Support group - Miscarriages

belle...sorrie to hear dat..take care ya...=)

do take some confinement food to build up ur body date tea is good to keep the body warm preferably instead of plain water...
little doggie,

I was discharged the next day, so total stay in hospital is only 1 nite. My gynea was Dr Joycelyn Wong from TMC.

I did not bring back my bb as he was cremated by the hospital. This was the reason why we took a photo of our bb cos we want to have something to remember him by. We are free-thinkers so we didn't really know how or what to do if we were to cremate him ourselves. Are you thinking of doing the cremation yourselves? I'm not sure if u have a religion but if u do not, I think you can seek the help of those templess like Zi Du An and ask them how to go about doing it.

I fully understand what you are going thru now. But let's give your little one a chance, wait for the test result then decide. Consult your gynae on the severity of it, cos i personally think that 5-10% is a small risk and your bb has quite a big chance of making it. Of cos, ultimately the decision lies in you & your hubby.

I really hope your test results turn out fine
Hi Pinkpixel,
I heard abt DR Peter Chew.In fact,i've just booked an appt to see him this friday.
I saw Dr LC Foong today n he detected the baby heartbeat.However,he has confirmed my baby is abnormal bcoz the sac is irregular.The heartbeat is oso very very slow(90).There is oso sign of internal bleeding.So I shld b expecting m/c soon,unless there is miracle.The fetus is oso not growing at the right track,I suppose to be 7wk but the fetus is only 5wk+.

Actuali,i hate this kinda feeling.Now I am feeling tired physically.I would like to end everything soon so i could start afresh n move on to my life.But at the same time,everyone asks me to wait.

Yes,like what mentioned by PJ,our case is more like a chromosome pro so we've to seek expertise fr. NUH or KKH.I'm looking for the right person too.But i can only do the investigation after my m/c.If I find the person,I'll let u know...
Nevertheless,after hearing what PJ mentionedabt his frds,i kinda freak out.My gynae told me that the chances for me to bear a healthy child might b low since i've 2 M/C,sound scary...

Hi Roxy,
how long did u tak to let it m/c naturally?I've received two diff opinions fr. gynaes:eek:ne asked me to let it m/c naturally;the other one asked me to go dnc.So we might b seeking a 3rd opinion,who is fr. Dr Peter Chew.

how was ur test results?

Hi Pegsfur,
my heart sank wf u...

Hi PJ,
Scientific thingie is always difficult to explain.I was once suffered fr. hyperthyroid for 5yrs.My specialist said I've no hope for full recovery n asked me to go for surgery or radioactive treatment.I didn't go for it bcoz i was busy taking care of my son while coping wf my job.

Then i switched to a lower stress job.guess what,my hyperthyroid has gone,my reading is normal & i've oredi off fr. medication for a year.I know there might b relapse,but I try to control my lifestyle n stress well.

But after hearing ur frd's story,it reali freak me out. However,my gynae told me that my chances of having a healthy child is high since i've a son n i am still young.
Hi avocado,
hang in there, maybe there is still hope. Anyway in my case, the fetal tissue was sent for chromosome testing immediately after the D&C. The test results shows an extra chromosome at #15. I suppose if in the case of a natural m/c, it would be difficult to "keep" the fetal tissue for testing.

I am praying hard for you, keep us posted after your visit to Dr chew.
Hi Avocado

I have had two mc in a span of 5 months and I know what you are going through if not all. It is a tough road to go down but take each day slowly. Its like a two step forward one step backward thingy but try to be kind to yourself as far as possible.

My 2 cents worth is just to wait it out and see what happens to your baby. U might hve the urgent to end this suffering but give yourself and baby a chance and if things still don’t work out, you would have tried your best and have no regrets whatsoever. As for D&C or natural mc, try to wait for natural. If everything does not get expelled naturally, then its also not too late to do D&C. Alto natural will take longer and more emotionally draining, D&Cs are more destructive to your system. I have had two D&Cs but if got choice, would definitely opt for natural. Take care of yourself and all the best.
thanks for ur praying.I am feeling very tired.what did the doc say the extra chromosome?Was it by "random" oso?

I fell sick very often(viral infection,sore throat,cough) b4 this preggie.I wonder if any illness or medication will affect our bodies,thus,cause m/c.

Hi Bubbleteahut,
u r right..this mth will be very agony for me.I am nt sure the outcome but i try to convince myself to tak one step at a time.I am feeling more tired than usual.Furthermore,hv to cope wf my MIL nonsense.If we tell her what we r going thru,she'll announce to the world.But if we do not tell her,she'll keep asking my hb running errands for her.

Ya,I am waiting for natural m/c.Somehow,i feel very strongly that my baby is struggling to survive.Yet,As his/her mummy,i can't do anything to help,i reali can't hold back my tears.

I can really understand what you mean. During my 1st pregnancy, my gynae found 3 sacs and it was a pleasant surprise for us as it means that i could be carrying triplets. However, no heartbeats were detected yet as i was only 5 wks preggy.

We went back the next week and found egg yolk for 2 of the sacs. The other sac was empty. Gynae told me to eat eggs, drink milk and eat lots of meat to make the bb strong. I heed her advice.

A week later we went back again and this time we found 1 heart beat on only 1 of the sac, the other just din make it. Gynae advised to eat more healthy food and rest more. I heed her advice as well.

We went back another wk later and this time, no heartbeat was found.

So in your words, i also felt that my babies were struggling to survive but they just didn't make it. Like u, i felt so incompetent becos i can't do anything to help them at all. Then came the 2nd pregnancy and it had to end up in miscarrage again, and it was more painful than the 1st pregnancy as my baby was borned, dead.

Life is really making fun of us.
Hi Avocado and Pegsfur,

What we are going through is the universal and most priceless motherly love. Yeah, I firmly believe you could feel the bravery and even heartbeat of your bbs. When I know I am in the high risk category after my 1st mc, I paid special attention and the minute my 2nd bb’s hb stopped at 8 wks plus, I could “feel” it and went to the hospital straight to confirm that the hb indeed stopped on that day or even that moment. My male gynae was astonished that we just know. And Avocado, I know u must be really sad to feel so helpless while bb is struggling, but at least u know that ur bb is very brave and u both share that same will. Just cry if u feel like. You are a great mum and ur bb knows it.

Yeah, just take one step at a time, if you are tired, go and sleep, listen to some music and rest rest rest. I hope things work out for u but just in case, start to take some food rich in iron to prepare ur body for any adverse outcome (touch wood 1st). For ur MIL, tell ur hubby to say he has bad flu and cannot help her. U need lots of support now and ur hb’s presence is impt now.

Pegsfur, your emotional roller coaster ride was very rough. You are a very brave mum too!
Hi avocado,

it's been a long time since i posted here... and this is the 1st post to announce my pregnancy... cos, i'm in the same boat as u... went to see gynae last week but can't find anything ... so took blood and test was only ok... borderline... the thing is that i'm supposed to be in my 6th week if use my LMP to calculate... but can't see anything... most prob i O late..cos it is possible to O late...mine was late by 9 days cos i tested for O... so it is possible that if calculate by my O date, i am only 33 days preggie which is less than 5 weeks when i see him last week... so he asked me to go back in 2 weeks which will be early next week..and hopefully... can see something... but i'm staying real positive about it... cos if i say the little tiny thing inside me can survive, it better survive... =P cos i always think that being positive is half the better won...

of coz, the other half is to be mentally prepared to lose this pregnancy... but i'm ready too if i were to lose this... cos i wun want to save an unhealthy and unstable egg in the 1st place, only to lose it when it is bigger with hands, face and say in my 4th mth or so... of coz losing this pregnancy early or late will still be equally painful... but if i were to lose an unhealthy pregnancy early, i can start to try for another baby again early... also, i will feel very terrible if i have a baby bump, and later, the bump is gone..pple sure ask..and i dun think i am prep mentally to answer any lose of baby questions... =( that is my weakness...

so think positive... BE POSITIVE...the word is POSITIVE...POSITIVE!!!! POSITIVE!!!!
hi pegsfur,bubbleteahut,
somehow,i feel the life is reali full of uncertainities.If i know age is the contributing factor to m/c,i would hv conceived earlier.
I guess it is the mother instinct.When i preggie wf my 2nd bb,i oredi felt something not right,bcoz i didn't feel preggie,no ms,felt cold most of the times.

Despite i could feel my preggie symptoms start to diminish,i still hope tat my bb could survive.I feel tightness of my stomach..wondering if the fetus is growing or is it the sign of cramping due to m/c is going to happen soon.My sore breasts start to go bk to its original size.Hv been having diarrhoea past 2 days...

i reali cant wait to "end" the whole episode soon.Mayb this yr is a unlucky yr for me...

My hb will nvr lie to his mum.My MIL is overall a nice person but she is too blunt n sarcastic in words.I always try to ignore her,forgive her but she always tries to agitate me.Luckily,we do not stay under one roof.

Pegsfur,I reali find u a brave mum...I agree wf u tat life is making fun of us.I've loving hb n son.I shld b contented...

I know at this stage,we can't help not to tink "wildly".I try to stay positive.I hope the miracle could happen,i wish the gynae diagnosed wrongly.But I've to prepare myself for the worst since 3gynae oredi confirmed mine is unhealthy preggie.

gynae always recommend us to scan after wk8.Any scanning b4 wk8 might nt be clear as the sac/embryo is very small.Since ur hcg level is ok,then shld b fine.For my case,my last hcg result last fri didn't double so it is quite obvious tat m/c is happening.

rememb u don't live under "ppl shadow".I know it is difficult...esp if u r facing them almost the whole day.
I used to get very frustrated over ppl remarks,comments and their insensitive behaviour.I've this stupid ex-col who asked me to buy toto for him knowing i was preggie.I quit my job last dec coz i can't stand some of my ex-col,hypocrite,sarcastic,proud.Despite the job offers me promising career n i've a great boss,but i'm surrounded by a group of immature n young colleagues which make my job difficult.
hi belle, after D&C, usually will spotting for abt 1-2 weeks loh. the best is do after 2 cycle. did ur gynae ask u to go back for review ? i go back for review, 2 weeks after D&C..take care
Cutie - yes, stay positive and pray that u b able to see ur little one's heartbeat on ur next check.. it could very possibly b late ovulation... congrats and take care!!!

Belle - like what Porky said, it usually stops aft 2 weeks and as for when to start 'doing', i guess its good to at least wait for 2 weeks bah... do take care...

Jappooh / jlow - any updates on ur little ones?

Porky - which cycle day are u at now? my 2nd AF just came n im quite glad cos its the normal 28 day cycle... just bot the clearblue OPK from Watsons at 20% haha... hope to TTC soon!!!
hi aileen, my 3rd cycle stil not reported yet leh. late for 3 days liao. congrats that ur AF is back to normal liao. can TTC after this cycle ! my 2nd one also very accurate. but 3rd cycle seems a bit late...
Hi Ladies,

happen to see this thread, and I though I come by to give you ladies some encouragement.

I too had a miscarriage when I was 8wks pregnant, only found an empty sac but at the same time my 'beta' test or what (some blood test) done when i was bleeding on my 8wks showed that there was a fetus but the gyna cannot find the fetus so i had to go through a laproscopy surgery to find where the fetus, was it in the tube or outside the womb. In the end i don't know how but the gyna found the fetus still in my womb but they cannot detect it when they scan...

i went through D&C togther with the laproscopy surgery and since then my mense was hay-wire and I was not ovulating it was difficult trying for a baby till my hubby and I gave up and let nature take place

but unexpectedly, i conceived after 9mths, it came at a time when i let nature take its me after my first experience with empty sac and D&C, i was scared to death..when my gyna dected my baby's heartbeat at 7th hubby and I were in tears as the heartbeat meant so much for us..for the first 3 months...i was frightened whether i could carry this pregnancy through although my second gyna was telling me that I was progessing well and I should have confidence in my fetus

now, i'm a proud mum to a baby gal who is 3mths old

i'm typing this to encourage you gals not to give up but let nature take its relax so that your body can go back to it 'original self' and one day you too will be carrying your baby in your is just a matter of timing..

My gyna for my second pregnancy was really a fatherly figure who gave me a lot of encouragement and helps too to have a good gyna

so gals hang on there!!
hi chrysanne,
thks for sharing ur experience.Could u PM me ur gynae?

Hi ladies,
I'm tired but I've hv been having sleepless nights.Wondering what happened to my bb?Is he/she doing well?I've seen 4gynae so far n all of them cannot give me an answer.One of them even has asked me to dnc.Luckily i didn't go coz the heartbeat was detected last wed.

i feel my breasts less sore(even my gynae felt it too).But I am having heartburn n legs cramp.I wonder if this is due to stress or preggie symptoms.

my gynae asked me to eat n sleep well but i find it hard.I'm asked to bedrest.

Next monday will be another terrifying day coz i'll be doing anothr detailed scan.The scan will be able to tell if my bb is growing well despite he/she has a heartbeat.

everytime i go to toilet,i'm so afraid of seeing bleeding.

Whether my bb can survives,it is all depending on him/her.All my gynae just asked me to wait n see...I hate this kinda feeling.I'm mentally n physically drained.I'm feeling bad for my hb n mum who help me in hsework n taking care of my boy.I can't wait everything ends soon so i can go bk to lead my normal life.
i am still trying to cope with my bad morning sickness. My hubby is so busy with work recently and my MIL is busy taking care of me and my boy so end up they have a bad quarrel today. I feel so bad that i cant help to lessen their burden.

When for checkup 3 June and baby was measure 3cm and currently in my wk 10. My MC finishing soon hope my MS gets better if not i dunno how to go back to work. This preg is so diff from my last one.

Now i just hope the little one inside me grow well and healthy. I cant help but still worried also.
hi jappooh, nice to hear from u. wow ur bb is 3cm now. another 2 weeks will be over 1st trimester le. jia you ! btw, why ur hb and mil quarrel ? not because of u right ? understand that u feel more tired for this pregnancy..hopefully 2nd trimester will be better for u loh. i think this month i still did not strike liao..tested twice still -ve..but AF still not reported yet...

thanks for ur encouragement. my blood test result is negative. we have decided to keep bb cos doc say that is 80% chance that fluid level reduce by the time of delivery and bb will be born normal.

so i m praying hard that the fluid will reduce gratually.
Dear ladies,

I was previously in this thread. U can call me an “old bird”.
Actually when u scrolled up n read those archives, many of us used to brood over those bad days but I’m pleased to say that all of us are now proud mummies.

I believe those dark days will be over soon but most importantly, have faith and stay positive in urself u ur gynae.

Soon, all of u will graduate n will have ur little ones in ur loving arms.  GOD BLESS
little doggie,

That is good news! I'm very happy for you and your little one. I'm sure you will deliver a pretty and healthy baby


Just saw your msg above that you r going for another round of check up today. I hope it's good news for you.
thks for ur concern
I went for detailed scan yesterday.The fetus still hv heartbeat(95).Irregular sac.The fetus length corresponds 5wk+ which i suppose to be 7wks.However,a yolk sac,foetal pole & heartbeat is seen.

Again,there is no conclusion but to wait n see.Gynae gave me a hormone jab.Did anyone who hv had the jab feel very tired afterwards?

I am asked to see the gynae weekly.Now,i am thinking even more negatively.Bcoz the sac is irregular n fetus is growing so slow,even if he/she survives,will he/she be a healthy bb?I feel like giving up everything(bcoz i make my loved ones worry for me),do a dnc n start afresh.

but my gynae insists tat i shld wait,there might be miracle.To b frank,after weeks of mental torture,i wish i could go bk to my normal life.I've even came to the point that i'm ok if i can't see the heartbeat in my next visit.Coz i reali worry tat if this meant to be unhealthy preggie n we keep trying means to "drag" it,at the end,will i hv a healthy bb?wat if the baby end up to be stillborn?what if the preggie prolong n make it even more difficult to abort?

my gynae is a strong catholic.He doesn't do abortion.He feels tat if so long as the fetus has a heartbeat,we shld try our means to protect the preggie.On the other hand,if the fetus is meant to be unhealthy,then i'll still m/c anyway no matter how much efforts we've put it to save the preggie.

i'm feeling more n more tired....tired of not knowing the outcome n yet making my loved ones suffer wf me.I can't chauffer my son to school bcoz i'm on total bedrest.My mum has to tak care of me n my hb has to tak on more responsibilities to tak care my son.My whole life is haywire!

To be frank,i don't reali believe in bedrest.If the baby is meant to be healthy,no matter how much i move ard,it'll still survive.

Furthermore,my hb has been spending $$ for my checking.
Hi pegsfur
Im very sorry to hear about your story and I think you are very brave and strong... Perserve on and Im sure you will hold your precious in your arms soon

hi little doggie
Glad to hear good news from you...Everything will turn out fine and you will have a healthy baby

hi avocado
Having a heartbeat sounds very positive and 95 sounds ok too. When I was 6.5 wks, bb heartbeat was only 90plus too... gradually it will go up to 100 plus.. I was on weekly prolution hormone jabs then too.. didnt feel tired but it really helps... Get hospitalisation leave to stay at home to rest... bedrest is very impt. I had 3 times bleeding incident in my 1st trimester and its bedrest (and of course God's grace) that helped me have bb now...Stay positive and do not give up. Your bb is hanging on strong for you and you must give him/her all the moral support esp as they can feel your emotions
hi roxy,
u mean u started bedrest even on 1st trimester?I only heard abt bedrest on 2nd or 3rd trimester.

The prob is the gestational sac is "irregular".It is a sign tat the sac is beginning to collaspe.The sac is suppose to be regular.Unfortunately,I can't find much info fr. internet on the irregular sac.

Furthermore,i am suppose to be 7wk but the sac is only 5wk.I am oso quite when i conceived.No gynae can give an explanation to me except asking me to wait.

my next visit is this fri.Now my worry is whether i've made the right decision to keep the bb,coz of his/her slow growing n irregular sac.

thks for ur encouragement
I'll keep my fingers crossed.Hope for the best n prepare for the worst
Hi, i am new to this thread. Well, i was suppose to be pregnant for 5 wks. Got to knw tat i hve lost my bb last tues. Was very upset at tat moment. Couldn't help but cry after i rec'd my gynae call to confirm tat i hve a m/c. I had bleeding since the week before. Had a hormone jab & been on medicine. But the bb somehow didn't survive. At tat moment, i keep questioning god why did he gave me & then take away mine little one. When i m back to work the next day, my colleague told me tat usually if m/c during the 1st 8 wks mean the bb formation not forming. My colleague told me to take care of my health to prepare myself for the next conceive. Updated by My gynae tat i can try again after 3 mths. I really hope to conceive again. Looking forward to seeing my gynae soon. But my gynae told me tat I need to see him immediately after i knw my next pregnancy cos i need to take hormone jab to stabilise my bb until 3 mths. So gals out there don't be too upset, i believe we will be able to conceive soon. So jia you. BTw, i will be visiting a chinese physician to build up my body. Hopefully, next pregnancy will be a stable one.
Hi avocado, i can understand how u feel. Cheer up cos if you feeling down, ur bb will also feel the same. So if you want ur bb to be healthy, u muz not be too upset. Jia you.
hi avocado...
Yes I was on hospitalisation leave for entire 1st trimester..even when I came back to work, initial first few months working also dun dare to walk too much and asked my colleagues to help me tabao lunch.. also everyday to and fro work was my sis ferry me or cab...
Perhaps sac is irregular now but will be be normal as time goes by? You have made the right decision. You wouldnt want to leave the rest of your life with "what-ifs" and regret that you never gave your child a chance at life. At least now you have tried your best and given your baby his/her best shot at survival. Now stay strong and positive and leave everything to God. I'll keep you in my prayers. Hope to hear good news from you this Fri

hi Debbie
Sorry to hear about your loss. Glad to hear you are so positive and you are right, TCM is very vital to strengthen womb after mc. Remember to do a confinement to strengthen your body
sorry to know abt ur loss.R u doing confinement after dnc?50% of 1st trimester loss is due to chromosome of the is a random event n we can't do anything.Did u gynae recommend any check (e.g. autoimmune,hormone test)?I would suggest u shld do a basic m/c profile test.I didn't aware of this after my /c.My 1st gynae didn't tell me.

it's good tat u've ppl to help u ard.Make sure u've lots of nutritious food for ur bb.Nw is a good time to pamper urself wf good food n rest.Did ur gynae ask u to go for wkly followup?

Thks for the prayer.I am not so pessimitic abt my preggie.m/c is going to happen but it is a matter of time,bcoz the gynae oredi said:"hope for the miracle".Obviously,he oredi knew the preggie is not going on right track.

Perhaps it is my destiny to hv one child.Sometx,i blame my hb for causing my 1st m/c bcoz he took me for granted.My hb is very pamper n hardly helps in hsework.Even i am asked to bedrest,he didn't even bother to help me to mop the floor when he saw me mopping.I've to ask him to do it.We do hv a part time helper but i can't engage her anymore bcoz her quality of cleaning is significantly dropped till a stage which is unacceptable.Nw,i'm sourcing for another one. right,if the sac is irregular,the dev won't happen.Thus,it is a surprise tat we saw the heartbeat.I reali don't know wat's going on.
Hi,avocado,dun know what to say except good luck and be strong! Dont overthink. Pls continue to take good care of yourself.
Hi,Debbie,take good care and pls do miniconfinemnet.
Hi roxy,avocado & sylvie, thks for ur concern. Didn't do any miniconfinement. Should be taking ba zhen if not wrong. My mum-in-law check with his bro who own a chinese medical shop. He say no need to do confinement cos only less than a mth. Juz take ba zhen after the bleeding stop. I will be goin to see a TMC soon to build up mine body before I try again. Mine womb is sort of "cold" hence need chinese medicine to build up. Also, i have fibroid hence my case will be quite complicated. But my gynae assure me tat the fibroid did not cause the m/c. Well, will c how the TMC say. Before tat, I hve visit a TMC since Feb & conceive in May. So i believe TMC do helps me.

Avocado, maybe you wanna try TMC to build up ur body. Be Strong & will also pray for you. Btw, i didn't do any check except only did one blood test which determine my m/c. At first, the pregnancy didn't looks positive cos on mine 1st visit to gynae, he couldn't see the bb. He told me to be positive & did a blood test. 2 days later he call me to say tat I was 3 wks pregnant to be actual. Then follow the bleeding & then m/c.
what blood test did u do?Hormone test or autoimmune?

ya,i'm looking for TCM too.Last time,i visited Yu Ren Sheng at tiong bahru pl but the medicine is too heaty for me.I ended up falling sick fr. sore throat,viral infection.After tat,i stopped the medication.

fibroid only cause complication in preggie if it grows,right?

I see that as good news leh ... i mean, at least the yolk sac and heartbeat is detected rite? Nothing bad is confirmed yet so pls stay positive. I know how it feels to be worrying and not have high hopes etc but your bb is fighting to stay so you must not be pessimistic, ok? Don't give up yet.

Tomorrow is another round of check up rite? I hope we can hear good news from you.
the slow growing fetus is a sign chromosome abnormality.So even if he/she grows,i can't help not to worry too...will it end up to be stillborn..etc..
Hi mummies,

I had a miscarriage for almost two months ago. Quite sad for me because I lost my twins. It's not only emotionally devastating but physically too. Up till now I still produce milk. Only recently I started to have this sort of 'pain-like-menses-want-to-come' on my abdominal and back. Sometimes the pain is extremely unbearable. At that point of time, I have finished my first cycle of menstruation after the procedure. Do any of you experience this?
hi Pegsfur,ladies,
I've done DnE yesterday.I went for the chk-up in the morn n Dr said my bb is not growing,weak heartbeat.The heartbeat was abt 74 to 80.So he suggested DnE.He said DnE involves no scrapping as compared to DnC.But I read thru DnE is more suitable for preggie abt 12wks.Anyway,i went ahead coz he said since the bb has heartbeat,it is beta to do a DnE.
I admitted at 4pm n went hme ard 9pm.Was very disappointed wf the svr a Gleneagles.The svr was very bad.After i woke up fr. surgery,the Phil nurse threw the 3jars of blood clots(which is my bb n remaining stuff) on my tummy.She said:"see,this is what hv taken out fr. ur uterus".She was swinging it then threw back on my tummy again.As I just woke up fr GA, i was very sleepy n didn't hv energy.After i was sent bk to th room,i told my hb n he lodged a complaint immediately.
We feel tat the nurse showed no respect to me n my bb.I know it means nothing for her,but to me,he/she is "my baby".Furthermore,how can she throw it on my tummy.
The staff nurse n cust svr officer came to apologise my hb as i refused to c them.They admitted it is their fault.We oso noticed tat a lot of local nice nurses replaced by the foreign nurses:phil,myammar.I'm nt saying they r no good,some Phil nurses r nice,but some r reali very rude n rough.
When i was in the ops theatre waiting for Dr to come,the two Phil nurses were playing music(guess fr. h/phone coz can't see)loudly until the aesthetician scolded them.
The whole procedure including admission,followup in Gleneagles is reali very disappointing.

hi Diyana,
I can understand how u feel.Hv u checked wf ur gynae abt ur pain?
ya,we asked for chromosome testing.How long did u wait for the chromosome testing result?A month?How much did u pay for the test?
I told my hb tat i won't go bk to Glen.In fact,when i did my DnC at Raffles,the nurses there r nicer despite most of their staff there r very new n inexperience.
Hi avocado

Sorry to hear abt your loss. I am very shocked abt how the nurses at Gleneagles had treated u.

It wasn't so when i was there last year december.

I did my DnC last year december when i was 8 weeks at Gleneagles in the morning. I find the nurses there friendly. I remember i kept telling them that i'm feeling scared while waiting outside the operating theatre. They are very reassuring and keep smiling at me, saying that i will be fine and i won't feel anything. Even after the DnC is done, they just show me the product of conception nicely. I was satisfied with their service then.

For now, do rest well and bu your health back.
Hi avocado,

Sorry to hear about your loss.

I cannot understand why the nurse had to throw your baby's remaining to you.. when i did my D&E at Thomson, they didn't show me anything.. before doing it, my gynea had advised that since my baby was still small, (at 11 weeks), they would disposed it and will not show to me.

Anyway, I din get to see anything only after 2 weeks when i went back for my gynea foolow up check up that she showed me a photo of the fetus taken with the measurement of its length.

Well, if i were u, i would be pissed off by the inconsiderate act of the nurse too.
hi Babythad,
Actuali,i am quite confused why my gynae did DnE instead of DnC this time.My fetus is abt 5wk+.I read fr. internet tat DnE is normally performed for pregnancy which is more than 12weeks.
We did asked him but he didn't give much explanation.He only mentioned tat DnE doesnt scrapping as compared to DnC.
Surprisely,i've extremely little bleeding n i wonder if he has "over-evaculate"??
When I did my 1st DnC at Raffles,they oso didnt show me anything.
Can I chk wf u which gynae r u ssing at TMC?

Is it a std procedure tat they'll show u the product of conception in Gleneagles?
Hi everyone, been a long time since I last logged in..

Congratulations on the arrival of your baby! *I am so envious*

for the first 2 cycles or so after my DNC in January I also felt sharp stabbing pains in my lower abdomen and back, although I wouldn't say mine was unbearable. Perhaps you should address this to your gynae and see what he/she says.

I am so sorry to hear of your loss and the bad experience you had in GlenE. It was really downright inconsiderate and insensitive of the nurses to do that. Good that a complaint was lodged. Just to share... I also had my DNC done in GlenE about 5 months ago but did not encounter such unpleasant attitudes. The nurses at the OT and even in the recovery ward were all very nice and kind. After I woke up from the GA, my gynae was the one who spoke to me although he did not show me anything. We had pre-arranged to send the fetus( 10 weeks) for chromosome testing, costing abt $500 if my memory is right. We got the results about 2 weeks later. The test confirmed fetal abnormality, which my gynae said is a random occurence in my case.
hi Cynn,
which gynae r u seeing?My gynae didn't visit me after the DnE.He is always very busy.
U mean u received the result 2wk after DnC?Tat's fast..
According to my gynae,my case is pretty weird bcoz my bb has weak heartbeat but not growing.I was supposed to be 7wk but the fetus was only 5wk.Furthermore,the sac is gynae suspects it might b "Balanced translocation"though very rare type of chromosome issue.Since i've two m/c,it is beta to check.Can't be so coincidence tat it randomly occured to me TWICE
Yes,the chromosome costs us $500+.

hi avocado, sorry to hear abt the ur loss. Do take good care of ur health. If need to, do see a chinese physician. Building up your body is very important for the next conceive.

Btw, my gynae only did a HCG blood test to determine my m/c.

Also, fibroid do complicate the pregnancy & will lead to m/c hence I need to be extremely careful.

hi diyana,

sorry to hear abt the loss. do take care & build up ur body. if u still encounter any pain do go back to ur gynae for advise. For my case, i experience stomach cramp before my m/c & didn't go back to c my gynae. Thought was a normal cramp. After this incident, i have realise tat any pain/cramp shd seek gynae advise.
