Support group - Miscarriages

Dun read now..... dun google.... just wait for the results.... keep ur mind off and do other things.... like read a book, watch korean drama? watch movies?
Hope, there are more worries to come by after bfp So it's nvr ending. Anyway after give birth it's another set of worries So I can only say take a step at a time...
I tik being a mother we have more worries than the father...
ya like what dolly says, even ivf, and higher hcg also can result. so don't worry first. try not to worry.
for me NUH think 70 will still increase. so instead of doing one more blood test, I did a scan at 5 weeks to rule out ectopic pregnancy since I had one before. then one more apt at 6w to check heartbeat
Hope, there are more worries to come by after bfp So it's nvr ending. Anyway after give birth it's another set of worries So I can only say take a step at a time...
I tik being a mother we have more worries than the father...
Excellent totally agree w u.
We got too many things to worry nv had an ending.
We all jiayou o :)
ya like what dolly says, even ivf, and higher hcg also can result. so don't worry first. try not to worry.
for me NUH think 70 will still increase. so instead of doing one more blood test, I did a scan at 5 weeks to rule out ectopic pregnancy since I had one before. then one more apt at 6w to check heartbeat
Cos dr want to ensure b4 proceed w ivig as it is costly. .
Really lor chem, ectopic den mc many thing must try to take thing step by step
Congrats dear Give a hope!! Healthy pregnancy for u!!
Jann- yes it is normal to bleed for 5 days :)
Thanks but still need to worry till weekend now bed rest at home will think more haha which need to control myself from thinking it.
We will have endless worries compared to those who have np in their pregnancy. ..
Give a hope: go watch running man or anything to distract yourself. Think so much also no use but I know it's difficult to control. I find that when I watch running main I can really forget about all the worries for a while.
But why did your Dr suspect is chemical pregnancy?
Give a hope: go watch running man or anything to distract yourself. Think so much also no use but I know it's difficult to control. I find that when I watch running main I can really forget about all the worries for a while.
But why did your Dr suspect is chemical pregnancy?
Ya got to start watch drama to keep myself busy
Oh cos he said hcg still v low 2 scenarios 1 could be too early to do hcg cos still in early stage 1 more is chem preg
Hi girls went to see the doc today. Have a polyp inside...anyone removed polyp before? Ang bleeding or cramps after surgery? Cuz my next ops is on Thursday or next mth (I can choose) I m going malaysia over the weekend , scare to have bleeding/ wondering if I shd proceed this thurs of next mth fof the op :( thxs!
Thanks but still need to worry till weekend now bed rest at home will think more haha which need to control myself from thinking it.
We will have endless worries compared to those who have np in their pregnancy. ..

Jia you! You just throw and leave your negative thoughts in this forum here. Beyond this forum, do something nice for yourself and don' think anymore.
Hi ladies, I found this.

My doc also suspect that either I have fibroids/ polyp / scarring after the DnC, so have to go back for HSG scan next month. :(

Thanks for sharing. I got a fibroid too, but that was before mc happened. Its small and at a corner of the womb so gynae say just leave it alone as it will not cause any harm so long it does not grow rapidly.
Seems like it is common to have fibroids and not removed. But polyps required to remove. I am more worried about scarring which is not so common. Good to discuss in this forum and share.
Hi girls went to see the doc today. Have a polyp inside...anyone removed polyp before? Ang bleeding or cramps after surgery? Cuz my next ops is on Thursday or next mth (I can choose) I m going malaysia over the weekend , scare to have bleeding/ wondering if I shd proceed this thurs of next mth fof the op :( thxs!
Hi some bleeding after surgery. Cramps i dunno cuz had painkillers. It is resolved v quickly no need to worry :)
I went bk for review ytd. Scan shows that sav and foetal tissues had passed out. Still have abt 8mm of lining remain. Now I'm still spotting. Hopefully all will expel cleanly. My hcg is still high at 1700. Dr says will see me on d10 of next cycle. If by then lining is not triple due to fibroid or anything that is remained then will suggest a hysteroscopy to clear and remove. Hopefully will clear everything on its own..
Hi all back again. Happy to hear good news here. Dunno is it only me or what...when I hear friends getting pregnant will get so jealous. But when i hear good news here...sincerely feel so happy...prob cos it brings hope to me.

Went to see TSB yesterday...luckily someone cxl the appt so i managed to be slot in so fast. Dunno for what reason, when she heard i was seeing Dr Chan at Marine Parade...she smiled and laughed it off. Anyway hope she will bring me good news....and hubby likes her (prob waiting time is short and aircondition unlike Dr Chan).

To those who are recovering or need to go for operation...take care and stay positive. On a bright least fibroids and such can be removed. I had a cyst removed few years ago. It was so huge that keyhole cant remove and ended with an open surgery (one and a half surgery became a 6 hrs, and 5 days hospitalised). So can totally know how it feels.

Guess hope is the only thing that keeps us moving. Tts why we are give each other support and hope which outside ppl do not feel what we feel.

I went bk for review ytd. Scan shows that sav and foetal tissues had passed out. Still have abt 8mm of lining remain. Now I'm still spotting. Hopefully all will expel cleanly. My hcg is still high at 1700. Dr says will see me on d10 of next cycle. If by then lining is not triple due to fibroid or anything that is remained then will suggest a hysteroscopy to clear and remove. Hopefully will clear everything on its own..

Better to clear it properly and no further issues after that. You will recover soon, just take some time.

Not like my first gynae, dun wan to test anything after the operation! Angry. Just ask me to try immediately. A bit irresponsible I feel. Now with 2nd gynea, at least he is more detailed and want to make sure I am okie before we try to conceive again.
Hi all back again. Happy to hear good news here. Dunno is it only me or what...when I hear friends getting pregnant will get so jealous. But when i hear good news here...sincerely feel so happy...prob cos it brings hope to me.

Went to see TSB yesterday...luckily someone cxl the appt so i managed to be slot in so fast. Dunno for what reason, when she heard i was seeing Dr Chan at Marine Parade...she smiled and laughed it off. Anyway hope she will bring me good news....and hubby likes her (prob waiting time is short and aircondition unlike Dr Chan).

To those who are recovering or need to go for operation...take care and stay positive. On a bright least fibroids and such can be removed. I had a cyst removed few years ago. It was so huge that keyhole cant remove and ended with an open surgery (one and a half surgery became a 6 hrs, and 5 days hospitalised). So can totally know how it feels.

Guess hope is the only thing that keeps us moving. Tts why we are give each other support and hope which outside ppl do not feel what we feel.


Why TSB smile when she heard Dr Chan's name ah? I am now with Dr Chan for traditional chinese medicine. His medicine super bitter!!! :eek: And agree, the waiting time is super long!
Hi Sok Koon...i also dunno...din ask further. Prob she had quite a few who went to see her before was Dr Chan's patient. Anyway dun worry ba...i heard successful stories abt him. Decided to change cos see if another sinseh will have different diagnosis/treatment to help me. But i quite like TSb cos she is really detailed...ask many many qns from when i had my first mensus which i dun even rmb lo. And she got me to chart my BBT so that she knows if i ovulated. Dr Chan can always can tell if i ovulated by feeling my pulse....which im quite skeptical.

Ya the medicine and q is crazy....and worse on hot days like recently. Even my hubby drank his medicine said is worse than disgusting lo.
My dh tried both Dr Chan n tsb medication he said both suan suan he dun like... Anyway no improvement for him n we gg thru ivf So I just stop his then.
Correct me if im far din hear much abt guys seeing chinese medicine and works for the sperm count and quality rite....

Actually there is. My hubby had sperm count problem in the past. He went to see tcm and did acupuncture at the same time. Only took 3 months to increase the sperm count more 4x.
I went bk for review ytd. Scan shows that sav and foetal tissues had passed out. Still have abt 8mm of lining remain. Now I'm still spotting. Hopefully all will expel cleanly. My hcg is still high at 1700. Dr says will see me on d10 of next cycle. If by then lining is not triple due to fibroid or anything that is remained then will suggest a hysteroscopy to clear and remove. Hopefully will clear everything on its own..

At least the sac and fetal tissues are out, nw jz need time to recover bk ur health... hopefully my review tmr will be good too...
Correct me if im far din hear much abt guys seeing chinese medicine and works for the sperm count and quality rite....

Seems like chinese medicine focus on women more. For men, nothing much leh. Even for low sperm count or quality also cannot do much I think.

Even western, gynea focus on me, not my hubby.... Feels like it is my problem.... both the gyneas never said to test my hubby....
Seems like chinese medicine focus on women more. For men, nothing much leh. Even for low sperm count or quality also cannot do much I think.

Even western, gynea focus on me, not my hubby.... Feels like it is my problem.... both the gyneas never said to test my hubby....

Why like that? When we first went to see gynae after ttc for 2 years without any news, she ordered tests to be done for both of us, but of course ladies have more tests compare to guys.
I think it's better to always check both. And male only need to take one test, very easy. Cos for me it's the male factor issue. Western Dr prescribed carnipure and other vit e and multivits supplements to take but the results always fluctuate. Took Chinese medicine also got improve slightly better before we proceeded for ivf. I've been buying more organic groceries cos my tcm says nowadays all the poultry and food are injected with hormones etc. That's why nowadays so many young pple have problem conceiving.
Btw does any of your have problems sleeping at night after miscarriage? I've not been able to sleep since and can only fall asleep after 4am but by 6am I'll wake up already all the way till 4am again. It's terrible cos I know very bad for my health but I can't seem to sleep or feel tired. Then when I'm awake at night I will still tear a bit. Sigh. I dunno is it like a sign of depression or what. I wanted to ask my gynae for sleeping pills but I think I try to exercise a lot in the day to exhaust myself first. Don't really want to go through the route of using sleeping pills to aid in sleeping.
Btw does any of your have problems sleeping at night after miscarriage? I've not been able to sleep since and can only fall asleep after 4am but by 6am I'll wake up already all the way till 4am again. It's terrible cos I know very bad for my health but I can't seem to sleep or feel tired. Then when I'm awake at night I will still tear a bit. Sigh. I dunno is it like a sign of depression or what. I wanted to ask my gynae for sleeping pills but I think I try to exercise a lot in the day to exhaust myself first. Don't really want to go through the route of using sleeping pills to aid in sleeping.

Maybe try chamomile tea before u go to sleep and burn lavender essential oil in the room. i used to have problem sleeping also. I insist not to take sleeping pills, as not good for health for long term.
Just to share about my antibodies test. As I had 2 recurrent miscarriages, gynae recommended the tests to find out if I have antibodies that are preventing the pregnancies from continuing, resulting in miscarriages.

I did the test yesterday (already passed out the sac last Wed). The nurse took 6 tubes of blood from me. Basically will be sent to test for presence of all the antibodies (or almost all). The tests costs me $350 (did it at private clinic at TMC). Results will be out in 2 weeks time.
Just to share about my antibodies test. As I had 2 recurrent miscarriages, gynae recommended the tests to find out if I have antibodies that are preventing the pregnancies from continuing, resulting in miscarriages.

I did the test yesterday (already passed out the sac last Wed). The nurse took 6 tubes of blood from me. Basically will be sent to test for presence of all the antibodies (or almost all). The tests costs me $350 (did it at private clinic at TMC). Results will be out in 2 weeks time.
Did u test protein s also?
May be good to test. Before pregnant my results were normal. When I was like 8 or 9th week my results had a sudden drop and below norm levels. So my previous chem preg could be due to sticky blood which is protein s deficiency.

Did u test protein s also?
May be good to test. Before pregnant my results were normal. When I was like 8 or 9th week my results had a sudden drop and below norm levels. So my previous chem preg could be due to sticky blood which is protein s deficiency.
I read about so many tests in this forum until I'm confused haha. I am not sure whether there is protein s test. How did you manage the protein s issue? Take aspirin?
