Support group - Miscarriages

Jlow, long time never see u post liao. hehe. very soon will be able to know ur BB gender loh. all the best.

bb08, u got twin girls right. is it ur family have twins before then you can have twins ? sorry ah, ask u this question..

IR, yes i watch that show..very envy loh. exactly ! the moment i wake up, i put my palm on my tummy..the pain and emotions is beyond words..especially mine is during CNY season..quite a few gals here is also CNY season..everyone is talking abt it when we went for CNY visiting..then suddenly no more..and get to hear all those remarks like : wat happen ? this and how is ur TTC now ?
there's also another popular TCM in the forum which is in jurong west called Ying CHUAN Medical..but got to go early in the morning and take queue no...cos i think she only see a limited no. of patients per day.. if you want i can give the contact also or can go to the thread to see...

i also didn't experience any spotting after the pap smear leh.. maybe you can call up your gynae and ask...

when i had my D&C, my gynae didn't even asked me whether do i want to keep the tissue to do the C. testing...i felt that was it something wrong with me so i insisted on doing the normal health test and it shows no abnormalties... my gynae actually felt that it was useless to do the test cos it was my first MC and it is very common... he also said that it was a blessing in disguise as the bb was unhealthy thats why no heartbeat...if it continues to grow, there might be some problem with the bb in future...then dunno whether to keep or not... so might as well terminate faster...

i'm the first to have twins in the family tree from what i know of..initially thot that it might be due to the tcm medicine that i ovulate 2 eggs...but cos its identical, nothing to do with the tcm...
I am oso curious how come ppl can get twins,unless they go thru IVF....I oso wish to hv twins the trouble of giving birth twice

Can i chk wf u what is the normal health test u did?My gynae oso didn't do any test to investigate my 1st m/c.Similiarly,he commented this is very common n normally shld b just one time event.But don't know why i so unlucky...end up hv 2 m/c.

Hey,mayb ur great great grandparents might hv twins b4...I'm reali curious how to conceive a twins.How was the size of ur tummy during preggie?

wondering if this is the correct thread as the other support group thread seemed to be inactive..

I've lost my girl 2 weeks ago @ 32 gestational weeks.she is a chubby n hyper active girl..I've passed all the tests, glucose tests, etc.. when all was so well..her heartbeat just stopped one day with no contractions, bleeding nor waterbag burst, etc.. I've to go through induced stillbirth..with 10 hrs of labour pain. till date, gynae mentioned mother n baby r healthy, even after the examination of the placenta, gynae is sitll unable to give me a reason y..
my heart bleeds the moment when i think of her..
hi sweetie,
Sorry to know ur loss.Yes, this is the right support group.

Ur gynae mentioned baby is healthy,do u mean he has done a chromosome testing for ur girl?
Hi bluberi,

During birth, gynae mentioned that there are 2 loops going round her legs.. it might be due to tt as she was very active the night before..even saw her swimming from one end to the other..n her feet popping out.. however,it's still not a confirmed answer. gynae mentioned that during birth, most babies will be caught in umbilical cord (n they survived) and it's not an unusual sight. she can't give me a reason she mentioned most of the stillbirth cases, they can't find any reason to it..
Hi Sweetie,

Hope u r feeling better nw. My fren has a stillborn at fullterm last june. when she went for her last check-up before she was due, her gynea said her bb lost his heartbeat. she was too busy with work until she nv notice dat bb was not moving as usual. all the while both her and bb were healthy. there was no reason too.
Hi bluberi,

Your friend was at fullterm already? she must be devasted.. when i thought am the only person who has no reason so far..(read from forums most of them do have some symptoms). Life is just so unpredictable.. Thank you for lending a listening ear.
Hi Avocado, bb08
The last time I did my pap smear there was no spottings whatever. This is my 2nd pap...that's why a bit worried seeing the brown discharge.

Avocado, no.. highly unlikely is menses since I am now at Day 14..mid-cycle..ultrasound check-up also shows no impending ovulation for next few days judging from size of follicles..I'm only taking whatever herbal soups my mum boils...not seeing any TCM doc at the moment.

Hi sweetie
I am so sorry to hear of your loss. I know no words can ease your pain at this moment. You mentioned about the gynae doing an examination of the placenta....was it general checking or an actual lab histopathology done?
Sweetie, yup.. she was at full-term, ready to give birth anytime. both her hubby n her were devestated when her gynea said her bb has no more heartbeat. fm then on she has fears of history repeating itself. so she nw dun wan to TTC liao.
i forgot what the test consist of...but got check for diseases... i read tat normally if got 3 m/c then need to go for check up...

i dunno whether you 'pantang' or not cos in my 1st pregnancy, my friend told me i can't eat 'full month' cake but i dun listened and ate alot... my mil also told all her relatives that i'm the end i lost for the 2nd pregnancy, i become super pantang... dun even allow my dh to attend wedding just want to play safe...

i used to laugh at my friend that she is an identical twin..even tease her when she's pregnant that she might conceive twins.. never thot it will happen to me...

i only gained 13kg thru out my tummy is even smaller than those singleton mommy...i'm not petite just normal size gal...thats why i was always forcing myself to eat afraid that they won't grow...

are you able to go to another gynae for 2nd opinion?
am petrified that history would repeat itself too..

i would like to go for a 2nd opinion. But i do not know how to go about doing it as the only thing i've are the results. Do u know of any gynae that is specialised in such cases? Mine is a very nice, patient motherly gynae..but am afraid history might repeat itself in future..
hi ladies,
i wished i had found this site earlier. i had a m/c 3 months ago when gynae told me my bb had no more heartbeat when i was 13 weeks pregnant. Then i had to go for a d&c the very next day...
now i'm 6 weeks pregnant again, i'm really worried cos i've some brown spotting and some fresh blood also... i was given hormone pills to take 3 times a day but no jab... can only see the gestational sac and yolk sac. next week going to see my gynae again so really hoping can see bb's heartbeat. heard that some people got injections to stabilise the pregnancy... no sure if i should ask my gynae to give me that too...
i only know my gynae leh..i dun think he will know the real reason since you have the results only.. i understand the fear that you have should be doing some confinement now rite?

Take this period to build your health and body up first...
most importantly is that you dun cry too much as its bad for your eyes...
hi sweetie,
U can try Dr TC Chang fr. TMC.He was once head of fetal medicine from KKH if i am not mistaken.However,it might b difficult for another gynae to tak over ur case as u r not sure what is the cause of the m/c..could it be due the baby or other factors,for e.g the mother health,etc.
Hi bb08 & jappooh,

thks for the info. btw, wat do ur mean by natural m/c ? for me, i didn't do any D&C. I only bleed for 1 wk then my gynae also didn't recommend anything. He say let the bleeding stop will do.

Hi bb08,

The TCM u mention is actually recommend by me to avocado. I've seen the TCM in Feb & got pregnany in may'08. But thought of visiting other TCM instead of goin back to her. As like wat u mention abt pang tang. One wk before i knew i am pregnany. My bro-in-law pass me a guppy to take care & while i took care for 2 daes the guppy die. So i am always thinking if this lead to my m/c. Also, i told my sis abt my pregnancy when i knw i am pregnany. I think I will be like u more pang tang the next time I pregant. Keep mum & not mention to anyone until 3 mths later. Also, thks for the info not to take full mths cake.

Hi Sweetie,

Sorry to hear from u but do remember to take good care of ur health.
Hi avocado,
Thank you for the gynae recommendation.

The whole stillbirth nightmare is over. guess i could never find out the reason from other gynaes, as my gynae didn't detect anything abnormal in my health nor baby's. My gynae mentioned that in most of the stillbirth cases(esp those with problem-free pregnancy), the reasons are always unknown. heard a few cases too. it's just too unexpected..i had a smooth preg and it hits me so hard..since this is my 1st baby and was already at the last lap..My hubby has to take care of her cremation while am in the hospital.. i was so weak to hold her after delivery which i felt so remorseful little angel was sleeping so soundly..

Hi wtpooh,
Thank you. will try to build up my health now.
May i know which TCM did u go to in je?
hi all..
I'm new to this thread...Congrats to those who manage to strike and hv a bb...jia you to those whor trying hard...sorry to those who lost their bb...

I lost a 20 weeker bb girl 4 yrs ago and lost a bb boy 1 month plus ago...Envy those who r trying now cos my doc from TMC said I need at least 6-12 months time b4 i can try again...
Dear gals

My AF reported today. So after all, I am not lucky. Cannot strike after 2 tries after miscarriage. Disappointed wif my gynae's clinic. Was given 150mg clomid and pad $40 for it. Just now, I called up.. the nurse told me now the price is $60. I feel very fed up. In the first place, I wanted to collect for few months then she refused.. only gave one month. Now she wanted to charge me higher. Saying she charged me wrongly. Can I ask those who is taking clomid? How much did you pay for one 50mg tablet? Mine is now $4 per tablet. Sigh...
hi sweetie,
I've had 2 m/c last 5mth.Similiarly,my gynae oso couldnt provide an answer for my 1st m/c.I insisted to hv a test on the fetus but my gynae refused to do that.He said this is random case n won't happen again.
After 4mth,i preggie again.After visited 5gynae,i found the right one.But I m/c again.My report confirmed the baby has chromosome defects.

Until now,I am still trying to do findings by myself coz we can't depend on gynae.They've so many patients n cases to deal wf,they can only give u a basic insight but u would like to know more,u've to hunt ard for ur own knowledge.

It is surely not easy for u to deal wf ur emotional loss while trying to recover it there.Now imptly,u've to build ur energy.U still hv the long way to go.

At times,I always feel that why life is so unfair to me.My hb's SIL,who gave birth to her 2nd child at age of 37 oso no prob.I'm much younger than her...and i am health-conscious.Unlike his SIL,she always eats a lot of junk food n soft drinks.

At one stage,I hate to go bk to my inlaws hme,coz i can't stand his SIL remarks.After she knew my m/c,she was so happy until i heard she went out to celebrate.She even sarcastically said:"aiyo,m/c again?what happened?Funny,i'm older than u but i've no prob wf my preggie"
I swallowed my tears when i heard this.But I can't say anything but to go hme n cry.
Hi sweetie,

Sorry to hear about your loss. I totally understand the pain you are going through as I was induced too, though I was at 22 weeks. My waterbag was ruptured and gynea told me it could be due to infection, but no one knows the exact cause of it.

Like you, i went thru abt 8hrs of labour pain before my boy finally came out. We took a pic of him before letting him go. It's been 8 mths now but I still think of him.

hi donkey,

Sorry to hear about your loss too. Do you mind if i ask what happened to your 2 pregnancies? I also lost my boy at 22weeks.
Hello all, i am back... has been a tiring trip but am glad to be back now

Avocado - sorry to hear about what your irritating and nasty SIL said. she is a REAL bitch! that is supe rinsensitive and hurting.. i would have kicked a fuss...

Joyful - nvm, u can always try again this cycle, wish u lotsa luck!!!

Jappooh - when did u first visit Dr Adrian when u found out preggie? i was thinking of going next week , is it too late?
hi avocado, ur SIL sounds exactly like mine !! she gave birth to a bb boy last year at age 38. very smooth for 9 months. she also eat lots of junk food, soft drink and smoke until 1st trimester is over..but yet her bb still normal..i envy her alot cos now my MIL always talk abt this grandson. the worst thing is my MIL stays with me and keep reminding me of my m/c..she say why i so young and yet m/c..look at my SIL, at 38 still can give birth..wat to do, just say unlucky loh
Hi all

I am new to this thread. I've actually been chatting in the ivf thread. Let me tell you about my case. I conceived through my third IUI (I had 5 IUIs done in total) in 2006 but at 7 weeks, no heartbeat was seen. I had no bleeding whatsoever and I underwent a D&C.

In 2007, I conceived again through my second IVF. A heartbeat was seen at 6 weeks but the baby stopped growing at 8 weeks and there was no heartbeat. Again there was no bleeding.A D&C was done. Since it was my second miscarriage, I too had a chromosome study done and it turned out to be something called Trisomy 22 which is common in first trimester miscarriages. And it turned out to be a boy too!

Avocado and Sweetie and to all those who have gone through miscarriages and stillbirths, I can understand the pain and anguish that all of you have gone through. To have one miscarriage is bad enough, but to have another is incomprehensible.Age by the way isn't on my side. My third ivf turned out to be a negative a month ago. I'm going to go through another ivf cycle next month.

I have another piece of information to share which I had come across in the 'Mind and Body' supplement of the Straits Times last week. Pre-Implantation Genetic Diagnosis will be available in August 2008.What this means is that embryos are tested for chromosomal abnormalities and only the healthy ones are transferred in an ivf cycle. This increases the chances of implantation and reduces the risks of Downs Syndrome and so on. So if anyone is considering ivf, you might want to ask your doctor about this.

Hang in there all of you. We can all be mummies. I believe I will be one day too. Take care!
Hi All,
My 2nd AF just ended. This means that I can TTC this cycle. I am excited yet feeling apprehensive at the same time.
After all the previous m/c(s), I am really scared. I don't know if i can take it if another m/c happens.
Age is also not on my I really wish I had TTC years ago instead of enjoying life with DH.
wtpooh, tink sometimes we gt no choice but to be pantang. once i found out abt my pregnancy, i told both our families and my GM instead of waiting till the 1st trimester has passed. i was told dat we shd nt be tapped on the shoulder n my hubby tapped mi once beri hard in front of my mil coz he dunno n i forgotten to tell him abt it. he gt a scolding fm my mil. den the following wake i kenna tapped on my shoulder again by the cake shop asst. sometimes gt knocked in the shoulder by ppl in the crowded MRT also. so occasionally when i tot of my bb, i sort of blamed these ppl (incl. hubby) in my heart.

so next pregnancy, my hubby said we shd oni keep to ourselves n nt even let our families koe until pass the 1st trimester. we cannot even let our own families koe meh???

yesterday went to collect the maternity dresses i ordered from a online spree.. beri sad to look at these dresses nw coz i wun be wearing it anytime nw. my hubby keep consoling mi dat i would get a chance to wear it this yr. hope its true.

today really can't help but tink of my bb. coz if bb is still ard, i would be in my 2nd trimester fm tml onwards.

avocado, ur SIL is really a bitch lor!!

joyful, how come ur clomid so expensive? i oni paid between $2-$2.50 for a 50mg tablet.
Hi avocado,
ur SIL is really daunting.. she is so insensitive such moments, when pple tried to console me using the SOPs
1)don't worry, u r still young n could try to conceive again.(2) everything happens for a reason(3) it's always for the best (when bb is so healthy? what's for the best? only god knows) (4)old folks saying:she doesn't want to be your child, no fate..(makes me ponder if there is really something wrong with me being a mother?) (5) will it affect your next pregnancy?(which i'm really not in the mood to know at the current moment)...they meant well..but it only intensified my pain.. to personally go through such torment, one would only know how we feel..with no baby during confinement..only her death cert in my hands..
but am glad i've found this thread where we can encourage one another, with great listening ears.
Avocado, like what Mala mentioned, we would all become mummies one day soon. we just need time n luck.. luck would be smiling at our side very soon.

Hi pegsfur,
i didn't have a picture of hubby doesn't want to..only have her in my memory n her face is getting blurry as days passed. i wanted burial..but his family thought cremation n released her ashes into the sea would be the best option.. as her mum, i don't even have a say..there is not even a niche for her! n was even forbided to go to her cremation. which am still so sore about it.. though they meant well n wished that hubby n i would move on with our life..erasing everything superficially without a trace..but she lives in my heart for life..
Can anyone advise me whether bird's nest and cordyceps are good enough to bu the body? I fall sick so easily now esp. after the last m/c...almost once a month!! I thought of buying and eating whatever I can first on my own before finally going out to see TCM doc as I am really not a fan of swallowing bitter herbs. Pls share your insights on what you're taking. Thanks!

Hi pinkpixel
Good luck in your TTC! I wish I can start TTcing also but due to my poor general health...have to put on hold first. It is really normal to feel worried about the next pregnancy after the losses ( I'm not TTCing yet but the thought of another failure also gives me jitters), but we have to be brave and hope for the best. Like you, age also not on my side ( in my 30s now) and I often wished I had started earlier cos never thought that m/c (s) will happen and precious time is just ticking away now. However I told myself, what's past cannot be undone, no point feeling regretful...just have to press on forward, take whatever comes in our stride and pray hard that someday I will finally have a baby to hold. I wish the best for you
Dear avocado, i agree with all the gals here. Your SIL is so black hearted... but as women i thought all will sympathize and try to console? Then again i think she is constantly comparing and competing with you... thats why she is happy over your m/c... and definitely u 'win' because you are younger than her. Aiya dun think abt it already... move on.
my hb wasn't there when she said tat.In fact,nobody was there.I was the only one who stood there n swallowed my tears.

I can understand how u feel.When my son borned 4yrs ago,my MIL interfere everything...Luckily,we don't stay together.Now,my MIL oso criticize the way i take care my son.My son is quite shy in nature n she keeps blaming me of not giving him exposure.
Hmm...haha..true..SOP consolation words....I know what u meant.Normally when such case happened,the elderly will point the finger to the mother 1st.They believe it is something tat the mother done which cause the baby died.I oso lazy to explain to my MIL.She kept saying it is my nervousness who cause the m/c.In actual fact,it is the chromosome...something tat we cant control.It even happens to the healthy couple.
Stop blaming urself n keep tink of me,it will make urself miserable.During my 1st preggie,my colleague oso tapped my shoulder n my hb even fixed a light bulb in front of me(at tha time,i didn't know what r the pantang).But i've smooth preggie n gave birth to my lovely son.
but I believe it is true to keep ur preggie to urself.Mayb just let ur parents know.During my 1st preggie,I even denied when my col kept asking if i was preggie.But I made a mistake for my 2nd preggie,i announced to the world.But then,for my 3rd preggie,only my hb,MIL,my mum knew...still ended up m/c....
whatever passed is past.Don't let the history haunt u...Move forward..since we've learnt our mistakes,just be careful for ur next preggie,ok?

we can't control what will happen in the future.Just do ur best to keep urself healthy.Having a healthy diet,keep a happy mind...for the rest,let it to fate n nature,which something we can't control..
I am sorry to hear about your girl. It is natural for you to want to find a cause but since it happened a while ago, it can be find to pinpoint anything now. Just be easy on your and take time to get better.

Am sorry to know your painful losses too. Take care too..

Paiseh to take so long to reply becoz I was rushing some work. I paid $1000 ($500 each) for parental chromosome test and the results took a duration of 3 weeks to conclude. Ur gynae is right to say that to find the root of the prob, it is only conclusive if the parents are tested. But somehow for ur case, I don’t think u have a chromosome problem since firstly, u have a healthy baby boy and secondly, most importantly, ur 3rd bb’s chromosome report showed triploidy and not trisomy.

As u already understood, triploidy is more likely caused by two sperms fertilizing one egg that resulted in bb’s each cell having 69 chromosomes instead of the norm 46. 23 from mommy and 46 from daddy. This means that your egg & ur husband’s sperm each has 23 chromosomes each which is normal. But if the bb’s test result shows trisomy, there are two diff possibilities. First possibility (maybe more than 99% of the time) is due to chance. That is during the cell division process, somehow, an extra chromosome ended up in each cell. The 2nd possibility is when one parent has a chromosomal translocation (has the normal amount of DNA but some chromosomes translocated) such that when the parent makes an egg each month or generates sperms, there is a chance that that egg many contain an extra chromosome (24 in total) that causes the bb to be become a trisomy. So for ur case, if u saw fr the report that ur 3rd bb has 69 chromosomes (3 copies each for each of the 23 diff chromosomes and the 3 copies are not joined together) for instance, chromosome No 1 has 3 separate copies and so on for chromosome No 2, 3…22, X and Y), u and hubby should not be translocation carriers.

Hope I have not confused you. But if u take out ur baby’s chromosome report (the copy has all the small cute chromosome photos), you should see what I am saying..

Hugz for the struggles/pain u have gone thru. I think ur courage and persistence will pay off eventually and you will be a mom one day! I share the same goal as u. After having 2 mcs, I am considering the pgd with ivf u mentioned and I am grateful that they finally decided to legalise it in Singapore. Can I ask you if you have heard of any sayings that IVF may increase the risk of breast or ovary cancer? I told my hubby that I am considering pgd with ivf but he is worried about cancer risks. Would like to hear your opinions on this issue. Thanks..I am also researching on other risks (eg embryo damage) of pgd and would update u if u r interested.
i went to Dr Adrian once i knw i am preg. So i was given hormo pills to take.

i think i only pay $2+ for my 6mths supply. I am taking 50mg lar. Why yours so ex? Now i still have 6mths supply lei cos i strike liao b4 i started on the new course.
Hi Cynn

I heard from my mum that bird's nest is not so useful to "bu" after mc. Its good stuff but not as gd as chicken essence or chicken essence with cordyceips that helps to replenish proteins and "qi". If u do not want to eat too much meat/intestines, eat more spinach for iron. Heard DOM is good for get rid of wind also.
Hi sweetie
Those SOPs that you mentioned..oh gosh...tell me about it...people meant well but it only makes our hearts bleed even more...I lost a 22 week old boy in my first pregnancy one year ago..due to placenta infarction. The grief almost drove me crazy as he came after 18 months of TTC. And fate would have it that I lose another one, also a boy, at 10 weeks 6 months ago. Children are not exchangeable and we will always yearn for and remember the one(s) we lost. Take good care of yourself at this time! And you're right, cling on to the hope that we can be mummies soon one day! Its only a matter of time...
avocado, i guess it's no pt blaming anione for the M/C. juz treat dat we gt no fate with bb. will be 200% more careful for my next pregnancy. my hubby said i muz always stay at home for my next pregnancy n avoid all crowded places except when i go for work.
U r welcome Cynn, 4got to tell u, one soup that is very useful for immunity is: chicken + pao4 sheng1 (its a chinese root herb to build up immunity) + wolfberry (also enhance immunity). For the pao4sheng1, buy the really good ones than useful. Put in slow cooker to cook to save effort and its not bitter but yummy
Hi Bubbleteahut

I've heard that women who have undergone ivf may face a slightly higher risk of breast cancer. There is no conclusive evidence about the higher risk of ovarian cancer though. Nevertheless, my doctor has suggested that we go for yearly mammograms and pap smears. As long as we watch our diet and have a healthy lifestyle, we shouldn't really worry about cancer.

Have you already talked to your doctor about pgd? I would definitely be interested to know about whether it would damage the embryos.Thanks a lot. I'll be seeing my doctor soon and will keep you updated as well. Take care all!
Hi Mala,

Thanks for ur info, yes, that is one solution, to keep check-ups regular to detect any probs early. I have not spoken to my gynae yet about pgd yet but get the idea that if do pgd this yr, maybe only kk will offer it. Correct me if I am wrong. If I do at kk, probably it has to be Dr loh whom I have not seen before. K, lets keep each other updated about any developments. Thanks again!

baby bjorn
i was given the injections and pills when i found out i had spotting... but the bb stil got no heartbeat...anyway 6 weeks stil abit early to see 2nd one gotta wait til 8 weeks... hope you will be able to see it soon..

although my gynae had successfully brought the birth of my twins, i will not really consider him for my next pregnancy if i had one...lots of stories...but if u really interested, do pm me...

you mean the tcm at jurong one rite? the reason why wait till 3months later is becos 1st trimester usually not stable...if let too many ppl know, gotta explain or pretend to be ok very tiring...and also very stressful...

why do you need so long b4 you can ttc?

ur sil really too much...dun care abt her...she wil hv retribution someday..
