Support group - Miscarriages

U/S can see but of course internal scan is more accurate. About scarring I think quite subjective, sometimes adhesion takes a while to form. I had a friend suddenly had pains on her lower abdomen recently, after some checks then know its adhesion from her appendix 4 yrs ago. Usually, after d&c scan, gynae just want to ensure no debris, if not they may cause infection or even form cyst if they did not pass out with AF.

My second pregnancy was put on support too, but still end up in mc. I knew right from the start, cos pregnancy kits all show very faint line, hardly increase. Gynae said it was a unhealthy one.
Thanks for the info. If I raise my concern to my gynae, he will normally just brush me off and ask me don't think so much cos sometimes is not up to us to prevent also. Guess is only the one up there that has the final say.

I'm pinning hopes on the nuh gynaes already.
Going for the 1st consultation on 12 Mar. .. think also ttc like June.
my 2nd pregnancy took a aspirin and progesterone but also ended up with mc :(
3rd one with extra dose of progesterone but didn't have asprin cos I was having light bleeding infection. Manage to carry till 15 weeks but hais still didn't make it. But after the blood test manage to find out is my blood too thick and cannot flow in for the womb or something.
I'm pinning hopes on the nuh gynaes already.
Going for the 1st consultation on 12 Mar. .. think also ttc like June.
my 2nd pregnancy took a aspirin and progesterone but also ended up with mc :(
3rd one with extra dose of progesterone but didn't have asprin cos I was having light bleeding infection. Manage to carry till 15 weeks but hais still didn't make it. But after the blood test manage to find out is my blood too thick and cannot flow in for the womb or something.

I believe you will be in good hands at NUH. Have faith! The next one you can carry till full term. :)
For me, after d&c I had my first checkup, then when first AF report, I will call clinic to make appt. When menses cleared I will go for 2nd checkup.
Mine checkup is also 2 weeks aft d&c. So aft menses clear, another checkup, I'll check with the gynae then.

Mangohope, we will all carry our bb to full term in our next pregnancy. None will miscarry or be barren! Hv faith!
My blood test result out and everything rheumatologist says all the test is very details it is same as the test which is done at recurrent lost dept but everything is fine n discharged me...which mean my 1st and 2nd miscarriages is unknown...dr Anita says must think that my 3rd pregnancy will be smooth and wish me all the best...she asked me keep my appt to recurrent lost dept in end apr to c anymore test they will apply on me but to her it is very details no test is needed that she can think of unless value added test eg sperm test for hub n etc cos if can pregnany naturally which mean np for Hub's sperm...which mean my doubt is still there cos no reason for the lost but good thing is I am fine no treatment is needed...she said else it will be a long way to go when start on the treatment.
My elder sis asked me rest for 1 or 2 years 1st for couple life unlike her now tied up by kids no where she can go...that is true but I also don wan drag too long cos very close to 30th already and hoping to carry my own rainbow baby...don wan old already still have to work cos kids still small...
What shall I do? Shall I just wait till end apr and c what advise can dr there give? Or I shall make appt to c dr mahesh personally 1st? Can anyone advise me on this? Thanks
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You rest how long b4 ttc again?

Actually after first AF report, gynae and tcm gave me green light to start, so I started already. But its not easy for me to conceive, already tried for 7 mths now, just that I stopped ttc for now cos April need to travel a lot. So will start ttc again after i come back.
Actually after first AF report, gynae and tcm gave me green light to start, so I started already. But its not easy for me to conceive, already tried for 7 mths now, just that I stopped ttc for now cos April need to travel a lot. So will start ttc again after i come back.
For my case all the test shown normal and dr discharged me meaning give me green light already right?
As for tcm sinseh wan to monitor whether ovulated and will follow up from there meankng not a green light yet right?
Princessleopard u mentioned u n hub no prob but how come diff to conceive ? Did u try taking bbt and charting it? For me is cos I don't even know when I ovulate cos it's super irregular and so diff to bfp :(

I did, cos dunno why so difficult, gynae also cannot answer, all these years we had try so many possibilities already. That's why lastly we resort to let me quit my stressful job. I did bbt and charting for many years as well, my menses is regular but between 27-32 days, so I had to chart. But after 2nd mc, I stopped. Dun wan to add stress anymore, just let it flow.
For my case all the test shown normal and dr discharged me meaning give me green light already right?
As for tcm sinseh wan to monitor whether ovulated and will follow up from there meankng not a green light yet right?

You did not ask them directly? When they told me everything is fine, then I will ask if its ok to start ttc again.

y only found out the problem at 3rd m/c? blood test normally done at every early preg.

1st preg didn't know there will be a prob, 2nd one took progesterone and asprin but still took blood rest ans chromosome test all normal only until the third time den found out the prob. Think the prob only occur when I get preg so always can't detach the prob.
princessleopard: i see. i did BBT for 2 cycles and i found it so stressful!!! and we still BFN :(

mangohope: i started on asprin before FET, and after FET... but not sure why not all doc prescribe Asprin. heard it thins the blood to help circulation.
Yupp to thin the blood, sorry what is fet? They say for my next pregnancy need to inject heparin think aspirin not strong enough to thin my blood hais...
Yupp to thin the blood, sorry what is fet? They say for my next pregnancy need to inject heparin think aspirin not strong enough to thin my blood hais...
Hi Mangohope, at least u have pinpoint the cause of ur failure and able to work towards it. So don't give up!
Oh i mean frozen embryo transfer. i have to resort to IVF to BFP.. how sad
so i was on alot of medication, and asprin is one of them. Dr told me maybe it can help in implantation.. and by that I think he meant improved blood flow.
Baby sparkles, I underwent IVF too and fully understand what you have gone throu. I was also given aspirin cos I hv thyroid prob and it seems it can help with antibodies issues. Anyway I seem to be such a 'problem' child but I'm not going to focus on all that and I believed my body is healed since I miraculously conceive naturally. I too hv very irregular cycles and also gave up on charting bbt and testing on opk strips cos I don't seems to get a positive on such testing, haha
Think most impt is relax.
actually im quite relzed.. but i still need med to make my AF arrive on time :( which is so sad...
im reliant on med for a mother nature process.. im either on duphaston or nor e. which give terrible side effects.

anyway will soldier on!!

Baby sparkles, u on acup also? Think it can regulate menses and not relay on western med. TCM has helped me to shorten my menses cycle even thou still irregular.
Alot of ladies went to see TSB at Chinatown. I went to see her bef but the queue is terrible despite prior appt. N hv to boil the med which I'm lazy hence u didnt cont with her. But read good reviews abt her. U may consider.
princessleopard: i see. i did BBT for 2 cycles and i found it so stressful!!! and we still BFN :(

mangohope: i started on asprin before FET, and after FET... but not sure why not all doc prescribe Asprin. heard it thins the blood to help circulation.

Yes, bbt is very stressful thing, that's why I decided to give up. I just test with ovulation kit nowadays to know when exactly I ovulated.
Is your AF very irregular?
Baby sparkles, I underwent IVF too and fully understand what you have gone throu. I was also given aspirin cos I hv thyroid prob and it seems it can help with antibodies issues. Anyway I seem to be such a 'problem' child but I'm not going to focus on all that and I believed my body is healed since I miraculously conceive naturally. I too hv very irregular cycles and also gave up on charting bbt and testing on opk strips cos I don't seems to get a positive on such testing, haha
Think most impt is relax.

You have thyroid? Me too. Is yours under control now?
You have thyroid? Me too. Is yours under control now?
I have hypothyroid and hv been on medication for almost 5yrs le. I presumed my condition should be under control and bef that my doc has been keeping my levels high for conceiving. N my doc is sad when I told him I hv a miscarriage and if is linked to my thyroid. He is a very gentle and nice doc and assured me is not bcos of that. Is urs Hype or hypo?
ive been seeing her for 1 year :) yeah have to manually boil her med but i use her electric pot.. i heard Fann Wong also bfp with her med.

i always have high hopes for her med but still bfn . i will still continue though. is somehow good for our bodies.

Fann Wong also under TSB? Envy her that despite her age she can conceive and she alr over her first trimster. If I didn't miscarry today I would have been over my 12 weeks. Waiting so long to be able to share with my friends but it didnt material. :(
I have hypothyroid and hv been on medication for almost 5yrs le. I presumed my condition should be under control and bef that my doc has been keeping my levels high for conceiving. N my doc is sad when I told him I hv a miscarriage and if is linked to my thyroid. He is a very gentle and nice doc and assured me is not bcos of that. Is urs Hype or hypo?

I see. Good to know you are in good hands.

Mine is hype, hereditary. On medi since teenager for 10 years, finally after got married it was under control, stop medi for 5 years now, but go back for blood test regularly.
I see. Good to know you are in good hands.

Mine is hype, hereditary. On medi since teenager for 10 years, finally after got married it was under control, stop medi for 5 years now, but go back for blood test regularly.

That's gd. At least hyper got a chance to kick off medication. I hv a friend who has hyper since young, hereditary too. She has no prob conceiving but she lost first 2 of her preg but now she is a mother of 2 boys and the 3rd boy is due in April. *envy* This is definitely not an issue in conceiving dont worry abt that.
That's gd. At least hyper got a chance to kick off medication. I hv a friend who has hyper since young, hereditary too. She has no prob conceiving but she lost first 2 of her preg but now she is a mother of 2 boys and the 3rd boy is due in April. *envy* This is definitely not an issue in conceiving dont worry abt that.

Yup, gynae also assured its not a prob.

Our next pregnancy will be smooth!! :)
just came back from check up. results show no abnormality, cause unknown. ttc after 2 mense cum. no check up for my recovery, just consult me the results
Hi ladies, not sure if anyone here experience this before my 2nd AF I keeps on getting headache and after its clean I gets dizzy every now and den. My mum explained mayb I not enough blood or moving house too tired already not enough rest so keep dizzy and ask me to drink chicken essence. But after drinking I'm still feeling dizzy :(
Hi ladies, not sure if anyone here experience this before my 2nd AF I keeps on getting headache and after its clean I gets dizzy every now and den. My mum explained mayb I not enough blood or moving house too tired already not enough rest so keep dizzy and ask me to drink chicken essence. But after drinking I'm still feeling dizzy :(

Never occur to me. If really not enough blood, maybe you try red bean soup and see how?
Thanks ladies I shall try eating them after 3 bottles of chicken essence I feel slightly better! My new house kitchen not ready yet can't cook :(
Mangohope, u can try boiling red dates drink with some longan or boil herbal soup with dang gui which can help nourish blood. Chicken essense might not be effective enough.
If not try taking some iron supplements
today I went NUH for the glucose blood test, to see if im diabetic. wah lao dam disgusting loh the glucose drink. I think that's all for my blood test already. now waiting to see dr on 24th Mar.
today I went NUH for the glucose blood test, to see if im diabetic. wah lao dam disgusting loh the glucose drink. I think that's all for my blood test already. now waiting to see dr on 24th Mar.

I did the test too, the bottle of orange stuff sure tasted disgusting.
today I went NUH for the glucose blood test, to see if im diabetic. wah lao dam disgusting loh the glucose drink. I think that's all for my blood test already. now waiting to see dr on 24th Mar.
Omg cos I will be doing it tmr...I am seeing dr choolani at his clinic...super super super ex at mount Elizabeth...
I have spend $2k plus for all the test...
hmm duno why they need to test. I rem haze or miracle tested as well. YES that bottle of orange YUCKS. then I ordered mcdonalds and green tea. omg when I drank the green tea I felt it was so sweet I nearly puked out. so now im just drink plain water.

meowmi I went thru all the test in NUH, the diabetic test only cost me $10.50. With the rest of the tests all add up shd be less than 2k due to govt subsidy. I think I total did abt 16-18 tests. lost a lot of blood already LOL
hmm duno why they need to test. I rem haze or miracle tested as well. YES that bottle of orange YUCKS. then I ordered mcdonalds and green tea. omg when I drank the green tea I felt it was so sweet I nearly puked out. so now im just drink plain water.

meowmi I went thru all the test in NUH, the diabetic test only cost me $10.50. With the rest of the tests all add up shd be less than 2k due to govt subsidy. I think I total did abt 16-18 tests. lost a lot of blood already LOL
I chose to go through the whoke range as well. Forgot how many, but they took 22 tubes of blood, some big tubes, some small tubes. I chode to go pte as i didn't want to to wait too long for the appointments. It sure cost a lot, but i tell myself not to think about it, cos some things are priceless.
I chose to go through the whoke range as well. Forgot how many, but they took 22 tubes of blood, some big tubes, some small tubes. I chode to go pte as i didn't want to to wait too long for the appointments. It sure cost a lot, but i tell myself not to think about it, cos some things are priceless.
that's true. wah so many tests. think u did more than me. I already felt they are doing many tests on me already. first test was I think 12 tubes, then after that 4 tubes, and today 2 tubes.

so how was ur results?
Hi ladies, not sure if anyone here experience this before my 2nd AF I keeps on getting headache and after its clean I gets dizzy every now and den. My mum explained mayb I not enough blood or moving house too tired already not enough rest so keep dizzy and ask me to drink chicken essence. But after drinking I'm still feeling dizzy :(
u take care okay. must rest well. coz shifting house and renovation is very tiring.
that's true. wah so many tests. think u did more than me. I already felt they are doing many tests on me already. first test was I think 12 tubes, then after that 4 tubes, and today 2 tubes.

so how was ur results?
I was diagnosed with high NK cells and sticky blood, Dr gave me Vit C, Vit D, Baby asprin and folic acid. Was advised to start trying after 1 mth, to give time for the meds to set in. And went through a swap test, which showed i had infection, was given a dose of med to go throughthe vagina. Then, dr also said i have to go through IVIG once i get pregnant.

I was diagnosed with high NK cells and sticky blood, Dr gave me Vit C, Vit D, Baby asprin and folic acid. Was advised to start trying after 1 mth, to give time for the meds to set in. And went through a swap test, which showed i had infection, was given a dose of med to go throughthe vagina. Then, dr also said i have to go through IVIG once i get pregnant.
Just a bit worried abt the IVIG cost, got to keep telkung myself that it will be worth it!!!!
