Support group - Miscarriages

I think east and west have different point of view. Like east can say we have cold womb, but west cannot test that with technology. What did Dr Su say about your health?
dr su says im okay, still good ah. but she just wants me to rest so that I don't get pregnant again and mc AGAIN. hahaha so now with this mth, already 2/3 cycles liao. by right can start engine. but she gave me this new medicine, super heaty now I got ulcers and sore throat. she told me to drink more water and I super guai drank a lot still too heaty. took for one week. im going to take a break and continue next week.

coz all along, my mum got make a lot of soup for me to bu since a kid, so quite strong. she says If without mc, actualy I don't really need to see her to bu. maybe tiao a bit can liao. but my "chi" abit affected esp after the ectopic surgery so she wants to tiao to make me stronger. but now this one too strong! hahaha

dr su says im okay, still good ah. but she just wants me to rest so that I don't get pregnant again and mc AGAIN. hahaha so now with this mth, already 2/3 cycles liao. by right can start engine. but she gave me this new medicine, super heaty now I got ulcers and sore throat. she told me to drink more water and I super guai drank a lot still too heaty. took for one week. im going to take a break and continue next week.

coz all along, my mum got make a lot of soup for me to bu since a kid, so quite strong. she says If without mc, actualy I don't really need to see her to bu. maybe tiao a bit can liao. but my "chi" abit affected esp after the ectopic surgery so she wants to tiao to make me stronger. but now this one too strong! hahaha

Health good then ok la. I know you are impatient, but I think its better to tiao your body stronger then ttc again. Cos you also want to carry your baby to full term, right? :)
Health good then ok la. I know you are impatient, but I think its better to tiao your body stronger then ttc again. Cos you also want to carry your baby to full term, right? :)
ya but she say my body is strong. just want to rest my womb. hahaha but but sigh conflict loh, western says go ahead and try try try. Chinese say wait wait wait...
Did she say must wait how long?
she says 3-6 mths. if including the chem preg in dec, this is my 3rd cycle of AF. meaning 4th cycle starting liao. so by right can start liao. hahaha she did say prevent last cycle, so I think this cycle can try liao. I see her next week and ask her.
good thing abt pte is this loh. hahaha but to save money I decide I will stick with subsidy.
Actually I want to go under subsidy patient but since dr Anita monitoring now so next Monday just c what she will advise me next since I had done the blood test last months which I thought only one blood test initially but nvm la mbe c also recurrent dept dr in end apr and bring all my report for them to review and stick to c dr there aft that ba...
she says 3-6 mths. if including the chem preg in dec, this is my 3rd cycle of AF. meaning 4th cycle starting liao. so by right can start liao. hahaha she did say prevent last cycle, so I think this cycle can try liao. I see her next week and ask her.

Good lo, already passed 3 mths. Very fast de la....:)
Actually I want to go under subsidy patient but since dr Anita monitoring now so next Monday just c what she will advise me next since I had done the blood test last months which I thought only one blood test initially but nvm la mbe c also recurrent dept dr in end apr and bring all my report for them to review and stick to c dr there aft that ba...
dr anita is also one of the drs in the recurrent loss unit for subsidy patients and she sat in for my first review also. but the waiting time is just super long. so all the blood tests etc will be subsidized. the only blood test not subsidied is the kyrotyping. then sperm analysis also not subsidized.
dr anita is also one of the drs in the recurrent loss unit for subsidy patients and she sat in for my first review also. but the waiting time is just super long. so all the blood tests etc will be subsidized. the only blood test not subsidied is the kyrotyping. then sperm analysis also not subsidized.
Yea I knew it that's why making appt to see her for my blood test...actually she dunno I have an appt w recurrent dept till I told her end of the consultation time den she told me those test that I did is same as in recurrent dept therefore I am actually one step just wait for Monday appt...I don have to redo kyrotyping test I guess cos chromosome test for bb is normal mean daddy n mummy is ok..dr Anita says need further test to check on it cos when laying down she press press on my tummy she says no problem on that...
i read in alot of places that our womb/ovaries are linked to liver (or kidney cant rem) and TCM helps regulate that..
and all our emotions and moods can affect the function of it, and hence a normal healthy cycle.

Are you seeing any tcm now? Maybe its kidney? Cos only keep hearing this word from my tcm.
Dear All,

I just had my D&C done yesterday and is our 1st baby. A baby that we have longed to have for 5+ yrs only to lost it. Baby lost heartbeat at 8 weeks. So shocked and devasted for us. But we have accepted this harsh reality and have to move on in life. Just wanna find out fr you ladies here that I have no more bleeding on the 2nd day is it normal? Thought I suppose to have menses after my D&C. Please advise. Thanks all.
Dear All,

I just had my D&C done yesterday and is our 1st baby. A baby that we have longed to have for 5+ yrs only to lost it. Baby lost heartbeat at 8 weeks. So shocked and devasted for us. But we have accepted this harsh reality and have to move on in life. Just wanna find out fr you ladies here that I have no more bleeding on the 2nd day is it normal? Thought I suppose to have menses after my D&C. Please advise. Thanks all.
Babe, I'm so sorry for your loss. On and off after my d&c I have light spotting for like 1 week.. I think everyone is diff so not to worry too much now just have a mini confinement to rest 1st... and monitor your next af. Jiayou!
Thanks mangohope. The nurse was telling me 2nd day I will have flow like my normal menses but no more bleeding. Thought I adnormal. But excessive bleeding also worried. Haiz... Lots of worries for us ladies here. Was so delighted to be pregnant even the doc was happy for us cos my tubes had surgey bef. To lost it 1 mth aft knowing the good news was too much for me to take it. Even my husband who had been strong cried too. We have been picking ourselves up and currently doing confinement for 2 weeks to boost health up. Pray that strong woman in this thread will have our rainbow bb real soon and a good & healthy pregnancy.
Thanks mangohope. The nurse was telling me 2nd day I will have flow like my normal menses but no more bleeding. Thought I adnormal. But excessive bleeding also worried. Haiz... Lots of worries for us ladies here. Was so delighted to be pregnant even the doc was happy for us cos my tubes had surgey bef. To lost it 1 mth aft knowing the good news was too much for me to take it. Even my husband who had been strong cried too. We have been picking ourselves up and currently doing confinement for 2 weeks to boost health up. Pray that strong woman in this thread will have our rainbow bb real soon and a good & healthy pregnancy.
Mmm mbe you shall monitor closely for few more days. Don't worry as u will still c ur gyane 3 weeks later aft ur D&C for dr to check whether everything is clear in your womb. If u worry u may just call to the clinic to check w ur gyane or nurses there on Monday.
Mine is heavy bleeding for about a week plus w bad cramp till I need to take panadol to control the pain. Which is much more painful than my 1st D&C. 1st is b4 D&C damn pain aft that can walk home by myself but 2nd time double painful. I think it is really depends on individuals.
Keep strong as there is still a hope for us to hold our rainbow baby.
Did u done baby chromosome test?
Thanks mangohope. The nurse was telling me 2nd day I will have flow like my normal menses but no more bleeding. Thought I adnormal. But excessive bleeding also worried. Haiz... Lots of worries for us ladies here. Was so delighted to be pregnant even the doc was happy for us cos my tubes had surgey bef. To lost it 1 mth aft knowing the good news was too much for me to take it. Even my husband who had been strong cried too. We have been picking ourselves up and currently doing confinement for 2 weeks to boost health up. Pray that strong woman in this thread will have our rainbow bb real soon and a good & healthy pregnancy.
Same here my hub had been strong also cried when knowing I need to go for D&C and for the lost..really super heart pain n helpless but life still goes on...everything will be fine :)
Baby sparkles, mine only more bleeding on the first day which is yesterday, today is only when I wipe myself, i see very faint stain. Didn't even stain on my panty liner at all. Or the bleeding got to do with the doc's skill? I don't kn. I don't feel any cramp and pain at all thank God. But I was given antibiotic to take for 5 days. The fetus was 8 weeks old but I was suppose to be 11-12 weeks.
Aft so many yrs of trying and even IVF fail us we are glad that my body is able conceive on our own. No matter how short-lived this preg is it gives us hope and we will always remember this joy. We look forward to our next good & healthy pregnancy.
I think the doc did take a sample to do test but dont know what is the test abt cos the bill ytdy states a lab test that we hv to pay $120 for it. I will check with the doc when I see him 2 weeks time.
Hi baby sparkles, r u seeing any tcm? Instead of taking western med to induce AF, y don't u try tcm instead of loading ur body with more western med.
1st preg in miscarriage is common. Just like ppl say aft 1st, 2nd preg will come fast and everything will be fine.
Don't must continue to fight on!
Dear All,

I just had my D&C done yesterday and is our 1st baby. A baby that we have longed to have for 5+ yrs only to lost it. Baby lost heartbeat at 8 weeks. So shocked and devasted for us. But we have accepted this harsh reality and have to move on in life. Just wanna find out fr you ladies here that I have no more bleeding on the 2nd day is it normal? Thought I suppose to have menses after my D&C. Please advise. Thanks all.

Sorry for your loss. Hugs~
I think individual differs. For me, both times was different as well. One was on and off spotting for 4 weeks, the other one stopped after 4-5 days. Your first AF should report 4-6 weeks after D&C.

Have a good confinement, take care of your health!
Thanks all for the comforting words and I'll definitely build up my health!

Western med is a quicker way but more 'damaging' to health. N afraid it creates a not so conducive environment in the womb. Tcm may take some time but is less 'damaging' to body. Just my 2cents worth. Maybe u can take the western med to induce AF but at the same time c tcm to tio ur body so u body can still maintain at its optimal health.
When I c another gynae for 2nd opinion bef I decide on d&c, he was telling me no need do confinement one. Is a simple procedure only. Ask me don't take any tonic some more. Ultimately is depends on how comfortable u are.
When I c another gynae for 2nd opinion bef I decide on d&c, he was telling me no need do confinement one. Is a simple procedure only. Ask me don't take any tonic some more. Ultimately is depends on how comfortable u are.

That is the East and West issue. To tcm, they think D&C is very hurtful to the womb, definitely must tiao. Luckily my gynae is open, she is the one to ask me see a tcm and work concurrently.
Baby sparkles, mine only more bleeding on the first day which is yesterday, today is only when I wipe myself, i see very faint stain. Didn't even stain on my panty liner at all. Or the bleeding got to do with the doc's skill? I don't kn. I don't feel any cramp and pain at all thank God. But I was given antibiotic to take for 5 days. The fetus was 8 weeks old but I was suppose to be 11-12 weeks.
Aft so many yrs of trying and even IVF fail us we are glad that my body is able conceive on our own. No matter how short-lived this preg is it gives us hope and we will always remember this joy. We look forward to our next good & healthy pregnancy.
I think the doc did take a sample to do test but dont know what is the test abt cos the bill ytdy states a lab test that we hv to pay $120 for it. I will check with the doc when I see him 2 weeks time.
My 2nd pregnancy fetus is 7w3d when it suppose to be 9w old. From got heart beat till been informed that heart beat stopped I cried non stop lor...
Err chromosome test quite ex can't rem the price..mbe u can check in the invoice for the itemize charge for that $120..
I believe the extent of pain and bleed is also dependent on doctor's skill and maybe how big the foetus has formed by then. Must also note d&c comes with risks of adhesion so my doc told me he will do it "gently". anyway my lining has thickened now over 5 weeks n rbs ... Just taking duphaston to induce af hoping it will come nest week.

I asked him abt the lab result he said it is normal conception n nothing wrong with us. Such things just happen and it is unexplained

This was our fet baby FYI
Err I guess should be depends on fetus 1st D&C fetus + - 5w I don even know edd that mean aft D&C on off bleed aft bleed for 1w but 2nd time D&C when dr put in the pill b4 the D&C I don feel the pain compared to 1st I pain till feel like wanna die n keep crying 2nd time the pain come aft D&C.
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Give a hope, we all understand how devasting when we heard there is no heartbeat. The 1st thing I told my husband is I wanna die! Luckily I can compose myself dw, my husband was worried I will commit sucide cos is really such a tough journey for us to get preg. My mum was so upset that she cry so bad for me. We pray hard for a miracle but it didnt happen. Wejust have to accept it and pray for another healthy miracle preg.
Its good to lie down and rest more at least for the first few days. Dun walk too much and carry heavy things. Leave the household chores to someone else. Keep yourself warm all the time.
Its good to lie down and rest more at least for the first few days. Dun walk too much and carry heavy things. Leave the household chores to someone else. Keep yourself warm all the time.
My sis and family came to visit me. Then play with my nieces and chit chat with them. I try avoid the fan so i sat on the stool without backrest so didnt really get to lie dw and rest.
Then I better lie dw more. Thanks.
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My sis and family came to visit me. Then play with my nieces and chit chat with them. I try avoid the fan so i sat on the stool without backrest so didnt really get to lie dw and rest.
Then I better lie dw more. Thanks.

I see. Also, remember to wear socks, dun step on the cold tiles. Rest well!
Give a hope, we all understand how devasting when we heard there is no heartbeat. The 1st thing I told my husband is I wanna die! Luckily I can compose myself dw, my husband was worried I will commit sucide cos is really such a tough journey for us to get preg. My mum was so upset that she cry so bad for me. We pray hard for a miracle but it didnt happen. Wejust have to accept it and pray for another healthy miracle preg.
Ya especially when I saw there is heartbeat at 5w+ we thought this pregnancy shld be fine...same here I also told my hub I wanna die when cried so badly that time...when returned to home from hospital aft seeing dr a day b4 my D&C I almost fainted many time when cried too hard there is one time I fainted but heard my mum n hub keep waking me up I heard noisy sound ard my ears only I'm hub so worry and asked me if I really go off how about him? I shall not leave him alone mum asked me don do silly thing n scare her cos I really think of fainted n don wake dad asked to go to c another dr for 2nd opinion but same result my mind keep asking me why when I really have no idea...
My mum insisted to go hospital waiting for my D&C till I can go home n do mini confinement for me for ard 2w...I told my mum to tell my siblings don come find me I wanna to zzz when reach home but 1st time my elder sis n younger sis came 2nd time my elder sis came w my heart is damn painful cos my sis is preg that I c preg lady I still don feel good but I'm ok in carrying my youngest niece...happily carry her n hope for next healthy pregnancy :)
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Ya especially when I saw there is heartbeat at 5w+ we thought this pregnancy shld be fine...same here I also told my hub I wanna die when cried so badly that time...when returned to home from hospital aft seeing dr a day b4 my D&C I almost fainted many time when cried too hard there is one time I fainted but heard my mum n hub keep waking me up I heard noisy sound ard my ears only I'm hub so worry and asked me if I really go off how about him? I shall not leave him alone mum asked me don do silly thing n scare her cos I really think of fainted n don wake dad asked to go to c another dr for 2nd opinion but same result my mind keep asking me why when I really have no idea...
My mum insisted to go hospital waiting for my D&C till I can go home n do mini confinement for me for ard 2w...I told my mum to tell my siblings don come find me I wanna to zzz when reach home but 1st time my elder sis n younger sis came 2nd time my elder sis came w my heart is damn painful cos my sis is preg that I c preg lady I still don feel good but I'm ok in carrying my youngest niece...happily carry her n hope for next healthy pregnancy :)
Totally understand how u feel. Think ppl like us face the same issue. So painful to c preg woman and when we go hospital c ppl with their newborn. We were so near and yet so far. When can we carry our beautiful bump ard and hold our bundle of joy. There is really so much uncertainity in preg. Wish i can hv a scan to watch over my bb myself. Didnt feel any pain or bleeding but just felt not much of nausea and have diarrhea, didnt kn that is signs my bb not well and to think that is during CNY period. :(
Do we have to keep lying dw on bed during confinement cos I feel such bad ache on my back where the spine is?
Nope u jus nid to relax urself n keep ur body warm.. Frm my experience i wen for a short trip to ease my pain.. It helps, cos for me i took cytotec for dilation.. I did not go for d&c.. Cos pregnancy was kinda still early n small. So e very nxt day e bleeding stops..
Hubby brought me to a short getaway.. Bleeding n blood clots came bck n less crampy.. And importantly i release all e sadness n tension.. Get well soon my fren..
Totally understand how u feel. Think ppl like us face the same issue. So painful to c preg woman and when we go hospital c ppl with their newborn. We were so near and yet so far. When can we carry our beautiful bump ard and hold our bundle of joy. There is really so much uncertainity in preg. Wish i can hv a scan to watch over my bb myself. Didnt feel any pain or bleeding but just felt not much of nausea and have diarrhea, didnt kn that is signs my bb not well and to think that is during CNY period. :(
No worries it is near to us :) ...fighting fighting fighting and everything will be fine just that we need more patient than the rest and I knew for sure we treasure what we have more than others :) ... Oh my symptom for 2nd time is brownish discharge and either the stool is too hard making me having hard time to pass it or having diarrhea but dr says np even a day b4 my D&C dr also no say much me really have to c dr in experience of high risk pregnancy else even the dr is famous doesn't mean they are experience on that n will always thought it is normal...err this year cny I skip me n hub went to tw to relax ourselves...just don have the mood to be here but I don kn my hub cos dare not to ask him as in scare he don wan to go overseas cos I knew he just keep the promise that he made to me right b4 my D&C to bring me for holiday, we can't go in dec as just returned to go end of dec so not nice take leave again..
No worries it is near to us :) ...fighting fighting fighting and everything will be fine just that we need more patient than the rest and I knew for sure we treasure what we have more than others :) ... Oh my symptom for 2nd time is brownish discharge and either the stool is too hard making me having hard time to pass it or having diarrhea but dr says np even a day b4 my D&C dr also no say much me really have to c dr in experience of high risk pregnancy else even the dr is famous doesn't mean they are experience on that n will always thought it is normal...err this year cny I skip me n hub went to tw to relax ourselves...just don have the mood to be here but I don kn my hub cos dare not to ask him as in scare he don wan to go overseas cos I knew he just keep the promise that he made to me right b4 my D&C to bring me for holiday, we can't go in dec as just returned to go end of dec so not nice take leave again..
I was also having a hard time passing the stools thought constipation is very common in preg then suddenly 1 day in the evening I had a bad diarrhea and crampy. The following day I went to see gynae. Scan shows everything ok. Gynae just gave me pills for diarrhea. The following week I experience the same but thought nothing of it seems I had it bef. I just took the pills the gynae prescribe and is almost new yr so didnt really book for gynae visit till aft CNY. Didn't kn this CNY my bb is actually struggling inside and to think our families are so looking forward to its arrival and the 1st time i feel CNY seems such a pleasure to me. N my sis is sharing what bb stuff they will pass to me. Nv kn the scan aft CNY is such devasting to us. Seems like a nightmare. There is nothing much we can do so. Just pray for a healthy pregnancy.
I was also having a hard time passing the stools thought constipation is very common in preg then suddenly 1 day in the evening I had a bad diarrhea and crampy. The following day I went to see gynae. Scan shows everything ok. Gynae just gave me pills for diarrhea. The following week I experience the same but thought nothing of it seems I had it bef. I just took the pills the gynae prescribe and is almost new yr so didnt really book for gynae visit till aft CNY. Didn't kn this CNY my bb is actually struggling inside and to think our families are so looking forward to its arrival and the 1st time i feel CNY seems such a pleasure to me. N my sis is sharing what bb stuff they will pass to me. Nv kn the scan aft CNY is such devasting to us. Seems like a nightmare. There is nothing much we can do so. Just pray for a healthy pregnancy.
Totally understand how u feel. Think ppl like us face the same issue. So painful to c preg woman and when we go hospital c ppl with their newborn. We were so near and yet so far. When can we carry our beautiful bump ard and hold our bundle of joy. There is really so much uncertainity in preg. Wish i can hv a scan to watch over my bb myself. Didnt feel any pain or bleeding but just felt not much of nausea and have diarrhea, didnt kn that is signs my bb not well and to think that is during CNY period. :(
Hey gal. Big hugs sorry that u are here. I'm sure we will get there one day with a beautiful baby in our arms. Don't have to worry abt the d&c, my first d&c I bled more than 2 weeks and I was so worried if I'm over bleeding. But like they say it's different. For me I was at 10weeks then.

For those who are ttc again like me I hope and pray for all of you this is our year. For those who are taking time to heal I wish and pray for your good health and when ready u will have a healthy baby.

Take care ladies. Ttyl when I'm back in sg. Coming back on mon.
Finally settled my new house and moving in next week! This period made me forgot a lil about my pain. I just cannot stand the sight or hear babies crying it's torturing for me. How's everyone doing here? Anyone started ttc? Can't wait to hear good news from all the brave mummies here! Keep on trying and fighting on till our rainbow baby is in our arms!
I was also having a hard time passing the stools thought constipation is very common in preg then suddenly 1 day in the evening I had a bad diarrhea and crampy. The following day I went to see gynae. Scan shows everything ok. Gynae just gave me pills for diarrhea. The following week I experience the same but thought nothing of it seems I had it bef. I just took the pills the gynae prescribe and is almost new yr so didnt really book for gynae visit till aft CNY. Didn't kn this CNY my bb is actually struggling inside and to think our families are so looking forward to its arrival and the 1st time i feel CNY seems such a pleasure to me. N my sis is sharing what bb stuff they will pass to me. Nv kn the scan aft CNY is such devasting to us. Seems like a nightmare. There is nothing much we can do so. Just pray for a healthy pregnancy.
Therefore I usually only let my sis know and some other serials w her we don wan to broadcas till everything is stablise...
Maybe you need to find other gyane when u pregnant again not all gynae know what is happened on us if they are not train for high risk pregnancy matters...
Hey gal. Big hugs sorry that u are here. I'm sure we will get there one day with a beautiful baby in our arms. Don't have to worry abt the d&c, my first d&c I bled more than 2 weeks and I was so worried if I'm over bleeding. But like they say it's different. For me I was at 10weeks then.

For those who are ttc again like me I hope and pray for all of you this is our year. For those who are taking time to heal I wish and pray for your good health and when ready u will have a healthy baby.

Take care ladies. Ttyl when I'm back in sg. Coming back on mon.
Enjoy your holiday and good time w hub in make from overseas yeah all the best ya :)
Finally settled my new house and moving in next week! This period made me forgot a lil about my pain. I just cannot stand the sight or hear babies crying it's torturing for me. How's everyone doing here? Anyone started ttc? Can't wait to hear good news from all the brave mummies here! Keep on trying and fighting on till our rainbow baby is in our arms!
Finally can move in liao... :)
Don try to avoid when we face it you will feel that actually not so difficult in facing it as in avoiding is torturing
Enjoy your holiday and good time w hub in make from overseas yeah all the best ya :)
Hahaha I'm having af how to make babies? Haha buy nvm lah it's a good break and we went with the entire family. My preggie sis-in-law went too. So have to take care of her etc. but overall very good but short trip.
Finally settled my new house and moving in next week! This period made me forgot a lil about my pain. I just cannot stand the sight or hear babies crying it's torturing for me. How's everyone doing here? Anyone started ttc? Can't wait to hear good news from all the brave mummies here! Keep on trying and fighting on till our rainbow baby is in our arms!

Good to hear that! So nice to move in new house after all the efforts done. I haven't start ttc, maybe in May/June.
1st day back to work...all coll very nice n never ask me anythings... i just act like normal even i feel very sad every second... tomorrow have to go back for d&c follow up check up, what can i expect from that consultation? the cause of miscarriage? time to ttc? what should i ask from them? will they gv me more close monitoring at next preg? now i m subsidized patient at kkh, will they treat my case as high risk preg n gv ne more senior dr for next preg?
1st day back to work...all coll very nice n never ask me anythings... i just act like normal even i feel very sad every second... tomorrow have to go back for d&c follow up check up, what can i expect from that consultation? the cause of miscarriage? time to ttc? what should i ask from them? will they gv me more close monitoring at next preg? now i m subsidized patient at kkh, will they treat my case as high risk preg n gv ne more senior dr for next preg?

Doc will do a scan, perhaps U/S or better still internal scan to make sure there is no debris leftover from D&C. If you did tests to check on the cause of mc, then you will get your report too. For me, doc only advised me on ttc after the first AF report. I am not sure about kkh, but my gynae is extra careful after the first mc, we have to inform them once we know we are preggy again, so that they can put us on support immediately, rather than the usual first checkup at 6th week.
Therefore I usually only let my sis know and some other serials w her we don wan to broadcas till everything is stablise...
Maybe you need to find other gyane when u pregnant again not all gynae know what is happened on us if they are not train for high risk pregnancy matters...
Once preg and confirm hearbeat seen then I told my immediate family and in laws so they can cook the right food for me. Whatever has happen I just have to let it go and start a new chapter. Just pray for everyone in this thread that our next pregnancy will be a good and healthy one. The bb not only is healthy but strive in our tummy!
Any gynae to reco for high risk preg? Just curious, if gynae suspect symptoms that bb night not be developing well but there is nothing they can do right unlike ppl who have low progestrone they just can have jab to support the preg right?
Doc will do a scan, perhaps U/S or better still internal scan to make sure there is no debris leftover from D&C. If you did tests to check on the cause of mc, then you will get your report too. For me, doc only advised me on ttc after the first AF report. I am not sure about kkh, but my gynae is extra careful after the first mc, we have to inform them once we know we are preggy again, so that they can put us on support immediately, rather than the usual first checkup at 6th week.
Will the u/s be effective enough to show any debris left over from the d&c. Will the doc be able to see any scarring? Quite worried on the scarring part. I was given support once I found out I was preg at 6 weeks and still such thing happen. Gynae says it could be a sympthom of down syndrome and not bcos of insufficient support. Any gynae has mention such reasoning?

Will the u/s be effective enough to show any debris left over from the d&c. Will the doc be able to see any scarring? Quite worried on the scarring part. I was given support once I found out I was preg at 6 weeks and still such thing happen. Gynae says it could be a sympthom of down syndrome and not bcos of insufficient support. Any gynae has mention such reasoning?

U/S can see but of course internal scan is more accurate. About scarring I think quite subjective, sometimes adhesion takes a while to form. I had a friend suddenly had pains on her lower abdomen recently, after some checks then know its adhesion from her appendix 4 yrs ago. Usually, after d&c scan, gynae just want to ensure no debris, if not they may cause infection or even form cyst if they did not pass out with AF.

My second pregnancy was put on support too, but still end up in mc. I knew right from the start, cos pregnancy kits all show very faint line, hardly increase. Gynae said it was a unhealthy one.
