Support group - Miscarriages

hi shirley, thx for ur reply. I didnt do thru dnc. It was a natural m/c. Oh can wait till 8wks ah. no problem one?
actually i think my gynae told me tat i hv a cyst detected during my scanning for the previous m/c.. but he said most of the mummy after gave birth will have.. just tat whether the cyst will grow or dissappear.

hi plm. We are all here for helping and listening to each other ;p

Or if your really worried, then you can go and see your gynae earlier..dun stress too much. did u go back to ur gynae for a check up after ur natural mc?
No shirley. My gynae told me if the bleeding not more than 10days n if i tested clear -ve after bleeding stopped then no need to see him again.
Hi Juney,

i am like u have a natual MC. My gynae also say dunno to see him if i tested -ve after my bleeding stop. But i cant have a pc of mind so i still go for a scan 3 wks after my MC. And the scan show everything in good shape.. SO i am currently waitng for my mense to come also. Now i think i am in 4 to 5 wks but i wont knw when my mense wan to come cos i have very irregular mense. So the scan actually put my mind in peace..

If u worried better go for a scan. Take care.
hey AF reports today for the 1st time after surgery....still monitoring if it is regular flow or otherwise....=)
Hi Ladies

Just went to gynae today, bb stop growing at 9 weeks, am actually in week 11 now, so will be doing D&C this sat.So sad, still cant control my crying...trying to make myself feel better by looking more at my bubbly toddler gal
hi babyatom,

got your sms just. i understand how you feel. i know no words can console you. try not to think abt it so much. keep yourself busy. time will help to heal.
for us, we did a "chao du" session at guang ming shan.
maybe you can go for a short break as well.
take lots of care, drink longan tea and lots of tonics.
this is my blog if you want to read abt the details.
Hi Phoeba mama

ur blog really makes me tear uncontrollably sad to read about it, esp when we know each other. As a mummy myself, nothing brings us more joy than our arrival of baby.Similarly it brings us equal amount of heartache and pain when things turn out negative.

Will take good care of myself during this crucial period. Meet up soon ya ?
Dear phoebe mama
Hugs Hugs. I underwent mid term termination at week 20 cos i had a down syndrome baby ...husband and I decided not to keep the DS cos we do not want him to suffer and being look down when he grow up. I was given pessary till dilation for baby to come out...i still remember the it pain in the heart and physically.I did take a look at my baby...he looked peaceful. But i can never find the peace in my heart. I have secretly name him Joel.Even though 6 months have passed, I still missed him a lot a lot..
babyatom....sorrie to hear abt that...pls take good care of urself & do a mini confinement to build up ur health again...**hugz**

phoebe mama....i feel the pain for u as is indeed a tough decision and u have went thru a brave period saving ur baby....**hugz**
hi babyatom, so sad to see u here too...if i rem correctly, u are seeing Dr CH Koh right ? he is my 1st gynae then later i change to Dr Woody. cry if u really cant control urself. i have been crying for abt 1 week too..

today has went back to work. So stress!! got over 100 emails to go thru....see until my eyes also red liao...i missed my nua-ing days...
hi shirley, so happi that u r going for a short break. also hoping to go for one too, bu too badz cant coz my funds r tied up for my new hse. have fun n enjoy yr trip!

piyobaby.. guess we r same same. my AF reports on thursday as well, 1st time after the procedure. started with staining n the flow gets heavier. mntring my AF n hope it be as regular for the next few cycles.

babyatom, sad to hear abt the news. stay strong gal n if u nd someone to tok to. all of us here cn encourage each other. i was also having a bad time after my D & C early feb. stay strong gal and rem to bu yr health. take lots o tonic n logan pls.

juney, if you are worried, go n consult yr gynae ok? i guess u will feel better after seeing yr gynae, at least you cn have a piece of mind.
sheryl...realli so sama sama....for the whole of my 1st's consider rather light flow which is still usual for my previous cycles....gota observe the next few days to identify if it's back to norm....=) just wondering if i shd bring forward my appt wif dr woody cos it's fixed on 03 april but im oreadi resuming my AF now....
babyatom, so sorry to hear abt tat. *hugz*
phoebemama n tarynn .. *hugz* to both of u too.
phoebe.. it took me few times then onli i managed to finish read ur blog as i was trying hard to stop my tears in ofis now. feel so sad.

sheryl n piyo, my af has just reported today almost same as both of u. Thx jappooh.
Hi Ladies, I'm new here.. So new to being pregnant and so new to have a miscarriage. Lost! My joy didn't last long, it was as short as 1 month before I accept the fact that my foetus is dead in my body for 1 week already. Worst thing is I found out the news a day before my ROM and which means we'll have to carry my dead baby go thru the ceremony, but at least it's with me for another 3 days before I finally can do a D&C. Now I'm serving my mini confinement without a baby. I can't help thinking of the first sight I saw my baby's life and how everybody was so eager for my baby to be born. I felt more heartache when I read about you gals experience. But now I guess the most important thing is to recuperate my body and hope to have another baby!
*hugs* noone can ever understand the emotional pains that you have went through cos we are not in ur shoes. Do take time to grieve for ur lil one. we are here for you.
mummy bear...i feel for u....i have to face the facts dat i lost my foetus & grandpa consecutively within a diff of one day which is a good thing i guess...the closure of my grieving for our baby was the day we sent our grandpa off....we will jiayou together & support each other for our next healthy & happy baby okie....=)

sheryl....dats my gynae's instruction...mainly to check dat the womb has 'recovered' and everything is back to normal....=)

i had veri bad & intense pain today which is CD2 of my 1st AF...was worried sick bcos i have not experienced such bad pain feels like contraction when in labour i think...on top of dat my flow is extremely heavy almost equivalent to 3 times of my normal flow.....went to see my gynae who did a scan but did not notice any abnormalities...he told mi dat it's normal post D&C and there's no cause of relation to food intake as well....phews...the pain was realli unbearable so bad dat i had to drop watever im doing to cross over the pain....=(
Hi Ladies, I went to see gynea today...blood test and V scan. All normal except to realise that I have PCOS in both my ovaries! My chance of getting pregnant is even slimmer now.

Dr gave me another appt in 2 mth's time. I am so lost now,I just pray that my AF will come soon and body can improve.
jlow....dun despair...slimmer chance doesnt mean no chance....there are still lots of successful cases who gave birth to healthy baby....cheer up ger...=)
hi piyobaby, i went to see Dr Woody ytd. after the scan, he say everything is fine and menses will come in 1 month time.btw, my next appt is 4th April. can i ask u u know that AF has come ? the bleeding is fresh red ? aiyo, so poor thing...really so pain until like that huh...then did Dr Woody give any pills to control the pain ? then heavy bleeding will last how many days ?
*Hugs* Piyobaby, one of my friend keep saying that things happens for a reason, but somethings just happens for no reason. You're very positive, I hope I can do the same.

Babyatom, My gynea says my baby stop growing at 9 weeks too.. When I found out the news I realise that all the pregnancy synptoms were gone. How I wish I had my backache again

I was thinking of having another baby real soon but I'm kinda worried... Anybody advise any test to be done to check if me and my hubby is alright?
hi mummy bear, i also request to keep my baby for another 1 day before i go thru D&C alto i know bb is gone already...the moment i wake up from LA and found that the bloatness is gone...that type of feeling is too sad to be describe. i cant say that i can understand ur feeling cos everyone might not feel the same. just that our joy is too short. have a good rest and try again. my gynae told me i am ok now. can try after 1 cycle of mense. i also hope to have another baby soon
hi Jlow, what is PCOS ? u mean after scanning ur gynae confirm that ? my gynae did not scan my ovaries leh..he only scan from tummy and told me everything is fine now.
hi sheryl, i am seeing the same gynae as piyobaby. gynae also ask me to see him 1 month later to make sure that menses has come loh..
hi ladies,

Need some support and encouragement.

I will be going for induced labour next week to terminate my pregnancy (am 20wk now) as my baby was detected with spina bifida. According to doctor, chances of baby to have this is 1:2500. How "lucky" we are.

Prior to this, I had miscarriage in Aug07. That was my 1st pregnancy. We lost 2 babies within 7 mths. Really really sad.

I am worry and scared on what will happen next week. Can any mommies who have gone through the induced labour share with me how should I prepare for that?
Hi Mummies

Came back from my D&C today. though its supposed to b a day surgery, i choose to stay 1 nite in hospital in the end since the op ended ard 6, so might as well stay on n rest w my hubby accompanying me.

Hi Porky
understand ur feeling of emptiness after the D&C. Feel so hollow n empty emtionally n physically though i was actually feeling much better without the pains n cramps....Same as u, kept bb in tummy for 2 days after the bad news before having the D&C process...really sad to let bb go though we know clearly that foetus not alive liao...sob
Ya CH Koh is the 1st (irresponsible) gynae that u mentioned previously in the sept thread ? He's normally pretty fast in his consultation,just that since he delivered my 1st gal previously so i stick with him this time. might change to Dr woody next time since i stay near CCK, only if im lucky enuf to get preggie again......

Hi Mummy Bear

So did u see ur bb heartbeat before 9 weeks ? I saw mine at 8 weeks, so thought will be fine cos gynae say 80% chances of good preg after seeing the heartbeat, but... we still lost the bb eventually..sob..

Hi Beverely
we all understand the heartpain of losing our bb as we have been thru it.... As phoebe-mama said, time will heal all wounds... take care n do a confinement. Im planning to do mine for 2 weeks before returing to work in april.
HI Beverly,
So sorry to see you here. Pls do take time off to heal, personally I think 1 week is really too short, if can, try to give yourself more time to stay home and rest. And must do the mini confinement and avoid chores. we will be here if you need someone to talk ok..

BabyAtom & Piyo, yes, we will be pregnant again. We just pray that the waiting time can be shorter and the next one, to full term.

Porky, its a condition with many cysts in the ovaries. But not sure how comlex is mine, if mild, it will be just irregular mense. Serious ones will be no periods, no ovulation, high male hormones and obesity and all those complicated complaints.

The only good news is if I can get pregnant last time, I may not be a serious case. Just may not strike so easily.
the last time I waited 18 mths but I do not have so many 18 mths.
hi babyatom, why u do not want to stay with Dr CH Koh ? since he deliver ur 1st child and did the D&C for u. btw did he say why ur bb heartbeat stop at 9 weeks...i did not stay with him cos of the long waiting time and the shock he has given u will be on 2 weeks medical leave right. take good rest and we will all try again for another healthy bb.

hi Jlow, ya 18mths is indeed a long sad that u have to go thru this. but since u can get preggy first time, so u will still have chances to be preggy again right. lets pray hard for the best for us.

Thank u
how u feeling lately? i m so tired, not sure is it becos work. feel so drained and backache. it's 2 wks 2 days since bb left.. feelin lost suddenly again.. ") maybe tmr will feel better again. CD1 is onli light flow which is the same as my normal cycle....only CD2 is horrendous which scare the wits out of mi wif veri heavy flow & scary pain....he gave mi pain killer which helps is CD4 & still heavy flow as compared to my normal cycle....=)

mummy bear....hope dat u could recover soon both physically & emotionally....=)

beverly.....**hugz**...i noe no words can best describe how u feel but pls do take care....the next baby will be strong, bubbly & be strong ya....=)

babyatom....mine stayed in my womb for 5 days b4 D&C....stayed positive....we will be blessed wif a baby soon....=)

Thanks for the encouragement. Really need someone who can understand my situation to talk to.

Have to pretend strong in front of my family esp my mom and my sister who got too shock of the bad news and too worry about me.

I can't sleep and my tears flow like non stop when I think of my poor baby. He will be with me for another 3 days. I am scared of the induced labour. I can't decide if I want to see my baby when he is out. I don't think I can take it but I know if I don't see, I will regret for life.
BabyAtom, phoebe mama, Mummy bear & Beverly,
so sorry to hear abt your lost. We are here to support one another..

u must have good rest and do a confinment. It really painful for your stage since the baby is already so big.

I have PCOS also that was detected 2 yrs ago. That why i told u i also have irregular mense.. ya obesity will also affect.. Dun worry too much.. u are better than me cos u might to concieve naturally. For me i took clomid to help me to have regualr mense..I have a successful story i am sure u will have 1 too.
Hi Beverly,

I totally understand how u felt cos i went for induced labour too. I was about 21 or 22 weeks then.

Everything was done in the hospital room. I got 1-bedded room cos i needed all the privacy. I checked into the hospital in the morning and straight away in the room, i was given pessary to help the inducing. The nurse came in every 4 hours to insert it until labour sets in.

I was given the pessary at abt 9 or 10am and i could feel pain (contractions?) after 2 hours. At about 9+ at night, I was in real labour cos the pain was unbearable. I could start to feel something coming out from below and quickly get the nurse to come over. At 9.45pm, i finally 'gave birth' to Owen. He looked very peaceful.

Before the ordeal, the nurse will ask you if u want to take a look at your bb when it comes out. Of cos we wanted. My hubby even took a pic of our bb. The nurses were very nice, they let us have our bb till we are ready to let him go. So there we were, looking at him, touching at him, hoping to have him with us for as long as possible. I remembered his fingers and nails were so tiny.

I stayed in the hospital overnight and the next day i was discharged. The things you might want to take with u is probably some pads and disposable underwear. If u didn't take them with u, it's ok oso cos the hospital will provide.

Be strong Beverly, although i know it is hard. I myself, couldn't really sleep the previous day b4 the ordeal. I woke at 4 in the morning and hid myself in my walk-in wardrobe. I looked at the clothes that i bought for my BB and held them close to me, and do nothing but cried and cried. There is nothing i can say to ease your pain, only to let you know that time heals.
Hi all,
Whn can we resume our exercises? Its been 5 weeks since my D & C. Just to share further with you guys one of my gd frez gave birth yesterday and she shared her joy with me. I am happy for her, but somehow I thought of my bb yesterday when I heard the news. I think it affected me somehow, haiz!

Piyobaby, I also have slight spotting on CD1 and heavy flow on CD2. For me, the pain was bearable, but flow was slightly heavier than normal. I am still having slight AF till today. What about u? R u feeling better now? Btw, have you started taking cold drinks? I missed them, have only started taking sips of cold drinks since yesterday. Hee! ;p

Piyo & porky, I dun noe why for me no visits were scheduled after my first AF by both my gynaes. They did mention to me everything is cleared and also when I can start trying. But, I am thinking to go for a pap smear this or next week after my AF since I havent done mine for long. So, will still be seeing my gynae.

jlow.. cheer up ya. i am sure we will all be blessed to another bb n carry it to full term.

beverly... i noe its painful and never easy. but, do take care n take yr time to grieve. Rem to do a confinement to "bu" yr health. If you nd to tok, we r all here to support one another. cheer up.
piyo, r u still taking dom now when u r having yr AF? my mum told me can stop taking dom, tonic soup n logan since now i am having AF.
Sorry about yr bb. Understand that things will not be easy for you cos baby is already in 2nd trimester.

I know that you are trying to put up a strong front for your mum and sister but do let them know of your true feeling if necessary. It not easy for them to see you in this stage too.

Don't decide now if you want to see the baby or not. It definitely going to be traumatising for you at the end of the day. Should you decided not to see yr baby, get someone to take a picture of him so take you can keep it. Just follow your heart as the time come. Ultimately noone will blame you for whatever decision you make cos they are not you. They will never understand the tough time you have gone through.

Do come here and post as often as you like. We are here for you
That is how i managed during my difficult time too.
beverly....might not be able to help much but the least I can do is listen to u...for u to pour ur 'sorrow' and support each other along the way to get over this ordeal thou easier said than done...but believe in urself dat u can do it....=)

pegsfur....looking at ur post brought tears to my eyes....i feel the pain in my heart for u....

sheryl....mi into CD5 today and is still considered as pretty heavy compared to normal previously..the pain is onli extreme on CD2...much beta now cos no more pain too norti to stay by the book...took cold drinks long time ago le....kekeke

DOM - i switch to yomeishu to try out the difference in taste...still taking daily as daily supplement lor...thou i have heard dat it's not nec to take when AF reports but i guess it shd b okie ba otherwise likely they will warn on consumption...=)

my heart goes for you..i can fully understand how u feel..i went through the induced labour when i was 20th week due to fluid found in bb lungs and stomach and the gynae told us that there is very slim chance for him to survive till full team.

I was admitted to TMC. for me , i opted a 2 bedded room. everything was done in the room. we chose not to see the bb, dun know why oso, heart was too pain at that time. have a talk with your hubby, just go with your heart whether to see the bb what u feel most comfortable k..

do remember to do a confinement after that. my mum take care of me for almost 3 a lot of bu lor, really neeed to nurse back your health. if possible, take a longer mc to rest..
pls take care k!
Hi all,

Thanks for all the postings and encouragement. I spent quite some time to read all your postings over and over again and they really help me alot. Think i have some improvement as I feel slightly better than yesterday.

Went back to office in the morning and went for counseling in the afternoon. Was able to hold my tears when I talk about my baby, but feel that the counseling is not necessary and didn't help us at all. Watching the video clip is like rubbing salt to my wound.

Pegsfur, thanks for sharing with me your experience on induced labour. It must be hard for you. I still feel scared but slightly better as I have more understanding about the whole process. Can I eat, drink and go toilet before the real labour starts?

I will be going to TMC for the induced labour on Wednesday. Decided to go for 1-bedder as well as the whole process will take place in the ward. BTW, Pegsfur, did you go for D&C after the labour? and did breast milk start after the operation?

huh....2 more days to go. My dearest baby boy will be leaving me soon. I guess he knows what will happen. I feel less movement inside me these 2 days. I still talk to him everyday telling him that mummy and daddy love him and daddy will take care of mummy so no need to worry. oh, I still need to find out what the hospital will do to him after the operation.
Nickel, did you go for D&C after the labour and did breast milk start after the operation?

I will do a full 30days confinement this time. Read from a book that abortion and miscarriage do more harm to the body than natural birth. I so regret that I didn't do confinement last time after the miscarriage. My mum will come to sg to take care of me. Purposely booked her ticket on Thursday so she don't have to see me going through the induced labour process.
Hi Beverly,

Yah, i know how it feels to be scared, to be uncertain. I was glad my gynae brief us on what is going to happen and what to expect so that we are prepared mentally.

To answer your question, yes, you can still eat & drink and bathe. The hospital will still serve you the normal 3 meals and 2 tea-breaks till you are in labour. My gynae even asked me to walk around to aid the labour. I was still able to walk for the 1st 4 hours, but after that, i just reduce to the bed as the pain was starting to get more intense.

I went for D&C after baby Owen came out, so as to clear everything inside. Owen was left with my hubby in the room till i came back from the D&C. When i came back, i was unusually calm which was probably the result of anesthesia. I took another look at Owen, and i remembered how much he looked like his daddy. Then the nurse came & asked if we are ready to let him go. I kissed Owen goodbye b4 letting the nurse took him away.

I did not have breast milk coming as my gynae gave me the pills to stop the milk from flowing the next day after the d&c.

As for the bb's body, my gynae said they will cremate it for us. Some people opted to take back the body and do the cremation themselves, as well as to hold a religious ceremony. So, it all depends on how u want it.

Beverly, we are very alike as this was also my 2nd miscarriage.
Hi Beverly,

Sorry to hear about your bb.

I underwent an abortion in December last year. It was my 2nd pregnancy and during my 11th week visit to gynea, she detected that my bb was also not formed properly. The medical term was anencephaly, which is a severe underdevelopment of the brain. And, the cause is due to a lack of folic acid. My gynea informed that the lack of folic acid will either cause anencephaly or spina bifida.

Well, when i heard this, i was shocked. I was ordered a 2nd opinion immediately by my gynea and the result was the same.

As there was no point keeping the bb, cos the chance to survive after birth is zero, my gynea advised of aborting it.

Well, as this is my 2nd preg, the 1st one was so smooth sailing that i've never thot this would actually happen to me.

Due to my bb was still small, the procedure was a D&C, and it was a day surgery. I checked in into the hospital at 10am in the morning, the procedure was done at 1pm, and i went home at abt 4pm.

For me, i had breast milk coming 1 week after the D&C. The way to stop it without medication is to leave it alone, and dun massage or try to sqeeze the milk out. Cos this will stimulate and might cause the breast to produce more milk. After a few days of leaving the breast alone, the milk will stop.

You should rest as much as possible and do a mini confinement.

As for seeing the bb, i didn't get to see it.. but, during my followup visit to my gynea 2 weeks later, she gave me a copy of the photo taken before the body was disposed.

I'm now trying to conceive again. One thing to remember, u might want to try to talk folic acid from now on, so that in future, if u were to conceive again, at least it's asured that we're not lack of folic acid.

Lastly, altho it's really heart breaking to go through all these, always remember that we have to move on for ourselve, our hb and family who love us a lot and for our future children.
hi Beverly,pegsfur, babythad..

very sorry to heard what you gals have been's really heart pain...i know..

but i m also very gald that 3 of you are still very strong and enthusiastic to have any am i and all the ladies here. Let's not give up...jia you :p
hi beverly, pegsfur and babythad...... as i read all the threads above. i cn feel the pain u guys r going thr. pls be strong n if u guys nd anyone to tok to, we will be here. take care, my dear friends.

hi all... i am thinking of TTC soon perhaps end of this mth or next mth. I am taking DOM currently n tonic soup to continue to "bu" my body, even though its been abt 5 wks since my D & C. Shld i start on folic acid now?
Haven posted here for long time. Happen to see pegsfur here and wanted to ask if u are the same pegsfur in SG Brides forum having wedding banquet in Century Roxy Hotel? Dunno if you still remember me, I used to have nickname 'snowcat'.

Hi sheryl,

Yes, I agree that we're all here to encourage and comfort one another.. and to share our experience, no matter whether they are pleasent or unpleasent experiences so that we could all learn something from each other.

I think you should start taking folic acid now.. I learnt my lesson the last time.. I only started taking when I TTC, and I strike by only 1 time try.. well, altho I was "lucky" then, I wasn't so lucky after knowing what had happened..

So, I continued my folic acid since then till now.. and will continue until 3 months after I succeed in conceiving..
