Support group - Miscarriages

Hi Magpie, I didn't actually "try". It was a unexpected joy right after my mc, I didn't have any AF after my complete abortion, the medical term the Dr gave to my MC. I was actually thinking to ttc after 3 cycles becos most gynea says it's better for the womb. So right after I knew I was preg again, I was very worried becos my womb didn't even get a chance to rest. some of my close frens were very concern it may be too soon. But my gynea says it's ok.

it's a miracle granted by God. I've tried for more than a year, and than I lost my bb, I thought i need to wait long long again,,, becos dr says I got PCOS and hb got poor sperm.

So I want to encourage you, don't loose hope!

Ok..I need to go see gynea now... so anxious.. talk to you gals later!

magpie, maybe you should get a 2nd opinion from another gynea? I think so far most of us bleed between 3 days to a week only le. If you had a d&n and the bleeding is too long, they worry you may have a infection inside, but if you are natural, why still so long le? DO you normally bleed so many days in your normal cycle?
Hi Jlow

Wow... this is so encouraging! Indeed a miracle from God. Same here... I tried more than one yr and hb has poor sperm morhphology. I pray that God will bless me with a baby immediately. Hahaha

I just called the clinic again. The nurse finally said she would put me through to my gynae to speak to him directly. I will call back after 2pm. Will update you again.

Mine is a natural miscarriage. Gynae said let it bleed. Normally i only bleed at most 5 days.As for infection, I was on 5-days antibiotic to prevent any infection.

Ok.. I managed to talk to gynae. He said HCG needs to drop to zero before my bleeding will stop. He said either give it a week plus to stop the bleeding or do D&C to completely wash out.

I wanna try this cycle but he said this cycle is very messy. Need to wait for next cycle then can start.
I was going thr something similar like you when I had my MC. However, mine was a bit different as I had a D & C. My bleeding after the D & C was about a week and then it stopped and resumed one week later. The flow was heavier as well. For me, I seek a 2nd opinion from another gynae as I was worried and my 1st gynae assure me that its normal, some even bled up to a month after the procedure. I went for a scan to ensure everything was cleared. According to my 2nd gynae, she aso told mi another D & C is required if the bleeding dont stop. But, she prescribe some medicine for me. Fortuantely, it ended few days later. You may want to mntr a while. If there is a need, perhaps you would like to seek a 2nd opinion before doing a D & C.

Porky & Magpie,
Thanks for your concern.
My cramps faded off on fri evening after the 1 hr of suffering. It never came back during the weekends. But, I dun noe why my breasts feel fuller. Besides, I just vomitted my lunch this afternoon. Not sure if its a gd sign, bt not having high hopes anymore. Just praying that my AF will come soon, coz I feel terrible now that its gone haywired and I am nt preggie.
Hi Sheryl

Don't sentence yourself first. Why not test youself again at end of this week? Who knows you will get a pleasant surprise??? I think you really have a good chance. Which test kit did you use on Sunday?
Hi gals,
this morning went to see Dr Adrian again cos my MS getting very very bad. He did a tummy scan for me and saw bb heartbeat today. So happy. I was given 1wk MC to rest.
Hi Jappooh

Wowwwwww.... That's such a good news!! Congrats! You can rest your mind now. So nice. Somemore got 1 week MC to yang tai... I also want...
hi gals,

Jus wan to share a true life story here.. a fren of mine told e she had 5 MC b4 her twins and I was very surprised coz' nv heard her saying it.. now dat I am in this "group", my frens have bin sharing and i find that MC is really common today.. wonder y? stress? Anyway, when this fren of mine share each of her MC story, I really really respect her courage.. n I learnt something from her and i.e. to be very positive. Her 3rd one was actualli a still born and she told me her hopes actually died with that child but her HB really gave her lots of encouragement and finally, they are blessed with a pair of very very beautiful girls. I hope this inspires all of us..
Hi Jappooh

I should actually be like you as we got pregnant almost same time... How I wished my MC last week was to yang tai... Now come to think of it... I started to feel sad again...
Hi magpie2,
sorry to let u feel sad again. Sayang..

I was on 1wk Mc cos my morning sickness is very very bad this time. Worst then my 1st preg. So was given 1wk to rest.
Hi Jappooh

It's ok it just reminded me of my miscarriage again. I wish I can get pregnant very soon.

I think there are more and more pregnant ladies in my estate cos I kept seeing them. My friend is giving birth this month. I really don't know what to say....i feel inferior maybe?

MS is good but your gynae is nice to give you one week mc.. can stay at home to yang tai. That's very good.

Hi Jo

Thanks for the encouragement. I tried more than a year. even wanna resort to IUI due to my age...
Then got pregnant... then lost it shortly...
Maybe i will opt for iui next cycle.Sigh..
Jappooh - Congrats on seeing ur bb's heartbeat! must be super elated
good for u... take care and rest well wor...

Jlow - very fast will pass first tri le, meanwhile continue to take care and remember.. no housework for u! heehee...

Porky - all the best to ur next TTC... my AF almost finishing.. but not trying tis round cos HB n i both came down wf slight flu earlier and took med, so will skip... hope next round can start TTC...
Hi ladies, first time posting in this thread...i had a d&c last week and i find myself bleeding with cramps 4 days after that...has anyone experienced this b4 after a d&c procedure? I have just been given some medicine by my gynae, but still worried why should have bleeding - rather heavy.
Sometimes i find all this is like a joke. U know when we were young and parents and teachers kept telling us to abstain from sex as you only need 1 sperm to make you pregnant.

And now all of us here are trying to get pregnant. It seems so easy, you just need 1 sperm to make you pregnant. God knows a zillion sperms have been deposited into me over the last few mths and nothing happens? All I need is that bloody 1 sperm to meet my egg! Gosh sometimes the feeling gets so intense I really thot of giving it up. My neighbour staying right below us has just given birth. I think i'm turning into a pervert cos i have this strange urge of peeping at her laundy. I would try to see what type of clothes her baby is wearing, with the booties and mittens. And i wish so much that it was my turn to have a chance to wash my bb's laundry.
Hi Magpie,

I guess God has its plans for all of us.. Like my case, I tot maybe its just not meant to be as I was caught unprepared.. Jus as I was really into being a mum idea, i lost my bb.. dun be discouraged.. we r in this together.. Im sure we will be preg soon


I agree with yr irony.. my neighbour also just gave birth and I could hear baby cries often.. in the past, i will get irritated, now its just bring back memories..
Hi Jo

Maybe you are right. When I know I was pregnant, I was quite apprehensive. Then when about to settle in, I lost it. I remembered I went to beach road with my hubby for dinner. Then, I pointed to my tummy and told my hubby "you know when this little fella will come out? In end dec" Then my hubby said "Good... a christmas present".. Sigh... I hope i am pregnant by this christmas. Haiz..

Just now in the car, he said don't be so negative... don't keep saying or asking why you cannot have bb... give our new life a chance...

Now I hope the bleeding will end totally.. and have my AF back to normal... This incident has brought forth so much repercussion...
jappooh, wow so excited for u. dr woody say now how many weeks le ?

aileen, my AF also finish le. this round only 6 days. quite smooth loh. i hope to try next week and strike fast...

faith, u have heavy bleeding after dnc ? shd be like spotting leh...i also did dnc 3 months ago. then spotting for 1 week like dat then stop le..since u see ur gynae already, shd be better liao. take care ya.
Hi Aileen, yes yes, no major housechores just let the hse rot now..hahahaha. really hv to close 2 eyes at times.

magpie, i know u are sad & lost now, but think of it this way, since you hv suceeded once, you will do it again soon. right after you have recuperated. cheer up! Jia you!!
Congrats on seeing the baby's heartbeat. My gyane always tells me, the more MS, the better.

Hang in there. Don't keep thinking about your age as a factor. I am not young either, but I am still trying

My cramps also started few days after my D&C. And my bleeding lasted more than 2 wks, so nothing to worry as long as you are not having a fever (sign of infection)
came back from my scan today. no more v scan. just ab scan. can see my little teddy bear with normal heartbeat, dr says I can visit her monthly now, instead of bi weekly.

jappooh, i'm eating the plain cracker from meiji brand when i'm feeling terrible fom my ms. and drink some 3-in-1 ginger drink. it helps to soothe. this 1 wk mc is very useful, try to sleep as much as u can and avoid heavy meals.. also try to find out wat kind of food will make u worst and try avoid it, I hope you will overcome it soon... like de rest of the gals here mentioned ms is good sign, must endure!!!
take care faith....=) back to my usual self le....guess it's juz tose once in a blue moon bout of depression...=D
hey jappooh and jlow, a big congrats to both of u! both of u are our beacon of light now. how many weeks are u both at now? any other preggy ladies here?
Thanks gals.
Pinkpixel, that time when your bleeding lasted more than 2 weeks, ur gynae said it was normal? I was given antibiotics in case there is infection and another medicine which i think is supposed to reduce/stop clots/heavy bleeding. I have no more cramps after taking the medicine but still bleeding (prob less). am confused coz am wondering if bleeding is good after all...if not, it doesn't seem good if it's stuck inside the body, what do u think?

Do you know if chinese medicine leads to bleeding after d&C? i noticed the bleeding started the day when i took the chinese medicine, now i've stopped it...gota call the chinese doc.. careful on the intake of antibiotics & chinese med...i rem right then for my case...had blood clots discovered over a review abt 1 week post D&C and had to take medication to expel it out of the womb....

porky...good luck...babydust for ur cycle...can monitor Oing le rite...=)
piyobaby, ur doc found the clots during a scan? but at that time u were not bleeding? do u rem which medicine u took to expel the clots? sorry ask so many qs...
Congrats. When is your EDD? Finally you can set your mind. Do make sure you have lots of rest and try not to carry your boy from now on.

My guts feel is that you are there too with all the symptoms. Try testing these few days
Hi Porky,
Dr Woody say it still too early yo tell me when is my EDD. He say will be last wk of dec or 1st wk of Jan. He say when the baby get slightly bigger than he give me a more accurate date.

Actually from the scan i cant figure out where is my baby and the baby heartbeat. Dr Woody point it out to me.

i try all kind of food. But everytime is diff food lei. Like today when i take Food A tomorrow can take Food A again.

Yesterday nite my vomit is terribe Puke watever i eat and stomach feel hungry also.
Porky - my AF hor tis round ( first time aft DC ) quite ok lei.. it was spotting first day and bleeding for 3 more days and then the 5th day spot abit and now like no more liao.. i was still expecting a long period but thank god its still ok... all the best to ur TTC next week wor! jia you!

Faith - i also took chinese med when i thot no more spotting but just when i took, it came back.. so hor, i tink best to wait awhile before taking chinese med.. best is prob aft 2-3 weeks.

Jlow - wow, so envy you! do update us on ur little teddy as and when wor. and yes, shut 2 eyes onthe hsework hahaha!
Yes Jappooh, you can concentrate on yang tai now. Envy envy u manz....
Meanwhile, do take gd care and keep us updated on baby's progress.

Snnowy, thanks a lot. Will wait a while before testing. Will update u guys if I have gd news to share.
jappooh, at least can hear heartbeat now. how big is the fetus now ? wow dr woody is good. he give 1 week mc for u to rest at home wor. hehe

aileen, ur 1st cycle very short leh...mine last for 9 days. like piyo said, very heavy for first few days loh...but 2nd cycle is shorter liao.

piyo, i not yet montior o lah. i check the predictor online then try for that few days loh. really hope to strike next month lah...what abt u ? we strike together ok ? hehe
porky, gd luck to u!
hope to hear gd news soon.

ladies, i am feeling terrible.
dun noe wats wrong with mi. my AF has yet to report, i hve been waiting for 13 days. furthemore keep vomitting after meals for the past 2 days. sigh! bt, my test last fri was negative. sori gals, bt i reali nd to pour out n share my feelings. hope u all dont mind. hubby told mi to hang on a while more. i am uncertain, coz i dun wan to go to my gynae and then realise i am nt pregnant even though i am having a bit of pregnancy symptoms. wat shld i do?
Hi sheryl,
I think u should do another test.. if not go see doc for blood test..

Congrats to the ladies who r preg.. do update us.. reading yr preg news give me hope..
Hi Sheryl

Yeah i agree with Jo... You should do another test. Today is already Tuesday. Do another urine test. Maybe the HCG have picked up le. If not, go for blood test for peace of mind.

Hi gals

I am still having staining. Today out of curiosity, i tested on my LH Surge strip. I see two lines.. the test line is very visible though lighter than the control line. Am I going to ovulate?
Hi gals

I have changed my nick to Joyful... Cos... I wanna be like Jlow and Jappooh.. Pregnant...Hee...

Call me Joyful...*lol*
joyful, this nick is nice leh. hehe.we all will be pregnant again like Jlow and Jappooh loh. but need some time lah. jia you !

sheryl, faster test another time lah. u like experience ms leh. since most of the gals here think that u seems like strike liao
faith...i went back for a review abt 10 days post D&C...bleeding stop by then...sorrie but couldnt remember the medication given as it was abt 3 mths ago le....=)

porky...tis mth im abit onz in monitoring CM, use of OPK, online calculator...machiam all in one like dat....not gonna pin veri high hopes so if unsucessful then take it as trial & error lor....certainly super fun to graduate together lor...kekeke

sheryl..give urself abit more time b4 testing....meanwhile juz take care of urself like u are preggy...waiting for a while more will give more obvious result....good luck & stay positive ya...=)
Hi Porky

Yay Let's jia you together! All the ladies here will be pregnant!!

Those who have started trying again I hope to hear good news from you. ;) I am still waiting...
Hi Joyful,

i am sure u will join me and Jlow very soon. Now i stay in my bed most of the time. I dun even have much time tp play with my boy. Cos i always feel giddy. Hope that i can pass the 3 mths soon. Look like still a long way to go.

the fetus is only 2mm big. So small hor.. Hope it will grow much much bigger during my next checkup which was 28May.. 2 more wks. So long.
u look like having a good chances lei. maybe u can test again with the 1st morning urine. Hope to hear good news from u soon.
Hi gals,
Thanks a lot! I will heed yr advice and test again. Will try to wait a while, see how long I can tahan before I test. Will keep all posted of my results.
Porky - sigh, just when i thot AF stop liao, ytd got abit of bleeding again.. maybe like wat ur say bout it going haywire bah, and now stop again.. argh... hope the O doesnt go haywire, most important!!! haha

Sheryl - all the best to ur testing! u sure can tahan, if its me i think i will test day after day hee...

Joyful - nice nick! infact when i chose my nick, i also was asking for grace from God for a baby.. God knows best and im sure he will bless me with a healthy bb the next round, by his grace
Dear gals
This is joyful.... Hee..hee..

I ask you all hor... could I be ovulating soon? I took another LH Surge strip - it showed very clear test line again though not as dark as control line. I am in CD14 today. I used to have 27 cycle days. Can someone advise me? Thanks.
You are so funny... I can't tahan too long either, but dont want to have the disappointment again n again. Somehow it maybe coz my urine cant detect the hormones.

Can't advise you on your question, coz I dont use the O strips. I only anyhow hamtam, mpnitor my egg white discharge and depend on the online ovulation calendar.

Hi Sheryl

Thanks.. I don't know if i am able to ovulate with the blood staining. If I am not going to ovulate, how come the test line is getting darker??? though still negative..
