Support group - Miscarriages

But look at it at the other way, u can get preggy so Dun give up like wat my gynae told me last year . It's probably luck, yes we may ask y me where there is no answer to it. Most likely due to abnormalities n Beanie stop growing on it's own.

Survived 2X 1 yr old birthday & 1X full month party yesterday! Yes, all in 1day!!

Realli not easy, wifey can't take it Liao when her close frnd ask her any plans for no.3, she almost broke dwn revealing our MC just 1week+ ago. Let's Jia you together bah ladies!!

theres a scientific reason behind getting preggy easily after a MC. i cant explain but there is some truth to that due to some of the hormones that were created during BFP.

anyway take lotsa care, and tiao back ur womb to prime condition so you can have the next successful BFP / delivery.
Watever it is, we have come so far n went thru so much. I m sure we treasure wat we have more than those got it easily. Gg thru all the tears w partner aso hold us stronger than before as well.
Dolly don worry ... All will be fine. Oscar does not give 99 percent accuracy ? Correct me if I'm wrong ya ...

Sok hoon. . . Has ur 1st af reported ? I'm nw also on tcm .. hope when times comes I will be ready .. are u still tking folic acid ? I had stopped aft my mc ..

Hi Bel_Vodka,

I am changing a gynea this month and will ask for a blood profile test to test if i have any antibodies that reject pregnancy. Suppose to go today after work to see this new gynae at TMC but feeling bit tired and frustrated at work today. Not sure if I have the energy or mood to go but for sure I will do that this week. I too have stopped my folic acid after my MC, I can't even remember where i put them in the first place!

I took TCM but I stopped after taking the first dose this month because I had very bad diarrhea. The TCM Mr Chan told me to skip the 2nd dosage and take 3rd and 4th dosage during next week. But I hope this won't reduce the effects by skipping one dosage. We are hoping that we can start trying next month. *fingers cross*.

How about you? How long are you on TCM since your MC? This is my 2nd month after my MC (I just had my first menses).
Hi Bel_Vodka,

I am changing a gynea this month and will ask for a blood profile test to test if i have any antibodies that reject pregnancy. Suppose to go today after work to see this new gynae at TMC but feeling bit tired and frustrated at work today. Not sure if I have the energy or mood to go but for sure I will do that this week. I too have stopped my folic acid after my MC, I can't even remember where i put them in the first place!

I took TCM but I stopped after taking the first dose this month because I had very bad diarrhea. The TCM Mr Chan told me to skip the 2nd dosage and take 3rd and 4th dosage during next week. But I hope this won't reduce the effects by skipping one dosage. We are hoping that we can start trying next month. *fingers cross*.

How about you? How long are you on TCM since your MC? This is my 2nd month after my MC (I just had my first menses).
Hii sok koon. .
I didn't noe or rem there such blood profile test... keep me update on ur report ya .. my gynae didn't advise me to go for any further testing...
Im Gg to take folic acid again ... mentally avoiding it ..
I'm on tcm aft mc on 23 apr .. took about 10 days of the far the med tsb prescribed to me is ok .. juz started taking btt as per requested by tsb.
maybe u can try tk the med ur tcm prescribed and see how it goes.. ? Is ur 2nd and 3rd n 4th dosage different dose ? Or bring back the med to reduce the dosage for detox ?
Hi ladies can I check with those under nuh subsidy, how much will all the test cost for both husband and wife? I was told like around 2k after sub?
Hii sok koon. .
I didn't noe or rem there such blood profile test... keep me update on ur report ya .. my gynae didn't advise me to go for any further testing...
Im Gg to take folic acid again ... mentally avoiding it ..
I'm on tcm aft mc on 23 apr .. took about 10 days of the far the med tsb prescribed to me is ok .. juz started taking btt as per requested by tsb.
maybe u can try tk the med ur tcm prescribed and see how it goes.. ? Is ur 2nd and 3rd n 4th dosage different dose ? Or bring back the med to reduce the dosage for detox ?

Hi, I just came back from my first appt with a changed gynea at TMC. He is more detailed and scanned that there was a scar or lump in my womb, 1 month after my DnC. He said I have to go for X-ray next month after my menses and do a blood test to check for antibodies. Sigh! Another long waiting this month again. Luckily my TCM also said not to try this month. Fingers cross, hope next month my X-ray and blood test report will be okie. *feeling dishearten and discouraged* sian!

I am a bit angry with previous gynea. How come he never found the lump when I went back for first review after DnC and keep saying to trying immediately after I recover?
Sometimes, I just feel like nothing goes my way when comes to babies. Every time I go gynea sure find something bad or not good or there is problems. Why can't we be like normal couples?!! Get pregnant happily and give birth smoothly and have a lovely healthy baby. Why is it so difficult for us?!! Each time I go gynea, I always have a positive mind set but there is always problems after that. This time, found a scar/ lump after the DnC. I just want to focus on recovering, now with such news, means I have to go through another round of surgery??!!! Waste another 3 months again to recover?! So angry and frustrated.
My first gynae scan n saw I have fibroid abt 1cm but she said it shdnt affect getting pregnant. After a year plus I gave up n decided to look for fertility dr at tmc, the first scan she did is ur fibroid is more than 5 cm no from scan, it's better to remove. After surgery more shocking news, the fibroid measure 11cm by diameter, we were shocked at the size. First thong dh asked me u dun feel anything meh. It's as big as his fist .really no pain no cramp so nvr occurs to me this big thing inside lor... after removal we did iui twice failed n start our ivf path as age is catching up, dun want waste time...
My first gynae scan n saw I have fibroid abt 1cm but she said it shdnt affect getting pregnant. After a year plus I gave up n decided to look for fertility dr at tmc, the first scan she did is ur fibroid is more than 5 cm no from scan, it's better to remove. After surgery more shocking news, the fibroid measure 11cm by diameter, we were shocked at the size. First thong dh asked me u dun feel anything meh. It's as big as his fist .really no pain no cramp so nvr occurs to me this big thing inside lor... after removal we did iui twice failed n start our ivf path as age is catching up, dun want waste time...

These things will grow one meh?? But I thought DnC should clear everything? Why is it still there? I don't really understand. Should I go IUI directly? My gynea said I should not try until he investigated what are those. Frustrating. Sorry ladies, I can't hide my frustration.
Chew I can understand ur frustration... One hurdle after another .
Like me las year all prepared for an ivf fresh cycle then doc going away on conference! n he spotted a cyst in my womb when I was abt to start my programme.. So programme was postponed . Something just must happen somewhat before my cycle :(

Then when I went for post d&c check up this yr he saw a cyst again but not harmful .. Never ends

Sigh when life gives lemons we make lemonade. But how much Lemonade can we drink??
Chew I can understand ur frustration... One hurdle after another .
Like me las year all prepared for an ivf fresh cycle then doc going away on conference! n he spotted a cyst in my womb when I was abt to start my programme.. So programme was postponed . Something just must happen somewhat before my cycle :(

Then when I went for post d&c check up this yr he saw a cyst again but not harmful .. Never ends

Sigh when life gives lemons we make lemonade. But how much Lemonade can we drink??

Yes, I agree. We can only take this much of "lemonade".

Ladies out there, anyone had the same problems after D&C? E.g scars in the womb or fibroid after D&C? Can I still get pregnant after that? I am really worried that this will cause infertility and I will be really devastated. The gynea refuse to say anything until the X-Ray done next month. Have been telling myself to be positive last few weeks and it just feels like I have dropped down to Hell again. I am really scared, frustrated and worried. :(
When i did my 2 Fresh IVF at a govt hospital last year they knew i have a cysts about 5cm but the doc there didnt ask me to remove before i start my IVF journey. Thus i thought should be alright but i BPN both 2 fresh cycle.

This year we transfer to see a pte IVF doc, he saw the cysts the first thing he told me is to do a lap b4 proceed to FET. Thus i did remove it during CNY and Apr i proceed with my FET. And this round i did BPF but MC at 5 weeks. Although i dont know this time successful its because of the cysts removed or its due to less hormones stimulation (without injections), but im thankful to know that i can pregnant.

Sometimes i dont understand why some doctor wont think from patient point of view. We given no choice but to take up IVF but to them are we some mass projects suceed or fail just like that lor ! But to us is mentally and physically stressed. And they cant use their professional knowledge to provide us advice. Maybe they have too many patients but that should not be valid reasons.
When i did my 2 Fresh IVF at a govt hospital last year they knew i have a cysts about 5cm but the doc there didnt ask me to remove before i start my IVF journey. Thus i thought should be alright but i BPN both 2 fresh cycle.

This year we transfer to see a pte IVF doc, he saw the cysts the first thing he told me is to do a lap b4 proceed to FET. Thus i did remove it during CNY and Apr i proceed with my FET. And this round i did BPF but MC at 5 weeks. Although i dont know this time successful its because of the cysts removed or its due to less hormones stimulation (without injections), but im thankful to know that i can pregnant.

Sometimes i dont understand why some doctor wont think from patient point of view. We given no choice but to take up IVF but to them are we some mass projects suceed or fail just like that lor ! But to us is mentally and physically stressed. And they cant use their professional knowledge to provide us advice. Maybe they have too many patients but that should not be valid reasons.

Hi, I totally agree. It's mentally draining and depressing. And gyneas dun give the right advice or do the right test to help us. It is totally frustrating when we paid them so much and that is what we getting.
Precious babies: honestly to them n to be fair to them, u are just 1 of the many many couples/clients around, so can't expect them to understand how we feel at all.

Can try my Gynae, I feel she's more caring though bt she's quite famous n ex in fees lah. Dr Ann Tan fr women & fetal centre @ paragon.

Today marks exactly 14days of tat most dreadful day of life!

Still struggling hard Thor
Sorry ms chew tot I saw a BFN, too negative Liao stressed up at tons of work too. Sch holidays Liao, juggling hard in btw kids n work n conceiving too!

Thks for the correction too dolly gal.

Wifey supposed to visit Gynae for a check up after d&c, I dun even have the courage to accompany her I tink, mentally beri weak tinking of that dreadful room when we learned abt no heartbeat 2 weeks ago! Hai...

Noting to look fwd at all this month.

Yes, I agree. We can only take this much of "lemonade".

Ladies out there, anyone had the same problems after D&C? E.g scars in the womb or fibroid after D&C? Can I still get pregnant after that? I am really worried that this will cause infertility and I will be really devastated. The gynea refuse to say anything until the X-Ray done next month. Have been telling myself to be positive last few weeks and it just feels like I have dropped down to Hell again. I am really scared, frustrated and worried. :(
fibroids are not caused by D&Cs, its already in your body or happens to be in ur body. when i had my first mc, my fibroid absorb the nutrients from the pregnancy. grew from 2cm to 5cm. im small size, so dr says better remove, else if preggy again will fight space witht the uterus. depending on the position of the fibroid, sometimes may cause pain during pregnancy or bleeding.

so i removed it and rest for 6mths. I had my D&C first. then fibroid removal surgery.
These things will grow one meh?? But I thought DnC should clear everything? Why is it still there? I don't really understand. Should I go IUI directly? My gynea said I should not try until he investigated what are those. Frustrating. Sorry ladies, I can't hide my frustration.

Fibroids will grow, it feeds on your menses... Fibroid may hinder your pregnancy chances if they are large and they grow at unfavorable location within your womb. I had 5 big fibroids removed in Year 2008 and with a few tiny fibroids still in my womb and I still managed to bfp 3x up till date after my fibroids removal (1st naturally, 2nd and current are by IVF)...though I aborted my 2nd one due to medical reasons...
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Thanks ladies and Thor.

Right now, I am just hoping that it is just fibroid and nothing serious that can be treated and recover. Must wait for X-ray and blood test next month. Guess I only think that after DnC, everything will go back to normal and no issues any more. Wasn't prepared to received more problems after the DnC. :(
Thanks ladies and Thor.

Right now, I am just hoping that it is just fibroid and nothing serious that can be treated and recover. Must wait for X-ray and blood test next month. Guess I only think that after DnC, everything will go back to normal and no issues any more. Wasn't prepared to received more problems after the DnC. :(
hugs, sometimes its good to find out early than later stage. early still can treat. later then troublesome le.
jia you :)
Hi ladies... can I check if any of u ever use Misoprostol before? I'm given total 5 dosages (2 tablets every 3 hrs) by the dr to end my preggie which is nt viable.

As this is the first time I'm using this medicine, pls enlighten me.

1) How long will the medicine take effect? I read frm the web tat some women experience cramping and bleeding within 1-2 hr upon the administration of the medicine.

2) Once bleeding occurred, do I still hv to continue with the remaining dosages?

3) How severe can the cramp and bleeding be? Do I need someone to be ard to use the medicine?

Yes, I agree. We can only take this much of "lemonade".

Ladies out there, anyone had the same problems after D&C? E.g scars in the womb or fibroid after D&C? Can I still get pregnant after that? I am really worried that this will cause infertility and I will be really devastated. The gynea refuse to say anything until the X-Ray done next month. Have been telling myself to be positive last few weeks and it just feels like I have dropped down to Hell again. I am really scared, frustrated and worried. :(
Don't worry all these can be removed and after removal u can be preggy one. I had a growth before in my womb and removed. Yeah v frustrating but at least u discovered it now rather than later (on the bright side). It could have gotten bigger if u discovered later.
Hi ladies, maybe I'm abit too abrupt to ask the questions on the administration of the drug Misoprostol ytd. It seems like most ppl are going for DC ops instead of using home administration drug. Just a little intro of myself.... actually I hv been a silent reader and during my 7th week, I experienced some bleeding... went to gynae and did an u/s to make sure everything is ok... den I could see my little beannie and hb... I was put on Duphaston twice daily initially however bleeding still persist... so went bk to gynae before the scheduled appt to check again... tis time the hb is slower compared to the first scan... can only see faint flickering on the screen... den gynae somehow pre-ampt dh and me to be mentally prepared that this preggie might nt be viable.... den he put me on jab twice a week and increase the Duphaston dose to 3 times daily.... one week later we went bk to see the gynae and hoping tat the baby will grow much more and hb can be much stronger.... however the outlook wasn't promising.... the baby growth was only tat of a 5 wk preggie and worst there is no hb detected... I was den 8 weeks and feel the whole world crushing down on me... Remember how happy dh and me were when we first tested on HPT tat I am preg (it's my 1st preggie)...

I tried to get a 2nd opinion frm another gynae.... but one day before my appt with the 2nd gynae I started to bleed ag... tis time the blood colour is pinkish fresh blood instead of brownish stain.... I know I'm losing the baby.... and the further scan done with the 2nd gynae show tat there is only preg sac with yolk left... the sonographer can't even find my beannie anymore... I guess I'm in the process of natural m/c as I wasn't on any jabs or pills den... the 2nd gynae den suggest me to use the drug Misoprostol 1st to assist the m/c process.... if nt totally cleared, will probably need to do the ops... however with my existing health conditions, the 2nd gynae was hoping tat I don't hv to go through the ops as there might be complications....

Anyway, I hv checked with the 2nd gynae on my queries... I was trying my luck ytd to see if I can get my answer here..

Let's all jia you in the TTC journey...
Hi ladies, maybe I'm abit too abrupt to ask the questions on the administration of the drug Misoprostol ytd. It seems like most ppl are going for DC ops instead of using home administration drug. Just a little intro of myself.... actually I hv been a silent reader and during my 7th week, I experienced some bleeding... went to gynae and did an u/s to make sure everything is ok... den I could see my little beannie and hb... I was put on Duphaston twice daily initially however bleeding still persist... so went bk to gynae before the scheduled appt to check again... tis time the hb is slower compared to the first scan... can only see faint flickering on the screen... den gynae somehow pre-ampt dh and me to be mentally prepared that this preggie might nt be viable.... den he put me on jab twice a week and increase the Duphaston dose to 3 times daily.... one week later we went bk to see the gynae and hoping tat the baby will grow much more and hb can be much stronger.... however the outlook wasn't promising.... the baby growth was only tat of a 5 wk preggie and worst there is no hb detected... I was den 8 weeks and feel the whole world crushing down on me... Remember how happy dh and me were when we first tested on HPT tat I am preg (it's my 1st preggie)...

I tried to get a 2nd opinion frm another gynae.... but one day before my appt with the 2nd gynae I started to bleed ag... tis time the blood colour is pinkish fresh blood instead of brownish stain.... I know I'm losing the baby.... and the further scan done with the 2nd gynae show tat there is only preg sac with yolk left... the sonographer can't even find my beannie anymore... I guess I'm in the process of natural m/c as I wasn't on any jabs or pills den... the 2nd gynae den suggest me to use the drug Misoprostol 1st to assist the m/c process.... if nt totally cleared, will probably need to do the ops... however with my existing health conditions, the 2nd gynae was hoping tat I don't hv to go through the ops as there might be complications....

Anyway, I hv checked with the 2nd gynae on my queries... I was trying my luck ytd to see if I can get my answer here..

Let's all jia you in the TTC journey...

Hi Jannbaby, be strong. Your case is extremely similar to mine. I lost mine at 8 weeks and the heartbeat was gone. My gynea didn't gave me the option to have natural m/c but said DnC is a must. Therefore I had the operation in April. Therefore I have not hear of the medicine that you have mentioned.

Is there a reason why your gynae not encouraging you to go for DnC? After my DnC 2nd week, I went for review and first gynea told me everything is okie. One month later, I changed to another gynea (because I feel the first one is not detailed), he found I have a lump in the womb (scar from MC or polypds) and now had to go for x-ray and blood test next month (possibly another operation again to remove the lump.

It is a difficult period for you, just take care of health, dun think too much. Listen to doc's advice.
Hi Sok Koon, I hv grave's diseases and pernicious anemia.... and a newly discovered diabetes condition (nt likely developed due to early pregnancy, shld be existing condition due to my family history) which could oso be the cause of my non viable preggie.... the 2nd gynae did gv me the option of D&C but she mentioned tat there might be some complications so I ask her for the least harmful method to dispel the unwanted tissues... I read frm somewhere that D&C can hurt the womb... and TCM oso does nt encourage me to go for D&C coz of the anesthetic involved which could be harmful to body... however D&C is still required if it is nt totally washed out....
During my scan, they oso discover a polyps in my womb.. however I was den preggie so tat said they couldn't do much at the moment... I heard frm the 1st gynae the polyp will somehow disappear when baby is delivered.... but nw the baby is lost, nt sure if we need to remove the polyp?
During my scan, they oso discover a polyps in my womb.. however I was den preggie so tat said they couldn't do much at the moment... I heard frm the 1st gynae the polyp will somehow disappear when baby is delivered.... but nw the baby is lost, nt sure if we need to remove the polyp?

Hi Jannbaby, my gynea did mentioned that polyp or fibroid may be a cause of my miscarriage after he discovered the lump in my womb. He also mentioned before that DnC will reduce pregnancy chance but it is a procedure to do to take out the tissue. Else future may cause more problems. The lump in my womb may also be an after effect from the DnC (scarring). Therefore he wants me to go for x-ray (HSG) and blood test so that he can investigate further. :(

To answer your question, depends on the size and condition of the polyp, your gynea will advise if you need to remove it. It is really depends on gynea's judgement. I read that some ladies had it remove as advised by gynea.

Are you still bleeding and having natural mc? or you are waiting for review? Guess your case is special, I guess your gynae will take extra care for you.
Sok Koon: I'm still bleeding but flow nt heavy... I hv nt experience any severe pain yet... so I dunno is it tat the medicine has nt taken effect or I hv nt insert deep enuff into the womb... I hope everything can clear out so tat I can be spared frm the agonies of surgerical ops...

I will be gg bk in 10 days time for review... mb I will chk wif the gynae whether need to remove the polyp... pray tat ur x-ray and bt results will be good so tat it will nt cause any problems in future... dun worry first, see wad the gynae said...
Hi sok koon, actually dont worry abt D&C, it doesnt really caused infertility. its is actually depending on the DR's skills. If the person doing the op is experienced then it will be okay.

i had it done 3 times. first was my miscarriage, then during my fibroid and ectopic pregnancy, the dr also performed D&C for me during both ops to clean up lining and any residual tissues from the pregnancy.

my friend had 3 abortions and now she also have a healthy baby.
Today is the most devastating day of my life. I lost my baby heart beat. We saw and heard so clearly just few days ago. It's our first pregnancy after countless iuis and ivfs. I could still recall the joy when we heard the baby's beating heart for the first time. ..
Baby measured 6.1mm tdy at 6 weeks.
Dr gave me meds to induce cos he said d&c can cause scarring and adhesions which is not advisable for pts like us who are seeking fertility treatment. But I'm so afraid of passing out the tissues and fetus. It's emotionally so tormenting. ....
Those who had experienced this may I ask how long does it take for the meds to work and how long does The bleed last?
Losing a Bb after hearing hb is the saddest thing for us especially gg thru numerous ivf cycles. I went thru same as u last year. This march again I had twin but lost one Beanie at wk7 & another surviving till now. This is my 8th cycle n really hope to have my bb in my hands 7 mths down the road.
Take ur time tiao ur body before embark on ivf again. Mc n all the ivf jabs are really quite damaging to our body. Do a mini confinement cos even I did I aso feel my body not as strong as before.
My dr told me ytd tat for us ladies who pregnant via ivf, we are so vulnerable, higher chances of mc than those women concieve naturally easily.
Today is the most devastating day of my life. I lost my baby heart beat. We saw and heard so clearly just few days ago. It's our first pregnancy after countless iuis and ivfs. I could still recall the joy when we heard the baby's beating heart for the first time. ..
Baby measured 6.1mm tdy at 6 weeks.
Dr gave me meds to induce cos he said d&c can cause scarring and adhesions which is not advisable for pts like us who are seeking fertility treatment. But I'm so afraid of passing out the tissues and fetus. It's emotionally so tormenting. ....
Those who had experienced this may I ask how long does it take for the meds to work and how long does The bleed last?

Hi Hazel,

We all understand your pain and sadness. I was 8 weeks when I lost my bb and same too, there was no heartbeat. I saw and hear the heartbeat loud and clear but the next week, it was gone. The emotions and pain were really indescribable. Take your time and recover. For my case, I can't try now because I had DnC and suspected scarring so have to wait for next month when I gone for my x-ray and blood test. Stay strong.
xxhazel_nutxx, don't despair. Rest well and take care of yourself. Be strong.

per my understanding, lochia can last for up to 4 weeks depending on individual...Menstruation will resume in 4 to 6 weeks.
Thanks everyone for sharing your experiences and your encouragement. It's nice to have a platform and know that there are others who understand perfectly what we are going through.

It's really a cruel joke to have heard baby's hb and then it's gone just in days.... Every waking moment when I am not focusing on anything I can't stop crying. Especially at night I could close my eyes to sleep at all. I had to be either on my phone looking at whatever than to close my eyes. Tears just can't stop flowing and I can't stop the pain.

I just inserted my first Misoprostol 200mg. I was told to do it every 12hrly. I hope it's not going to be another dragging ordeal.
It takes time to heal.. it hurts me more when I see my partner tear for failing him then before I went d&c, he picked up his sorrow n b there strong for me. Ask me stop my tears n move in but I told him give me some time to let go so I still tear at night for first few months. He bot me Pandora bear charms as memory to our short lived bb.
It's totally true. It hurts me a lot more when my hubby also tear and we'll just hug tgt and cry it out. I know it pains him a lot and he still has to be strong to face me and look after me. I feel that it's so much tougher for him. Everything is just too overwhelming. But good for him somehow after an episode of crying he will just fall asleep like a baby...
hazelnut: sorry for ur loss. all the sistas here have been very encouraging and made my journey of recovering from mc so much better

I finally BFP after trying TTC for so long and was happy to BFP. but it was short lived.. for my case i was very angry that i couldnt get to see my foetal pole and HB. but i also think everything happens for a reason, and i strongly believe it is harder to let go of the loss when one sees a HB and dosent see it next. i can imagine the devastation one goes thru.. my heart goes to u and other sistas here.

but pls take this time to do a proper mini confinement, bathe in herbal bath and avoid cold spicy and cooling food.. this time is very crucial so you can build up ur body and prepare for ur next pregnancy..
Today is the most devastating day of my life. I lost my baby heart beat. We saw and heard so clearly just few days ago. It's our first pregnancy after countless iuis and ivfs. I could still recall the joy when we heard the baby's beating heart for the first time. ..
Baby measured 6.1mm tdy at 6 weeks.
Dr gave me meds to induce cos he said d&c can cause scarring and adhesions which is not advisable for pts like us who are seeking fertility treatment. But I'm so afraid of passing out the tissues and fetus. It's emotionally so tormenting. ....
Those who had experienced this may I ask how long does it take for the meds to work and how long does The bleed last?

Hi hazelnut, sorry to hear abt ur loss... l oso lost my baby hb at 8 week... I can understand ur pain and it's emotionally tormenting especially when there's hb previously and suddenly it's gone... and nw still gt to use the meds to expel the fetus and unwanted tissues out by urself... like u, I was also given meds to end tis non viable preggie.... I guess it depends on the dosage... mine took abt 4 hrs before I started to hv cramp and abt 1-2 hrs later something came out... till nw I am nt sure if everything is out already but the bleeding is lesser nw and no more cramp too...

Hi hazelnut, sorry to hear abt ur loss... l oso lost my baby hb at 8 week... I can understand ur pain and it's emotionally tormenting especially when there's hb previously and suddenly it's gone... and nw still gt to use the meds to expel the fetus and unwanted tissues out by urself... like u, I was also given meds to end tis non viable preggie.... I guess it depends on the dosage... mine took abt 4 hrs before I started to hv cramp and abt 1-2 hrs later something came out... till nw I am nt sure if everything is out already but the bleeding is lesser nw and no more cramp too...
May I ask is yours the same meds as mine? 200mg misoprotsol 1 12hrly thru vaginally?
