Support group - Miscarriages

hi snuffles, i agree with u. sometimes, it's what we hv gone through tt bring us close together.
we must remain hopeful and positive ok!

are u prepared to quit fr work? i know it can be quite a struggle. i do intend to quit if necessary but at the same, i am concern abt the finances and future. but hving a healthy baby is my top priority now.

i don't think tt yours is an ectopic. if u hv an ectopic pregnancy, it wld hv been a serious case and they wld hv to attend to u urgently. don't worry ok. maybe for both cases, ur body had already discharged the sac? for my cases, i went to see gynae when i was abt 6 wks pregnant (calculate fr LMP - LMP is our 1st day of last menses rt?)

but just in case, r u bleeding badly now or feel any severe pain at either of ur sides? these are usually signs of ectopic.

chromosome testing is through blood test. not sure abt endometrial sample. think it's high possibility tt it's done through blood test rt? i do get nervous doing the blood tests but it will be all over in a very short while. stay calm!

think it wld be a gd idea to see a gynae and get another checkup when u r back. when do u intend to return?

hi ladies,
i went for my gynae's appt this morning.. as expected, he explained dat some ladies do experience prolong spotting after D&C.. nothing unsual.. because there's a 'fresh wound' on the area where the bb is implanted.. so after the D&C, the wound will continue to shed some tissues until my first AF arrives.. he did a v-scan for me, everything inside is veri clear & clear.. no clots or major tissues.. he say my menstrual lining is formed.. so i shd expect AF to arrive 1-2 weeks later.. dis prolonged spotting will not affect my cycles at all.. then he pressed my abdomen from left to right & check my cervix & say everything is normal... on a personal note, when i saw the empty uterus on the screen, my heart is aching inside...

asked him abt the 'milk discharge' dat i had last week, he say my body is preparing for motherhood, will take some time for the breasts to go back to normal...

my lab test conclusion is 'degenerative products of conception', dat means bb is not healthy... & i had an incomplete abortion.. i dint bother to ask him how come neber check for malignancy, molar preg or vitilitis(dunno hw to spell)...

i oso asked him abt whether is it true dat women r more fertile immediately after D&C, he luffed & ask me where i heard it from.. jus anyhow told him old folks' tales dat i heard.. he say not true lah.. as long as i had unprotected sex on my O-day, i can get pregnant easily... ;p felt abit stupid after dis, as if i dunno meh??!!!!

he oso strongly advise me not to get preggie so soon, let my AF comes for at least 2-3 cycles first... let everything go back to normal first..

finally, he wished me all the best & good luck when i'm ready to try again... there's no follow-ups required anymore..

both me & hubby felt dat we will not go back to dis gynae anymore for future pregnancy... cos there's a 'shadow' inside us, especially me.. no doubt he's a good gynae, i like his clinic's environment & the hospital.. but i guess it's difficult for me to completely let go of all the memories i had there...
hi Ocean,
actually it's me who tot of the worst possible scenarios lah... not hubby... i've been veri pessimistic after my miscarriage.. even when we watch 'All In' (last episode last sat), i keep on telling hubby the show will not hv good ending, blah blah blah...
u put it veri aptly leh.. i think the moment we preggie, we'll never stop worrying for our child!
i think bbs from 4-5 mths onwards r the cutest & they r not as fragile liao... & yes!! after 3 years old, they can be quite monsterous.. hahah.. my nephew is 5 yrs old now.. everyday create havoc at home.. he is onie cute when he's sleeping... hehee...

hi ariella,
i've been dying to hit the gym & pool since 2 weeks ago, but due to my prolonged spotting, i hv to postpone cos dun wan to further aggravate the condition... i really need to sweat out all the negative tots in my mind!!! good for u...

hi snuffles,
5-7 weeks refers to the period after ur LMP... when i cldn't see a sac at 5 weeks, my gynae told me i cld hv ovulated later than expected or the sac cld be implanted at a corner of the uterus, not in the centre, so veri diffcult to detect it..
big hugz to u...
Hi Millie,

Yup. Am fully prepared to quit job and leave for home if that's what it takes. During my stay at the hospital, I prayed very hard daily, even telling God that I will give up everything for the health of my bb. But I guess HE wants to give me a better bb? Anyway, I'm very low maintenance lah... so hubby should not have to struggle to feed me.

The v scan for the 1st preg was done after the sac was discharged so we did not expect to see anything. We however did a couple of v scans during my stay in the hospital for the 2nd preg (and way before the m/c started) and still there was nothing. In both cases, I had a complete natural m/c which lasted abt 8/9 days. Not much clots apart from a large piece each time (2nd m/c lab test said it was products of conception but there was no embryonic villi)and the volume of blood is very similar to a normal period.

The pain I had prior to the m/c has stopped altho' sometimes tummy can be bloated and a little achy? Did u experience that? I also managed to see a new large follicle abt 12 days after the onset of the m/c. Endometrial sample can only be obtained via vaginal and dilation of cervix so I'm very scared!!

Won't it be great if we could both post our success stories here together? After all their mothers have been thru', maybe our bbs would get to be friends someday.

Hi Tubby,
I know it's hard to be upbeat but we must try! I was so paranoid during my 2nd preg I must have checked my underwear for spotting every hour. Let ur body tell u when it's ready to ttc again, and go easy on the sports! Take care good friend, we will pull through it.
Hi gals,

I am back from BKK. It was great, eating, shopping and massaging. I remember someone saying that they are going to BKK during National Day weekend (millie?).. let me know if you want tips!

Hi Snuffles, Big hugs to you across the ocean! Actually , I read your posting while in BKK but did not have a chance to respond. You are a strong gal! I hope your decision to take a break from work will allow you to recuperate and revitalise

How are all our preggie friends?
Hope you are not too affected by morning sickness!

As for me, I have a couple more days before I know if AF will come. Today is supposedly 12 DPO, based on Fertility friend charts. Temp is still high. It dipped on the second day that I arrived in BKK and I thot that's it. Then I went to pray at the four face buddha shrine and the next day, the temp shot back up again. hahaha.. anyway, I will accept whatever the outcome this month. Pray hard that AF stays away!

Dear Snuffles, Millie, Folic...and all,
Hi there, Folic welcome back. Oh I had forgotten you'd gone to Bangkok with your sis for leisure! I thought it was another working trip. Nice to find some time to have a break! And good timing too! So now you're refreshed & charged up for some good ol' loving?

Snuffles, you will be fine. If you managed to see a new large follicle after 12 days, it looks like your cycle will be soon back to normal! It took quite a while for me. Dilation of the cervix is done by inserting a pill right? I remember that's what they did before my D&C. Do you mean that if you want to do further testing you will need to do that? Anyway, just to ssure you, once the pill is in place, it will take a few hours to soften but there was no pain. Whatever it is, don't lose hope. My gynae's only advise was to keep trying. What else can we do?

I went shopping for some maternity wear today. I can't fit into my pants anymore. But I was in a dilemma cos it was so expensive, and I kept asking my hubby if it's worth buying now, or should I wait a while more just in case...etc...he was really understanding but i think he was quite taken aback that i still have doubts and fears about this pregnancy, altho everything seems to be fine since the last scare when I bled in HK. In the end I decided to just take the plunge, after all, even if anything were to happen, I am certain I will still need them one day, some day! My hubby seemed relieved I finally made up my mind. Sigh. Sometimes we just think too much.
ladies, i personally know the couple featured on wong lilin's jakob. walter and his wife are very strong indeed. they are catholics with great faith and treasure the gift god has given them. God will bless them and help them thru this period of difficulties.
erm, btw i just happened to see this post...preparing for my AD next year and of course i am not pregnant.
Morning Everybody!!
I hope all of you are feeling better today! Think there is a saying of <font color="ff0000">Today is always better than yesterday!</font>

<font color="119911">Snuffles</font>, i really dont noe what to say. But i am glad that you are thinking positively. I do wish that few mths down the road, we can hear that you and <font color="ff6000">Millie</font> had conceived successfully and the babies are slowly growing healthly. This is what we all have wish for! However, in the meantime, do take extra care of yourself.

<font color="aa00aa">Folic</font>, welcome home!! You must have enjoy yourself greatly!
So now, let's hope that AF is away and away. You have left ur aunty in BKK!!

<font color="0077aa">Tubby</font>, was happy to learn that your gynae had told you that you are going back to your normal cycle soon!!
Try not to worry too much! Take things slowly at a time, ok!
Finally managed to find time to pop in. How's everyone?

I had a great birthday... now counting down to the next one... actually mix feelings lah cos which means I am getting older >.<

Hubby told me last Thursday that he could be outstationed for work... and it could be during my 'O'... a bit disappointed actually but today he said the trip will be deferred ^.^ v so time for war *evil grin*

Tubby... I hope you are doing well. Ermm... I had the same feeling as you when I saw my empty uterus *huggies*
HI everyone,

the thread seemed quiet today.
Thanks for the welcome home. I thoroughly enjoyed myself!

Happy belated birthday odie! So where di you go makan and celebrate? Hope you have good news this month!

Tubby, I did not have another scan after the miscarriage. However, memories flood back when I went for my annual check up and I did a scan... and that was 4 months after.. Just take good care of yourself! Looks like you are on the road to discovery!

Actually, I am quite excited now... My temp is still high and I am supposedly 13 DPO. However, based on my chart, I really think it should be 15 DPO already. I am trying to post the chart here so that you gals can help me gauge. Have never uploaded before so hopefully it will work.


Let me know what you think ok?
My hubby says I am not allowed to tell anyone if we succeed, including ' my web friends' (as he calls you gals
) So, I must find a way to let you gals know if it is BFP without really saying
.. if it is indeed good news! hahaha

Goody.. i manage to upload. As you can see, FF thinks I o'd on CD 29 but I think it should be CD 27... and the dip on CD 39 (which I mentioned in the earlier post) could be implantation dip... wat say you gals??


I agree with u.. think it may be cd27. However, other signs like cervical mucus, mid cycle cramp etc can be taken into account to determine more accurately when is your o day
erm.. since u cant tell us directly... hey r u trying to tell us thru this bbt graph that u already succeed?!?
Hope to hear your good news!
Hey folic... I have no experience in charting but base on the minimal knowledge that I have... I think your chances are quite high this time. Will keep my fingers and toes crossed for you. So normally how long are your cycles? Any other signs?

Went for a spa session at Spa Botanica in the morning... and attended Kevin Kern's concert in the evening. Nothing too special with the dinner cos had to catch the concert... just settled for Al Dente at the Esplanade... but overall it was good
hi pooohy, no... i hv not tested.. just wondering
I will see tomorrow's temp and then decide whether to test or not.

all of you open eyes big big for any hints ok ? haahaa

Hi odie, thanks for your input too. Always wanted to try spa botanica
Actually, I am a spa queen too
(besides eating and holidaying :D) I went for massage everyday while in BKK!! and each session is like 2 hours!!

Btw, I don't really have any symptoms at all. That is why I not quite positive that it is good news. So, we shall all wait and see tomorrow's temp.

Folic... your hobbies sounds like mine :p I highly recommend Spa Botanica... nice place and definitely worth the money.

Wah seh... that's quite an indulgence ;)

Good luck to you... hope to hear your good news tomorrow morning!!!!
hi snuffles,
i had bad flu on sat evening, lucky no fever, until now, still sneezing away.. i guess my body is telling to relax.. dun think of exercise now.. my hubby has exempted me from all hsework until my 1st AF finishes.. so better make sure i really take good care of myself now.. U take care too!!

Hi Tiny,
happy for u dat u r shopping for maternity wear now...
makes me drool u know... hehe...

Hi Ocean,
u sounded veri chirpy today... must be ur precious lil' one giving u a good time over the weekend ya...

Hi Odie,
happy baby-dancing... hope to hear good news from u soon...
*huggies back*

hey hey Folic,
veri excited to see ur chart!! really looks promising leh!!! the implantation dip looks veri obvious.. pray pray veri hard dat ur temp remains high tomoro.. i will login early early to see ur good news tomoro... hhmm.. u dun hv to say anything to us, just post ur chart up here...

to Ocean, Tiny &amp; LiteBreeze, pls spray all ur baby dusts on Folic now..

my heart feels lighter as compared to 3 weeks ago, even when i do cry, it's not as bad liao.. i plan to go for facial &amp; hair treatment dis week.. hopefully will feel better after pampering myself.... but still, i am uneasy abt meeting wif frens.. i hv a pregnant galfren whose birthday is coming up soon... i dun think i can face her as yet... i hope she understands from my point of view...
hi folic,
you are back!!!! miss u so much!!!! I was comparing your chart with mine, to see for any clues. Do you have any previous charts? If you have, you can do a merging of the charts to better see any patterns. Really pray hard for you now!!!!

hi Tiny,
There's this maternity wear shop in international plaza at Tanjong Pagar that sells maternity clothes at a reasonable price.
<font color="aa00aa">Folic</font>, finally it's your turn coming.
Very KanCheong
, right?
Here's a
for you!!!

We will be praying hard for you too...
hi snuffles,

if the endometrical sample testing wld help in assessing the causes, be brave and go through it. as what tiny mentioned, it is painless. gd luck to the testings!

i do look forward to ttc-ing again. we will get to post our success stories here one day.
hey, maybe we can meet up when u are back in spore.

folic, welcome back! as far as i can see fr the chart, it looks promising. really pray that u hit the jackpot this time!
i am wondering now how u r going to drop ur big hint....hee...

tiny, how r u? be positive okay. u'll be fine.
<font face="verdana"> Hi <font color="0000ff">eve</font><font color="aa00aa">ryb</font><font color="119911">ody</font>,
Has been loaded with work lately so not been posting for a long time. Its our companys year-end this month sigh! Getting ready for audit again.

Hi <font color="119911">tubby</font>,
Since you are not feeling well - take rest and leave the housework to you hubby. Aiyo...Your 1st AF is here oredi? Mine kind of took that two-three months short break, gone for a holiday and forgot to come back I think. Im still waiting for it to come visit me leh. I kept asking my hubby with the same question every night. Why my auntie never come har?

Hi <font color="0077aa">jus</font>,
Thank you so much for your kind welcome. Time indeed helps to soothe our pain.

Oh.. and hi <font color="ff6000">Odie</font>,
Hope Im not the last one to send you my best wishes..</font> <font face="comic sans ms"> <font color="0000ff">HAPPY</font> <font color="aa00aa">BELATED</font> <font color="ff0000">BIRTHDAY</font>!!</font>

<font face="verdana"> Hi <font color="0000ff">snuffles &amp; Millie</font>,
Im so sorry to hear about your loss U must heal your body well. Don't worry/think too much. I know it's easier said then done.. but we have to try harder and move on. Tomorrow will be better! You never know - a couple of months later, you'll be announcing to us your good news also!!

Hi <font color="ff0000">Folic</font>,
Welcome back!! From the day I started following this thread, you have been traveling either for work or for leisure. I really xian mu you leh. How I wished I can put down my work, enjoy the sightseeing, shopping and eating.. Wow! Imagine! Massaging everyday in BKK!!
Hope to hear your good news huh! Took a "peek" in your temp chart just now.</font>
Good morning gals! so many postings overnite ;) Looks like I generate some excitement huh?

Joyce, your praying emoticon is so funny!!

Java, miss me huh?

The STORK market index went up to 36.92 today.
I think that is a POSITIVE sign. Other market research confirms that the index will remain high but it is too early for a strong confirmation. "Investors" should check the STORK index in the next few days for stronger signs.

Dear Folic,
I logged in early just to see if the stork brought you a beautiful fantastic present!
happy.gif does sound like it's on the way! Keep us posted
Have a nice day!
Miao... no worries... never too late ;)

Folic... congrats in advance... didn't see anything except the big fat "positive" in your posting :p
hi folic,
So when are you getting a STORK manager from to confirm that your index will remain high for very very long? I log in to monitor the STORK index, usually I invest China and India ..... Bangkok.....hmmmm first time I'm monitoring it....
<font color="ff6000">Folic</font>, u seemed to invest in the correct <font color="ff0000">Stork</font> huh!??!!!
I do hope this <font color="ff0000">Stork</font> will fetch u a <font size="+2">BIG BONUS</font> so that all of us can share the joy together!! Do keep us posted for the latest <font color="ff0000">Stork</font> news!!

<font color="0077aa">Tubby</font>, no, i dont feel good yesterday!
But i try to be cheerful!
Had spotting for the last 2 days! It appeared that my spotting never stopped.
Hubby was telling me that he felt quite insecure hearing me complaining here pain and there pain
and thus he dun dare to announce my pregnancy to his family yet!!
But then, i just try to be positive. My appt will be next Mon and hope everything is fine!!

<font color="aa00aa">Miao</font>, I felt that way too.
Remembered myself waiting impatiently for the 1st AF to come!! Everyday grumbling
to hubby too! Kekee...
Hi gals,

have not been posting lately due to some family problem. Anyway, it is not very serious and I will get over it very soon.

Just want to update you on my status now. Apparently, I have not been able to ovulate after my 1st AF on 25 May as I have not have my AF for almost 50 days liao. Called my gynae yesterday and he asked me to see him asap. Quite worried as I do not know wat tests he is going to perform on me. Am seeing him tomorrow and will update you gals when I am back.

Hi Folic,

Like what miao has mentioned, you are always traveling for work and leisure. So Envious!!!

AND, Congratulations to you in advance. I think you have made it this time.
Hi Java,

I will be replenishing my stork manager tonite. This morning, I used my remaining one and the results were quite faint.


can see the left line?? Can't really capture well on the camera.

Miao2/tiantian, no need to envious. Travelling for work gets really boring after a while. After I get married, I find that I miss my hubby very much when I sleep alone in hotels. But travelling for fun is another matter altogether
I am glad I went to BKK, looks like I won't be going anywhere else anytime soon!

Hi Java,

read in the other thread you got wind in your tummy? Drink ginger tea. It helped me the last time. You can buy those sachets from supermarket.

Big Big HUGZ to Folic!!!! the line is definitely there!!! A line is a LINE... remember??!! hehehe.. Congratz!!

sorrie i loggin so late... dis few days seems to hv sleeping disorder like dat... must sleep until 10 or 11 then can wake up... hvn't brush my teeth &amp; the first thing is to check ur good news!!!

dear miao,
i am still spotting leh... AF not here yet... getting lighter but it's still enuff to iritate me badly... i dun think my AF wld come on the dot at 4 weeks cos of dis prolonged spotting.. but still hoping dat it will come soon!!! frankly speaking, i feel so abnormal now.. it's been dunno how long ago since i hv sex wif hubby.. i really wish to resume a 'normal' life soon.. buey tahan liao!!! ;p

dear Ocean,
hugz huz!! I can feel the stress dat u went thru' the past 2 days.. hope today the spotting has stopped &amp; will NOT appear ever again!!!! I'm sure ur visit nix monday will be fine, will see ur precious dancing inside &amp; ur gynae will tell u dat u r 12 weeks plus 3 days preggie..
i'm sure ur hubby will be proud to announce ur pregnancy to family &amp; friends soon...

dear tiantian,
it must be worrying for u right now.. i do hope dat ur gynae will be able to offer u his advice.. dun worry abt the tests yet.. guess the impt thing is to get ur cycle back on track..
all the best tomoro...
has anyone watched 'Friends' last nite?? on the part where chandler (dunno how to spell) was tokking to the pregnant lady whose giving up the bb for adoption.. he begged the lady to consider them &amp; said " I will learn to be a great daddy when the bb arrives, but for my wife, she's orady a mum now" I teared when i heard dis.. how true.. our maternal instincts r orady within us way before we conceived.. we started doing things to make sure we give the best possible environment for our bb... whereas for guys, they will onie change their mentality when they see &amp; touch the bb...

jus needed to get it out my chest again..
hi folic,
I'm very bad at reading pregnancy test kits results. Are u trying to say that your stork manager confirmed the results? If yes, congrats!!!! Wah u say u wan to catch up with me, now u did it!!!

hi ocean,
Last night i had a bad night of vomiting, until this morning when I urine, I saw traces of dried blood in my discharge again. I also very scared and hope it will not happen again. So this morning, I drank lots of water to replenish the night of vomiting. Actually I'm still taking my hormone pills, but these few days my nausea is so bad I even vomited the medication.
Hi Ladies,

Good Day!

I have been drowning myself in exercise. But maybe due to that I think I caught yeast infection or some vaginal infection..??? I am not sure!! Last week, after passing urine, i wiped myself and on the tissue there is this big piece of yellow glue-like discharge. I dun feel any burning sensation just abit itchy. I was wondering if u gal encounter that before. Going to see gynae tomorrow and see wat she say.

Hi Folic

Congratulation! Very happy for u!

The last time when i found out that i am pregnant, also after returning from BKK. Dunno is it the buddha's blessing! Take good care now
Hi gals, thanks for reading my stork market report.

I think there is a line but I will do another test maybe 2-3 days later to confirm before going to the docs. I am surprisingly calm this time
The last time, I morning test, afternoon run to gynae liao. Hahaha.

Ariella, I think so that it is buddha's blessing
LIke I said, the temp went right back up after I prayed at the temple.

Now, i really truly hope that it is true. That means the lot I got from the guanyin temple last month is also spot on. Not sure if I shared with you girls, but the lot says that I will be expecting a baby soon. And that is the exact sentence on the lot.. not some words that I am trying to interpret

For your discharge, I think it is better to go see a doc. It does sound like infection.

Java, hope I really catch up with you
then I can join you in the other thread and talk about morning sickness etc ok? Somehow, I feel that these two months are very rewarding for those who tried really hard

Tubby, so shiok sleep so late
and thanks for your great support to login even b4 brushing teeth! hahaha I did not watch friends last nite but I think that was a beautiful dialog.

ocean, are you still spotting? Hope you rest well and don't get too stressed ok?

I am going off now. Second round of interviews for the new job that I am applying for (same company, different dept). Hope that will go smoothly as well. Will probably login again only tomorrow.

hi Java,

hv u tried eating sour plums to curb ur nausea?? personally i find dat it works on me... when u feel the onset of nausea, jus pop 1 into ur mouth.. quite shiok...
take care...

seems like i need to go BKK to get Buddha's blessings when i start to TTC... hehee... i am always veri scared to pray for lots when i am at Guan Yin temple.. worried dat i will get a bad lot &amp; affect my mentality... rather not know the unknown... but then if get good lots, then will boost up my morale... contradicting hor??!!

hi Folic,
no problem!!! i enjoy looking at BFP (be it double lines or positive sign).. jus makes me day.. all the best for ur interview now... hope it's double happiness for u dis week!!
Hi folic,

congrates. Do take very good care of yourself ok?

Hi ariella,

I also have some yellowish sometimes brown discharge for the past days but they aren't a lot and not itchy. I suspect that is the sign of AF coming, will monitor myself for the next few days.
But I think it is good idea for youto visit gynae for checkup.

Same here, I found out about my last pregnancy after coming back from visits to many temples in thailand

I went to guanyin temple after my miscarriage, just to have a peace fo mind. Dare not pray for lot because worried that i will get negative lot
Wow, so many postings! It's so nice to come in and see them, and find out how everyone is doing!

These rainy days are making me want to zzzzzzzzzzz.....

Hi Folic,
It looks like your STORK has arrived! CONGRATS!
Very happy for you! Think I will make plans to go to BBK in a couple of months...

Hi Tubby,
It's been 19 days and I am still spotting too! When is this going to end? I miss sex too! *blush*

I have also made appt for facial and want to do something to my hair. I read somewhere that when women have gone through something major in their lives, they tend to react by changing their hairstyle. Coincidence or not -- one of my first thoughts was to colour my hair!
<font color="ff6000">Folic</font>,
Congrats for the <font color="ff0000">BIG FAT BONUS</font>!! You have made it! I was also remembering abt the lot that your hubby draw for you earlier in Guanyin Temple abt u having baby too!!

Oh dear <font color="0000ff">Java</font>, u throw out the medicine? Maybe u try to crush them and put together with your drinks! How you are feeling today?
I also wish that my spotting will disappear forever, but it seemed to leave me for just one or two days, and then visit me again!

<font color="aa00aa">Tian tian</font>, all the best for ur gynae visit tomorrow. Do keep us update! Not sure abt what problem u are facing but glad that things are not that serious. Pls take care hor!

<font color="0077aa">Tubby</font>, thanks for your concern! I do pray that everything will be fine, but seriously the shadows of the past failure will always cast a doubt on me! So the thing is must try to stay positive.

Well, remember i did went to Guanyin temple to pray before i later tested and found an almost invisible line? I just try to remember that i got a good lot, though hubby got a medium lot. Had been consoling myself that my pregnancy should be fine but with a few scares!!
*huggies* Ocean.... try not to think too much... I'm sure your upcoming visit will be able to set your mind at ease.

Jujube... same here. One week after the miscarriage I went to rebond my hair. Had put it off because of the wedding earlier this year and shortly thereafter I was too tired to think of anything when I was pregnant. It was theraputic to see my hair all straight and shiny... a first step to get my life back to normal again. I say go for it!!! ;)
hi all,
Still remember last time I told you all about my colleague who gave birth last November. Today someone told me that she is pregnant again! Some ppl really very easily get pregnant hor? Like switch on the water tap.
Hi gals

I just tested again this morning. I used the digital test from Clearblue. It beeped 'pregnant' in less than 1 min
I think that means yes liao lah hor? Anyone used it before? Will it turn from 'pregnant' to 'not pregnant'??

I will prob go see the docs next week. In the meantime, I will increase my folic acid intake
Still not much symptoms, just a little painful boobs. I think I should not pray for morning sickness lah hor?

Java, you feeling better? I will join you gals in the other thread after I see the gynae, ok?

hi folic,
Look forward to seeing u there. BTW I followed your advice and bought the ginger tea sachets. Haven tried drinking those yet, but I've been drinking the instant logan and red dates tea to replace plain water. My stomach wind seems to be lesser *cross finger*

This Friday, I'm going to see gynae again. Pls pray for me and bb, okie? Thanks a million.
Java... things happen when we least expect I guess =)

Folic... big big congrats to you. So happy for you *huggies*
