Support group - Miscarriages


for your info i never test positive using the OPK for this preg. But who knw i still get preg lei.

For my 1st one i use the clearplan very accurate.
for this one i use the one from bbdust but i never get a positive b4.

Hi Jappooh

Oh ok thanks for the information... I used the one by bbdust. Maybe I did not manage to catch the LH surge in time.;P

For this cycle, I saw a clear positive on it and double confirm wif clearblue digital. I really hope it's not becos only clomid can help me ovulate. My dosage is very high..
Jappooh, tink i too worried dat AF wun report so dr. adrian prescribed with Sunalut to make it come. i was also tinking i might be ovulating, else i dunno wat else can cause the cramps liao.

Joyful, i used up all my OPKs coz i used it to test everyday last time to make sure bb was in my tummy. tinking back, it's rather funni to do so. already tested with HPK 5times n confirmed by GP but still use OPK to test every other day. if confirm ovulating, i dunno shd BD anot.. dunno take Sunalut n get preggie will haf after any side effects anot.
Hi Joyful,
i also dunno if i didnt take clomid will i ovulate anot cos all my 3 preg i all take clomid and successful in a few tries for No1 and 1st try for No 2 and No 3. so i guess clomid works very well for me.
Hi bLuBeRi

Can you check wif your gynae on Sunalut? I have not taken this before so not sure whether got any side effects. Best to check with gynae.

Hi Jappooh

Thank you for replying again. I took 4 rounds of clomid then finally succeed on 150mg. Very high hor? Gynae prescribed another 6 months of 150mg dosage as he said this dosage worked for me.

I just came out from toilet. I felt something is coming out. Then I saw white lotiony discharge. Ytd evening too. First time I get this.
Hi Jappooh

I must be thinking too much cos wanting to get pregnant. The discharge could be just normal. I shouldn't get my hope up again. Haiz.. Thanks.
Joyful, will check with my gynea on dat.. tink even if ovulate i will nt BD tis time, will wait until the 1st AF comes den TTC.

mi also taking 150mg clomid coz the initial 100mg clomid dun work on mi. dat time my gynea wanted to prescribe me to 6 cycles of clomid aft it was confirmed that i ovulated on 150mg clomid. but i oni took enough for 3 cycles.. dun wan to waste the clomid if happened to strike within 1st 2 cycle of clomid.

i striked with the very 1st cycle of 150mg which confirmed i ovulated though ended up M/C. nw will start to use the remaining 3 cycles of clomid i haf.. hope 1 cycle works as of the previous time.
dun think too much abt that 1st. Do u knw i wanted this baby so much and when my MS hit me very hard i think abt abortion once. I feel so bad after that. This is 1st time in my life that i have these thought. from then i keep telling my baby i am sorry.
hi bubbleteahut & ladies,
My chromosome result is out today. My baby confirmed is abnormal, it is a triplot,and mine is a baby heart sinks n i am reali very sad coz my hb wanna a boy.
gals, i am also using the LH strips from bbdust leh..but never see positive it mean that i never ovulate ? but i saw the stretcy type of discharge 4days after my 3rd cycle of AF completed wor..very confuse..
jappooh, ya u wanted so much to have a mickey or minnie. and ur wish finally came true. just that u have to suffer under the too, but mayb i did not try hard enough..missed a few times of BD. now we only can try for little ox liao
hi avocado, so sad to hear that..sorry, wat is triplot ?

me & hb went to see a fortune teller in indonesia (just for fun) from the first look at me, he said i got a m/c at 2 months right ? i was very shocked. how come he can tell..then he say our bb is a boy..i can see tears from my hb's eyes...
hi porky,
Triploidy is when there is one complete extra set of chromosomes. An extra copy of each chromosome for a total of 69 chromosomes.
Hi avocado,
My baby's chromosome result also showed triploidy, and also a boy. My gynae also said I am really unlucky as this most recent one is my second MC in a span of less than 8 I understand your feelings.
Hi Snow,

My sympton is bleeding. Gynae didn't mention abt heartbeat. Just do the HCG test then get to knw baby no more. Gynae say just let the bleeding stop. I didn't do any D&C and was not recommended by doctor.

Hi bb08,

Glad to hear that you got twins. BTw, which TCM did u visit ? Can recommend me ? I miscarriage 1 mth ago and thought of seeing one before i TTC again. BTw, i went to a TCM @ jurong east in feb & conceive in May tis yr. But i am not thinking of goin back again. I really need a TCM cos my body beri weak & i got fibroid.
Hi avocado, cynn,
my test results same as both of u. Well, to look on the bright side, at least there is nothing wrong with us. Its just plain unlucky...Cynn, mine was also 2nd m/c within a short span.
Hang in there, I am sure we be blessed soon.

Hi Porky,
No crampy feeling, just feel very tired. Also saw some light brown spotting this evening. Hopefully its coming soon. I can't wait to TTC...
hi ladies.. until n i still having bad cramps.. no spotting wor, but lotsa of EWCM.. decided nt to try coz still taking Sonalut, might nt be safe to TTC.
Hi pinkpixel
Sometimes I really can't help wondering whether is there anything wrong with me, even though the docs say is sheer bad luck and random occurence. Are you starting to TTC in the next cycle? All the best! I am 6 months post-DNC and have yet to gather the courage to try again, hopefully this coming new cycle after my check-up.
Hi Bluberi

You got cramps but lots of EWCM ah? Seems like ovulating. If it is, it should go away tmr. Rest well tonight and update us again tmr k? Take care!

Hi Jappooh

Maybe that time, you have suffered a lot for this baby..that's why you had that thought. But don't reprimand yourself le. Will only make yourself think abt it again.
hi all,

so many of u working so hard to TTC. i also will do my best!

will be trying hard this cycle! taking time off to follow hubby on his business trip. will be the first time we travel without our daughter since she was born 2 years ago.will be gone 4 - 15 july. Hopefully will have good news to share when we come back : )

really hope will strike this cycle. we're both not getting any younger!

congrats! really happy for u : )

jappooh, hope ur ms will get more bearable soon.
wtpooh, i'll consult my gynea if the cramps persisted. tonite will test with OPK to see whether it's caused by ovulation.

Joyful, i'll test tonite n update ur.
Hi Avocado, hugz hugz, know the feeling of knowing the sex of ur bb that u (we) lost. And can imagine ur heart sanking at that instance. Maybe u can buy a toy for ur boy and float it out to the sea. Just a suggestion. I am sure boy will knows ur love for him.

What it is also impt is that u know the reason now and that will ease a bit of worry of what went wrong. Since its a chance misfortune (heard triploidy is a common cause of mc), ur next step is to recuperate both physically and mentally. Hope u get better each day.

Pinkpixel, my first af after d&c is always very light and usually not crampy. But 2nd af is always heavier and more crampy. That is the common pattern I observed for both times. So it u r getting that, should be no cause of alarm.

Aileen, congrats, are u the lady in the much earlier posts who tested on the due day of menses and did not get conclusive results but has a lot of morning sickness? If u r, really happy for u that its a happy conclusion!
Avocado, actually I wanted to write that this report should ease u of all the worries about what went wrong but I just did not want to belittle the worries of a mom who has been thru mc. But scentifically, it sld ease u of all worries and while its true u will surely still feel sad over the fact that chance has robbed u of ur hard work, at least u hve done wat u could. So in spite of everything. U must feel relief over this conclusion which is ironically, the best of all conclusions (vs a fundmental problem, well, like mine). So hope u will be happier eventually.
i also never test positive with OPK from babydust but i still get preg. So the OPK from babydust might not work for me.

Today is a bad day for me. Have been feeling nausea this morning. on my way to work i feel giddy and keep rubbing medicated oil and take sweet. So jialut.
Hope today time pass faster so i can go back and rest.
hi bubbleteahut,
thks for ur comforting words.Yes,u r rite.After knowing the result,it reali ease my mind.At least now i know the m/c is a by chance event.

However,we do not the cause of 1st m/c.Thus,my gynae advised us to go for chromosome testing for ourselves if we wanna pursue the root cause.Do u tink it is necessary?I heard it is very costly to do chromosome testing.

Hi Cynn,Pinkpixel,
my bb showed the signs of slow growth development,though he has heartbeat.He was supposed to b 7wk but his size only 5wk.this is a symptom of Triploidy.The bb will nt survive anyway,coz of the multiple birth defects.Quite scary knowing I am not sure it is a blessing or unfortunate.

can i chk how much did u pay for the chromosome testing for ur bb?

Cynn,i can understand how u feel..after 2m/c,i oso freak out.I tink it is beta to give urself a longer break b4 TTC.Most imptly,muz b physically fit n mentally prepared.I oso always wonder wat's wrong wf me,which cause 2m/c in a row.Scientifically,we know it is not our fault which cause the m/c coz Triploidy is just happened by chance,most probably,TWO sperms fertilise an egg tat cause 3x pairs of chromosomes.It is not caused by anything that a parent may or may not have done.triploidy is not associated with a mother's age.
But even after knowing all the science factual,i oso can't help not to blame myself or keep wondering if i've done anything which cause the chromosome abnormality.

tak good care!

In my 1st m/c,i've quite heavy bleeding for abt a wk,then spotting for abt 2weeks plus.Then my 2nd m/c,i didn't hv any heavy bleeding,only spotting for abt a wk n stopped after tat.
pls don't urself stress TTC. Baby ox oso not bad.So long as the baby is healthy,i don't care abt whether baby boy/girl or little mouse/ox liao...
Ur indo fortune teller sounds very scary...Actuali indonesian r very good in "black magic".Not to scare u...u know,my ex-indo-maid kept our hairs to do black magic.We found this when the agent went thru her luggage.
porky and bluberi
ya, i was really very lucky... he said god take one from me but he gave me back another one...

as regards to the tcm,

i dunno i managed to conceive so quickly is becos of his medicine or just plain lucky...but i know there's alot of baby photos in his room..just call before you go in case he went out for lunch...
hi ladies,

juz wondering if ur chart ur BBT.. mi start charting mine after D&C.. realised these few days the temp is slightly highly.. so might really be ovulating.. hope tonite the OPK confirmed it.

tonite will be seeing TCM doc also.. i'm supposed to take TCM to'bu' my body for at least one mth.. still gt another half mth to go. my MIL banned mi fm cold drinks n seafood for 40days!! nw i muz wait until my bkk trip den i can 'jie fang'.
my d&c was done on 2nd july, my lmp was on 29 aug...
so it took me about 2 months... cos the physician asked me not to BD for about 54 days...then when i started to ttc, i striked..didn't listened to my gynae to try at 3rd AF...

ya, i got a pair of healthy identical twin gals..also afraid that the same thing will happen again so my gynae gave me injections every week ank also refrain from doing house work and walking too much...
Hi bb08

You are so lucky. Strike at first try and even got identical twin gals. Better rest well then. When's your EDD?

I also hope can be like you gals... like yourself, Jappooh and lately Aileen... to strike so soon after the loss. I am still in 2ww. Hope to give good news.
avocado, ya the fortune teller sound scary to u say abt black magic..more scary..we will never go back to him again anyway

bluberi, why ur MIL ban u from seafood ? cannot eat meh ? i got take prawns after D&C leh. hope u ovulate tonigh hor. hehe

The TCM i went to has a similar name called ban choon chan.I think coincidence la...

l've gone thru D&C last dec and reading thru the posts here reminds me of that rough patch me and my dh went through... i still remember i woke up after the operation when someone called my name... that time the pain and emotion was... beyond words.

Anyone watched the 9pm show on Chn8? The young couple gave birth to a pair of twins... so envy. Can close shop after that.
i already gave birth liao...they are 7weeks old now..

i truly understand the emotion that we are going thru.. everyone was happy for us and are talking abt it then after the loss, suddenly become so quiet and nothing to talk abt...then we start to think this and that...

sctually, i felt that this is a lesson learnt for me... i've learn to treasure my babies more... sometimes when they cried non-stop and i'm dead beat tired...i'll think back of the time and calm down...i rather to have a crying baby rather than none...this is a lesson that God want me to learn,"Never take baby for granted"

Babydust to the ttc ladies here.. hope you all will be as lucky as well!

But most importantly do take care of your body well during this period so that you can have a healthy body to hold another precious life.
Hi avocado,

noted with thks. hopefully, it stop soon. i think the tang sheng might have cause mine menses to haywire abit.

Hi bb08 - thks for the info. but the place too far for me liao cos me stayin in the west. Your news is an encouragement to us. I hope good news will be hear more at this forum.

So gals out there, let us build up our body & TTC again. Mine gynae say TTC 3mths after mine m/c. Just pass 1st mth only so hve to wait for another 2 mths. Hve anyone TTC one mth after m/c. I am afraid start early later got problem wif the bb. Actually, I am not quite confident in mine next conceive but i will jia you.
hello gals,
How's everyone?
... baby dust to those TTC-ing!!!

I BD after m/c for 10 days... Strike immediately..gynea says bb is healthy and I'm into my 2nd tri now.

We got to think positive and must relax.

God Bless!
hi Jlow, glad to hear gd news from u. I have more confident TTC after hearing gd news from u, bb08,jappooh & aileen.

I will Jia you.

Actually, ur gynea recommend how long before you should conceive.
Hi Avocodo

From ur bb's chromosomal report of triploidy, I don't think its necessary to test urself (likely based on chance and not parental chromosomal issue). I will need some time to explain this, so will write in greater details after work tom. And u can finally sleep better tonite after the jitteries. Goodnite
Porky, the TCM doc also said 40days or at least 30days no seafood. tink is scared infection ba.. my MIL also said i cannot go temple or pray at home.. cannot go ppl hse also.

juz nw went to see TCM doc, told her i got cramps yesterday. she said seen D&C oni two weeks nia, shd nt be AF come. most prob is ovulation cramp coz my temp tis few days is higher also. but juz nw i test with OPK is negative leh.
wtpooh, I think she says 3 months. hee hee but when I preg and when to see her she says it's ok. Maybe becos mine was natural m/c.
Hi wtpooh,

my gyane say i can try immed. Same as Jlow i have a natural m/c.

Hi Jlow,
long time no "see". Glad to hear that u are doing fine. I am still struggling with my ms through i already in my 2nd tri.
Hi Avocado
I think i paid around $500 for the chromosome testing. Yeah, my baby also showed the same slow growth pattern even though with a heartbeat...really upsetting to think that he was already doomed right from the start. I did think about probably wanting to TTC next cycle but on second thoughts, I think not yet, maybe another 2-3 months or so. Physically I still feel rather weak and lethargic.

Can I check whether anyone has brown spottings after doing pap smear? Had a pap smear done yesterday noon only to come back in the evening seeing a huge patch of brown blood stain and this morning still a bit this normal??
Jappooh, dat time dr. adrian told mi before my D&C to start TTC on 2nd AF cycle. but when i went to see him aft D&C, he said can TTC on 1st AF cycle.
Hi Bubbleteahut,
Thks for the info.I oso don't wish to do chromosome testing for ourselves,coz very costly.
However,my gynae advised tat if we wanna pursue the root cause(since he doesn't know the reason of my 1st m/c),we could do the test.How much did u pay for the chromosome testing?

Hi Cynn,
I was very worried knowing tat my bb grew 1wk slower than usual.It was extremely an uneasy feelings..
R u taking any TCM to bu ur health?
I didn't experience any brown spotting after pap smear.Could it be ur menses?When is ur LMP?
Hi Jappooh and Bluberi

I am having some indigestion problems these few days. Kept burping and lots of gas. Vomit smething out last two nites. Ytd hit by very bad headache. Then suddenly, at night, I felt the pull in my abdomen a few times and woken up by it. After that, couldn't sleep anymore. Tdy I am having cramps. I tested ytd. Clear Negative. Before I decided to pop 2 panadol extra.

bluberi, dr adrian also told me before D&C, can try after 2nd AF cycle...then i went back for follow up, he say can TTC on 1st AF cycle. now is already 3rd cycle le..still did not strike. must try harder..

mayb natural m/c is easier to strike. like jappooh and Jlow
