat time will u be going to see Dr Adrian?

Recently i cant eat again. start to puke every nite after my dinner. When i weigh myslef yesterday i loss another 1 kg from last wk. Last nite i didnt take dinner lei cos i feel like puking when i look at the food. Only manage to take some milk. From my body size i look fat lei though weight loss..
Hi Pinkpixel,
i tink u beta chk wf ur gynae abt clomid.I don't tink clomid will increase the chance of m/c.If the bb oredi has chromosome defects(which contributes to 50-60% of early m/c),it doesn't matter if u hv taken clomid to conceive.

Hi ladies

I don't know whether is it just me or others also feels the same. Some days I am fine, feel as if I can go on with life and hold out my hope for a baby, but some days (like last night) i'd feel as if life is so not worth living, and I wonder why I'm still alive each morning. Sigh!! My first m/c (stillborn) was a year ago and 2nd m/c is coming to 7 months ago...and yet my emotions still can't settle down as much as I thought it would be.

It's so easy to fall into depression and start thinking "why can't I even have a living baby?". News and pics of newborn babies of family and friends feels like a stabbing knife. It just amplifies my loss. So far, 3 years of TTC has only resulted in nothing but heartaches and tears.

I'm doing all I can to boost my health..seeing TCM, exercise, pop a whole lot of supplements, eat healthy etc. but the one thing I can't "control" is my emotional health. Maybe its the disappointment to see no signs of ovulation despite all that I'm cycles are still not back to normal.

How do you cope, dear ladies? Tell me how.

Sorry for this ranting. Thanks for listening.
