Support group - Miscarriages

Mine oso 200mg Misoprostol but its 2 tablets every 3 hrs thru vaginal insert... I gt total 10 tablets and the gynae ask me to try to complete the dose...
Hi hazel, so sorry to hear your loss.

Our situation almost same as urs, everything is gd at 6wks wif hb bt gone at 8weeks, devastating indeed. I can't remember how many X wifey & myself cried, eyes swollen till migraine. Beri beri difficult period really.

For our case, Gynae strongly advise on d&c as 8weeks the sag is oredi quite big, shall be too painful for wife to undergo the process of natural dispel. She said will bleed a lot, n have lotsa cramps n pains.

I jus sent wife to Gynae for check-up (2weeks after d&c) whereas I need to attend an impt meeting, hopes everything is fine, I jus SMS her & she told me she's still waiting.

Now pondering hard whether to continue our ttc journey, our 8th ivf cycle will be already if we decide to hang on. Feel like asking a geomancer whether we r really just fated with 2 kids only so that we can move on from this difficult stage of life.

U mus be strong & hang on there with hubby k, feel free to tok to us anytime u feel like to k. Hope... Really hope time can heal our wound, our beri painful wound here.

Dear all.. please dont be despair.. we are not alone on this..

I want to share on what i have done to conceive again..

I stopped bleeding after about 13days.. and my 1st cycle came at ard 35days after. From the day of my DC i had a mini confinement and also did not bathe for bout 2weeks. I also went to see TCM at Eu Yang Sen @ rivervale mall recommended by my colleague who also went thu the same and she got preg soon after. I visited this female therapist called Xiao Qing and continued to take the med for about a mth. I told her all along i have cold feet even before preg.. so she advised me to wear socks in office and to sleep. I also quit the habit to cross my legs which resulted my poor blood circulation. I also tried my best to sleep before 12mn as it is proven that our spleen/kidney are on recovery mode between 11pm - 1am. I continue to drink the red dates and ginger tea for a mth and avoid consuming cold stuff.

after my 1st cycle, i went for pelvic scan to make sure my uterus is back to normal.. I started to TTC before my second cycle and was blessed with a second chance.. i thank God for giving me this chance to correct all my bad habits and do things right again.

So ladies.. dont be despair.. just make sure you take care and prepare our body for the next one. Most importantly is your husband and your emotions to recover. :)
Ya... my mum oso made me drink the red date longan drink... and my meal oso consist of dishes cooked wif ginger and sesame oil, nt sure whether dom is added or nt... but I still bathe with normal shower :(
Btw are any of you seeing tcm to tiao your body back to health? How long after does it take to be able to try to conceive again?

I had mini confinement for two weeks and forbid to take any cold stuff for next two months. I was on TCM after my DnC to help to recover the womb back for the two months and next month will do detailed x-ray. TCM is good for speedy recovery if your body can absorb. For me, I think have to wait for 3-4 months before I can try to conceive.
for my 2nd mc i took the pill orally to expel all the unwanted tissue.. I took 2 or 3 tablets (24 hourly each).
for the bleeding took me about 2 weeks. and my 1st AF came 15 days later..
hi ladies..logging in after quite sometime..

and so sorry to read about new comers joining us here..this is not a nice thread to join :(

But i suppose after all these we will become stronger and will cherish our bbs in future..

Congrats to you dollygal! (dunno if you remember me from the ivf thread sometimes back)

And also congrats again to hopeful mum too!

Can't wait to hear even more good news from both of you and those here who have since started ttcing again..

And wishing all others a speedy recovery (both physically and emotionally) It is essential to recover, cry and move on...

Fight on sisters! Oh + a guy! :) :)
i had a natural mc but without medication.. For me it took me about 1 day with cramps until the sac came out (mine was 11.5weeks) and i still bled for some days after(like normal af)..i supposed cos you were earlier in the trimester ie 6 weeks should be like a heavier AF period+cramps..but do go for a scan to make sure nothing is still sticking to your womb for TCM, would advice you to go after the bleeding stopped, so can nourish back..

men need the emotional letoff hb cried for hours and was still teary a few weeks later..even now we still feel emotional sometimes but it is normal...let the tears flow and wounds heal..if not get better when time goes by..eventually will learn to let go..

Herbal bath
actually i didnt' use any herbal baths just warm showers, just make sure dun catch a chill..the other time someone suggested to add some rice wine to a bucket of warm water and use to bathe too..
Hi chrisl, after a year from last mc. I m glad to b back w a bfp. In between there were some hurdles to my health as well.

How are u?
hi ladies..logging in after quite sometime..

and so sorry to read about new comers joining us here..this is not a nice thread to join :(

But i suppose after all these we will become stronger and will cherish our bbs in future..

Congrats to you dollygal! (dunno if you remember me from the ivf thread sometimes back)

And also congrats again to hopeful mum too!

Can't wait to hear even more good news from both of you and those here who have since started ttcing again..

And wishing all others a speedy recovery (both physically and emotionally) It is essential to recover, cry and move on...

Fight on sisters! Oh + a guy! :) :)
It's been awhile! Hope u are doing well.
hehe dollygal and hopeful im good thanks..been busy as went for 2 trips and my mum and sister came for a visit for 2 weeks :) KLM was having promotion - $899 for to and fro anywhere in europe :)
Wow shiok. Holiday in Europe... my last holiday was during cny to hk Disneyland w my family n godson before I start my fresh cycle as it was a lucky draw prize won, better utilise it in case pregnant n can't travel. Heng make the rite decision...
hehe yeah really needed a get away for ourselves away from PIL who are living next door and they pet sitted our cats lol. Wah you are indeed lucky!! Seems like 2014 is the year for you leh :)
oh and dolly, this cycle what protocol did you used? Which doc you with? what did you do during 2ww that is different?
sometimes really tired ttcing much so i now kinda numb already...and tried so many rounds ivf until i feel my body different now also..too much hormones..and i feel doctors trying to make us lab rats like that..experiment on us and not really listen to us, or plan treatment according to individual cases. It is just a general 'oh, you cannot do it this month must wait til next month many months in our childbearing years can we afford to wait? sigh.. Sorry just ranting, my doc here really made my blood boil..but my hb wanted us to go thru another FET should this round does not work again..
Ah well needed some to perk myself up thus i googled for some inspirational quotes and just to share ~

"Hope is when we feel the pain that makes us try again." -Chico Science

''Happy are those who dream dreams and are ready to pay the price to make them come true.'' -Leon J. Suenes

"You cannot tailor-make the situations in life, but you can tailor-make the attitudes to fit those situations." -unknown

"And when it rains on your parade, look up rather than down. Without the rain there would be no rainbow." ~G. K. Chesterton
oh and dolly, this cycle what protocol did you used? Which doc you with? what did you do during 2ww that is different?
Was on long protocol. Sad to say w my family history of diabetes, I kana as well at this age. Partly w all the ivf stimulation n hormones jabs, I tik it has bring forward earlier on the diabetes in me. So I was put on insulin since last oct n well control on my diet.I dun have pcos but somehow I feel this helps. I did endo scratch before start the cycle as per gynae advise. Continue my monthly visit w tsb to tiao my body n I went for this body massage tat circulate my hormones. No I didn't go acupuncture. Just like tat lor. First time this cycle I experienced implantation pain but I wasn't aware n had severe cramp on 4th night after et until I teared in pain. I was afraid of ohss so went see dr, he scared of infection as well so put me thru few bt but can't find anything n hcg was at 2 when result was out. Then 2ww as usual I just rest at home n in between sneak out to shopping for awhile lor. No symptoms at all until the day before bt I started spotting n I thot af. On bt day was aso the day I see tsb, first thing she asked me any good news n told her I spotting leh. (I didn't take her medication during 2ww at all, stop rite before er ).she felt my pulse n urged me go home immediately n brew her herbs n let her know once I received call on bt result. It was unbelievable when the call came n said hcg 4k I still blurred n ask wat does it mean. So it was bfp then a week after tat rose to 41k. First scan saw 2 hb n sacs but one was small waterbag n I lost 1 Beanie the day after good Friday n stayed in hospital for 5d4n for bedrest n monitoring.
So from last oct till now, there were all these happening ard me n god gave me a first prize lucky draw to hk Disneyland for 4 fully paid w accommodation n air tix. Tats y I went w my godson n family during cny.
Just started 2nd tri but still worried as oscar result was low risk but dr say number borderline so I just did harmony test ytd. Crossing my finger tat everything is OK. Really hope to have our bb in hand 7 mths down the road..
U jiayou n will see ur rainbow bb soon. Fann wong at 43yo aso preggy so can we. She aso sees tsb as well.
Hi Ladies, just a question.

It is worth doing chromosomes test for couples? My gynea said it is nececessary for me unless I have 3-4 times miscarriage. But it's scary to know that if there is problem with chromosomes, he said that the risk of unsuccessful pregnancy increase to 50%. Does that mean it is better not to get pregnant if there is chromosomes problems?
I think it just means high risk for certain chromosomal disorders and when yu're pregnant, they can look out and test for these disorders. ;)
Hi Ladies, just a question.

It is worth doing chromosomes test for couples? My gynea said it is nececessary for me unless I have 3-4 times miscarriage. But it's scary to know that if there is problem with chromosomes, he said that the risk of unsuccessful pregnancy increase to 50%. Does that mean it is better not to get pregnant if there is chromosomes problems?
ya they normally don't do it unless u have a few miscarraiges. I also did mine after 3 miscarriages. turn out all okay. its not cheap, and usually for one mc, its quite normal. so they usually wont do any tests.
Wow! seems like what you did really helped for you in your case..i hope to be lucky as well this cycle..thanks for your wishes :) and hope you will have a good results on your harmony test ok..just relax hv done everything you could so far..

Was on long protocol. Sad to say w my family history of diabetes, I kana as well at this age. Partly w all the ivf stimulation n hormones jabs, I tik it has bring forward earlier on the diabetes in me. So I was put on insulin since last oct n well control on my diet.I dun have pcos but somehow I feel this helps. I did endo scratch before start the cycle as per gynae advise. Continue my monthly visit w tsb to tiao my body n I went for this body massage tat circulate my hormones. No I didn't go acupuncture. Just like tat lor. First time this cycle I experienced implantation pain but I wasn't aware n had severe cramp on 4th night after et until I teared in pain. I was afraid of ohss so went see dr, he scared of infection as well so put me thru few bt but can't find anything n hcg was at 2 when result was out. Then 2ww as usual I just rest at home n in between sneak out to shopping for awhile lor. No symptoms at all until the day before bt I started spotting n I thot af. On bt day was aso the day I see tsb, first thing she asked me any good news n told her I spotting leh. (I didn't take her medication during 2ww at all, stop rite before er ).she felt my pulse n urged me go home immediately n brew her herbs n let her know once I received call on bt result. It was unbelievable when the call came n said hcg 4k I still blurred n ask wat does it mean. So it was bfp then a week after tat rose to 41k. First scan saw 2 hb n sacs but one was small waterbag n I lost 1 Beanie the day after good Friday n stayed in hospital for 5d4n for bedrest n monitoring.
So from last oct till now, there were all these happening ard me n god gave me a first prize lucky draw to hk Disneyland for 4 fully paid w accommodation n air tix. Tats y I went w my godson n family during cny.
Just started 2nd tri but still worried as oscar result was low risk but dr say number borderline so I just did harmony test ytd. Crossing my finger tat everything is OK. Really hope to have our bb in hand 7 mths down the road..
U jiayou n will see ur rainbow bb soon. Fann wong at 43yo aso preggy so can we. She aso sees tsb as well.
Wow! seems like what you did really helped for you in your case..i hope to be lucky as well this cycle..thanks for your wishes :) and hope you will have a good results on your harmony test ok..just relax hv done everything you could so far..
When u starting ur cycle? Doing it in sg or overseas? Last month when I was at tsb clinic, got 1 ang mo lady before me came all the way from overseas to consult tsb. She is single n went thru 6 times ivf via donor sperm But failed. Tik I heard she gg another cycle this month n schedule to See tsb this week. Tsb said failed so many times then See her she aso can't gives her miracle immediately too..
hehe dolly i'll pm you instead my answer very long..dun want to hijack this thread with ivf matters :)

When u starting ur cycle? Doing it in sg or overseas? Last month when I was at tsb clinic, got 1 ang mo lady before me came all the way from overseas to consult tsb. She is single n went thru 6 times ivf via donor sperm But failed. Tik I heard she gg another cycle this month n schedule to See tsb this week. Tsb said failed so many times then See her she aso can't gives her miracle immediately too..
yesh princessleopard me ok lah, felt better after 2 trips out and also my mum and sis came for visit for 2 weeks and i got them to replenish my asian foodstuffs and some canned foods..they are a must when homesickness strikes lol and i hv been busy renovating one of the room upstairs + gardening..much things to do when summer is here and sun is out :)

Hey Chrisl!! How are you? You had been mia for so long...
yesh princessleopard me ok lah, felt better after 2 trips out and also my mum and sis came for visit for 2 weeks and i got them to replenish my asian foodstuffs and some canned foods..they are a must when homesickness strikes lol and i hv been busy renovating one of the room upstairs + gardening..much things to do when summer is here and sun is out :)

I see. Good to keep yourself occupy! Can understand, somemore you live so far away now. I also bring asian foodstuffs to friends in Europe too. The foods are like precious gems...haha.

So, are you ttc now?
How do you all deal with the pain? I can't stop crying and I don't know what to do. ...


Its normal to have to urge to cry, its a process. I cried non-stop for the first few days, then the frequency get lesser and lesser over the days. Just cry it out, dun endure, I think we have the rights to grieve. At the same time, find something you like to do to keep yourself occupy and distracted from the pain as well.
How do you all deal with the pain? I can't stop crying and I don't know what to do. ...
It's normal to want to kp crying in the beginning. Till date when I tik back I still feel sad n tear in my heart. But I feel u need to cry it out If not may go into depression If kp in it too much...
It is normal to cry... I still cry even after two months whenever I think back about what happen in April. Even started to blame myself that the all the problems lie with me. Don't lose hope. Even though at this stage, I am not sure if things will be fine for me.
How do you all deal with the pain? I can't stop crying and I don't know what to do. ...

Hazelnut..just cry out loud as all of us here did...i feel it is a must and having being there and done is a process of healing...then the followings you might be experiencing too

- Denial
- Anger and resentment
- Blaming on either yourself or others
- Trying to find out why/reasons etc
- Coming to terms/closure

all these are common emotions one experience with a mc..come here talk to us and you'll feel better de..just don't keep all to yourself ok gal..

Also this raw state you are in, you are very not expose yourself to photos of bbs or chn..or surround yourself with ppl who are preggy. If possible dun go reading MTB threads or FB of friends with chn/bb.. cos you are not ready..give yourself time to recover emotionally..

Meanwhile distract yourself with a mini weekend trip/drive or just simply make time together with your hb..because men also feel sad..just that some dun express themselves well enough..Go to sleep if you're tired crying, do some artwork (if you are into handicrafts/ do some facial/manicure/pedicure) things that you usually love doing to make yourself feel better..for me i channeled my energy to baking and cooking food and spending time with my cats/playing with them etc..

at the end..when i got to the point of coming to terms with my loss, my hb and i did a mini burial/funeral for our bb. Some ladies got charms or a keepsake as in memory.. ***hugs***
i had a natural mc but without medication.. For me it took me about 1 day with cramps until the sac came out (mine was 11.5weeks) and i still bled for some days after(like normal af)..i supposed cos you were earlier in the trimester ie 6 weeks should be like a heavier AF period+cramps..but do go for a scan to make sure nothing is still sticking to your womb for TCM, would advice you to go after the bleeding stopped, so can nourish back..

men need the emotional letoff hb cried for hours and was still teary a few weeks later..even now we still feel emotional sometimes but it is normal...let the tears flow and wounds heal..if not get better when time goes by..eventually will learn to let go..

Herbal bath
actually i didnt' use any herbal baths just warm showers, just make sure dun catch a chill..the other time someone suggested to add some rice wine to a bucket of warm water and use to bathe too..
yup it is normal for dh to feel sad but dh usually will try to keep strong for us.
as for bath my mum said ok to bathe w warm water as usually.
we need to mini confinement n eat confinement food as well.
but if possible do went for test b4 ttc. Like my case aft 2 mc I told dh we need to do all the available test hope can find out root cause den only from there I knew that my antibody was in the high side for pregnancy for normal life I'm fine therefore once tested positive I will have to take streiods n call clinic to arrange for ivig. Hopefully everything will ne under control as the 2 mc almost killed me.
sometimes really tired ttcing much so i now kinda numb already...and tried so many rounds ivf until i feel my body different now also..too much hormones..and i feel doctors trying to make us lab rats like that..experiment on us and not really listen to us, or plan treatment according to individual cases. It is just a general 'oh, you cannot do it this month must wait til next month many months in our childbearing years can we afford to wait? sigh.. Sorry just ranting, my doc here really made my blood boil..but my hb wanted us to go thru another FET should this round does not work again..
mbe u shld c another ivf dr. There shld have way to help u n we shld find dr that we comfortable w...
Hi Ladies, just a question.

It is worth doing chromosomes test for couples? My gynea said it is nececessary for me unless I have 3-4 times miscarriage. But it's scary to know that if there is problem with chromosomes, he said that the risk of unsuccessful pregnancy increase to 50%. Does that mean it is better not to get pregnant if there is chromosomes problems?
for me I went to do all required test at pte clinic although it is ex but if can find out the problem that means there is solutions for me so just give it a try. I will need ivig it is ex but hope for the best for my pregnancy. If chromosome problem dr may suggest ivf as it takes only healthy egg n sperm...for me I won try till I done all those required test. And my rheumatologist said we shld take action usually aft 2 mc ppl start to feel thing went wrong need to seek for professional help.
for me I went to do all required test at pte clinic although it is ex but if can find out the problem that means there is solutions for me so just give it a try. I will need ivig it is ex but hope for the best for my pregnancy. If chromosome problem dr may suggest ivf as it takes only healthy egg n sperm...for me I won try till I done all those required test. And my rheumatologist said we shld take action usually aft 2 mc ppl start to feel thing went wrong need to seek for professional help.
Actually with ivf it is also not any higher chances. Chromosomes issues are higher as it not done under a natural selection process. They only select what they deem healthy under the microscopes based on the size and shape etc.... hence lower live broth rates as a result from ivf as.compared to natural.
I'm an ivf pt and even though I have many what they graded as grade 1 embryos also fail. My last round of miscarriage ended also due to chromosomes issues that caused the fetus to stop developing.
May I know where did you do your chromosomes testing cos I heard from my Dr it's not done in spore.
I've done all the nk cells testing etc and everything is normal.
Actually with ivf it is also not any higher chances. Chromosomes issues are higher as it not done under a natural selection process. They only select what they deem healthy under the microscopes based on the size and shape etc.... hence lower live broth rates as a result from ivf as.compared to natural.
I'm an ivf pt and even though I have many what they graded as grade 1 embryos also fail. My last round of miscarriage ended also due to chromosomes issues that caused the fetus to stop developing.
May I know where did you do your chromosomes testing cos I heard from my Dr it's not done in spore.
I've done all the nk cells testing etc and everything is normal.
Yes u r right but if naturally we cant control e eggs n sperm to match the chances even lower. Chromosome test can be done in nuh. Err I think mbe they have this high risk pregnancy unit therefore such test are available. I did my test as recommended by gynae at mt E prof choolani he from nuh but has own clinic there. Why I choose him is touch wood when need help I can c him anytime whereas nuh he only there once a week.
I see. Do u know what's the name of the test and how is the procedure like?
Are u asking abt chromosomal karyotyping tests? I rem some ladies said their normal gynaes also provide such tests. Anyways such tests done in nuh has no subsidy also cox it's an expensive test.
Oh i think I was referring to PGD pre implantation genetic diagnostic testing. Like Doing Chromosomal Testing On The Embryos Before Transferring?

After miscarriage can do foot reflexology to help circulate the blood? I heard it's also an alternative treatment for fertility. But donno if there are any wellness shop that specialise in fertility or just anyone can do.
