Support group - Miscarriages

ladies I just need to rant today. another failed cycle. ARGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHhh feeling super gloomy and upset. must be the PMS hormones. tested negative and spotting for 2 days liao. maybe af will arrive early. very sian. anyhow my hubby went for the test already. I think the hubbies are very poor thing when asked to go for sperm analysis test.

we were there and then a guy went in first. then after 20mins he came out. it was so quiet and small, he told the nurse he has to come back again coz he cannot do it. think he is too stressed, and embarrassed since we were there. coz the nurse cannot hear him clearly so repeated very loudly. then when my hub went into the room, I left and went elsewhere to wait for him hoping that he wont be so stressed up. lucky he finished quite quickly. when he calls me I thought siao liao, he has to come back again. then actually he is done. now I can only wait for the results.

ladies I just need to rant today. another failed cycle. ARGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHhh feeling super gloomy and upset. must be the PMS hormones. tested negative and spotting for 2 days liao. maybe af will arrive early. very sian. anyhow my hubby went for the test already. I think the hubbies are very poor thing when asked to go for sperm analysis test.

we were there and then a guy went in first. then after 20mins he came out. it was so quiet and small, he told the nurse he has to come back again coz he cannot do it. think he is too stressed, and embarrassed since we were there. coz the nurse cannot hear him clearly so repeated very loudly. then when my hub went into the room, I left and went elsewhere to wait for him hoping that he wont be so stressed up. lucky he finished quite quickly. when he calls me I thought siao liao, he has to come back again. then actually he is done. now I can only wait for the results.

Dun be upset...try again!

You live in the west, right? Cannot produce the sperm at home? When we go for iui, gynae recommended dh to do it at home for better result, as it is less stressed. Stress can also affect the test result. But must live near hospital, if I didn't remember wrongly, must reach hospital within 30 mins.
Dun be upset...try again!

You live in the west, right? Cannot produce the sperm at home? When we go for iui, gynae recommended dh to do it at home for better result, as it is less stressed. Stress can also affect the test result. But must live near hospital, if I didn't remember wrongly, must reach hospital within 30 mins.
ya but the test is done at novena. not in nuh. and I ask hubby he says go there and do. hahaa luckily he was very relax, so we just do there loh. he told me "I very focus, just do it" hahaha don't know how true, he says guys if try more than 20mins, cannot means cannot. must come back another day liao. so If can means can one. and they have to abstinence from sex 3days before. but need to clear old soldiers 3-4 days before. very strict, once u break the rule the results not accurate liao.
ya but the test is done at novena. not in nuh. and I ask hubby he says go there and do. hahaa luckily he was very relax, so we just do there loh. he told me "I very focus, just do it" hahaha don't know how true, he says guys if try more than 20mins, cannot means cannot. must come back another day liao. so If can means can one. and they have to abstinence from sex 3days before. but need to clear old soldiers 3-4 days before. very strict, once u break the rule the results not accurate liao.

Yup, same as IUIs procedures lo.
Hi hopeful mum, i agree with you, hubbies are very poor thing. My hb went for his test at SGH, he said he had to do it in a dirty and smelly toilet. Luckily he managed to get it done. Lets count ourselves lucky that our hubbies are so supportive in our ttc journey.
Hi hopeful mum, i agree with you, hubbies are very poor thing. My hb went for his test at SGH, he said he had to do it in a dirty and smelly toilet. Luckily he managed to get it done. Lets count ourselves lucky that our hubbies are so supportive in our ttc journey.
wah so terrible!!!
ya the place we went to was the novena specialist centre, think they have a tie up with NUH bah. so not so bad, they were given a room, but immediately u stepped out u see the recep. so a bit no privacy. everyone knows what u are doing inside that room. I find it embarrassing for the man. but what to do, have to do it means have to do it
Hi Ladies,
Do you mind if I join in the chat… Need some help and advice…

I had a D&C on 7 January 2014… I have been spotting since 5 February till today. Light spotting for the first 4 days, heavy spotting for the subsequent 5 days (but only fill up a panty liner not a pad) and now back to light spotting. Most of the times can only see the blood when I wipe…. I assumed it is menses, since it is 4 weeks after the d&c….
Just wondering if this is normal, anyone experience this as well? Or is the menses supposed to be the same as before?

Thank you.
Hi Ladies,
Do you mind if I join in the chat… Need some help and advice…

I had a D&C on 7 January 2014… I have been spotting since 5 February till today. Light spotting for the first 4 days, heavy spotting for the subsequent 5 days (but only fill up a panty liner not a pad) and now back to light spotting. Most of the times can only see the blood when I wipe…. I assumed it is menses, since it is 4 weeks after the d&c….
Just wondering if this is normal, anyone experience this as well? Or is the menses supposed to be the same as before?

Thank you.

Usually, 4-6 weeks after D&C, menses should report. If hormones has returned to normal, then what you will experience will be the normal menses flow. But depends on individual body condition, usually it can takes 1-3 months for hormones to return to normal though.
Thanks Ladies!
it was bizarre! first they send me the wrong report but I looked at the results first and its PERFECT. ya they send me someone elses report. anyhow I threw it away, congrats to that guy coz he is fine.

So I waited and the results is good. he has super good potential. so with his sperms good. On the first range of high potential fertility. I can get pregnant, and no other sickness. sian really can only blame all my miscarriages on bad luck.

But im happy, at least I know we can keep trying. happy :)
Thanks Ladies!
it was bizarre! first they send me the wrong report but I looked at the results first and its PERFECT. ya they send me someone elses report. anyhow I threw it away, congrats to that guy coz he is fine.

So I waited and the results is good. he has super good potential. so with his sperms good. On the first range of high potential fertility. I can get pregnant, and no other sickness. sian really can only blame all my miscarriages on bad luck.

But im happy, at least I know we can keep trying. happy :)

WAH!! So happy for you!! :)
Usually, 4-6 weeks after D&C, menses should report. If hormones has returned to normal, then what you will experience will be the normal menses flow. But depends on individual body condition, usually it can takes 1-3 months for hormones to return to normal though.

Is it safe to TTC again if the hormones has not return to normal? Thanks.
Thanks Ladies!
it was bizarre! first they send me the wrong report but I looked at the results first and its PERFECT. ya they send me someone elses report. anyhow I threw it away, congrats to that guy coz he is fine.

So I waited and the results is good. he has super good potential. so with his sperms good. On the first range of high potential fertility. I can get pregnant, and no other sickness. sian really can only blame all my miscarriages on bad luck.

But im happy, at least I know we can keep trying. happy :)

Thats good news :) Happy for you :)
Lets all jia you together :)

Do we have to wait for the menses to return to normal before trying... really want to try again asap...but scare...somehow have a phobia after the d&c.
Lets all jia you together :)

Do we have to wait for the menses to return to normal before trying... really want to try again asap...but scare...somehow have a phobia after the d&c.
rem no unprotected sex for 2 weeks at least after D&C, coz worry of infection. I think better to wait for mensus to come first. coz after D&C, lining is very thin and weak.

min wait one cycle bah, better. some say 3 cycles, but some say 1 cycle is fine already. big hugs to u! also this will give u time to grief properly. if u pregnant again now now, u will get very worried also. although every pregnancy is worrying, so just let it regulate for one cycle. will be better.
Is it safe to TTC again if the hormones has not return to normal? Thanks.

Its better to wait till hormones back to normal. After 1 AF report, you will have a review with gynae, then see what they say. I actually start ttc after 1 AF, cos both my gynae and tcm say I am ok to go ahead.
hi.. i just hv a miscarriagr n d&c last sun... i emotionly so sad coz he is my 1st and oledi 16 weeks.. i m wan ttc asap, anyone experience second trimester miscarriage before and how long u all wait to tcc.. i just need some hope from u all...
hi.. i just hv a miscarriagr n d&c last sun... i emotionly so sad coz he is my 1st and oledi 16 weeks.. i m wan ttc asap, anyone experience second trimester miscarriage before and how long u all wait to tcc.. i just need some hope from u all...[/quo

Big HUGs, so sorry to hear this. mine are all first trim. please do a mini confinement rest well.
hi.. i just hv a miscarriagr n d&c last sun... i emotionly so sad coz he is my 1st and oledi 16 weeks.. i m wan ttc asap, anyone experience second trimester miscarriage before and how long u all wait to tcc.. i just need some hope from u all...

Sorry for your loss.

Mine are all during first trimester. I think its best to rest and get your health back to normal first before ttc again. I waited till gynae and tcm gave me green light then start again.
hi.. i just hv a miscarriagr n d&c last sun... i emotionly so sad coz he is my 1st and oledi 16 weeks.. i m wan ttc asap, anyone experience second trimester miscarriage before and how long u all wait to tcc.. i just need some hope from u all...
Sorry for ur loss.. Big hugs..
Mine in 1 trimester.. Bt i tink u shld wait till fully recover first b4 trying. Especially if u wen thru D&C.. Usually 4 to 6 wks... Aft 2 wks if u r comfortable protected sex to prevent infection..
Morning ladies!
I was sharing in the ttc thread on how efficient NUH and I really liked them
Rem yest I email to ask abt IUI or SO-IUI, on cost and process. today early morning 830 call me to explain to me already. I think for IUI (not sure is the cost with subsidy) maybe abt 500, and SO-IUI slightly more ex, but becoz the scanning is a package already don't need to pay every time, so its abt 600+. hahaha think after I come back from China I make apt, or make now?
coz they say need to start monitoring by CD12. maybe I shd make apt early right, coz subsidy normally got to wait. they only see subsidy patients on mon,wed and I tink thur. see already still need to wait for assessment.
Just watched hk drama episode 3-5 of on call 36. I cried my heart out. Hubby fell aslp while watching and now my eyes are just swollen. Argh how to work tmr. Af reporting and this must be pms. Wanted this to be the mth yet an spotting. So tired of all these. Called nuh for IUI and they can't arrange for me like other subsidised patient. Becox they require the recurrent unit to refer me there. I feel so stuck. Sigh.
Just watched hk drama episode 3-5 of on call 36. I cried my heart out. Hubby fell aslp while watching and now my eyes are just swollen. Argh how to work tmr. Af reporting and this must be pms. Wanted this to be the mth yet an spotting. So tired of all these. Called nuh for IUI and they can't arrange for me like other subsidised patient. Becox they require the recurrent unit to refer me there. I feel so stuck. Sigh.
Pl don't cry everything will be fine
Just watched hk drama episode 3-5 of on call 36. I cried my heart out. Hubby fell aslp while watching and now my eyes are just swollen. Argh how to work tmr. Af reporting and this must be pms. Wanted this to be the mth yet an spotting. So tired of all these. Called nuh for IUI and they can't arrange for me like other subsidised patient. Becox they require the recurrent unit to refer me there. I feel so stuck. Sigh.

Relax, my dear! You know stress is not good for TTC. :)
Relax, my dear! You know stress is not good for TTC. :)
just frustrated bah, I started trying end dec 2011, and strike immediately on first try then mc. then after that op. then rest. for one year we stopped. last year tried again, strike 3 times, 2 mc, 1 chem pg. I really tired. im into my 1/4 of the start of 4th year trying. and tcm say cannot try. faced a lot of road blocks. :(

sorry just really need to rant. and I swear I saw a super super faint line on the test kit just like my recent chem preg. btu spotting and af reporting, meaning again got issues with implantation. im so tired... sigh will I ever be a mom?
hopeful: you will! as long as u remain positive.. our chance will come very soon!

do u wan to consider IVF?
I did but drs say I don't need to. according to them I can conceive easily just need to be able to carry to term. coz normally when I reall try during O dates, with help of clomid I will ususally conceive in 6 cycles or 2 cycles. reall quite fast. but I still frustrated coz tcm say cant try, then test this and that and can find no prob and I don't understand why I cant carry to term.
Just watched hk drama episode 3-5 of on call 36. I cried my heart out. Hubby fell aslp while watching and now my eyes are just swollen. Argh how to work tmr. Af reporting and this must be pms. Wanted this to be the mth yet an spotting. So tired of all these. Called nuh for IUI and they can't arrange for me like other subsidised patient. Becox they require the recurrent unit to refer me there. I feel so stuck. Sigh.
That time I watched on call 36 also crying lor cos got one lady dr's wife pregnant but cannot keep the baby cos her body cannot afford to carry the baby till full term if not mistaken cos she has heart problem.. I watched it during my hospitalization leave cried my heart out lor... Moral of the story from the drama is life is unpredictable treasure what we have now is much more important than anything... :)
I did but drs say I don't need to. according to them I can conceive easily just need to be able to carry to term. coz normally when I reall try during O dates, with help of clomid I will ususally conceive in 6 cycles or 2 cycles. reall quite fast. but I still frustrated coz tcm say cant try, then test this and that and can find no prob and I don't understand why I cant carry to term.
I will be seeing dr Anita next Monday initially set appt on 5march but now blood test report all reported but only dr can view the report dr ok to see me tmr but hb only free on next Monday I dare not to go myself..I really hope everything term fine and dr can guide me what is the next step to be taken...I also stuck in between cos tcm want to monitor me for the time being before she give the green light to me cos tcm i has no issue on conceiving just that need to check what is tje problem and solve my problem in carrying till full term..I really need big support to face all these.
I will be seeing dr Anita next Monday initially set appt on 5march but now blood test report all reported but only dr can view the report dr ok to see me tmr but hb only free on next Monday I dare not to go myself..I really hope everything term fine and dr can guide me what is the next step to be taken...I also stuck in between cos tcm want to monitor me for the time being before she give the green light to me cos tcm i has no issue on conceiving just that need to check what is tje problem and solve my problem in carrying till full term..I really need big support to face all these.
don't worry, be brave. yes under subsidy, they only see patients once a mth on Monday AFTERNOON. once u missed it u got to wait again. I see dr shelia, and sometimes prof Mahesh sits in. dr anita and shelia sits next door to each other. maybe my case a bit unique, I rem first visit dr anita also sat it. im like a huge specimen for them! hahaha
i heard taking hard boiled egg whites can help boost egg quality.. maybe can help in both natural and ART conceptions.
and clomid cannot be taken consecutively for more than 3 or 4 cycles as it thins our lining.. so will affect successful implantation/pregnancy
my clomid was left only, so the chem preg one I took that round and strike.

previously also nvr take consecutive, normally by 2nd round strike liao. strike then rest and mc again. don't know lah hahaha very confused.
just frustrated bah, I started trying end dec 2011, and strike immediately on first try then mc. then after that op. then rest. for one year we stopped. last year tried again, strike 3 times, 2 mc, 1 chem pg. I really tired. im into my 1/4 of the start of 4th year trying. and tcm say cannot try. faced a lot of road blocks. :(

sorry just really need to rant. and I swear I saw a super super faint line on the test kit just like my recent chem preg. btu spotting and af reporting, meaning again got issues with implantation. im so tired... sigh will I ever be a mom?

You will have your chance, really! You have higher chances than us, cos you can conceive easily, now its just how to sustain the pregnancy.
I did but drs say I don't need to. according to them I can conceive easily just need to be able to carry to term. coz normally when I reall try during O dates, with help of clomid I will ususally conceive in 6 cycles or 2 cycles. reall quite fast. but I still frustrated coz tcm say cant try, then test this and that and can find no prob and I don't understand why I cant carry to term.

I think east and west have different point of view. Like east can say we have cold womb, but west cannot test that with technology. What did Dr Su say about your health?
I will be seeing dr Anita next Monday initially set appt on 5march but now blood test report all reported but only dr can view the report dr ok to see me tmr but hb only free on next Monday I dare not to go myself..I really hope everything term fine and dr can guide me what is the next step to be taken...I also stuck in between cos tcm want to monitor me for the time being before she give the green light to me cos tcm i has no issue on conceiving just that need to check what is tje problem and solve my problem in carrying till full term..I really need big support to face all these.
Good luck
Princess both

I have not gone for detailed checks like NUH, gynae did ordered some tests after my mc, all came back well, so she could only say its bad luck or probably work stress.

For tcm, she said one of my kidney a bit weak, so she is adjusting my lifestyle and giving me medicine to strengthen. That's why I decide to quit my job, cos no one know what is the reason behind the MCs. So, after trying adjusting many ways, that is the last resort. Now that I quit my high-stressed job, I can sleep in more hrs compare to the past, now tcm say my kidney had improved a lot.

I will continue to strengthen my body, then May I can start ttc.
don't worry, be brave. yes under subsidy, they only see patients once a mth on Monday AFTERNOON. once u missed it u got to wait again. I see dr shelia, and sometimes prof Mahesh sits in. dr anita and shelia sits next door to each other. maybe my case a bit unique, I rem first visit dr anita also sat it. im like a huge specimen for them! hahaha
Oh I c dr Anita under private patient cos dr from Kkh ask to redo antinuclear antibody test but dr Anita asked to do all the blood test for those test under recurrent dept. but now all blood test result reported to clinic just that nurses cannot view the reports only dr Anita. My appt to recurrent dept is end of apr. dr Anita says will monitor for me n c what test still needed than wait till end of apr. good thing there is short waiting hour within an hour go back liao...haha

Oh I c dr Anita under private patient cos dr from Kkh ask to redo antinuclear antibody test but dr Anita asked to do all the blood test for those test under recurrent dept. but now all blood test result reported to clinic just that nurses cannot view the reports only dr Anita. My appt to recurrent dept is end of apr. dr Anita says will monitor for me n c what test still needed than wait till end of apr. good thing there is short waiting hour within an hour go back liao...haha
good thing abt pte is this loh. hahaha but to save money I decide I will stick with subsidy.
