Support group - Miscarriages

Hi Ladies!

I'm back and this thread is really moving fast....

Totally shag from the trip cos walking from morning to night...

Saw Dr Loh the day before I left and he said my wound has healed up nicely... will try naturally these few months and go for my FET in May/June.....

Shirley: How have you been? Really for your HK trip.... I went crazy shopping cos of the good exchange rate... Have you decided on the hotel??

hi cynthia...nice to hear from u again...and u already back form hk? wow..time really flies! Yup, we have booked our hotel, decided to stay in a 3 star hotel only, at mongkok, it's Acesite hotel, not sure if u heard it b4? did u bought a lot of stuff back from hk? so u enjoy the food there? i went to see my tcm last sat, and consult her on the foods and i would really like to enjoy the food in hk. But she still refrains me form taking cold drinks and oily stuff, sianz
Have to cont eating the medcine also when travelling to hk. ya..i heard of the good exchange rate of hk$ also, i checked last week it was $1 = HKD5.52, not sure now..hopefully it's getting better
Hey java,

Yes, i'm the one and only pegsfur here
How come u changed your nick? How have u been? Are u a mummy already?
sheryl...i have been on folic acid since my then pregnancy till's good to start on folic acid early which is the onli thing my gynae advise to consume to prepare for next preggy....=)

we will officially ttc after AF finishes....=)
Hi pegsfur,

Sad to see your nick here. I was very active in this thread for more than 2 years. Had 2 stillbirths one in 2003, the other in 2005. Then had a successful birth end of 2005. Now mummy to a 2 year old boy. Don't give up trying yah. I have a colleague here who had 2 m/cs (embroyo never developed), but now going to deliver next week liao. So jia you!
hi sheryl, i am oso taking folic acid already after 2 weeks of my D&C. my gynae say no harm taking it earlier

hi jappooh, ur AF also reported. thats good ! so u took clomid for AF to resume ?

hi shirley, i thot u also went oversea leh. cos u have been missing from this thread for few days...hehe

hi cynthia, welcome back ! glad that u are alright now and have really enjoyed ur trip. so now is back to TTC time again ya

hi piyobaby, today u CD5 still heavy flow ? aiyo...must be terrible for u right. cos have to work and deal with the pain and keep changing pads...

as for me..i am still waiting for AF to resume, this thurs will be 3weeks of my D&C...still gonna wait for another few weeks...

hi beverly, i do not know how to console u after hearing ur news..just hope that u will be fine on thurs. i have went thru D&C on 21st feb and was also scared like hell ( my first preg)...when my gynae arrives at the OT, i was crying like mad...then he say, poor thing, i faster put u to sleep. then everything will be fine...
Hi Porky!

Yup... Now back to TTC again.... But still feel very drained.... now anxiously waiting for AF to come... Time really flies... 31/2 weeks after D&C but still not emotionally stable yet... Some friends say how come I behave like nothing happened... but deep inside the scars is still there... How have you been?

Will be quiting my job on Monday after my No-pay leave... DH don't want me to work, just stay home and prepare my body for the next pregnancy.... Sigh...

Tks for your encouragement! Each time i read of the ladies' experiences like yours of finally manage to give birth to a healthy child that really makes me think positively.
I hope it'll be my turn soon.
porky...mi today CD6 still bleeding but not as heavy...usualli my normal cycle CD4 oreadi spotting....hope tis cycle wun go on for too long man.....hope dat urs will resume soon...mayb next week....=)
hi guys, thanks for yr advice.

piyo... congrats! glad that u decide to TTC officially. mi n DH also wants to start TTC too, but worried that my health is nt ready. mi in CD7 n hve veri little spotting. hope everything clears today. Usually, how long will AF last? hope mine doesnt last beyond 7 days.
sheryl....congrats to you too....mayb we will strike dust!!!

mi too CD7 & light spotting still observed...improved from the light bleeding yest. guess AF depends on ur usual cycle previously....mine used to be ard 7 days but uncertain if this cycle will be longer since it is post D&C....we keep each other posted okie....=)
Hi Porky,
clomid is taken when CD2 to CD6. is not to let the AF come. I start to take the clomid hope its help to regular my AF.
hi cynthia, my col also ask me why i behave like nothing happened and also ask me abt the D&C procedure...i was like dunno how to explain to them loh cos on LA mah...only tell them that i wake up and cant feel my little tum tum anymore...then starts to tears abit...

hi piyobaby, lucky u posted here abt ur AF after D&C...cos else if mine resume and realise so much bleeding, i will get a shock of my life again...thot anything wrong inside and rush to see Dr after the 1st cycle, the next cycle will be as normal right ? not so much bleeding and intense cramps right ? do u know ?

hi jappooh, oic...sorry cos i do not know what is clomid meant now u already CD6, should be gg to end right ? hope u can TTC soon too !

btw cynthia, my hubby also tell me to take unpaid leave after we officially TTC. cos he say after TTC must rest and wait for the results mah. if work or anyhow move too much, later kena again...if cannot take unpaid leave then might need to tender liao...but i like to work in this company leh...
...does anyone get abdominal pain weeks after the m/c? Is it a sign that AF may report soon? Does anyone know if we do ovulate after the "D&C" or natural m/c before 1st AF? I have this pain that I always feel when I ovulate le.."puzzled" I normal?

Jappooh, thank you for the assurance.
I think I must loose some weight to improve my PCOS. I tried Clomid for a period of time, But no news and got bad side effects. Very cham if I really need to depend on it.

I read Flaxseed can benefit those with infertility issue. Anyone here tried?
Porky Cynthia
your hubby so considerate and sensitive. My hubby never suggest such a thing.. so sad.

But I guess he not as keen as me to have bb, I even suggest to him I may go sperm bank if he does not want to TTC. :p
I dreamt this morning that I was preggie when going back to work after my hosp. leave, woke up n felt so sad this morn cos i knew it wont happen, will be going back to work few weeks later with an empty stomach, sob...
hi beverly,
i went through induced labor with D&C to clear up the remnants in Dec 06. Was 19 wks then and had to terminate as bb's brain had fluid. I was given medication to prevent milk flow and din have any problems with that. I also stayed at TMC. I asked for 2-bedder and got a room that din have anyone staying so i could labor alone and experience all my emotions without feeling embarrassed. like pegsfur, was given pessary.. but cos my womb held bb strong even after many pessaries inserted, i was discharged after about 1-2 days (sorry can't remember), had a day rest before returning to induce again.

Dun give up. I now have a 5 mths old bb. He was born very premature but i am thankful for him. You will have your own bb. Take good care of urself and feel free to PM me if needed.
hi Jlow, actually my hubby is the one who is more keen on having a bb. we just married last year nov, then my hb say this year want to have a little bb loh. but i am so worried that i cant give him a bb this year...mayb ur hb is not ready to be a father ?

hi babyatom, i believe everyone here has this dream before..even ater weeks u will still feel the emptiness..let time heals all wound. take care ya.
Hi Porky: I guess some ppl don't know how sensitive these issues can be.... What do they expect us to do/behave.... Cry and go thru depressions??!!! Life has to go on but our little ones will forever be in our heart... Esp these who had normal pregnancy, they are the worst lot to talk to.....

Hi Jlow: Don't be too affected by your hubby... sometimes men don't show as much emotions as women and even if they care, they do not know how to express it... Guess your hubby didn't want to say the wrong thing....
yes sheryl....we will jiayou together....=) not sure abt subsequent cycle...see if i rem will check wif dr woody on my next visit....

jlow....coincidentally i juz started taking flaxseed oil as supplement today after finishing my EPO....not sure abt fertility issue but it's good as a supplement.....=)
what is EPO? I read a book call "women's trouble". It says it's good. But it must be kept in a dark bottle? Where you get yours? From any store? I'm thinking to get it too.

Porky, you are right lor. He is not ready. He is a big child himself and how can he understand how I feel especially when he can say things like "have have don't have also nevermind la"

Cynthia, I try not to be affected but really very hard at times. Men never understand that their sperms can still work even they are 50 but women is different. Especially after my m/c I hope he can truely understand that I am not kidding when I say I am not young and things like pregnancy is really unpredictable.
jlow....EPO = evening primrose oil...i bot mine sumtime back in robinsons....there shd b a variaty of choice & brands avail in retail pharmacy.....mine come in a normal white plastic opaque bottle....
hi porky..i will be gg to hk only next monday ;p, dun get too affected by wat ur colleagues comment, i guess it's hard for them to understand unless they have gone through the same situation themselves. When i return back to office after my mc, i spoken to my manager to what i would like to do in future..whether i should still be carrying on working in the lab or not. Though he means good and shows concern, and ask me to think carefuly wat i wanted to do, but he still said somethings that i felt hurt. He actually quoted example that they are also pregnant researchers dealing with organic chemicals, and they still have successful pregnancies. I didnt argue with him..i just accepted his comment. He said maybe it's not becoz of the work..maybe becoz my health condition..something like tat..but i guess it's very difficult to compare case to case..maybe these women b4 had suffer from mc, and nobody knows, furthermore they have higher rank, so they will have assistant working for them in the lab..unlike me

hi gals..i do agreed with u all that sometime we will feet tat how come we are so sad, then our hubby seems like nothing happen. I m still upset till today, esp when i saw pregnant women, can imagine if everything goes smoothly then i willbe like them happily expecting also. Last 2 weeks, i called home and spoken to my mum, then she started aking me got eat "bu ping" or not, as i m staying alone here, then she said must eat healthier food, and all those "concerns" things, then i satrted to feel very upset and cry again. My hubby was very surprised when he saw me crying, and ask wat happen? but i just couldnt speak up, too upset. Then, he said something which hurts me more, he said next time dun call home, everytime call home, i will cry. I was very upset after that. Maybe he means good, he said crying is bad for health, but he just couldt understand that sometimes gals need to cry out to feel better..the "emotional" side of us..hmm..
i am in my CD4 only.. I am upset today. I might need to go China next wk for biz trip. Then that happens to be my "O" period if the clomind works well. Then this mth i will miss the chance for trying liao..

hi cynthia & shirley, i got a feeling that i dislike talking to those woman that have successful pregnancy everytime.

today one of my fren chat with me in msn and ask me how am i coping now. then i ask her what do u expect still the same loh. then she say "aiyo mayb u just too bad luck this time. try again loh anyway u only 30yrs old" she herself is 27 and have 2 gals now...

then last nite my SIL called my house. and happen that i answer the phone. then she also ask me how am i feeling now...i say alright and back to work already. then she say, she thot she give birth at 37 is very risky. but i just 30 also have problem giving birth...after that i cried and pass the phone to my MIL to chat with her..

then my hb ask me why i cry after talking to my SIL...i din tell him much just say that i feel sad only. then my hb say already over 3 weeks liao u still feel sad ?? OMG ! i think guys really can forget everything so easily loh...
hi jappooh, how many days will u be away ? so u calculate ur "O" days and it happen to be during ur trip to china ? mayb have a talk with ur boss cos chances dont come so easy

hi Jlow, i did not feel any abdominal pain weeks after the m/c. i only feel it 3 days after the surgery after that it gone already. now i am 3 weeks post D&C but still did not feel any cramps yet leh...mayb AF still not due yet loh. i think ur hb also wanted kids lah just that he still cant get enough of couple life. hehe. guys wont understand that pregnancy can be complicated loh..they thot like lay eggs so easy
dats abt men....dun see much reaction from hubby from the day we noe baby is gone till after D&C....but i tell myself he shd b upset in his heart onli...they tend to be not too expressive...which may b a good thing cos it beats having 2 mopping around too....
Hi Porky,
currently i am CD4. Should be flying on my CD10 and be back either CD13 or CD17.

Cos when i take clomid usually i O at CD11. So i will miss the boat.

How to talk to boss is so difficult..Now can only hope i come back on CD13 and hope for a super early or super late O. Then maybe still have chance to try. Sigh..

Hi Piyobaby,
so man just refuse to show it. I get angry as well when i find my hubby like no reaction at all. But after 1 to 1 talk to say that he have to be the strong one..We have a boy to care for as well so he can breakdown. I am a very neg person so he is very worried abt me from the day i MC.
Hi ladies...does anyone of you intend or is already seeing TCM for cases like us? ( miscarriage before ). How long is the treatment? Is every visit expensive? Med is tablet form or need to brew ? I really need to build up and health before TTC, so i need some info before making my first step...tks!
Thanks Piyo. I shall go scout around for it..

Jappooh, I had bloatedness, nausea, and headache when I take Clomid for 3 cycles.
O day is very impt about a strategy plan? Get Doctor to help issue u mc??.. hee hee must keng a bit. Actually if you O on CD11, why don't you try BD on CD07 & CD09, since sperm can survive abt 4 days inside, maybe you will strike le!? We wait for your news lor..

Porky, seem like I'm the only one that have sores here and there. Nowadays I also feel sore at joints and then it rains shortly after. Like weather broadcast like that.. Yesterday I got white discharge, maybe AF coming soon.

my mum ask me don't get preg first maybe wait later. I think I will leave it to God. Cannot think too much, it's too stressful. I keep telling myself maybe next one will be better, then I start to think will other factors start to surface when I have the next one..sigh.. I just BD and if it strike, I'll take it as a bonus, taking a step at a time.
jappooh....dats the same thought I have then...i was crying like mad yet he's there playing online game...luckily i throw tantrum at him which made us talk & he assure mi that he's oso sad but he cant b crying wif us which doesnt help at all.....=)

jlow...sperm can survived 4 days in womb? i thot max up to abt 24 hrs onli...guess we shd take things easi cos i feel dat BDing wif conceiving in mind is worst....juz normal BD will yield beta result....=)
the sperm can survive a few days inside us but our egg can only survive arn 24 hours after you ovulate. So if you BD on the day itself, sometimes they 2 entity may not meet on time also. Cos the little tadpole need some time to swim in order to meet. That's why they say if you want boy should BD 2-3 days before O, then the slower sperm can reach on time. Happy BD!!YOU are right, just enjoy as per norml la..
i thought if u wan a boy BD near to your O date cos male sperm swim faster but shorter life spam. So are reach the egg faster. Female sperm slow swimmer but can survive longer.

I will try to BD better i left and BD once i am back. Should be gg on 19 Mar (CD 10) and back on 22 Mar (CD 13).

When i have my boy i BD 3 nites straight in a row when i tested postive on the O kit.

ya i guess man grieve diff as us. U knw after the heart to heart talk my hubby actually cry in front of me. He say he is more worry for me cos for baby we can try again but for wife he only have 1.
maybe i too stress this mth and dun O though i did take clomd. Hope i wont be in this situation.

BTW are u still taking clomid? Why u need to take clomid u ahev irregular mense b4 u knw u have PCOS? So far my side effect is mood swing.
My mense was regular but not ovulating regularly. Dr gave me clomid to ovulate.

hee hee you are right...sorry ...I keep thinkg boy travel slower...sigh..just check the book from Zita West, most healthy sperm can live in the female reproductive tract for several days, which means that intercourse can take place up to 3 days before O and fertilization will still be possible.
hi gals,

u gals r gd. i am nt knowledge abt such stuff. glad to learn abt the egg and sperm from u all.
i aso wana BD, but trying not to think abt conceiving. just take it naturally n hope i will strike stike.
hi gals,

back from a week of holiday in melbourne with my hubby. whether was getting hot the last 2 days we were there. almost 40 deg! but it was a fun trip afterall.

my AF reported almost abt 1 mth after the D&C. not very heavy, but longer than previous.

for those who are TTCing, i think you are very brave. i am not too sure if i want to have another one, although my hubby and i love kids.
hi Jlow, thanks for the info too ! same like piyobaby, i just wanna hold my own baby in my arms, boy or girl is ok for us as long as they are healthy. mayb thats our thinking for first time mum to be. hehe.
Hi phoebe mama,

take your time to recover. Try when u are ready. Ofcos i still do have the fear but i tell myself every preggy are diff.
Hi ladies..
Is anyone one of you seeing TCM? How long is must i receive the treatment before I TTC again? Anyone has good recommendation ? Cos i really need to build my health up before TTC .Tks.
Hi Phoebe mama

Good to hear that you enjoy the trip

Same for me, scared of trying again.. rather not have than to have n lose it....
Hi Tarynn,
Some ladies here go for TCM to build up their system..if you search in the archive,u will find the contacts.As for myself,as i m scared of bitter stuff and chinese herbs,i jus make sure i eat nutritiously n exercise.

Hi Jlow,
I can so understand how you feel,after I D&C in Jul last year,was so upset and felt like a failure tat from Oct-Dec,i was really trying,knowin my ovulation,making sure we try during the fertile period tat it causes tension bet us.
Aft reading a book,i realised tat we need time to grieve,or else we may feel too emotionally overwhelmed if we dun strike,n also will be paranoid n not be able to enjoy the next pregnancy.It is unfair to the next young one as our anxiety will also affect the little one's growth.
So we decided to take it easy n not stress ourselves up.

Hi porky,
There are soo many insensitive or shd i say sotong pp who dun understand how we feel,i have frens/relatives who can tell me "still young can try","it is not meant to be","my fren went to buy KFC when dr asks her to bedrest n she lost the baby!"
Wah i tell u,when i heard it,wanna "bush" them up.Then i realise aft a while,they also dunno how to comfort me so this is their way to do it lor.They meant well but the words used are not appropriate lor.
But hor your fren n sil are kind of insensitive.Wanna "bush" them.

Hi ladies,
Jus wanna encourage u girls,i just found out we are 5weeks pregnant last Thurs.We are anxious,n if i may say,every twitch,cramp n every reading of "wat to eat/do n wat not" is driving me nuts n paranoid.We are apprehensive also abt tellin others (my heart is beating very fast as i write this) but we decided to take a step of faith n trust God to protect the little one.
I read this thread almost everyday and I pray we will all be happy mummies one day.
So let's all hang in there,there is HOPE ok?
*baby dust to all*
Hi Tarynn,
Some ladies here go for TCM to build up their system..if you search in the archive,u will find the contacts.As for myself,as i m scared of bitter stuff and chinese herbs,i jus make sure i eat nutritiously n exercise.

Hi Jlow,
I can so understand how you feel,after I D&C in Jul last year,was so upset and felt like a failure tat from Oct-Dec,i was really trying,knowin my ovulation,making sure we try during the fertile period tat it causes tension bet us.
Aft reading a book,i realised tat we need time to grieve,or else we may feel too emotionally overwhelmed if we dun strike,n also will be paranoid n not be able to enjoy the next pregnancy.It is unfair to the next young one as our anxiety will also affect the little one's growth.
So we decided to take it easy n not stress ourselves up.

Hi porky,
There are soo many insensitive or shd i say sotong pp who dun understand how we feel,i have frens/relatives who can tell me "still young can try","it is not meant to be","my fren went to buy KFC when dr asks her to bedrest n she lost the baby!"
Wah i tell u,when i heard it,wanna "bush" them up.Then i realise aft a while,they also dunno how to comfort me so this is their way to do it lor.They meant well but the words used are not appropriate lor.
But hor your fren n sil are kind of insensitive.Wanna "bush" them.

Hi ladies,
Jus wanna encourage u girls,i just found out we are 5weeks pregnant last Thurs.We are anxious,n if i may say,every twitch,cramp n every reading of "wat to eat/do n wat not" is driving me nuts n paranoid.We are apprehensive also abt tellin others (my heart is beating very fast as i write this) but we decided to take a step of faith n trust God to protect the little one.
I read this thread almost everyday and I pray we will all be happy mummies one day.
So let's all hang in there,there is HOPE ok?
*baby dust to all*

Congrats to u, PJ ... hope it's our turn soon

Ladies, today is supposed to be Owen's EDD and i've been tearing since yesterday. I just went to get Owen's name tattooed on my wrist.

Owen's with me forever.
