Hi All,
I just had my first miscarriage at 8 weeks 3 days. This was my first pregnancy.
Initially I was spotting for about a week and my gynae ordered bed rest. Nearing the end of the week, my spotting turned into fresh red blood with slight cramping and I went to a&e at kkh immediately.
Dr said that I’m having a threatened miscarriage and baby’s heartbeat is very slow. There was nothing they can do as it is still very early on. They sent me home and I miscarried naturally at home. Broke down when I felt the sac coming out and I couldn’t contain it within.
Even though I’m heartbroken but I’m trying to be strong for my husband and family as they all have been very supportive and focusing on recovering well.
Just want to seek all of your advice, how long do you all wait after a MC to try again? I fear that if I try too soon, I will end up in a MC again
Do you all take prenatal vitamins like blackmores conceive well gold? Any other recommendations of vitamins that you take?
Appreciate your time and advice.